Kyla Question #1
I've reached a point where I understand cognitively that I create my own reality, and I'm slowly getting to a point where I feel it and even believe it. I've been focusing on feeling good and reminding myself that there is no wrong anywhere in the Universe. I find myself clinging to those words as I await a decision which I feel will have a huge impact on my life and those of my children.
Kyla Question #2
Thank for your answer, and for once again reminding me of what I already knew. I found your words very comforting and can imagine I will go back and read them many more times over the next few days/weeks/months.
Kyla Question #3
Recently I had a random thought, something along the lines of "Guys with ponytails and beards are so hot." Then, a couple weeks ago I walked into a therapist's office for an appointment I agreed to in mediation.
Kyla Question #4
I've spent the last 48 hours doing exactly what I wanted to do. Last night I took pictures outside in the golden hour, drank wine, painted, and listened to music. Today I had a call with Jeanette, went shopping, and went with a friend to see a band play. I've been feeling excited and alive.
Kyla Question #5
Thank you for your insight. As I read and reflected on it this morning, I was initially stuck in limited perspective mode, stuck in blame and seeing all the ways that guy was wrong. But, within a span of thirty minutes, I was able to move on and identify some potential limiting beliefs.
Kyla Question #6
Since sending in my question an hour ago, I've been able to produce some evidence that I am worthy of attention. I found myself thinking of several influential people in my life who have chosen to spend their time (and therefore their attention) on me. I've received lots of wonderful feedback from these people whom I respect and admire. So, there is some proof I am worthy of attention.
Kyla Question #7
I'm in the very beginning stages of a project that has the potential to catapult me into the public eye. Whether that actually comes as a result of this project, or something else, I am filled with the knowing that I'm going to become a public figure. And with that knowing, comes a bit of dread.
Kyla Question #8
Thank you for your answer to my last question. Part of me felt relief in reading it, but honestly part of me was hoping you would tell me I was crazy. Regardless, I'm following your suggestion, keeping my sights set on what I have to offer and trying to ignore everything else.
Kyla Question #9
I was just sitting outside listening to a YouTube video on worthiness (interestingly enough, my iPhone just tried to autocorrect that to "worthless"). I was listening but it wasn't necessarily resonating, when I heard a knocking sound. Three knocks, twice in a row.
Kyla Question #10
What's the story on angels and archangels? Are they actual nonphysical beings who are on standby waiting to assist us humans whenever we make a request? Or do they only exist and affect our reality to the extent that we believe they do?
Kyla Question #11
Since your answer to my first question regarding custody, my attitude and demeanor have totally changed in the way I deal with my ex. We've actually had sane, reasonable, borderline enjoyable conversations. We've even shared positive co-parenting moments, which were virtually nonexistent before.
Kyla Question #12
So much good stuff in your last answer. In all of your answers, but especially this last one. I see now why you said in your answer to my first question that this was the perfect time for us to start this conversation. This divorce is becoming just one more part of the adventure for me. Every time I think about you and this experience and the way things are all working out, I can't help but laugh out loud and say "Life is SO. freaking. cool."
Kyla Question #13
You're right. I see now how my desire to achieve unconditional love for him was really rooted in a desire to avoid uncomfortable situations (i.e. manifestation events) involving him.
Kyla Question #14
I like the idea of positive manifestation events and beneficial beliefs. It's not something I'd given much thought to before reading your last answer, although at times I've realized that positive things were happening were a direct result of my increased vibration. So, it makes sense to me and I'm excited to ponder it some more.
Kyla Question #15
I am in the middle of a manifestation event. I thought it was a small one, I thought I had "overcome" it, but apparently that is not the case. I've somehow awoken the giant. Does this all just boil down to me needing to tell him he's right again???
Kyla Question #16
What's your perspective on empathy? I've always considered myself to be a very empathetic person, and have tended to view that as a positive attribute.
Kyla Question #17
I got a speeding ticket today. I've been less concerned with watching my speed lately because I was so certain I wasn't a vibrational match to a ticket. Turns out I was wrong.
Kyla Question #18
Lately I've been happening to look at the clock at times where it's all the same number. Does this mean anything significant? I've had friends that were into numbers and numerology, but it's never really been something I paid much attention to before now.
Kyla Question #19
I grew up Southern Baptist but have obviously strayed from that path in recent years. In talking to my friend this evening, I realized that I still have a lot of hang ups about feeling judged by Christians. When I am in a group of people who identify themselves in that way, I automatically feel "less than" for some reason.
Kyla Question #20
I'm paying more attention than ever before to my body and the way that it's feeling. Lately I've been noticing little quirks that I assume represent something, but I have no idea what. Tonight, as I prepared myself for a talk with my ex, I noticed a random pulsing in my left shoulder blade. It's been happening all evening -- before, during, and, even now, after our chat. Another ongoing thing I've noticed is a whooshing sound in my right ear.
Kyla Question #21
I was just re-reading your answer to my question regarding angels, and the following jumped out at me:
"In the physical reality you have that which is of interest to you. In the nonphysical reality we also have that which interests us."
That made me wonder...are there beings in the nonphysical whose interests center around a desire to cause chaos for those of us in the physical realm? Would they be what we in the physical might call demons?
Kyla Question #22
My ex and I have been working together to reach an agreement on our own regarding parenting and financial settlements. This means that the divorce could be finalized on our own terms in the next month or two (which would be awesome). I've been listening for guidance from my inner self as I navigate the negotiations, and receiving it (I think).
Kyla Question #23
Can we talk about boundaries? It's a subject I'm still getting clear on...a year ago I literally had to google the words "What are boundaries?" I feel like there's a fine line between allowing other people to be right while still respecting myself and my desires, and a lot of the time I have no idea where that line is.
Kyla Question #24
Thanks for telling me what I needed to hear instead of answering my questions. It was a hard pill to swallow at first. I read your answer several times today...initially I felt like you were disappointed in me (even though I knew that couldn't be true). I later realized I was actually disappointed in myself (even though I knew that wasn't at all productive).
Kyla Question #25
Tonight I faced a manifestation event and I rocked it. A few minutes before my scheduled chat with my ex, my mom asked me if I had time to sit down and talk with her and my dad because they wanted to discuss the agreement I am in the process of making with my ex. It was made clear they have some "serious concerns" and wanted to make sure I was aware of their fears.
Kyla Question #26
Has anyone asked you about Trump yet? I'm beyond interested to hear your perspective on him and the elections in general.
I have a few friends who get really worked up at even the mention of the "T" word. I feel fortunate to be almost gleefully detached from the whole thing (thanks in large part to all I've learned from you)...I guess because, as you would say, I'm choosing to view it all from the higher perspective.
Kyla Question #27
I woke up this morning with the sun, excited at the thought of a new day and another adventure waiting for me outside the bedroom door. I stepped into my slippers and walked out the French doors onto my balcony, where I practiced my meditation with the new sun shining softly on my face. From there, I padded to the kitchen where my coffee was waiting for me, my favorite mug set out, begging to be filled. I poured myself a cup and headed back to the balcony for my daily conversation with my Inner Self. We had a good laugh about the previous day's events, then we made plans for how I would spend my day. Today was a day for fun, but then again, it seems like every day is a day for fun these days.
Kyla Question #28
I wanted to write and tell you about the incredible night I just had. My cheeks hurt in the best kind of way (sound familiar?) from smiling so hard. I thought of you as my desires manifested over and over again in the most elegant way.
Kyla Question #29
I woke up this morning and remembered my intention for the day to be fun and easy. Work was great, with just the right amount of sessions, everything flowed, and everyone bought photos. The hospital even provided a free lunch for all the employees. I recognized this as yet another sign of my abundance and was grateful.
Kyla Question #30
Thank you for your response to my last question. I'm excited to implement your suggestions when the boys get back from their dad's.
I don't really have a question, mostly just wanted to send a huge THANK YOU for all of your guidance. The improvements to my quality of life are remarkable.
Kyla Question #31
Tonight I looked fear in the face and said "Fuck you." I've been doing my best to follow my inspiration, and that landed me at an open mic night. I happened to see an email from Meetup.com suggesting a group I might be interested in called Wichita Open Mic Night. I thought it was funny, since right after the question I sent you about my limiting beliefs around being the center of attention, Jeannette and I had a conversation where I said that maybe I should attend something like that.
Kyla Question #32
In the past two days, I've had two different conversations with two delightful men whom I'd never met before, and each of them happened to have the same first name as my ex. I've been hearing his name around a lot lately, in passing and at work and when I'm out and about. I hadn't paid much attention, because it's a fairly common name, but I found it very curious when these two conversations happened so close to one another.
Kyla Question #33
Tonight I looked fear in the face and said "Fuck you." I've been doing my best to follow my inspiration, and that landed me at an open mic night. I happened to see an email from Meetup.com suggesting a group I might be interested in called Wichita Open Mic Night. I thought it was funny, since right after the question I sent you about my limiting beliefs around being the center of attention, Jeannette and I had a conversation where I said that maybe I should attend something like that.
Kyla Question #34
Thanks for your last answer. I see now how it was easy for me to find such a high perspective when I'd already had the experience go so smoothly. Were I in the same situation, without a success already under my belt, the perspectives you mentioned ("maybe they like a different kind of music") would likely be much more attainable. I see the distinction, and I will keep it in mind for the future.
Kyla Question #35
Thank you for your last answer. I especially liked the part where you asked if I'd begun to feel like a master yet. It's a new idea for me, not something I've ever considered myself before, but the term has been popping into my awareness left and right, so given your input, maybe it's something to start playing around with...it's certainly a fun idea to think about, and became my better-feeling thought today when I was experiencing some negative emotions.
Kyla Question #36
Can you help me identify the specific limiting belief that was diminished in this case? Maybe it doesn't actually matter, since either way it's been reduced in intensity, but I'm still curious as I haven't been able to put my finger on what exactly it was. That my ex was wrong? That men are wrong?
Kyla Question #37
Every Tuesday I go to a coffee shop and spend a few hours following my inspiration and working on whatever feels right in the moment. I usually set the intention to have an interesting, meaningful conversation with someone there, and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.
Kyla Question #38
So, I am clearly in the state of allowing today. Not long after I sent you last question about Daniel, he returned to the coffee shop and told me he had quit his job.
Kyla Question #39
Ever since I was a little kid, I've had a habit of holding my breath without realizing I'm doing it. Once I become aware of it, I take a deep breath and sigh. As I've begun to meditate more, I've noticed I'm more conscious of my breathing, but I still find myself at the end of a day sometimes (like today after a long day at work) feeling what would be the equivalent of hungry or thirsty, but it's like I'm starved for air.
Kyla Question #40
Lately I've been following even the smallest acts of inspiration. Today I felt inspired to get on YouTube and look up covers of "Get Lucky" by Daft Punk. The first one I listened to was cool, but I knew it wasn't what I was looking for. I closed it out and found another one, this one by Daughter, and it really moved me. I looked them up on iTunes and started listening to samples of their songs. I knew that finding this band was the reason I'd attracted the original thought.
Kyla Question #41
I am officially on-board with this allowing thing. A couple nights ago, I experienced the most beautiful manifestation of my recent desire to have sex. I haven't been with anybody since I left my husband (and really even before that, since that part of our relationship died before the relationship itself did), but lately I've been wanting to connect with someone specifically in that way.
Kyla Question #42
A couple people in my life are experiencing some heavy contrast right now. One of them has a spouse in hospice care, and the other one's child is moving several hours away with the other parent.
Kyla Question #43
A while back I experienced a manifestation event around the topic of money. When I signed up for the One on One program, I read the website as saying that it was $147 for the entire program. I felt like that was a stretch, but I went ahead and signed up in a moment of inspiration. Then, about five weeks in, Gary emailed me asking about my weekly payments. I checked the website again, saw that it was $147 per week, and pretty much had a mini heart attack.
Kyla Question #44
I would love to hear your perspective on the conversation that took place at the end of the radio show today. Clearly, there was a manifestation event happening for Janine. There was a potential manifestation event for me, although I feel like I avoided it for the most part.
Kyla Question #45
I'm still reading and re-reading and attempting to digest the last answer. I could use some clarification on the following section:
"The way you believe Janine sees you is how you feel about yourself...Your perception of her opinion is created by how you feel about yourself. If you feel she is right, then you agree with her perception, if you feel she is wrong, then you disagree with her perception. However, it's not her perception, it's yours."
Kyla Question #46
I've been chewing on your answer all day, and it finally just clicked. I was feeling stuck on the last paragraph, specifically on figuring out how my perception of the words "honorable" and "favorable" (and the perceived implication that I was acting in a "dishonorable" and "unfavorable" way) was right.
Kyla Question #47
Last night we had a big storm with high winds, rolling thunder all night long, and fantastic lightning shows. Kansas thunderstorms were something I really missed while I away, so last night I spent quite a bit of time watching and appreciating the show. I was soaking in the joy, gratitude, and awe of it all, and I went to bed with an attitude that reflected those feelings.
Kyla Question #48
Why do I feel so weird about this situation with the guy I've been hanging out with?
Each time we're together, we have a great time with interesting conversation and we connect quite well physically, but when we're apart I find him hard to read and I experience fear when I text him.
Kyla Question #50
Why does my dog have such a fearful response to people he doesn't know, and even sometimes to people he does know?
I've been working lately (after 12 years of trying to make him be different than he is) on accepting the fact that he still loses him mind every time my dad comes in the door.
Kyla Question #51
This isn't a question, I just wanted to share what I would consider a success story :)
I've been trying to live "You're right. I'm sorry." Not only have I been putting it into practice, I've been slipping the idea of it into conversations wherever I get the chance, with strangers at the coffee shop and with my friends and family.
Kyla Question #52
What's the higher purpose of this situation with Britain leaving the EU? I don't watch the news or actively seek it out in any way, but this whole "Brexit" thing has been popping up in my reality from several different directions, and there seems to be a lot of fear surrounding the topic.
Kyla Question #53
I just got goosebumps and it made me think of you. I'm having the most incredible time with this person who accepts me exactly as I am. I'm laying there appreciating the moment, and then one thought leads to another, and I begin to wonder, "Am I just a symbol of this person's worthiness? Does he actually like me for me or does he just like how he feels when he's with me, does he just feel good about himself because he's with this younger woman, or does he genuinely like me for me because of who I am?"
Kyla Question #54
So I'm at this hotel, having an incredible time with the person I'm with. Yesterday morning I went outside, feeling quite attractive, and I noticed a man noticing me. When I came back inside, that man was in the lobby and he followed me into the elevator.
Kyla Question #55
I can see the truth in your answer. I recognize that I have had a general distrust in men. I feel, though, like some progress is being made on that front, especially when I consider recent interactions with the men I've been choosing to allow into my life. I've been more vulnerable, more myself than ever before, and it has felt great.
Kyla Question #56
Has this thing with the latest Daniel played itself out in three days? It's felt like three years. We had this intense energetic connection, like we just looked at each other and could see our Selves reflected back.
Kyla Question #57
I'm curious as to how/why you chose the name "Joshua". Does it have something to do with Gary and his beliefs? You've mentioned before that you communicate through many other humans. Do you choose a unique name for each of them, based on their own set of beliefs?
Kyla Question #58
I've never been a fan of cleaning. When I was a kid, and my mom would tell me to go clean my room, I would shove everything into a corner and put a blanket over it.
Kyla Question #59
I get such a kick out of your sense of humor. Seriously, I'm laughing right now thinking about our call today. That's a vast improvement over how I was feeling when I logged on this afternoon, so thanks for that and so much more.
Kyla Question #60
I talked to you last week in our live call about feeling busy and overwhelmed. I'm still feeling that way, and it's mostly centered around my camping trip to Wyoming this week with my parents and the boys.
Kyla Question #61
Had another fantastic night last night with my gentleman friend. Because of the answers I've been receiving from you, I'm approaching this relationship in a completely different way than any other before it. I've gotten to a place where I am 99% authentic with him and it's being well-received (at least in my perception of his perception).
Kyla Question #62
I know you say it's not possible, but I feel like I'm regressing...I just totally lost my shit on my oldest. I was ready for him to go to bed, he was not ready to go to bed, so I laid down with him. He kept bugging me, then hit me, so I got up explaining that I don't want to be hit, and that I was going to go take a break and then come back.
Kyla Question #63
Thank you for your answer. I'm going to have to read it a few more times, but for now there are two parts that jump out at me -- my son's perspective in terms of him not appreciating the recent changes in his life, and the part where you broke down what I am communicating to him each time I make him wrong.
Kyla Question #64
Historically, I have not been a morning person. It takes me a while to get into the groove of my day. I realize this could probably be turned around by starting the day off with a meditation (instead of waiting til the end of the day), but my kids are my alarm clock and they "go off" bright and early, usually right around 6am.
Kyla Question #65
Yesterday I texted my gentleman friend and asked him if he'd like to get together sometime soon. He replied, "For sure." Even though my question was vague, I was annoyed at his equally vague response. I realized I was judging him, and wanting him to be different than he is, so after sending him some love and acceptance in my mind, I replied and said "Tomorrow?" He texted back and said "Tis very possible."
Kyla Question #66
My divorce has taken much longer than I imagined to become finalized, but we're so close I can taste it. I've done a good job of finding the higher perspective, thinking up all the ways the extra months have benefitted me. Now the paperwork is drawn up and almost ready to send off to the courts, just as soon as one last issue is settled.
Kyla Question #67
I keep feeling inspired to call Mark, one of my old neighbors in Colorado, and I keep resisting it. I'm not really sure why. What am I afraid of?
We used to have wonderful long talks about life and death and everything in between. He used to always tell me what a "remarkable woman" I am. I've always felt and expressed the same about him.
Kyla Question #68
So 37 hours has more than passed and I'm still feeling overwhelmed. The boys both got up at 4am (two hours after I went to bed), my dog is peeing blood and the internet tells me it's cancer, and my dishwasher flooded the kitchen, all before noon.
Kyla Question #69
So allowing wins again. I just had this incredible night that was a complete and undeniable manifestation of some very specific desires I've been focusing on. As a result, I'm pondering a lot of questions about my sexuality, and for the first time since starting the One on One I feel hesitant to ask them.
Kyla Question #70
Yesterday I felt inspired to send my gentleman friend the clip of our live call where you asked about my manifestation event. He wrote back and said that you nailed him on the way he was feeling about how he handled things and the impact his actions had. He said it was kind of scary how accurate you were, and told me (at least half-jokingly) to tell you go get out of his head.
Kyla Question #71
I'm in the middle of a manifestation event with my mom. It started yesterday. She's on a road trip with my sister, and they texted me out of the blue asking if I would be home because they'd were heading in my direction and wanted to stop by.
Kyla Question #72
Can you help me figure out this situation with my son and his school? I know from your last answer (and from experience) that once he has a chance to acclimate, he'll feel better about going, but today in the car we were talking about it and he has some serious fear going on. I was asking him questions, trying to help him pinpoint it, and he said something that struck me: "It all just feels bad on my inside. Everything about it, even the kids."
Kyla Question #73
I just wanted to write and say that I finally made a phone call when I was inspired to make one. I hadn't talked to my old friend from Colorado in a while, so I called her even though I had all kinds of excuses about why I should text instead, or why I could just do it another night, but I pushed through and I called her. We ended up talking for two hours and it was delightful. My cheeks hurt from smiling and laughing.
Kyla Question #74
My gentleman friend is worried about his daughter. He is in the middle of some custody stuff and he is judging the actions of his ex to be wrong. The human part of me can understand why he feels that way, as she has taken his daughter and moved a few states away without his consent.
Kyla Question #75
So you've alluded to Jesus a few times. Can you explain him to me? Was he simply the son of "God" in the same way that all of us are? Was he a channel like Esther and Gary? How much of his story in the Bible actually happened here in physical reality?
Kyla Question #76
After a long week spent mostly looking at things from a limited perspective, my ex arrived to pick up the kids. The afternoon was a bit rough (because once again I was choosing a limited perspective), but we had just finished talking to my parents on FaceTime, so everybody was feeling fairly chipper when he got here.
Kyla Question #77
A while back you told me that I could have a new experience with a different guy every night if I wanted to. I'm not quite there yet, but I do have a few different men I'm entertaining at the moment. This latest one has some very specific tastes, which happen to coincide with some very specific interests of my own. It's not something I've explored much up to this point, but I am certainly interested in doing so.
Kyla Question #78
So I just got a text from that guy saying we'd have to reschedule. My first thought was that I feel like an idiot. My second thought was wondering if maybe I wasn't in as high an emotional state as I thought I was when making the decision to go over there at midnight.
Kyla Question #79
It's Monday and I'm already in a complete state of allowing. Last week I was in total resistance and everything felt hard. Now I'm feeling light and easy, and I am right back to getting everything I want.
Kyla Question #80
You were right on that Live call where you said that once I embraced my own awesomeness (i.e. worthiness) that I would have a long line of people who think I'm awesome and I would get to have my pick of them.
Kyla Question #81
So I wrote you about this man who has these very specific desires that, for the most part, coincide with my desires. I saw him again the other night, and had a pleasurable although somewhat jarring experience.
Kyla Question #82
Tonight was a very interesting night. I don't know how to write this question. Lots of irrational fear around this topic, but I'll push through it.
Kyla Question #83
I was out with a man, feeling sexy as all get out, and I happened to see the one person in this town that I was resistant to seeing. I guess aside from my ex-husband, that is.
I forgave this person a long time ago, choosing the higher perspective without consciously realizing that's what I was doing. I saw how he gave me a gift with his actions. I understood how it helped shape me into who I am today.
Kyla Question #84
A couple days before I saw that person at the bar, I happened to notice that I still had his number in my phone. Today, after the call, I was driving and feeling good, and I felt inspired (or so I thought) to text him and ask him to meet me.
Kyla Question #85
My kids got up at 4am again. Why does this keep happening for me?
I'm reminding myself that this is the most loving form of torture possible. I'm reminding myself that I love the shit out of them and am grateful to have them with me. I'm reminding myself that eventually I will look back fondly at these moments and perhaps even miss them
Kyla Question #86
Yesterday I felt inspired to go to that person's house, and so I did. I realized before going over there that I could release my fear without seeing him in person. I think when I reached out the day before, I was seeking external validation that I had nothing to be afraid of.
Kyla Question #87
Oh my god. Or should I say, oh my all that is. I have somehow just gotten everything I wanted. It's been a fucking day, that's for sure.
I went from almost being in tears when I wrote you earlier, to sending dirty emails to two different guys, to calling my gentleman friend back home and telling him I wanted more out of whatever it is we are doing.
Kyla Question #88
In the midst all this talk about power, I've just had a man ask me if I would be willing to play out his fantasy of being dominated by a powerful, aggressive woman. The irony of the situation is not lost on me, but the very concept feels so foreign that I have no idea how I would even go about doing that. It's funny because in real life I do feel powerful and aggressive to some extent, but in my sexual relationships I don't necessarily carry that same attitude.
Kyla Question #89
I understand that everything happens for me, nothing ever happens to me. I'd just finished saying those words as I was wrapping up my first take of the Passion Meditation. I felt really good about it, and thought I might not even need to record a second take. But when I clicked back over to Garageband, I realized I'd hit the "Play" button instead of the "Record" button, so I didn't actually record anything.
Kyla Question #90
I have a tooth that is about to fall out of my face. It's been sending me messages for a very long time, all of which I have ignored due to irrational fears surrounding the dentist. I keep telling myself I'm going to make an appointment and go, and then I keep coming up with excuses why now is not a good time.
Kyla Question #91
I'm interested in your thoughts on what I call expansion hangovers. I just had another big shift a few minutes ago where it was like I downloaded information that completely changed how I view the world, and there's been a LOT of those moments lately.
Kyla Question #92
I'm curious about the way I'm feeling today. Low energy, low motivation, low tolerance for negative emotion. Is this part of the expansion hangover? Or is it related to the two instances where I feel on unsure footing with men? Or, are they both part of the same thing (my limited perspective)?