Spiritual Growth
I am scared of needles and blood. Thus, I hate getting medical blood tests done. This fear has existed far back into childhood with the earliest memory being around age 5-6 where I am crying as a doctor needs to prick my finger with a needle. This fear has caused further problems that I could not have predicted.
I’d like to ask a question about the pineal gland. I feel it’s really important for some reason, hence sharing, and wonder what your thoughts are?
When I get intense negative emotions I feel like I have to change it, by working on my limiting beliefs that made me manifest the negative emotion. Is this an urge or an inspiration?
Can you talk about the similarities and differences of our experience and how it has an effect on us when doing mediation vs listening to guided hypnosis vs tapping (EFT)?
There is only one instance in the written boot camp material where you mention importance of “cultivating the feelings that we really want (love, acceptance, freedom… abundance).”
Would you speak to us more about this?
What dose cultivating the feelings do do us and how do we actually do it?
How can I tell the difference between taking inspired action and acting to change the conditions? Because conditions do change either way….
I have felt myself expanding in so many ways since following your teachings. However, I face such a challenge in accepting myself as I am with regard to the tenseness in my body. I have become more accepting of the size and shape of my body and am feeling much more comfortable with myself in that regard.
Jean Pierre
I have a friend who lives strange situations of concern, at the limit of the paranormal. For example, she suffered unexplained water damage in her apartment or hotel where she stayed. She has bad luck in many areas (family, professional, …). Because of this she is engaged in many financial and judicial proceedings. All this goes beyond it, including the fact that it touches the realm of the paranormal. She looks in all directions: she consults therapists and is willing to involve mediums or exorcists to understand the situation and solve it. She wonders if what happens to her is the responsibility of the hereafter and what mastery can she have? She does not see how to return to a healthy situation. People do not believe her and her friends think she is delirious. So how can she get out of this situation? What actions to ask? What attitude to adopt? Thank you for helping her!
I’m wondering what are things we need to do individually, and what are the things we need to do collectively to address climate change?
I’ve noticed that many of us in Bootcamp seem to have a similar challenge. We hold limiting beliefs about limiting beliefs.
How can a be free of the limited self? The conditioned self? The programming? How can I be more in the flow state more of the time. How can I let go of this poor little girl inside of me?
The meaning and reality of dreams has never been really clear to me. However, with this awakening to higher truths, I am wondering if they are real or simply an illusion that I build up for some reason, and if so, what reasons could that be?
After a manifestation event (a perceived negative one), where you know the limiting beliefs right away. Is desired action, after the fact, always only an urge one should not pursue? Or possibly, can a perceived negative manifestation can lead you to a desired action that is actually inspired and coming from a place of alignment and true desire?
I have a big question for Joshua. I’ve been contemplating that in ancient times, certain individuals like Christ, Krishna and Buddha achieved enlightenment. Meanwhile, in modern times, there are individuals who channel non-physical entities (or stream) like Abraham, Sara, Joshua, Laurel etc. I guess my question is if enlightenment is a different expansion than channeling? Are these parallel paths to connecting with Source? The older path birthed world religions…is Stream the next iteration? I sense that the teachings, old and new, stem from Source, but the new way (channeling) is perhaps more a vibrational match for the age of technology, one that guides us to a higher perspective without the formality and structure of religion.
I have a great life. I really do! But I have an intrusive thought, like a mantra I keep repeating, which is “I want to die.” I don’t want to die! But the thought keeps coming to mind. Especially when I’m judging myself, thinking I said something stupid, when I really haven’t. The most benign things make me think I want to die. How do I stop the mantra from repeating itself?
5 years ago I was in terrible fear and went into my study, shut the door and literally shouted “please help me”. As I sat there I noticed something spiraling down from the ceiling in front of me. It spiraled towards me right into my hands which were on my lap. It was a silver foil envelope. I looked at the ceiling….there were no holes…it had come out of thin air. I was terrified but opened the envelope and inside were breadcrumbs. I knew it had come from a quantum place but I was scared. I put it in the trash because I didn’t want it anywhere. I also could not tell anyone for two years, but only to a few close people. So my question is were the foil envelope and breadcrumbs a special message in themselves because it was an odd thing or was it to lead me to where I am now? Any help gratefully received.
I feel as though I’ve come to a point on my spiritual path, somewhat a point of awakening. But it’s not really an awakening, it’s more of a realisation of who and what I am and what I am doing. I realise it all, I see it all, but however hard I try, I cannot truly wake from it all. Because I am it, and to break away would mean to lose myself.
Severe Insomnia: I have written pages and pages & bloody pages already on this issue. I have always been a poor sleeper since childhood but over the past 7 months (all this year) I have never yet had one full night’s sleep and average 90min – 2hrs a day. I often go 3 days without any sleep and as many as 5.
I’ve just been on a live bootcamp call with you and as you were talking I felt I was concentrating on you intently and my body started to twitch almost spasm, mostly in my legs and stomach. This has happened to me a few times recently during meditation. Arnaud commented that the energy was high on the call and I wondered if that was the explanation for my reaction or is it my own connection to non physical?
In Day 16 of the Bootcamp is a quote. It reminds us to stay focused in the now and not focused on the future, since now is what we have. I do understand that and the importance of focusing on how we feel in the present moment. The better we feel, the more we are aligned with our inner being. I just want to clarify how to be a conscious creator of our reality.
I do have a question. Kind of a sudden realisation really. My vibration has taken a huge jump this year. Lots of amazing things happening and it’s all quite surreal but great. It’s the ideas I’ve been playing with manifesting and they are really giving me goosebumps. More money flowing in than ever before, more opportunities to travel. That kind of stuff. Suddenly my frustration with friends who seemingly can’t be arsed to stay in touch has softened too and it’s like ‘I get it!’. We aren’t a vibrational match! We’ve gradually been pulling apart for a long time. It’s not them not being arsed, it’s actually me gett
My name is Kirk and I appreciate all that you do with spreading profound wisdom on this podcast. I am still new to the teachings and know that we are to remain in a high vibrational state of being at all times. My question is we as human beings only have so much emotional energy each day how can we increase our emotional state of being. (ex. Distance runner increasing his or her endurance.) I deal with this each day constantly learning new things and by the end of the day sometimes midday. I’m just exhausted or mentally just not able to think straight, and not able to study or work on things. That I need to be working on in order to improve my current situation.
Joe and Kim
When we are born into physical reality do we come with programs from past lives, positive or negative? Or do we begin acquiring them at birth and as we grow older?
When I am reading esoteric books or listening to something of the same nature, I often get the inkling to share it with someone who comes to mind. But I stop because I realize they may not be open to the teachings at all because of their belief systems. So I stop myself. It doesn’t bother me that I stop but it comes up more and more. One part of me says, “oh stop imposing yourself on others and trying to change who they are since they aren’t coming to me for help.” I think perhaps I am trying to change the condition of who they are by wanting to share this so they can become different. Then, just before I wrote this, it happened again and I wondered if it was inspiration that I should follow and what is keeping me from doing it is fear of how they will judge me or that I will anger them?
Why does it seem so difficult to transition professionally into a coach? I seem to have this block to actually getting people to work with me. I have had about 5 clients and I have reason to believe I’m actually quite good at what I do. But when it comes to convincing myself, or them, that they need what I have offer, I feel completely blocked.
Some 20 years ago I was inspired to take a translators’ course and my subsequent job as a translator was full of fear and limiting beliefs. Then I found your teachings and even though I didn’t believe that the anxiety I felt about my translations would ever get less, it in fact has! Even to the point that presently I’m in a very pleasant manifestation event where my employer has informed me and my colleague that the firm intends to close down the translation department. I’m currently negotiating the terms of my settlement agreement, which means that in a couple of weeks or months I will be free to explore new things!
In the relationship meditation, you say that we love the essence of who everyone truly is in the non physical. This makes me wonder… how are we differentiated, or individual in non-physical? How am I myself and my husband himself when we don’t have bodies? Do we blend together completely or do we keep a vibrational stamp that is uniquely our own in the non-physical as well?
I work in a special needs school and I started at the end of November around the same time as another woman called Julie. Julie is only a year older than me and from the beginning I found some of her behaviours challenging but we generally got on well.
Joe and Kim
Joe and I are wondering why is that when we come to this physical reality we forget who we really are. Why can’t we come knowing that we are coming to a kind of amusement park and then choose the rides we want to experience?
I was feeling very good today and was even inspired to call the “coo coo” woman who has been calling me a lot. Afterwords, I did today’s meditation and felt in so much alignment and joy more than I have in a while. I felt so happy. I went on to my next inspired task. Then I could hear my boyfriend arguing and yelling at his mom. I don’t believe it affected me, but I did think it would affect him once his guest came for his party soon.
I’m interested in communicating with animals and other physical beings—plants, trees, rocks, clouds, etc.—for their inherent wisdom. I once communed with a Giant Sequoia who invited me to understand and see the Big Picture of creation. The information I received was so beautiful that I wrote an essay about it. On a different occasion, I interacted with a group of wasps and felt great love, connectedness and gratitude flowing both ways.
In my reading of our Abundance Bootcamp – I was very moved by this explanation: …” you live in a system designed for the exploration and discovery of Source. Source created an environment that would allow for the full and complete, and ever-expanding, discovery of self. Source itself. You are Source….”
I’m struggling with feeling bad about something I did in my work. I don’t know how to feel that it is not wrong. I am a gardener which I enjoy but am conflicted about doing. Here’s the situation. I cut two trees tops off that I wasn’t supposed to. I believed I was doing the right thing and was very determined to cut them. The person was very upset about it and I’ve felt bad ever since. My coworker even said maybe we should ask them and I was emphatic that I knew better when I really don’t. I need help processing this limiting belief please. It’s a deep rooted belief and goes back to my childhood.
How do I know if life is good because I am avoiding manifestation events, or if I am just getting better at creating the life I want?
I believe I have allowed an expansion in my perception of myself and I’d like some feedback. I had an impression today in meditation that I have created an amazing life for myself. I felt it to be true and also, that felt that I can step into greater alignment with the energetic vibration of my feeling of having created a magnificent life. Then, I had another thought, “why wouldn’t I have created a life of love and joy for myself?” I love and appreciate myself. It all felt very natural, like a revelation of who I am as my true self. (Hard to describe in words.)
Right now I’m experiencing a lot of contrast. My vibration is really rising super fast. I’m in a class and learning massage. Soon I’ll have a diploma and will be moving on to the next stage to be a certified massage therapist. During the course I’ve met a lot of new people and I love the work. It’s something that makes my spirit and heart light and I lose track of time while I am doing massage. I’m in a good loving marriage and I have 3 great kids.
My question for Joshua as of right now is what is the next step for me at this time; I feel that this course is a very important step for me, and is there anything else that I can do now that will be beneficial?
I noticed that I have a lot of questions for you while I sleep but then I don’t send them. I talk myself out of it saying Gary is too busy. (LB of worthiness). Right now I feel inspired to ask something totally different than all my other questions because I am now acting on an inspiration.
Can you explain the following paragraph in more detail:
I am really interested in this idea of expanding through joy that we are focusing on this week in bootcamp. I want to understand why perceiving the benefit of manifestation events expands me in joy.
There are two main things I am working with. First – jealousy. I understand this is a limiting belief – but when I’m hit with jealousy with my husband in how he is in the world with work, people, etc and how he is such a great hands on dad – the jealousy is so overwhelming that the magnitude of limiting beliefs makes me feel like I’ll never get out from under them and I’m so much less than he is.
Regarding shifting your perspective when fear hurts. In the physical, ignoring a fear based emotion is quite challenging. What methods can we use to shift our focus when fear is physically painful and “real” in our daily lives? The event of a job loss or failure to pay your rent, may not be important from a non-physical perspective, however, they are paramount when these type of events seem to be just on the horizon.
Somewhere along my life’s adventures I stopped seeing a future I can actually commit to. I find myself going after shiny objects like a golden retriever but losing interest very quickly. I throw myself in thinking THIS IS IT.. soon to find reasons or excuses that suggest otherwise and slowly shutting down with tail between my legs and feeling guilty and embarrassed.
I have always been infatuated with the paranormal world and have the desire to communicate with spirits and channel non physical entities. Why do I have these desires and will it happen?
What are my greatest joys in this life?
(I’d like clarity on what they are so as to develop the confidence to live them out professionally.)
I wrote a quote from Joshua last night on my FB page (French teachings) that I have translated, but I don’t remember exactly where I took it …
I had a car accident. The Manifestation Event: Car accident (I rear ended a vehicle). I pulled up over a hill to stopped traffic and I rear ended the car in front of me.
You say we don’t manufacture thoughts. This is a yogic concept I’m familiar with, that we receive thoughts. In the yogic philosophy they say there is a “cosmic mind”. Can you explain where thoughts are manufactured and how they evolve?
Yesterday morning someone decided to jump in front of the train on my route to work. After some delay, the train returned to Rotterdam and I decided to work from home rather than trying to reach Amsterdam via a different route.
I have a question about feeling “neutral.” Prior to the Abundance boot camp, my general state of being was depression and negativity. Since the boot camp, my feelings have risen to neutrality. I don’t feel bad, but I don’t feel joy or elation either; I feel in between, in a state of neutrality where I’m not feeling any strong emotion, just being. The only time I feel happy is when I’m with my beloved daughter. I suppose this state of just “being” is a step up from depression, but I’m wondering why my feelings are so inhibited at this point in time.
I wanted to ask you if I should join the Bootcamp and what the cost would be? I need help moving past a host of limiting beliefs that is keeping me from being all that I can be. I quit a great 15-year job in 2005 and sold my home and moved to a new area and started in real estate in 2006. I haven’t sold many homes throughout these years. I am basically like a new agent even though I am knowledgeable about the business.
I can’t explain how ‘different’ I feel, how ‘different’ I am reacting to life and people … you know the drill, I’m sure.
Today I had a positive manifestation event, realizing – I believe – what’s underlying my belief that I’m not a good translator and why that matters so much to me.
I am inspired to join the Academy and like the sound of it but I am really really scared too. The 1st thing that came up for me when you shared was – you can’t do this Fabienne. Who are you to do this? When you talked about putting ourselves out there and building our tribe, I got even more scared.
I feel like I’m in the midst of a “boomerang” effect post the Abundance workshop, and need some help to get back on track. During the course, I felt as if I was flung into another universe, another way of thinking and being, which, of course, we all were. It felt wonderful and exhilarating, and I loved it. However, yesterday, the boomerang turned and started it’s journey back to me, and everything I was feeling prior to the boot camp came rushing back – the deep depression, the despair in acknowledging that my husband’s deep emotional trauma from childhood has made him emotionally unavailable and unable to have a loving relationship with my daughter or myself, the inability to move towards that which I prefer in selling my house, knowing that I have to take on the responsibility of every detail myself since my husband is not capable of engaging in it, and feeling the crushing burden of it all, which is stopping me in my tracks,
By wanting to complete one of my assignments, there came to me a question concerning the definition of the authentic self.
This is the third time that I hear Joshua use the concept of blended being. It really attracted my attention. Is it the fact that we are a spiritual being in a physical being or having a physical experience or is there more to this? Could you expand further for me please?
Over the last five weeks of bootcamp I’ve uncovered quite a lot of limiting beliefs and processed them as well as I can. There is so much information that I’m having trouble remembering it easily. In the moment that I’m uncovering a belief or gaining some new insight or perspective it’s very exciting and clear. But not long after I find myself struggling to recall the information. I feel that I’m having breakthrough after breakthrough and doing lots of expanding. I guess my worry is that if this information isn’t clear and firmly implanted in my mind then I might keep repeating the same old patterns for longer than necessary.
I’m totally experiencing the digging deeper part of this boot camp experience. For a while I thought that nothing was going to come up and I was zipping along nicely. Not so! As you know my experience with my business partner being down for the count (one issue) has been my big “How is this FOR me” subject. This has now been compiled with experiencing a power outage on top of that, fortunately for no longer than 6 hours which our freezers can handle. But it brought up some big emotional crap during it for sure.
My parents are over from France and as is common we often discuss political events. This is always enjoyable! We had a discussion on Hitler and WW2 last night linked to a rise in antisemitism being reported in the UK and France. As I am removed from the situation, I can just about accept what happened but I have to say that I struggle to accept what Hitler did as good and not wrong.
I have been able to keep myself in positive alignment for many months now. The results are there and am finding more peace and laughter. However, I have noticed that many times a day I am coming in contact with the number 26.
I have been noticing my fears much more and reducing the intensity of limiting beliefs as I encounter them and am so much less controlling. My new mantra is ‘there is no wrong in the universe’ and it helps so much. My question is the following: am I right to believe that whilst I am in this physical reality I will always have a limited perspective and fear and I will never ever feel ease and bliss all the time as this is not the purpose of physical reality, which enables me encounter contrast and expand. I would return to nonphysical if I wanted constant bliss.
First of all I wanted to thank you so much. Your response coupled with a Joshua live call gave me the answer I needed yesterday. I’d heard that sentence before but it just clicked. I am so grateful (in ways that I can’t express in words) as this morning all I can say is that I feel like my heart is signing and it feels soooooooooooo goooooood.
I have a quick question for you. This week as I leap into the new approach to life, I have noticed that I absolutely used to LOVE drama and that it felt good to talk and gossip with others. Can gossip actually feel good? It is obviously judging others as wrong and wanting them to be different (and the conditions) so how can it feel good? Could you give me your Higher Perspective on this.
As we do our appreciation and grateful exercises I can’t help but feel like I am somehow manipulating. As I mentioned before I now understand we must appreciate and be grateful for it ALL because it is all for us. Being a reformed controller, I can’t help but think when I write these I am attempting to control and manipulate the system – by saying I appreciate something or I am grateful for something – I am saying “winkwink” to the Universe – like “see, I am being “good” by saying I appreciate or I’m grateful – so give me more of these “good” conditions.”
How do we perceive a “raised” vibration audibly? Is it louder? Higher in pitch? Richer in timbre?
Thank you for all your insights. I have been following your teachings since the days of Steve and Janine your message resonates to my essence.
My question is where is the line between creating our reality and controlling the conditions blur or merge? It seems if we”create” our reality then we are, or can control it.
It feels like one thing is popping up more often than any other: the fear that people don’t like me and the false belief that others opinions about me are important.
Even in this Bootcamp with so much love and acceptance and where I know they have the knowledge and the tools, every text I send, question that I ask, comment I give and so on, activates this fear.
Recently, my boss came to me saying he thought I would be a perfect fit for a teaching abroad program he is closely affiliated with. He jokingly said he hates to even tell me, because he feels I am one of his strongest teachers and wouldn’t want to lose me at his school, but he thinks I and my daughter would love the experience and that it ‘fits’ us. After looking over the info he sent me, I felt it sounded amazing, but then I thought I should stay focused on my dreams of leaving classroom teaching to be a full time spiritual teacher – which I’m sure is one of my specific intentions for this lifetime.
Thanks for another fab call yesterday. It made me realise how much I control and have controlled all my life and how much I live in fear. Since then, I feel really immense sadness. In fact I cried for 30 minutes after our call last night. I know that my inner guide clearly does not see this situation as I do. I have tried looking at the limiting belief and looking for the higher perspective but am really struggling. Can you help?
I have been thoroughly enjoying the Bootcamp!! Emotionally I’m feeling good and I’m processing stuff like it’s my job!!
On the flip side – physically I have had a migraine just about every night – this is overwhelming. I realize there must be some resistance going on and I just can’t get clarity on it. Do you have any thoughts for me – direction to look to help me see where this resistance lies? I’d greatly appreciate any insights you can offer!
I read A Perception of Reality and it really shifted my whole outlook on life- a lot of concepts finally “clicked” in my mind. I’m now reading the Health, Wealth and Love book. I find myself wondering what to focus on in my life right now because to be honest I’m all over the place with my interests and passions and I’m just not sure what it is that I need to do with my time! I feel like the moment I get clarity I will be able to “run with it” so to speak, but until that clear vision comes together I find myself “in waiting mode” or “preparation” mode, which can be very exciting however there is a blanket feeling while waiting that I’m just wasting time- and that feels yucky.
I would like to get your perspective on the idea to join the Joshua Unlimited Abundance Bootcamp, because it is similar to two other experiences I’ve had over the last few years. I did a Life Coaching course and a Writers Workshop which were both expensive. I felt led to both so the excitement was greater than the fear of spending the money. But since then I’ve only dabbled in both areas, not really pursuing them as a career. I still feel interested in both so would like some guidance around whether these experiences are stepping stones toward something else or if I’m just letting fear shut me down. Thanks so much. I’m really looking forward to this exciting new adventure.
I wanted to thank you again for the amazing Joshua live last night. It was really amazing. Magical.
I have a question (if I may) stemming from some refection from your response. Sorry the blurb is a bit long but I hope you can bear with me. I remember asking you a question about 2 or 3 years ago about being the director of my life (as in the film Director of my life) and that everybody else is and you said that was true. So when you say that life is a game, it is effectively a bit like the game Zelda my boys play on their Nintendo Switch, except that if they die as a character they come back as themselves but if I Fabienne decides to revert back to nonphysical, I won’t be coming back as myself but as another human with a different body form and specific intentions. Is this correct?
I am really chuffed and excited to have embarked on the Bootcamp! And I look forward to attaining yet new heights of perspective.
It is not uncommon for our vibration to be a bit wobbly when we go from holidays back to work, so I wasn’t surprised to notice some little shakiness at the start of the week. I have tried my best to manage my vibration by staying in the moment, ie not projecting myself in the future, and doing things that excited me the most in the moment. Plus, the start of the Abundance Bootcamp had me very excited and raring to go, so a good point of focus to shift my vibration for the better.
On Sunday night I woke up a bit startled shortly before midnight and my whole body felt weird. The only way I can describe is that I know I had slept awkwardly and had twisted my neck as I had marks on my face and my neck ached but then the whole of my face (and tongue) and parts of my body went slightly numb. I have had at least 3 other times in the past and these events (which always happen at night) often lead to an ‘aha’ moment or some personal growth.
I’m really looking forward to the Bootcamp and it gives me hope for the necessary change I feel I need. But in this need for change and with the amount of money I have spent on the course, one fear becomes especially clear; that I won’t experience any change after 8 weeks and will be left alone with the same me and the same life pattern I feel stuck in. And then I know that if I keep feeding that fear, that may be just what I create…
I have just got drawn into a conflict with the children of an 84 yr old neighbor who has the first signs of dementia but otherwise very healthy. Her son has placed her into a care facility and sold off her home without including her. This is making me feel sick and angry for her and her sense of helplessness and lack of support from those who are the paid carers for her. There seems to be no love or respect for a human being who is just in her own space sometimes. How can I resolve these feelings within myself? I feel all I can do is what I am able, which is regular visits of love and kindness and a gift of flowers from my garden.
Audrey – 2018 – 12 – 16
In the transmission of your teachings to a small group, a person asked me for clarification from the Introduction of the Book: A Perception of Reality. In fact he asked me: “How to understand and grasp “:
I’m curious. I have come across many mediums or channelers. While most have a similar message (for eg. acceptance and following joy/processing fear) some have contradicting messages. One example is a medical medium who receives info directly from a “spirit of the most high.” This individual has been hearing from spirit about other’s medical conditions since he was a child. He often talks about a virus (Epstein Barr) that many unknowingly carry dormant, until they are under stress and it becomes active and manifests in a variety conditions depending on the individual. This part resonates with what I know already, when we are out of alignment we can experience disease within the body
My question concerns my inner world more than my outer world. I am continually amazed at the richness, beauty, and perfection of the outer world. It is clear that there are no actual problems there. I believe that I may be here to explore the issue and dynamics that exist in my inner world.
Thank you for the answer to my first question about aligning with a love relationship. I fully accept and understand the answer! My question now is about a reoccurring dream in which I find myself behind the wheel of a vehicle moving smoothly but I soon fear it’s going too fast for me to handle a fast approaching curve. My fear starts to increase while I’m thinking I’m going way too fast to make the curve and sure enough I’m going off the road. I know it’s over for me at the same time I’m silently praying it’s a dream because I don’t want my life to be over. I usually awaken or the dream just stops- I don’t recall ever actually crashing in the dream.
I have a weird question, but can you explain more about thoughts? I want to know where my thoughts come from if they are attracted by me. How can I look at thoughts in order to raise my vibration.
If you believe something like GMOs or pesticides are wrong, then you are just bringing more of what you believe to be wrong into your reality? But if you are open and accept them them, then you are attracting more wanted things into your life? Or if you are unaware of them, you are not focused on them, so they don’t effect you?
I’m reading Health, Wealth and Love and I’m enjoying it very much. I came to something you said and I was hoping you can expand on it. You said, “you can erase those memories and you can believe in your own worthiness.” I’m interested in either erasing memories or changing my belief about the past memories so I can move forward more joyously.
I have been using the LOA for a while yet I can’t seem to manifest what is truly in my heart, is there something I should do differently?
How do we know, if we are not delusional? When a delusional person tells you that you are deluded, the confusion grows. How do I know, if I am not the deluded one? How can I tell if what I know to be Truth, is indeed the Absolute Truth, and how do I know if I am not just deluding myself?
I feel drawn to learn to channel and help people heal. I’m a licensed professional now and I feel drawn to change how I do psychotherapy. How do I learn to trust to allow channeling? I meditate and see symbols and hear words but I’m just beginning in learning to receive messages.
Abraham says go general when you are trying to raise your vibration but I’ve found that doesn’t work often because appreciating the ocean or whatever is boring. You say, figure out your limiting belief and disprove it but that’s hard to do in the moment. Are there some questions I can ask myself to help find out what the belief is?
My financial situation has been a concern for several years now. Since I discovered the Law of Attraction, I work (more or less well) on the focus of my thoughts and the analysis of my fears.
I love love love the law of attraction and the leading edge work you are doing! For the most part, I fully get how it all works. The one thing I am stuck on, is this idea that our attention and attachment to what is, only helps to perpetuate it… and the seemingly contradictory stance that “all pain exists in resistance to what is.”
I want to understand more about boredom. I wonder if it represents lack of connection. I love the feeling of excitement, interest and I think I seek that “busy” feeling. I thank you for this forum and have learned so much from all you do.
I have received some invitations to join several groups which purpose is changing the world by changing education systems, workplaces, communities etc. Their goal is to make the world a better place for future generations to come. Even though this idea sounds good to me, I feel a little confused because these groups imply that the collective is more important than the individual.
Thank you. I am a trainer and teacher of empowerment. I have had many adventures in my own explorations and natural way of living. I have also had some rather extreme times. Currently, I am supported in my business but I don’t really have many clients. I always believed they come etc., but I am in a new country and it is quite slow. I also know I am here for my own growth and that I am involved in the collective even when not directly training and teaching people.
Fen Wang
I’m a girl living in China. I’m suffering these days. I feel others don’t like me. I think the main reason is I try to control everything and everybody.
I’m a girl living in China. I’m suffering these days. I feel others don’t like me. I think the main reason is I try to control everything and everybody.
I see everything starts with a feeling. How to I get into a better feeling mood. I think I feel pretty good, but I can feel that I want to be over the average line. I want to attract better feeling thoughts. I love your teachings and I can’ t wait to meet you in person.
I stumbled upon the teachings of Bashar, which I had noted in a notebook a few years ago, and I was wondering if you could help me interpret what he said: “Integrate what you do not want, because the invalidation of what you don’t prefer is what gives it power to manifest.” – Bashar
I’m enjoying having you in my life. There is much love here for you. ♥ My question relates to mediumship. My Mother in law is a medium, it’s one of her passions, She brings loved ones through and passes messages to people and now she has started doing trance work where a nonphysical being takes over her body and she has, on one occasion, developed a man’s voice apparently. Her teacher takes on a hunched old man appearance and talks like she’s old. My impression is that mediums in general are not working deliberately on raising their vibration just on improving this connection to whoever wants to come through. They don’t seem to have any clue what they have been talking about when they return from the trance. I don’t know if Gary remembers anything of what he had said or not?
Ever since the election season, I’ve had a nagging question. Now, while I understand LOA and fear based actions/motives, I was/am a Trump supporter. I understand there is no right and no wrong in the universe so I don’t see how my support of Trump could be against the law of attraction. To me, Hillary was ‘bad’ and to me, she would have been a corrupt president. With Trump, I was feeling exhilaration that change to our government was coming. I felt that our government was way out of control and needed someone to come shake things up. The day Trump was inaugurated, I felt such thrill and excitement.
I am good at getting meditation done, but I often wonder if I am doing it right or if I could do it in a more effective/optimal way. Even if I sometimes haven’t heard more than a couple of sentences during a meditation and my mind has wandering wild, I always feel better afterwards, but I wonder if that’s because I have rested my body for 15 minutes or it have actually done something with my mind and vibration too. I have an idea that I would do much more progress if I could be more focused while meditating. I know that my path unfolds perfectly, but maybe it’s time for me to be more deliberate on focusing when I meditate?
Every once in a while I seem to receive a message from a Goddess version of me. I say “version of me” as the form seems blended to my form, as though I am one with her physically at those moments when she reveals herself. It is a Vedic (Hindu) form, yet I am not religious in the slightest. She is dramatic, spiritual and full of divine power. I’m having trouble understanding whether I am actually channeling her or if this is a rather fanciful bit of imagination on my part. If it’s my imagination, I’m totally fine with that, just curious. But if I’m actually channeling, I wonder how to connect more with her. Can I? Or is she someone that comes when she wants to?
I feel compelled to share a positive manifestation event that occurred last night, on the back of your last response to me. Your answer has been truly enlightening and I am really grateful for it. You said “Focus on the magnificence that is you as you are now, without anything needing to change, and your magnificence will being to emerge in ways you will not believe.” This is somehow helping me to close the gap between theoretically accepting the concept that we are perfect and feeling it as a reality, which is not an easy thing to do.
I am so excited to write this question to you. It’s something I’ve been thinking about a lot and I want to ask it in the best way. I have listened to Gary and the roundtables podcasts for about 8 weeks now. It started with the idea to relax and watch something on Netflix. That led me to The Secret which led me to Gary’s Podcast. I also realized that I have owned the Abraham-Hicks book for a couple of years (not really knowing what it was about). I have since purchased “A Perception of Reality” and have immersed myself into all of this information and I absolutely love it! For me it feels easy to understand and it’s so comforting. I sometimes feel a physical reaction of and a feeling of joy just thinking about it.
Thank you for your insightful answers from the past. I am not quite sure how to ask my question, because it’s multi-leveled. First question is; I have absolutely no idea where on my journey in my life to go next, at all. No clue. I have been on a bit of a hiatus for the last 14 months due to some unforeseen circumstances and usually have an idea about the things that I would like to accomplish, etc… And for once in my life, I have no clue whatsoever.
I have been following the teachings of Abraham for some time now and although I appreciate and accept the idea that we are vibrational beings (being the extension of the non-physical world) in a physical body and that we can create our existence through our thoughts and emotions, certain points remain obscure. How do you explain that some people are born with a severe disability or an incurable disease? Is it the trajectory chosen by our inner being that wishes to experience a specific event given all past and previous lives, and if so, are we just the puppets in the hands of our inner being? Or are they the vibrations emitted even before our birth? If you are born with a disability, such as a blind person or a person with a serious illness, what are the chances of the person overcoming this condition? If one applies the principles of the law of attraction, is it possible to change and overcome any condition? Or can we just live somehow with this condition?
May I firstly say thanks again for my previous guidance. It was life-changing regarding my relationship with my husband and children. I now have new challenges regarding my work.
I haven’t wrote to you since July 2016. Recently, a series of experiences have been happening to me which is starting to feel slightly overwhelming for me. I have had nonphysical entities communicate with me and give me messages. Also I have been able to see them in my minds eye, and ask them questions. The first time 3 came forth & introduced themselves. Then the few times since I have had the same ones plus new entities come forth. It appears the more I’m open and trusting of it all, the more detailed and strong my experiences become.
It’s been a long time since I’ve asked you a question. Life is unfolding beautifully for me and I feel like I’m at an important place in time.
I am very fortunate to have the loving support of my husband which has allowed me to walk away from a very lucrative, yet stressful job. I’ve been out of work for about 5 weeks and absolutely loving the peace and freedom.
I have discovered your teaching through your podcasts about a year ago and have been a fan ever since. I downloaded your guided meditations some time ago, but did not really get around trying them, for one reason or another. I do have a consistent meditation practice however. So today, as I was working on my computer, listening to random Abraham stuff on youtube in the background, all of a sudden my iTunes switched on on its own and your passion meditation came on. I went along with it, and started getting what I would describe as spontaneous involuntary head movements, a sort of a swaying around from my neck upwards and a tingling sensation on the end of my nose.
In the Joshua diet playbook you are encourage to list 5 things you appreciate and 5 things you are grateful for. What’s the difference between appreciation and gratitude? English isn’t my mother tongue so it may make it more difficult, but another reason why I ask is because I remember Abraham talking about using appreciation in first hand, that gratitude has a bit of powerlessness connected to it: “I’m grateful for this thing, because I couldn’t do anything about it, but Universe kindly found a solution for me anyway”.
My question has to do with the nearby building of a compressor station/power plant in the near future. I am part of a group sharing the awareness of this company that is planning to build this without any sort of a vote by neighbors. I understand it is a high risk for pollution, toxins and extremely loud noise. Overall, nothing good for those nearby. My question is..how do I hold this sort of issue and be in a place that attracts a positive outcome. It’s only a benefit to the gas company and of no benefit to any of us for it has nothing to do with lower prices or safer conditions, just the company’s interest. It’s a beautiful country-like setting where people choose to live due to its quiet and peaceful scene. I’d appreciate your higher perspective on this.
Cela fait un an maintenant que je suis dans l’enseignement de Joshua et je commence à me sentir différent et à avancer Pouvez vous me dire ou j’en suis arrivé en ce moment ?
I have a burning question and it comes up because Im reading Perception of Reality right now. I am at the end of the book and reading about Intention. I completely understand Intention, but how do I master the skill? I feel as if I am great with setting intentions, but then sometimes my intentions fall short of what I was trying to accomplish? I just need a little help in helping to master this skill. I finally understand that it is a skill as well.
I know affirmations, vision boards and scripting are excellent tools to keep me focused on my desires and they have helped me to manifest some things in the past. However, I cannot use them with consistency. I mean sometimes I use these tools and other times I do not feel like doing them. I ask myself, Why am I not doing something I know is beneficial to me? I would like to be more perseverant. Any suggestions in order to improve that lack of motivation?
I have just completed reading Health, Wealth and Love and the part about abortion really resonated with me. Your writing on the subject has helped me finally find peace and some understanding. I am so grateful to you.
I am having trouble deciding whether or not to apply for the one-on-one program. Joshua’s teachings have already brought me so much. I am more confident at work, I have been able to cope with everything that “happened for me” (even though it felt like it “happened to me”) in 2016 much better than I would have in the past and I am in a much better feeling place overall.
In my search for spiritual understanding and connection, I continue to feel that there’s an untapped space in my existence. Sometimes that space feels like a large gap and other times it feels so close to total transformation into the light, energy and love that makes up my inner being.
I live in Switzerland and I speak french (sorry for my english). The law of attraction is my absolute passion. I wrote a book and I’m teaching a little the LOA. I want more! I want communicate like Gary with non-physical entities. I believe I can do that. Am I going in the right direction to make it happen? I imagine and I feel a big successful and an amazing life.
I’ve had a big realization recently. This whole time I have been into reading about law of attraction, over the past few years, has simply been me trying to make what I want happen. I have been constantly searching for the next thing, the next process or idea that will be the answer for me to finally manifest what I want in my life. And why am I trying to manifest these things? Because I believe they will make me happy.
I believe God created a loving benevolent universe in which every part of it and every being in it is inherently good. Deep in my heart I know every species has a Divine Purpose to fulfill (ticks, fleas and lice included). However, when I occasionally see any of these insects, I can not stand them. How can I attract their Divine Plan of Perfection? Please note that I want something more than just killing them with pesticides. I want to rise up my vibration in regards to these bugs.
My question for you is about overcoming limiting beliefs. Through my spiritual journey (only the last two years or so), I’ve become pretty good at identifying limiting beliefs in my life. That being said, I cannot for the life of me make them go away.
I hope you are very well? I just wanted to tell you how well I have been doing thanks to your teachings. I now fully realize that every time there is a manifestation in my life, it is there for me to grow and look at at my limiting beliefs and it simply is magical. I now fully believe that I am the director of the film that is my physical experience. I have however a little question and was wondering if you would mind answering it when you have time. I listen to your podcast regularly so I know that you are busy with your one to one programmes so I also understand you might not be able to.
I have a question about living my life within the boundaries of everyone else’s rules. I try to follow my Mom’s rules about how other people and I should live, because I want her approval and because life, my feelings, are better when I act according to her rules. I also try to follow the different set of rules of my friends, so that they will accept and include me. Being a part of a group feels good. And I follow the more general rules of my close society and cultural rules of my country.
I have felt heavy solar plexus activity for 4 years. Recently, every morning that I arrive for work, I feel these butterflies and set an intention to work through any blocks there. The next three days, I felt as if I had a stomach virus as far as symptoms go. I woke up with a headache today, but totally blissed out within. While I was at work, I had two out of body experiences. I was there in the moment and then suddenly I felt as if had just returned into my body and had been gone a while, both times. I wonder where am I going? I have had a strong sense of my life being about to change. Is it?
I’d like to be able to communicate with you (Joshua) directly, would you be interested? What do I need to do for this to happen?
I asked this before but never received an answer to it months ago, maybe it got lost so I am sending it again. I hope you answer it!
Is there such a thing to be able to feel people’s vibration (high and low)? Last night I was with a small group of family members that I see a few times a year and we all had a pleasant time. Within 20 minutes from when I left, I felt weak at my knees, then my stomach hurt, then I felt faintish, and then I felt like throwing up, so I laid down. I do my breathing exercises and go into a meditation which always helps. 30 minutes of that and I am fine.
Thank you for all you are doing to help us grow in Love! I am learning much from reading on this website and the book A Perception of Reality. I believe a lot of what you say as Jesus has told me much of the same, but in a different way or form. I am still in the process of grasping it all. My primary question is; Is there more validity in Astrology/ numerology over LOA? What I mean is that I had a reading done with my name, date of birth, etc. and it actually made sense to me.
The first thing I’m looking for your input, wisdom, or information about myself and more of may be who I am. I have discovered that there’s something more unusual than usual about myself compared to others. You see, I found that when I close my eyes and I sit and look I don’t see dark like many others do. It looks like I’m inside of a large lava lamp when I look out with my 3rd Eye? Or just with my eyes closed, not sure which it is, I see lots of purple. I am surrounded with purple and I can see the pulsing purple that ebbs and flows in my vision. As well as occasionally I see some symbols in this purple field, Reiki I think. What I would like to know is what exactly am I experiencing and what does this mean for me, why do I have this and how do I use it?
What can I do to get rid of my social anxiety and detached thoughts and be employed in a more positive working environment?
I am back with a new question. I hope that’s ok? This morning I was reading A Radical Change and saw that you mention that we should always do things with joy and acceptance. You gave the example of a job Gary didn’t enjoy when he was younger and said that he could have done it with joy. I struggle a bit with this concept.
Thanks for your response to my question which I read with great interest yesterday. It has sparked another question for me and I hope it is Ok for me to ask something again so quickly. In your answer you state that allowing is what will help me create the life I truly desire. I think I am getting to grips with the idea of allowing. I was always taught that I had to do things to make it work so I have to admit that it is a strange concept, at first.
I thank you very very much for answering my last question. It meant a lot to me to realize that I am cared for. I was really happy and I felt comforted. Thank you! I now have another question.
Thanks again for your reply last week. I hope you won’t mind but I have another question for you. I have been thinking about what you wrote to me and I wanted to check that I fully understand.
I’ve been spending more time in meditation, focusing on awareness of thought, and constantly reaching for better feeling thoughts. What it seems like is happening though, is that instead of self-avoiding with substance(s), it’s almost as if I’m self-avoiding with positive thoughts. The negative emotions are glossed over in the moment, and then tend to resurface the next time I’m faced with a similar situation. Are you suggesting that anytime I feel negative emotion, I should simply focus on finding a way to feel better?
Thank you for letting me ask a question to you. I feel like I have so many amazing things to live, and that I’m so much more than I show to myself or to others. But I don’t know what it is. I tried many activities hoping that I would recognize which way to go. But actually I feel frustrated not to know what to do, and I’m stuck in a work and in family relationships that stress me very much. I can’t focus on what I want deep inside, because I don’t know what it is. Please, could you guide me to find out, and reach the happiness that is so close? Thank you very much for your kind support.
I’ve been making significant changes to try to break old patterns of thinking. I feel like I’m missing a crucial block that I haven’t been able to identify and work through. Any input or information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
I am so grateful for your answer last week. It has made such an impact in my life. So thanks again! Another question has come up for me since then and I hope you won’t mind answering it again. Since the shift, I have felt more in the present and more aware of my “feelings” and I have been focusing on the positive and as a result, I seem to be getting more “flashes of inspiration” or reminders of things which I know I would have otherwise forgotten..
What is the best and most accurate method for changing your limited beliefs? I’ve tried EFT, binaural CDs with affirmations, written and spoken affirmations, visualization and have had success with these, but I have not manifested on the large scale that I wish to.
When consciously using the LOA to manifest that which brings joy, isn’t karma, relative to a past life, a major overriding influence in what shows up in one’s current physical lifetime?
For sometime now I have had visions or premonitions. I’m not sure how to interpret them of events happening in my life or around me. But most have affected me or my life in some form. For example I have had a bad feeling that something dangerous was about to happen in a surrounding that I was in and I had the feeling that I should leave the area immediately and for sure after I left there was a shooting or some other type of danger involved.
I have learned so much from you, and the quality of this physical existence has definitely changed for the better. I feel like loving and feeling good feeds on itself, attracts better thoughts and, ultimately, what I want out of life.
During one of my study classes with participants about Law of Attraction and the laws of the universe, I touched a little bit on the subject that the past, the present and the future exist all in the same time. I learned this from Bashar, but I can not elaborate further on this. I intuitively know this, but it is not in my ability to explain more for the participant.
Your answers are really great and your affirmations help me in my daily life. I have another question. There is astrology in this world, there is taro reading and there is also numerology and many more which are always right. If I have a desire which is different from all of the readings that taro, astrology or numerology are telling me, is it wrong to hold onto the desire?
The source requires me to write a book and achieve my spiritual mission as a teacher and healer. How do I go about this mission?
How can we discover what was the specific feeling we wanted to feel before we came to this earth?
How do I find my passions? There are things that interest me, but sometimes the time and work involved in pursuing them, given my other responsibilities and my physical energy levels, tend to reduce my interest or don’t leave me feeling that I can pursue it.
If we finally “get it” and understand the law of attraction & manifestation in this lifetime, will we carry that knowledge over to other lifetimes, or is it something we have to learn in each life?
I was listening your podcast about Anger and Rage, and I wanted to share with you a particular manifestation event I had a few months ago.
I know on a subconscious level that nothing in the Universe is wrong, therefore this must be perfect and right. I have probably answered my own question… But I learn SO much from observing the manifestations of those around me as far as Law of Attraction is concerned, that it seems unfair to them.
From your teachings, I’ve learned that the Earth is primarily a “feeling” reality. Well last week I was having “feelings” and while driving I punched and cracked the windshield of my car in an outburst of anger. This was a major wake-up call for me because I have been considering myself a spiritual ninja and by that I mean that I see things from the higher perspective and I don’t get riled up by the the “drama” of my earthly life. Well obviously this was not the case in this instance. On the positive side, I have launched an intention to be a master of my emotions and stay in a positive frame of mind. But then it also got me to thinking – maybe this why I came to this earth ride – to experience intense emotions – both positive and negative. And if that is the case, then maybe my life is richer for it and negative emotion is not something to be avoided. Maybe even explored more fully! I would like to know your perspective on this matter.
I play an online video game called League of Legends, in which, two teams of five players compete against each other for objectives in order to win the game. Normally, I would consider my time playing this game to be a fun and enjoyable, but sometimes these games cause me to get frustrated when my team doesn’t meet my standards. My basis for these standards are purely based on the way that teams are formed, both teams should have players that are fairly equal in skill and experience. So I think to myself “If both teams should be equal… Why is my team performing so much worse than the enemy team?”. So my question is, with the knowledge I have currently (about the law of attraction), why do I attract these teammates into my reality? and why do I let them affect me so easily? How do I stop attracting them?
I have just had the most incredible sequence of events happen. All in the space of 1 hour! I feel like I need some clarity.
Today’s question is about electronics and computers. When my computers have temporary problems, (I’ve got 2 around me) — when the system slows down, or a virus or malware comes into my device, does that mean that something is “wrong” in my own frequencies (vibrations)? Can my energy (thoughts, feelings) influence or affect the electronics in general? We are made of electricity, so I wonder what it is our role regarding those systems around us when they break down. Because computers are often necessary in my work, sometimes I imagine that if the computer slows down, it means that I am not in alignment in that moment. Is that right?
In this lifetime I have been searching for answers to why am I here, what is life all about, etc. These questions have lead me to you and to the teachings of Abraham and the law of attraction. My question is, in my next lifetime do I take with me all that I have learned in this life or do I have to start all over again. Next time will I have a better understanding of the laws of attraction at an earlier age?
Wow…that was fast! 🙂 Thank you and please thank Joshua for me! I was most curious about their answer. I discuss LOA principles and share the link to the radio show with friends, family and acquaintances. The questions remain the same…how does ‘God’/higher power play into LOA principles? I already have the realization that everything and everyone stems from God (higher power), but was looking for a way to better answer their questions without transferring my ‘beliefs.’ I started a spiritual journey many years ago and somehow I am now being lead to the LOA field. I will go with it so long as long as it feels right. When I listen to my intuition (the God voice within), I already have access to all the answers, but I am always open to raising my vibration and elevating my perspective.
As we close out the Christmas season, I would like to hear your perspective on spirituality, religion/the belief in a higher power and the practice of law of attraction principles. You can have one without the other, but what is your insight on the blending of the three? With gratitude and the understanding we are all connected as one love,
I know that imagination is important for maintaining a good vibration, and in that way the higher self works instead of the mind. – that is one thing. The other thing is that we can shift from one reality to another. My question is – I’m at a cross roads now.
Observing myself through this new perspective can be quite horrifying at times. Every encounter is about my worthiness. No wonder my livelihood has not succeeded up until now. The thing I took my Dad and Step mum out at the knees over this year was all about me needing to be be seen as worthy.
Who was Jesus, from your perspective? I have always had a longing, an interest, in the nature of God, Jesus, and Christianity. If Jesus really existed, did the Christian religion leave out part of who Jesus was? Was he a LOA practitioner? I feel as I study spirituality and the LOA, I don\’t want to leave Jesus out. So basically, I am wondering where he fits into all of what you discuss here and in your book.
I have a question re. Paris and the recent attacks. It’s a tricky one to put into words really. I have friends in Paris and former clients there too. This small part of me (my ego?) feels slightly guilty for not being more concerned about their welfare. But I think it’s because I know that on a deeper level they are perfectly safe. However, far from hearing all the uplifting stories I was hoping to hear – okay, there have been one or two… it’s like ‘the world has taken a nightmare pill’ to quote Marianne Williamson.
There are aspects of the Law of Attraction that I find to be confusing, especially after a horrific incident like the terrorist attacks this week in Paris. Innocent people were killed, and I don’t understand how these innocent people manifested such mindless violence against them. And I have read you say that Wars on Terrorism do not stop it, but how can people in a place like France (or Israel, or the U.S.), simply do nothing? Are you saying that tuning into a “safe”, positive vibration is all that’s necessary to remain safe? If that’s the case, then how did these French victims, who probably hadn’t given their safety a second thought, get hurt and killed? Thank you in advance for addressing this most disturbing situation.
How do I know if I don’t want to do something or it’s just out of my comfort zone and I should do it?
How can I make contact with either you or other nonphysical entities like you directly in a safe manner and for my highest good?
I was thinking about Joshua’s message and had this follow-up questions on mind for a while. Not sure if I can ask him again, if not no problem. Two questions I have:
1. The sentence where it says ‘there is simply not enough room on the leading edge of creation’. I find it contradicting, since if there are ‘infinite possibilities’ and our universe is infinite. There wouldn’t be a limit on who can be at the leading edge. If he can explain more, it would be super helpful.
2. Last thing, can he elaborate more on what it is I am resisting? Because I do honor all my experiences and not judge them. I want to move into to a better life but that doesn’t mean I am not appreciative or resisting my ‘current’ life. Thank you!! As I said its ok if I am not allowed to ask follow up questions. Thank you either ways. Have a great day.
I understand the concept of us originating from heaven (and heaven being a state of being as opposed to a place). And my understanding is that when we return to non-physical, we will meet up with all of those loved ones who are already there. But then I get confused. Your teachings explain to us that when we choose to come back again into physical, the same souls surround us (as different people) and so we are always together. We spend multiple physical lifetimes together, in different carnations and with different relationships to and with one another. But if a loved one (say a grandparent or a baby) has returned to non-physical before us, how can they be there waiting in non-physical to greet us? Maybe they have already chosen to reincarnate into physical? In which case could it be that our grandparents’ souls came back to us through our children? This is all very complicated. I am starting to confuse myself and probably way overthinking it. It’s just hard to understand how we can all be together and interacting with one another from two different planes at the same time!
If no-one but yourself can create in your reality, please explain the power of prayer, particularly en masse. Thank you, Joshua, for your loving enlightenment.
I read a lot on the topic of our expansion and over time I’ve come across many references to “ascension to the 5th Dimension” which I understand loosely as a reference to our ever continuing growth and expansion to higher vibrations.
1. Can you please explain from your perspective what this 5th dimension refers to?
2. As we expand and spend more and more time at higher vibrations is there a physical aspect that we should be aware of? In other words does the physical body feel any changes/symptoms? I would assume if there were any symptoms they would be fleeting?
Thanks again to you and Gary for creating such a valuable forum and sharing your wisdom so graciously.
I would like to know what is the value of telepathy. Is there such a thing? Let me explain. I know that we cannot create in another’s reality, but I had several cases which I’m sure I did: once I was sitting in my living room and imaging myself getting a message on Facebook from a specific man I liked. Two seconds after that he sent me a message (and before that we didn’t talk for a long time).
Do you think reality is beyond perception? My understanding is (as said in ACIM etc) perception (like this world) is NOT reality but an INVENTION. So, I rather considered this world an invention not reality. To me reality is beyond perception, is changeless, and eternal. While perceptions (and images) changes, you can only hold onto bits-and-pieces here and their (out of countless perceptions) unless you are something that can see ALL OF PERCEPTION in all realms, dimensions, worlds.
For a person who is into spiritual channeling messages such as your self, what happens to you when this physical body no longer is alive? Do you turn to dust and becomes non-existent? R u absorbed back to whatever God is? I really need to know this please!
People have different meanings for the words soul and spirit. I use Soul to mean that inner me part and spirit to mean the more expansive bigger aspect that I am at all times. So the Soul is only a part of the spirit, in which I believe there are many parts. Could you explain this further for us?
A channeled book called ACIM (A course in miracles) which is said to be channeled from Jesus Christ, it says that Reality is beyond Perception. And it says how these countless perceptions (in countless dimensions, realms, universes, etc) in space and time was created: “Let us return the dream he gave away unto the dreamer, who perceives the dream as separate from himself and done to him. Into eternity, where all is one, there crept a tiny, mad idea, at which your Eternal Self remembered not to laugh. In his forgetting did the thought become a serious idea, and possible of both accomplishment and real effects. (Together, we can laugh them both away, and understand that time cannot intrude upon eternity. It is a joke to think that time can come to circumvent eternity, which means there is no time.)”
You said that “everyone creates their own reality.” But what I don’t get is that what about those who died because of hunger and dying because of hunger, like famine; do they create their reality too? I just don’t understand why would someone create this kind of reality for themselves. Is it because of ignorance and some other reasons also? Or I am really just seeing projection of my own thoughts as you said “others cannot create in your reality”? Or its BOTH as being a vibration match to it all?
I hit my arm really hard on a railing yesterday and I didn’t really think anything of it. Then I hit it in the same exact spot again today. An hour later, I stubbed my toe. Then I hit my OTHER arm. So I began to wonder if these events have any significance. I’m thinking that maybe it’s a similar situation to my Dad’s: He accidentally bit his lip once and didn’t think anything of it, but after it kept happening, he asked Joshua about it. He got an answer that said he needed to be more present. Could that be what I need to do as well?
1. Are their alternative timelines of Earth? Like, are their different version of earths? Like, for example, on one VERSION of earth, U.S.A. won World War 2 but in another version of Earth, Germany won WW2 and so forth. (like you see the Science fiction series “Sliders”)
2. If so, does that mean you can move from one timeline to another?
I know that everything is as it should be. Tell me J, where is my path, what avenue should I take. Family is important to me as well as my spiritual journey. I am choosing to vibrate at a joyful healthy prosperous level. I am choosing that I set an example for my family. Tell me how to go about doing this PLEASE.
I have come to understand that you have a birth plan before coming into the physical realm. This birth plan is agreed upon by you and your spiritual guards before coming into physical being. Lessons that are hopefully to be learned and certain trials to overcome in order to further ones progression in the non-physical realm. Do things like birth charts (ie Edger Cayse), astrological charts, planet alignments all worked out as well in the birth plan? Do things like your name, your blood type, the sign you were born under play a roll as well.
After beginning the first book last night I feel like I am being offered a blank page for my life, that is both exciting and mind boggling. I was recently working on limitations in my life, and I was told that my greatest limitation is thinking that I am bound to a plan I made before birth. I was shown an image of this being like a chain keeping me under water. I melted the chain and for a few seconds burst free to the surface of somewhere that felt amazing, yet indescribable, and my human brain could not cope yet for more than those few seconds. My question is, how does my soul plan for this lifetime limit me and is there a way to train myself to break through that surface and stay there? Thank you, and deep gratitude.
You said “we all are the center of our own universe”, does that mean that in EACH of our own universes there are different galaxies, planets than my universe to someone else universe and so forth? And are the people, animals inhabited in these planets are the different for each universe (and of course they are “entangled, unfolding, and working together at the same time.”) Meaning, the inhabitants of each universes VARIES from one universe to another universe, right? I am just very curious about this that is all and I needed to ask that (it is relevant to my curiosity).
I had this manifestation event that made me so mad that I had tears in my eyes. That hasn’t happened in a long time so it must be pretty big. So here it is: At work, we started this new thing where one of the staff members has to check the bathrooms every hour to make sure that they are tidy and everything is replenished. So last week one of my co-workers asked me to check the bathrooms. I told them I needed to do something first and then I would do it. So when I got around to doing it, there was nothing to be done (meaning there was enough toilet paper and paper towels etc).
When you say “you are the center of your universe” by UNIVERSE do you mean “center of millions of planets, galaxies in a universe (or multiverse)” or you meant by by word “universe” something else? And are each intelligent beings of all the intelligent races of the universe (besides human being) also are the center of their own universe OR does that go only for humans? And does that go for animals also?
I have been seeking for a better way of life since I was very young. So I have came across many teachers. But lately the thing I am remembering from many of the teachings is that one of the most powerful ways of creating a better life is acceptance. Can you talk to me how to use acceptance, how to accept the things (which I do not want) that are presently in my reality. How to accept people that get on my nerves and how do I accept myself.
I have always been a little bit of a worrier. I used to worry about what people think of me, but now not so much. I used to worry about getting my parents’ approval, but now I don’t care. The only thing is, now my worries seem to have taken on a new form and I find myself with big anxiety issues. I get panic attacks over what some people consider the smallest of problems. What am I doing wrong?
Jeannette Maw
If time is an illusion, and everything is already happening right now. How can expansion happen? Because wouldn’t everything already be completely expanded? Doesn’t expansion require a timeline? As in, yesterday was this and today is more?
I am staying at my parents house for a week to spend time with them. It’s been enjoyable just being with them. The only thing I’m finding not enjoyable are my dreams. Seems like every night the dreams get more graphic, violent, and horrific and I’m having a harder time making myself go back to sleep. I even put on a meditation on healing when I wake to divert my thoughts but still. I have had talks with myself in the early morning hours of how I’m in control and I just need to picture positive actions. But still!! I’m tired. Any suggestions?
If I am meant to do nothing and just allow, how do I reconcile that with the feeling of needing to be in action? My coach teaches that there are daily actions to take so doing nothing feels like I am letting go of my desire to build a profitable business doing this work that I love. I do feel impatient because I feel as though I have been at this for so long (building a business) and it’s time for my labors to bear some juicy, ripe fruit. I doubled my income last year, which was fantastic, but all has fallen away this year and it frustrates me.
Melinda Tidwell
How can I best come to experience and master the practice of creating my reality by intention? Working alone on this work I find that I drift back to my normal worldly view readily, and forget to watch how I am using my mind. How can I stay focused on this work of changing my beliefs and raising my vibration? Thank you!
Gary Bodley
The following prayer was given so that we might be able to release people and things that might not be on our path. Please tell us what do you think?
I accept all people, places and things that are a part of my path.
I ask that all people, places, and things that are a part of my path come to me.
I release all people, places and things that are not a part of my path.
I ask that all people, places and things that are not a part of my path release me.
I have this teacher who has an attitude like he’s “all that” and let’s just say that no one out of all his classes would mind if he drowned in some freak boating accident. He assigned our class a ton of homework over the weekend and I am very reluctant to do it. I got assigned about the same amount last week that I completed and received a B for what I thought was A-level work. So that makes me not want to do it this time around if I am not going to get full credit for my effort. I feel as if I would be rewarding my teachers behavior if I did the homework. I would much rather go to the movies with my friends or go look at motorcycles with my dad this weekend instead of being tortured with homework. The english department’s policy, as my teacher claims, is zero tolerance for late work. So if I do the homework, it will 1) take away from my free time and 2) I might receive an undeserved grade. But if I don’t do it, it will greatly impact my overall grade, which I don’t want to happen either. So Joshua, should I do my homework?
Hugh Bodley
It appears that we often have to choose between the truth and a “white lie”, so as not to hurt one’s feelings, is this a good idea?
Jennifer Arsenault
Since we are unable to create in another’s experience, could you explain if prayers for someone’s well-being have any affect on that person and if so, how?
Hugh Bodley
I’m reading about intentions and am a little confused. You mention that in order to achieve movement toward anything you desire, you must intend to do so. I have always been told that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions and one must do more than just have intentions, one must do something toward achieving what they intended to have. Did I miss something?
Bruce Hurley
I have come to believe that the biggest fallacy of the law of attraction is that thought alone without action produces results. There’s the story of the man trapped on the roof of his house during a flood and he turns away two boats and a helicopter because “God is going to save him.” When he drowns and faces God, he asks “I had so much faith. Why did you not save me?” And God replied: “I sent you two boats and a helicopter!”
It’s a silly but meaningful story. Faith, or conviction, or creative visualization are all helpful, but isn’t it our responsibility to take action when opportunity presents itself? Otherwise, aren’t we just idle dreamers who will eventually blame God, or the universe, or the law of attraction when things don’t go our way?
This reminds me of a memorable entry on an old Saturday Night Live skit called “Deep Thoughts”:
“It’s easy to sit there and say you’d like to have more money. And I guess that’s what I like about it. It’s easy. Just sitting there, rocking back and forth, wanting that money.”
It IS easy, but in my experience it’s also not effective. You have to be willing to get off the rocking chair.
So, could you please share your point of view on the law of attraction in light of my observations? Despite the clarity of my experience, I am open to a new perspective.
Jeannette Maw
LOA experts always claim that we can manifest absolutely everything we want, everything is possible. But can you really manifest the seemingly “impossible” – and if so, how? Has anyone ever done that?
Like, for example: when you would like to have a child but you are too old and have no partner and no money or when you would love to have a great circle of friends but you have a chronic illness and have lived in social isolation for years. Or when you want to have your own home but have barely any money to cover your daily needs … Is really *everything* possible to manifest?
Bjorn Sjoling
Since returning (from the Abraham Alaska Cruise in July) we’ve got into the swing of doing our daily breathings… and we have a question for Joshua here.
Within a week or so of our return, I end up falling into a hole in the roof ending up with 15 stitches to my face. A couple of days later Amanda gets rammed by another car whilst pootling about the locality. WTF? We are struggling to understand the events, let alone the timings! Ultimately we’re both fine, but somewhat ‘shookup’
Debra Jo Bright
I have read your answer several times and each time I come away with a little different take on understanding. I am especially drawn to the statement: “As you change your perspective to see only the positive aspects, you automatically diminish the intensity of your limiting beliefs.”
This morning I was going to the grocery store. I usually do not love going to the grocery store but today everything looked so fresh and beautiful. I stopped to smell the ripe peaches. The mist coming over the fresh vegetables was causing a prism of light to make a rainbow. I spent several minutes just enjoying the fact that I could buy this beautiful food in a cool, air-conditioned environment.
I did even not buy what I went to buy – as the meat department did not seem as much fun. And when I got home – I realized I had plenty of things I could cook without buying anything else!!
Is this moment of joy (instead of rushing around completing a CHORE) what you are talking about as seeing only positive aspects? And I do not think I deliberately chose to feel this overwhelming sense of joy. Was that you, Joshua?? Thank you again for these clarifying answers and your awesome collaboration with us!
For the past two months, I have been on a delicious high, having had a discovery of a connection to my daughter from a past life that freed up my co dependency with her. When that released, I got JOY in a whole new way BUT I have been having nightmares (terrors really) ever since. They happen almost every night. I wake up with my face hurting from tightening my jaw so strongly. They are always violent, they are always me trying to get away in some way. I would love any insights Joshua may have. When I am awake, I’m pretty much in ecstasy with JOY everywhere I look. To say the least, it is very confusing.
I so appreciate all this deliciousness and I thank you all!!!
I already have a question, don’t know if it’s appropriate or not. One of the pictures that Roger drew has an incredible reaction for me. Like I’ve known him through many, many lifetimes. I will attach the photo and see if it’s a valid question. My question is, what is my relationship to this being?
Blessings on this most FANTASTIC journey!!!!
Debra Jo Bright
I have been paying much more attention to my energy since meeting you. I have noticed that as soon as I wake up I have a smile on my face and feel happy and alive. It does not have anything to do with what I have planned for the day or inspirational action. I do not have to have a project to complete or an intention in mind. But I feel as if all the things I ever wanted are here.(Not coming to me – they are here). And I think I have a physical result of this but I want to verify this with you!
Now the moment I wake up, before I move or make a sound, my dog comes from underneath the bed to greet me. She jumps up on to the bed and runs up my body and gives me wonderful kissy licks and snuggles. This is always as soon as I wake up – exactly. She has never done this before in the last twelve years. Is my energy on a higher level that she can sense?
Thank you in advance for your awesome answer!
Debra Jo Bright
I am getting a tremendous stream of ideas and positive thoughts and energy. I am constantly appreciating My Dad, my grandmother, and especially my old mentor E.L. who I talk to and ask questions to. And also appreciate the memories we shared. Sometimes I can smell EL’s after shave, or hear their voices in my head and on occasion have heard their voice through my ears.
Then other times I do not feel them at all – and I feel like I am appreciating and asking the same. What is the best way to get confirmation from them? How do I know which ideas I am having are the ones I should really focus on to bring to fruition? Should I be writing my requests to them, thinking the requests, or just think about them and feel good? I am ready to rock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks Joshua. I know you are in there in my fabulous life as well!! I am loving your words to Gary in a deeply profound way.
Jennifer Arsenaul
Joshua, first of all, I am so grateful for the access to this wisdom and I feel like it is changing me and allowing me to be more connected, which is my goal everyday. I am grateful for your intelligence and loving answers. My question is… do you all know me and my experiences in this life? More specifically, are you aware of the physical being I know as myself? Or is it more that you know the fuller version of me (my inner being, who is not singularly focused)? For example, do you know of life events that I experience, both past and present (and dare I ask, future?)? Are you aware of all my lives that may being going on simultaneously? Is my inner being part of Joshua? That’s probably more than enough lumped into “one” question.
Jennifer Arsenault
Non physical, like Joshua and Abraham, are focused in groups – is our Inner Being also focused that way? Or, is it singular while we are physical?
Bjorn Sjoling
I understand the principles of law-ofa. However I often seem to end up facing extreme contrast… easy to say ‘you created this’ however the question is why am I still creating these griefs? How do I get to understand them so I can let them go and simply ride along with the beauty of life as I’ve always seen it? On one hand the most wonderful situations come to me, really awesome aligned perfect gratitude rich significant life moments, the type that many would only ever hope to dream of, yet then suddenly my reality turns into some horrible jerry springer crap!
Jennifer Arsenault
I’m assuming Joshua is a collec1ve gathering of higher intelligence. Is there any dis1nc1on from Abraham, and if so, can you explain?
Debra Jo Bright
Please ask Joshua if we see a globe of light swoosh by and you know that it is a past loved one – is there a way we can tell WHO it is? It’s a beautiful prismatic globe that I saw right beside me then poof. And it made me happy.
Debra Jo Bright
1) I am looking for a new book to read. What do you suggest?
2) Based on our physical life – how would you describe the perfect day from waking up to sleep?