Kyla Question #32



In the past two days, I've had two different conversations with two delightful men whom I'd never met before, and each of them happened to have the same first name as my ex. I've been hearing his name around a lot lately, in passing and at work and when I'm out and about. I hadn't paid much attention, because it's a fairly common name, but I found it very curious when these two conversations happened so close to one another.

What is the significance of this? Both of them were quite pleasant. Is it a sign of my changing vibration, letting me know that I can (continue to) have equally pleasant conversations with my ex?

Thanks in advance for your insight.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

For a period of time, you were seeking to avoid hearing your ex's name. His name brought forth negative emotion. Now that you are resolving these fears about him and learning to see him from a higher, more empowering perspective, you are no longer so resistant. In fact, you are crossing the threshold from fear to love and as you do, his name no longer causes the degree of anxiety it once did. You are taking a perspective that allows you to maintain your positive feelings and proving to the universe that you have indeed changed. The universe is simply checking up on you.

The universe is asking if you have changed. Have you really changed or are you pretending to feel better? There's only one way to find out. You will be placed in situations which have the capacity to bring out emotion. If you have really changed, your emotions will have also changed.

You have made the change by reducing the intensity of the fears around your ex. Once you reduced the intensity of these fears, your life begins to change. This experience of meeting two nice people with the same name is part of that change. There are no coincidences. You will face a manifestation event and the universe will watch how you react. If you have less resistance, then your reality changes. If you have the same resistance, then nothing changes.

You cannot eliminate fear, all you can do is reduce its intensity. Once you've done that, you will keep reducing it as you encounter manifestation events on the subject. Keep working, keep thinking, keep analyzing, and keep finding more empowering perspectives. When a manifestation event pops up, see it as a test. Don't react in the same old way, carefully choose your reaction based on your new understanding of fear.

