Kyla Question #8



Thank you for your answer to my last question. Part of me felt relief in reading it, but honestly part of me was hoping you would tell me I was crazy. Regardless, I'm following your suggestion, keeping my sights set on what I have to offer and trying to ignore everything else.

My question now is this -- what's the next step? I still have some stories (limiting beliefs) running about how I'm not organized enough, I'm not this enough or that enough. Shocking, right?

I'm doing my best to listen to my inner guidance, and only take inspired action. But there have been a couple instances where I took what I thought was inspired action, and then hit a roadblock. Does that mean I'm not yet aligned with those actions? If that's the case, why was I inspired to take those steps?

Perhaps the issue is that I'm still trying to see into the future instead of just trusting that everything is working out exactly as intended. Perhaps this would be a good time to look for evidence that things are always working out for me. It'd be awesome if you could give me a I on the right track?

I can already hear you telling me that I'm always on the right track. That being said, I'd still love some confirmation that I'm headed in the right direction and that progress is being made.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

Let's imagine that you are working on a great project. The final result of this project does not exist in reality now. You have an idea and a feeling of what the end result will be, but because it does not yet exist in your reality, you cannot know what the universe will manifest. You believe that you alone will manifest this project, yet, what you are really doing is thinking it into your reality. If it does not yet exist in your reality, you are not yet a vibrational match to it. You must become a match to it for it to exist in your reality. You must change your vibration so that it matches the end result of this project.

If you can change along the way as you work on your project, you will begin to see evidence of its manifestation. You must continually and gradually alter your vibration. But, here's the thing, there's nothing for you to do. The universe will bring up manifestation events which, if you allow, will cause you to alter your beliefs and your perspective, which will simultaneously cause modifications to your vibration.

Sometimes you will receive inspiration to act so that you will be led right smack dab in the middle of a manifestation event. You felt the inspiration and you acted and it led you to a situation which would confront your limiting beliefs. If you look at the situation and analyze your limiting beliefs and the fear at the basis of them, and you find evidence to prove they're false, you've just reduced the intensity of them and your vibration shifts in a direction that moves you further along your path toward what you want.

Imagine that you cannot complete the project unless you change. In fact, if you do not change your vibration, you'll simply give up. The project will never get done. It will never be realized. You will quit if you hang onto the set of beliefs you now have. Those beliefs are limiting in as far as this particular project is concerned. They could also limit you in other ways as well. Unless you become a match to what you want, what you want cannot manifest in your reality. It is law.

The universe will put you in situations that test your belief system, your attitude, your approach to life, your resistance and your fears. If you maintain your resistance by feeling frustrated, fearful, and doubtful, you won't change. If you allow your beliefs to be modified and if you analyze your beliefs and prove that the limiting ones are false, your vibration will change and you'll receive more inspiration to act.

If you receive inspiration, the outcome is always beneficial. It's just that your perception has a lot to do with how you view certain events. If you judge them as bad, wrong, or roadblocks, then your resisting what is really happening. If you say to yourself, "I wonder why I think this is a roadblock? I feel negative emotion so that must be a sign that I'm looking at this situation from a limited perspective. There must be some limiting belief that's based in fear. I wonder what it is? Is it that I think I'm not good enough to do this? Well that's not true. I'm good at lots of things and if it's something I'm interested in then I can be sure that it's right for me. Maybe I'm not there yet, but this is a process and I can get there."

You are inspired to act when the action will move you toward that which you want. It might not seem like it in the moment, but if you felt inspiration, it was for your best interests in the long term. Your perception is limited. You must look at roadblocks and other such things from a higher perspective in order to see the benefits they bring. You are on the right track.

