Kyla Question #42



A couple people in my life are experiencing some heavy contrast right now. One of them has a spouse in hospice care, and the other one's child is moving several hours away with the other parent.

I can see a higher perspective of why these things might be happening for these people, but I don't know for sure where either of them stands in that regard, and it didn't feel appropriate for me to share that with them. So, in each case, I basically just said "I'm sorry."

Now I find myself wondering... what's the best way to respond to "bad" news in a way that conveys compassion for someone who is obviously hurting, without joining them in (and thereby reinforcing) their lower vibrational state?

With love,

Dear Kyla,

There is no wrong way to respond to anything, however, there are ways that are more empowering. When you see something as bad, you temporarily cut yourself off from the higher perspective. When you see the thing as part of one's journey, that they created the condition, that the event is for their higher good, that you might not be able to see it from your perspective, but you have faith that everything is working out as it should, then you engage the forces of the universe and your next step will be powerful and will bring positive energy to that situation.

You are conditioned by your society to behave in ways that seem to be acceptable. It seems to be acceptable to commiserate with another's pain and perceived misfortune. However, this is all based on fear and it is not empowering. What you really want to do is empower the one who is suffering. What you really want to do is share your perspective. What you really want to do is uplift them so that they can regain their access to inner guidance and higher vibrational thoughts and ideas.

There is no real benefit in suffering emotionally. This is simply one's own guidance system letting them know that they are looking at this situation from a limiting perspective. If you commiserate right along with them, you give them the impression that they are justified in their negative emotion. You know better, but your society wants you to act differently.

Feeling empathy is one thing, but showing sympathy really does nothing more than exacerbate the situation. You are an uplifter, you are a teacher, and you have access to the higher perspective. You have two choices: uplift or wallow along with them in their misery.

Now, we will say here that many are not a vibrational match to anything other than sadness and despair in these times of perceived crisis. However, if they are within your vibrational range, if they are somehow in contact with you, well, isn't that a coincidence? Why would you come into their lives at this exact moment in time? Why would they share their story with you? Of all the people in the world, you know more about the laws of the universe and the mechanism of physical reality than almost anyone. Isn't it interesting that they found you? Isn't that an astonishing coincidence?

There are no coincidences and there are no random acts of fate. If they found you, they are reaching for a glimpse of what you already know. They are seeking the higher perspective. They are looking not for comfort, but for knowledge. They don't want to feel better because you are sympathizing with them, they want to feel better as a result of seeking and finding a higher perspective. You can offer them that perspective.

You cannot know how they will react when you share what you know about the mechanism of physical reality and the powers of the universe. They came to you for a reason. It may be an introduction. What you say may lead them down a new path. What you send them to read might inspire them to read more. What you tell them might spark something inside them. You don't know. It might be of great benefit for them to hear your words and they might respond to them now or some time in the future.

Listen to your inspiration. What is it that you are inspired to do? Then feel the fear. What is the fear keeping you from doing? Realize the fear is irrational. They may hate you for offering your crazy ideas, but they won't kill you. If you cannot die as a result of your inspiration, then the fear you feel is irrational. Irrational fear is always, always false. Feel the fear and then make your decision. Even if you choose to continue to wallow around in the muck of their self-imposed misery, you will have gained from this experience. If you choose to send them a book, or an article, or say a few words, you will have gained a far more valuable experience. This is not just their manifestation event, it's yours as well.

