Kyla Question #21



I was just re-reading your answer to my question regarding angels, and the following jumped out at me:

"In the physical reality you have that which is of interest to you. In the nonphysical reality we also have that which interests us."

That made me wonder...are there beings in the nonphysical whose interests center around a desire to cause chaos for those of us in the physical realm? Would they be what we in the physical might call demons?

Along those same lines, are there beings who enter this reality with that sole purpose in mind? If yes, are they still beings of pure positive light just like the rest of us? Do any beings exist which are not of pure positive light?

Thanks as always for your insight.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. Everything is right. Anything perceived as wrong is done so from a limited perspective. Everything in the universe is neutral. You, from your perspective, decide what is good or bad, right or wrong. Are there any bad entities in the nonphysical realm? From our perspective there is not. However, everyone is entitled to their own perspective.

There are not those in the nonphysical wishing to cause chaos on Earth because no one can create in another's reality. However, some do come to physical reality with the intention of shaking things up. Elvis Presley comes to mind. Many thought he was wrong for performing the way he did. Was he wrong? Did he stir things up? Did he come with this intention? Was that bad? It all depends on your perspective.

Terrorists come to stir things up. School shooters come to stir things up. The victims come to intentionally be a part of it all. It is all pre-orchestrated. Is it wrong? That depends on your perspective.

Imagine being a teenager when the Beatles arrived in America. It was so exciting. Imagine being a parent of a teenager at that time. It was so scary. Looking back at it now from the perspective of history, it seems a little tepid. What were those girls screaming about? It's all a matter of perspective.

When you judge anything as wrong, realize that you are doing so from a limited perspective. From the higher perspective, everything is right.

