Kyla Question #90



I have a tooth that is about to fall out of my face. It's been sending me messages for a very long time, all of which I have ignored due to irrational fears surrounding the dentist. I keep telling myself I'm going to make an appointment and go, and then I keep coming up with excuses why now is not a good time.

The funny thing is that all of those times I said weren't a good time would have been a much "better" time than right now. I have two birthday parties for my son today, I need to go to the store and bake a cake, I have a date tonight and I would like to clean myself and my apartment up for that, and the most fear-inducing thing is that since the divorce is final I no longer have insurance. So why wouldn't today be the day my tooth starts crumbling and making my whole mouth hurt?

Is this a sign of resistance to the birthday stuff and the to-do list involved, or to the date and this thing I'm not sure how to do, or to the dentist and the ten years it's been since I've been there, or to the insurance situation, or to all of it and more?

I don't even know where to start with this one. My weekend is full and my only free day before the kids come back is Monday, and I don't want to spend it in a dentist's chair. I'm clearly rolling around in the limited perspective here and it doesn't feel great.

I'm going to try to turn the ship around.

* My kid is five years old, and he's incredible, and I'm so excited and grateful to be able to celebrate him with his dad and brother and friends.

* I have a good-looking younger man coming over tonight who is willing to do virtually anything I ask of him. I get to explore myself and my limits in a fun, safe way with a person I am very attracted to.

*Going to the dentist will not kill me. All of the fear around it is irrational and due largely to my worries of what the dentist (whose opinion doesn't matter at all) will think of me and my poor dental hygiene.

*I am abundant. Money is simply energy. Insurance is a thing made up by humans in this version of physical reality. I am creating all of this and I am loved and supported and everything is always working out for me.

There. That feels better. But I'd still like to know what specific limiting beliefs this manifestation is meant to highlight. Thanks in advance for your insight.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

All unwanted physical conditions stem from resistance. That is okay. There is going to be resistance. When you have something that is causing you pain or irritation and it can be fixed simply, then that is always an option. Certainly there will be times when a medical solution will cure your pain. When something simple comes up and there is a way to relieve it, then that is usually the path of least resistance. Your tooth is part of your path.

Let's imagine that you want a nice smile and healthy teeth, but you have a fear of the dentist. In order for you to create the healthy oral conditions you prefer, you must see your dentist regularly. This is within your current belief system. If you believed you could have healthy teeth and gums without seeing the dentist, this would be the case for you. However, you have been led to the belief system you now have and there's really nothing you can do about it. This is one of those beliefs that will be difficult to prove limiting and false. There's is just too much supporting evidence.

So you are stuck with this belief and therefore you must abide by it. You know you should go to the dentist and yet you do not out of fear. Mostly it's fear of his or her opinion of the way you take responsible care of your teeth. Again we see this theme. Would you care what the mechanic thought of the way you take care of your car? Maybe yes and maybe not as much? Would you care what the the teacher thought of the way you take care of your children? Probably yes. Even more so than the dentist. Do you care what your mother thinks of the way you keep your apartment and especially your room? Probably yes. Are you choosing to live your life based on what others think of you? Probably yes. Is this limiting? Absolutely, because it's all fear and it's irrational.

There are things you need to do to experience the life that is contained within the frequency of your vibration. If you need to see the dentist, a tooth will start to create a problem and a trip to the dentist will be the logical next step. If you fear what the dentist says, you will put off doing what you need to do. Remember, this universe is all about timing. It is a space and time reality. Time is an important aspect. When it is time to do something, just do it. It will be the right time.

If you are inspired to do something from a high emotional state of being, you will receive thoughts and ideas at the right time. If something needs to be done to get you were you want to go, you will be notified. If you have fear, that's natural. Push through your fears and do it anyway. You say the tooth is not inspired from a high emotional state of being. Are you sure? Just because a trip to the dentist doesn't seem like fun, how do you know until you get there? It's just irrational fear standing in your way.

You have a painful tooth and your first thought is to go to the dentist. That is inspired thought. You rationalize that it is not inspired because it is not something you want to do. We see your point. However, it is something you need to do given your belief system. Want and need are in the same category. Fear prevents you from doing things you want to do and fear can also prevent you from doing things you need to do. Move through the fear and do what needs to be done.

