Kyla Question #14



I like the idea of positive manifestation events and beneficial beliefs. It's not something I'd given much thought to before reading your last answer, although at times I've realized that positive things were happening were a direct result of my increased vibration. So, it makes sense to me and I'm excited to ponder it some more.

You mentioned something funny happening, and me laughing, and that being an indicator of a beneficial belief that I could reinforce, thereby increasing my vibration. Could you give me a more in-depth example? I feel like I'm getting pretty good at identifying my limiting beliefs, and I'd love to practice more at recognizing my beneficial beliefs.

Thanks for making my inner landscape even more interesting.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

Yes we can give you an example of being in alignment. When you are laughing, having a good time, enjoying life, feeling good, interested in something, you are fully aligned with your inner self in that moment. You are using a perspective that perfectly matches how your inner self is viewing the moment. This means that you are in the state of allowing and all that you want is making its way right to you.

Imagine you are at a park with your children. As you watch them play, you are enjoying the fresh air, the nice weather and the sight of them playing. You feel good and you see this moment as a good moment. That's all there is to it. This is your natural state of being. The vast majority of moments should be just like this one.

Suddenly, one of your children trips and falls and you feel fear. This is a negative emotion which feels bad because your fear. Children fall, it's part of the experience of being physical. If you release your fear, you'll feel relief. However, if you hold onto your fear, you'll attract thoughts designed to make you feel better. But they are lowvibrational thoughts created from a lower emotional state of being. The thoughts that come to you inspire you to speak and to act in order to give you (not your children) relief from your bad feeling. Instead of analyzing the fear and making yourself feel better, you unconsciously gather your children and leave the park. They were having fun, but you could not make yourself feel better and so the only thing you could do was leave the conditions.

Now, if you continue to feel fear and do nothing to resolve it, you might never allow your children to play in the park again. This one fear may be alleviated, but you haven't resolved it and so other fears will come up for you until you figure them out on your own or you lock your kids up in their rooms.

Feeling good means alignment and any negative emotion that may arise means you're temporarily out of alignment. If you can't resolve your fear, you'll sink into a low emotional state of being and you'll access lower vibrational thoughts. Learn to choose your perspective and you'll find yourself resolving all kinds of fears.

This was not really the answer to your question, but we feel it was important to state and so we did.

In our book we gave an example of a situation where you could be in alignment or out of alignment and how you might react. Imagine you are walking down the street with a group of friends. You're all laughing and having a grand time. You're making jokes and feeling really good. Suddenly your toe catches an elevation in the sidewalk and you trip and fall. All of your friends laugh in hysterics. In this high-flying state of being, how do you think you'd react? You'd laugh right along with them. You have access only to aligned thoughts in this state of being and you would certainly see the humor.

Now imagine that you are going to give a speech to a large group of very important people. You are feeling very nervous and because of your insecurity, you very much want to make a good impression. There's a lot riding on this. So you are introduced and as you make your way to the stage you trip and fall. How might you react in this state of being? You might feel embarrassed. This is a negative emotion that comes the instant you adopt the limited perspective. If you can regain your composure, you might see it from another perspective and feel better. It's all in how you choose to view it.

When you feel goosebumps, that is a signal that how you are choosing to look at the subject at hand is perfectly aligned with what you really want and who you really are. As soon as you realize what's happening, you can amp up the situation by acknowledging that this is a very good thing and that you are looking at it in a highly beneficial way. You can feel proud of yourself. You can give yourself credit. You can restate whatever belief you think is causing the goosebumps. That's how you energize a beneficial belief.

