Love and Relationships


  • Liesel

    I’ve noticed in myself and many other Friends of Joshua that we have had inspiration to leave our partners or our jobs. Why is that? Isn’t that the ultimate in changing conditions? How to tell the difference between controlling conditions and following inspired ideas?

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  • Cate

    My question is around manifestation events. Something that I regret that happened in my past is my cruelty towards my ex husband. I had a tone and condemning way around certain things with him for a number of years. I didn’t see the ugliness of it for years until he had enough and then I realized how cruel I was being. And then I had a handful of years learning how to love. But this ultimately was one of the reasons for the destruction of my marriage. Having a hard time finding that it was actually right. How can my cruelty be right?

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  • Ondine

    I had an uneasy feeling about someone “x” a couple of weeks ago. Then 3 days ago I had a very profound dream that felt so real that my partner was leaving me for “x”. Last night at work I had a phone call from someone to say be careful of “x”. It’s obviously connected to fear around my partner. Up and until “x” came into the equation I had not had fear of him leaving me which I believe is the basis of the manifestation event to show this. I have the tools from Joshua re working to understand the fear and to appreciate the manifestation event and circumstances surrounding it. I can’t seem to get “help” for myself on this as I’m emotionally connected although I received thoughts that what I had picked up was from the energy / vibration of “x” which is the way I am now picking up things. I also felt that being the creator of my own reality I could place myself into appreciation and gratitude and this would change the vibration.

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  • Roxanne

    In dating, I attract interesting men and women, but the ones who seem to want to stick around the longest are those who are preoccupied with their physical maladies. Dreary, sad, worried.

    What is my limiting belief here? Do I think the happy, healthy ones won’t stay? I’m pretty sure I feel fully worthy of the partners I want, but do my manifestation events suggest otherwise?

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  • Kimmie

    I have a question that I have been struggling with for the past 3-4 weeks. I have cbeen trying to resolve it myself and I also have been trying to write out my manifestation events leading from my interaction and I am unable to get past 3 sentences. Here is my situation …

    I met a guy about a year ago at one of my racing events. He had showed interest and asked me out to dinner and I declined. I did not really think much about it at the time.

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  • Roxanne

    I was thinking about a fear and its accompanying limiting belief, and I couldn’t answer for myself whether the fear was “rational” or not.

    I’m afraid that exploring my sexuality will lead to dis-ease. It’s not a lion in the living room. It won’t end my life immediately Does that mean it’s irrational?

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  • Sara

    My boyfriend and I have had very different experiences as far as relationships. I’ve been in several more than he has, so sometimes when he says certain things it brings up past traumas and limiting beliefs for me. I know he never means anything in a negative way, and I realize it’s my own issues and baggage that triggers those emotions. How can I move past those emotions and see them for what they are in the moments when I start to feel triggered and in a lower state emotionally?

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  • Genevieve

    I feel like I want to explore the expansion of my ability to love but this desire has come after I am already married. My desire includes the deep love I have for my husband but allows for deep authentic connection with others in whatever way naturally unfolds. Unfortunately, my husband cannot understand. Is my desire a false desire?

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  • Tammy

    How do I move through the pain of attachment? I have felt like I was attached to certain women that provided me the comfort I never received from my mother. (I get that she did her best and had her own problems and can now say I’m grateful she played her part in my reality.) I keep repeating the cycle of feeling attached then feeling abandonment. I get that I set this up. I’m not sure how to move through this.

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  • Wesley

    I am going through a divorce right now and my girlfriend who I feel very deeply about just met my kids for the first time last night. It was a bit much for her and I’ve tried to explain as best I can that everything is going to be ok. She didn’t think that they would be this much work. I care and love her very very deeply and we both agree that we have never had someone feel so passionate about the other person. She wants me to say something that will just make it all click for her in her mind and I’ve said as much as I feel like I can. Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Tina

    I’m having a hard time with the homework right now. I’m in a very confusing relationship. It’s messed up.

    He has been abusing alcohol and drugs off and on, often on weekends and it causes issues for me. I feel like he is not good enough, but I know that it’s because I feel that way about myself. He sometimes gets angry and calls me names or gets intense in public and I find it embarrassing and I get angry. I get so angry that I also yell and judge him. I feel like he puts me in unsafe conditions. Anyway, I broke up with him on this trip awhile ago and that is challenging of course because we are still on this trip.

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  • Tistrya

    I have a conundrum! As Gary advised, I didn’t contact Justin who previously offered to pay for my trip to Vegas. And as Gary suggested – I kept open to the universe & kept visualizing just being on the flight. Not worrying about how or when or the details – just seeing it. Then the universe did respond – in the form of Justin.

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  • Tistrya

    After a month of just awfulness between Justin & I in our relationship, manifestation event after manifestation event… It was an awful holiday where we did not get along very well. I have finally, after a great drama that he caused on the airplane & airport, decided that I must must walk away to protect myself & my children.

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  • Tistrya

    Thank you for your answers to my last email, I have been practicing being more allowing, not resisting, and feeling ultra worthy!!

    The past couple weeks have been testing for Justin & I despite my constant efforts and over the weekend, we had a huge huge fight, which allowed me to see parts of myself that I know not are me.

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  • Tistrya

    Since I wrote to you last week – things have been better. I have put in to practice my non attachments, allowing, and practising feeling worthy. Whenever I can, I tell myself “I am worthy” and really try to embody that feeling and as I do I instantly feel better. Raising my vibration. I guess as a result of my positive feeling and positive thinking (and avoiding bad thoughts) has gained Justin & I some joy this past week. Mia, his daughter, finally expressed to the mother that she was going to see her father, and came over for the whole weekend. In these moments – we felt like it did all happen for a reason, we understood – hindsight is a beautiful thing. We felt as though all the ins and outs of what has happened until this point didn’t really matter – we are here now, and things are better. On Monday as he took Mia back to school, he also saw Jensen who also expressed his wishes to come and see him on Wednesday. All seemed well.

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  • Tistrya

    Justin & I have been in this relationship for the past 6 months but actually met 12 years ago, when we were both not ready for the connection we feel now, and circumstances have brought us back together, I feel at the perfect time. Justin is separated and has had 50% of time with his children, his ex-partner is testing and her only goal seems to be the destruction of him, despite Jensen & Mia’s sufferings. She is at times I feel an evil force and will not stop at any cost. Her sole intension is the removal of me from his life. Over the years she has befriended me, depicting Justin as a monster and abusive to her & the time Justin & I were not in touch – but I couldn’t seem to piece together what she was leading me to believe but she did make me to feel sorry for her. I only remembered Justin to be a perfectly lovely gentleman who was kind and so nice, but at the time for me too nice, as I felt unworthy.

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  • Jane

    I wrote to you about a year ago and you gave me invaluable advice, thank you. At the time, my husband of 12 years was having a two year midlife crisis – behaving badly and texting and having an emotional affair with our neighbour. My 5 kids and I were very upset, but we struggled on. I read several books on the midlife crisis and decided to hang in there, get on with our lives as best we could, and not take his awful insults personally. Things got better and over the last year he really seems a lot happier and things seemed better. I started to trust him again.

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  • Tistrya

    I have currently rekindled a relationship from 12 years ago. My partner Justin is 47 years & I am 30. We both have two children and are separated. Everything about our relationship works. I feel we are deeply in love. The history behind our relationship is complicated as over the years his ex (mother of children) has befriended me, by turning myself against Justin, whom I’d never had any qualms with. Our relationship years ago simply did not work as I was 18 & he 35 – we were both in very different places in our lives.

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  • Tracy

    I love you all so very much. I have been listening to podcasts for months. They have helped me so much. One day I will join the One on One and I can’t wait.

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  • Nina

    I have been reading all of Astrid’s Q&As and I have had so many aha moments. She has asked so many of the questions that I could have asked myself, because unworthiness and fear of negative emotion are issues I am struggling with too. One big issue for me is to accept everything and everyone as right. I tend to judge people, even though I try my best to seem very accepting, but lately I am starting to realise that this is a “fake” acceptance to seem more likable by others (if that makes sense?!).

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  • Ben

    I’m focused on improving my vibration and thanks to you I’m making good progress. I have something I need to get over that you may be able to help with. I seem to have a theme going on. When another retracts their love from me or treats me unkindly or focuses on my negative aspects, my response is to retract my love for them. OMG I’m still responding to outside conditions aren’t I? I know somehow I have to convince myself that I am love and I am worthy of love and that I should start by appreciating myself, but I clearly feel unworthy of love so any help would be greatly appreciated.

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  • Isabella

    I have a question regarding relationships. I’m living with a great guy, and we have been together for almost three years. The relationship has taught me so much, so I really appreciate him and the spiritual progress that I’m making.

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  • Donna

    I have a question that his been bothering me for a long time it’s a limiting belief and it’s complicated so here goes. I hope I can say this clearly. It’s about masturbation and having a climax.

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  • Elyse

    As long as I can remember I bought hook, line, and sinker into this limiting belief that money, job status of yourself and spouse was the ruler/rubric of happiness in life. I experienced that deeply all throughout childhood. My parents were unhappily insecure, jealous and always wanting. I’ve always defined myself by what I had, my job title or who I am with. So I guess my pattern was to wait for my perception of what others around me thought for me to be happy or not.

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  • Kristyna

    I have an unconventional question and I’m not sure if this is your expertise, but I have to ask. My name is Kristyna, I’m 27 years old, and never had a serious relationship. At this point, I’m mentally giving up on meeting my soul mate this current lifetime and imagining my future as a single, independent woman. It works for me perfectly. I have no more feelings of feeling lonely or that I am missing out on something. I’m fully aware that all love comes within and I know I can be happy by myself. But tonight I had the most real dream/awake moment in my life where I’m sure a non physical entity came in to my room, dove in to my body and was trying to tell me a message.

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  • Ben

    I’m writing from Kettering in the UK and there is great love here for you. I’m passionately reading and absorbing everything I can get my hands on. I have many questions and it’s hard to decide what to ask, I’d love to spend a whole day chatting, but I’ll go for one regarding my specific situation and then maybe hang a cheeky little extra one on the end.

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  • Jane

    I would like to know if I am doing the right thing in my situation. I have been happily married for 10 years and have two wonderful children. We were all very happy until my husband had a midlife crisis and started to act in a very peculiar fashion. He also became very close with our next door neighbour who he said was his “best friend” (although I thought I was!!) He wanted to spend lots of time with her and texted her all the time.

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  • Megumi

    I am a single mother of two and have been separated now for 5 years from their father. I have had a string of unsuccessful relationships and finally came to conclusion that I need to work more on myself. Since the last couple of months I came into contact with a man, who is in an unhappy relationship with three children (grown up).

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  • Lorraine

    I had an erotic vision when I first met my previous boss. I found it weird at first and I didn’t have any feelings for her until I realised that she kept checking me out. I couldn’t sleep and had been thinking of her for a few months then finally I told her I liked her and what I went through since I met her. She rejected me by saying she is straight and old.

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  • Linda

    Do we stay married after we die? Is getting married in a temple mean you can be married for ever?

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  • Ivana

    Thank you very much for answering my question from 2016-10-11. I’m reading it over and over and over again. You said: “You must choose to feel good by releasing your resentment, forgiving your partner, and realizing that this was all done for your benefit.” I think I understand that, but the question in my head that is repeating constantly is HOW?

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  • Gentleman Friend

    Let me apologize at the beginning if this is too long of a question. Honestly, I’m not even sure how to start off. I’ve been exposed to LOA for some time now, from various sources. I’ve always recognized an energy, or a “rhythm” to life. There have been times in my life where I have been “tuned in” to that vibration much more so than others, but those times are few, and I can’t recall any actions on my part that made that “tuning in” possible at times more than others. In fact, I always considered it more subliminal, and never thought about it as a “science”, or a mindset.

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  • Ivana

    I know that my partner is the perfect mirror to my feelings, but I do not understand what was I feeling about myself that I would attract his infidelity after 15 years of marriage. It’s been over a year ago, but feelings of hurt and betrayal do not pass. I’m not able to “forgive” or make peace with this manifestation. I live in constant fear of him doing it again, to the point that I sometimes feel sorry that he didn’t leave me for the other woman (which by his words was never his intention), rather than living in constant fear, and acting needy, controlling, and possessive.

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  • Astrid

    What is this need for intimacy? I mean emotional intimacy, sharing my thoughts and feelings, as well as sharing my everyday life and of course physical intimacy. Is this something I can find within myself and give to myself? If so what is it I am seeking and how do I find it? I am trying to let go of this need but it just keeps getting worse and worse the more I try to let go of it. And I keep telling myself that whatever I seek from others I need to give to myself, but I don’t really understand how I can give myself this intimacy. Is it just another way of showing me that I don’t love myself? If I love myself fully will I no longer need intimacy and want to share my life with someone else?

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  • Shane

    I was shown your website by my cousin completely out of the blue, so I know I am meant to be here and hopefully find an answer or some direction to the situations I’m finding myself in more often as of late. The loving mother and spirit of ayahuasca welcomed me into her arms a few years ago and since then I have come a long way within myself both mentally and spiritually. I have been given the opportunity for exponential growth and awareness and I’m so grateful for that. I now 100% love who I am and openly put loving energy out into the world.

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  • Stacey

    How do I help my husband who is in pain, and considering leaving me over past hurts though we got married and I thought we were past the pain? I’m working on myself, and I know he’s my soulmate, and he felt I was his in the past.

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  • Kimberly

    I hope you are having a good time in spirit with my Beloved Kahlua and of course, Prince. I have a very deep question to ask. I was recently dating a guy, and have decided that he is not the guy for me. However upon deciding to end it, I had many feelings that I feel were transferred to me as a child from my mother. Meaning, I feel that I have stored these negative feelings inside of me for years.

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  • Allyson

    I can’t express my appreciation for your teachings enough! I devoured “A Radical Change” and grasped so much I can feel it’s already assisted me in seeking that joyful path that is mine. I am half way through “A Perception of Reality” and, like the first, I can’t put it down! So questions arise during my activities of the day.

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  • Astrid

    My neighbor is playing his music almost 24/7, loud enough that I have to listen to it. I get angry and frustrated and want hum to stop. I realise this is all on me, I attracted this. Looking back I also see that this problem with noisy neighbors has been with me for years, getting worse and worse. So obviously I am missing the message!

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  • Cassandra

    Thank you so much for your time and insight. I would like to know how to best support my partner through his feelings of depression. He feels lost and unsure about everything in his life. He once said kind of jokingly “my life has no meaning”, but I could feel a bit of truth in it. He keeps getting further and further from me emotionally and I would love to know what I can do to help to get him to spiral up verses down. Even further, how would he go about finding his true calling; that seems to be what he’s longing for. Thank you.

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  • Stacey

    Recently, I have gone through a divorce and am now feeling so free, but have gained some weight and not loving myself unconditionally, nor do I want to be “seen” when I go out. I have an understanding that this will fall away when it no longer serving a purpose in my life. I have attempted to find a limiting belief that is keeping the weight on but haven’t quite found that.

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  • Matt

    I wrote to you a while back asking about how you viewed romantic love and soul mates. Well, I think I may have just experienced the law of attraction in action when it comes to romantic love myself. 🙂 Earlier this month, I listened to a podcast from a Law of Attraction coach, who talked about 10 affirmations you can do for finding a soulmate. He spoke the affirmations for males, and had a female friend speak for females.

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  • Anonymous

    I’m outta control. How is it that I’ve found my way to your teachings, yet I’m hurting so bad. I’m drinking too much. I’m doing things that are hurtful to me. My husband had several affairs. I know from a higher perspective he had needs at the time and I was gone on business a lot. And his path is full of hard times and feeling good for him is hard so he takes what presents. I don’t want to leave him but I loop into bad thought patterns and want to search his phone and doubt what he says now and what we are doing and everyone has said right now is about me and that should be my focus and he will follow.

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  • Anonymous

    Joshua, when you talk about love there are things that I don’t understand. You say “in a natural world free from the influences of society, you would love all” , “you would not pick and choose who to love, you would simple love everyone” Just to love everybody the same, it’s boring! If I love everybody the same and they all love me the same, I would have stayed in the non-physical

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  • Matt

    One of the over-arching desires you hear across the Law of Attraction circles is the desire to attract a soulmate. It seems that the main goal or purpose in life for most people is to attract that “one” person into their life. Once that happens all of life’s problems will be solved. Dating sites make money hand-over-fist capitalizing on these desires. How do you in the non-physical view romantic love?

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  • Angela

    How can I stop rumination? 5 years ago, I left my husband as he was trying to make me insane so he could run off with his girlfriend without looking bad for deserting me and our children, one who has Aspergers. He was leading a secret life, having an affair with his wealthy Chinese boss, forged my signature on loan and mortgage documents leaving me with unbelievable debt, and ignoring me completely.

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  • Kelly

    I appreciate the time taken to answer. I understand what you are saying but I guess I can’t totally wrap my mind around the idea of accepting something I don’t prefer. I’ve learned that we create/ choose what we want through our focus/desires and that the universe does its job to deliver it and doesn’t judge what we are choosing. If what we want isn’t possible unless we change our preferences and open up to all possibilities, then why prefer anything at all?

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  • Kelly

    I recently read your book and one part conflicts somewhat with what I’ve understood since becoming aware of LOA.

    You say that the universe is constantly presenting us with situations designed to shape us into the version of ourselves which is aligned with our desires. I understand and can accept this idea.

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  • Sue V.

    My question is simple…how do you love someone close to you ie kids/spouse/parents/siblings etc, without attachment to their actions? How do you keep their actions at a distance and not let it effect you emotionally? Forever grateful for your service,

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  • Jacky

    Do domestic animals incarnate for their own specific purpose of growth and expansion? I’d like to understand better the interactive roles we play in each other’s lives and how much we as the “owners/carers” of our animals may better approach this relationship without trying too much to influence/limit their experiences?

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  • Shira

    I had really great few days, but also a little annoying. I hope you’ll be able to answer my question. My question today is:

    1. What is the leading edge of thoughts?

    2. Who are the people that are on the leading edge?

    3. Assuming I don’t want to be on the leading edge of thought anymore, can I change this call?

    4. We ask (want things) and in certain cases we say goodbye to things or people in order to have what we want. But what about a case in which I don’t want to be separated (physically) from something??? Should I stop asking or wanting? How do I stop that?

    5. Let’s say I accepted that separation… how can I be sure that the next thing I’ll get will stay with me (boyfriend for example). I ask for a change – and the person goes away instead of staying. Isn’t it better to just stop asking for changes and just suffer a little? I mean… every one else does it. Because asking also leads to suffering – I lost things I wanted.

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  • Shira

    I must say that since you’ve answered my questions and also I read your articles, my vibration is much higher- I really feel it. Today I was a little confused so I decided to pray – I thought maybe I’ll reach my higher self, so I start talking and talking about the subject, and said exactly what I was feeling and after the prayer I don’t think I had more clarity, but I felt real good and forgot all about the subject. so… I don’t know why, but I want to thank you for that.

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  • Cassandra

    I understand I am the center of my universe! What I would like to know is are the people in my life created by me or do they exist in another parallel universe? Is my husband a figment of my imagination? Lol!!!

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  • Sienna

    I was just sitting here in a really good mood thinking about my life and how amazing it is and going to be. My mind stumbled across the subject of relationships. I noticed that the main issue that a lot of couples have is the whole thing about cheating on one another and how “wrong” it is. I believe that our society just has a limited perspective on this subject so they view it as a bad thing. I want to break the chain and have my relationships be easy-breezy.

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  • Sienna

    I had this experience about a week ago that I have been hesitant to ask about. It has to do with spiders and I feel like if I talk about it or even write about it then it will just attract more spiders into my life because I am focusing on it. I have finally decided to brave asking about it now because I am fed up with being afraid of spiders.

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  • Pamela

    My burning question today is in regards to the Syria crisis and other immigrants. There is so much focus on this Syria crisis of their people fleeing and trying to make a new life in other countries. I live in Canada which for the most part is a loving free country. We are always taking in mass amounts of immigrants fleeing their war torn countries.

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  • Michele

    I am dating a man that I love very much. In fact, we had dated before, broken up, got back together, and things are better than they ever have been. However, nothing is ever good enough for me. I see all my friends being showered with gifts from their boyfriends, being taken out to nice places, and spoiled. I do not get treated this way.

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  • Christine

    I feel deep within my body that I’m disconnected with my partner, with whom I have two beautiful girls with (18 months & 4 years old). He’s a fab daddy and a wonderful man, but I want more. I don’t want to split my children away from him but it just doesn’t feel right anymore. I’m in a state of transition and know that I should keep going with ending the relationship, but I have no idea if this is the right thing I should do? How do I truly trust my instincts whilst making sure my children are kept centred? I’m also scared about the future as I’ve started my own business after following a path that doesn’t work for me for such a long time. I feel like I’m going mad!

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  • Anonymous

    I have been in a relationship for 3-4 years somehow knowing that it would not last, and it didn’t. He chose to leave and I secretly wanted to leave too but at the same time I was hoping that the relationship would get better. I know I was not wasting my time these years but I can’t help feeling stupid for staying in something where there obviously was no future. It was like I was fooling myself. I can’t really understand my own creation in this and why I had to be in this relationship. It was ok, I hoped for more but never got it. I taught him so much but don’t feel he taught me anything more than what I could learn without him. So my question is, why did I create this kind of relationship and had to “waste” these years ? I look forward to be with my soulmate but I don’t really know if I am doing this the right way… Help me get more clear 🙂

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  • Anonymous

    A and I met 14 months ago and hit it off from the start.. We had many fights in the Las 8 months as I hoped for him to commit to our relationship as I did..but trust issues on my side and commitment issues on his brought us to breaking up today.. The first time I saw him, a little voice in me said “He’s the One”.. So I persevered..we both did..but everything came to a head since yesterday and I had to let him go.. My question is: Will we get back together again? And if so, will we both work on ourselves and our relationship, and lead us to our marriage and having a family together?

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  • Hugh

    I have been wondering about the following contradictory phrases regarding ones response to being slighted.

    An eye for an eye, revenge is sweet, get even, etc. and Let sleeping dogs lay, never take anything to the bitter end, don’t hold grudges, turn the other cheek, forgive and forget, etc.

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  • Kelly

    I have recently returned from a 2 month extended work/vacation feeling strong, financially abundant and in a really great place. During this time away I experienced the life I want to have on a regular basis. I was happy, I laughed often, I could spend my financial abundance the way I chose. I also, felt supported and appreciated by the people I surrounded myself with.

    Now I am home, I have returned to a man who I have been with for quite sometime. We have a one sided relationship where I provide all of the financial support to my partner and my children. My partner helps with my household and does love me and my children and has been the only father figure my children have known and I appreciate him for this. However he has never supported me financially and did not support my decision to leave for 2 months. This puts an enormous amount of strain and stress on me when it comes to finances and any other decision I may have because I do not feel supported. I find myself resenting him.

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  • Anonymous

    I have be enjoying loving myself and life a lot more since my partner decided he needed time out. I have let go of a lot of resistance and the chatter in my head has finally left the building. I’m again shining and I feel him with me, I’m very excited for what unfolds in my life. Please send some tips on maintaining this vibration so I don’t allowing the reality, which I had previous created which lead to this distancing. Effect the future I’m Now creating, which I feel so much. I want to stay clear and I know confusing thoughts lead to confusing results. I also want to maintain this loving momentum when we are together again and during our relationship. Any tips will be a blessing.

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  • Anonymous

    I hope it’s okay to ask this question, because I’m starting to feel disillusioned about the whole manifesting thing.

    The things I try to manifest don’t work. And the things I don’t even try to create do happen.

    I was pray rain journaling for a new boyfriend, and got a surprise tax refund instead. Then I set an intention for a good doctor’s appointment, which didn’t turn out well at all; and instead manifested a promotion at work which I wasn’t even trying to get and am not really sure I want.

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  • Anonymous

    The boy whom I like a lot will be getting married to someone else via arranged marriage system. I really like to believe that on letting go of this boy I will get what Universe has lined up for me. But how do I deal with this pain? It hurts so much to see this boy with someone else.

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  • Sue

    I have a relationship question that I would like to get your point of view on. My husband of 16 years is a very strong man. He is strong is who he is and what he wants out of life. He feels he has been here (lifetimes) so many times that he doesn’t care what others think – as long as he is happy. He balances himself pretty well between his male and female sides. He is very loving towards me and our children. He also likes his female friends and gets them to the point that they feel very deep emotions for him.

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  • Emma

    I am currently in the process of manifesting my soulmate into my life. I have clearly defined what I am looking for and know he is out there, looking for me too. I know we will be together soon. But my problem is that I keep noticing he is not here yet and get disappointed! I keep trying to think of ways we might meet and try to put myself into situations where I could meet him, even though I know this is the universe’s job, not mine. How do I let go of my impatience for him to be in my life right now and trust in the universe to bring me what I desire?

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  • Paridhi

    I never fell in love all these 26 years in my life until I met a boy two years ago. I met him second time in life. Earlier I had met him 8 years ago – but there was zero interaction. I kinda used to feel weird repulsion on seeing him. Whenever I saw him I felt like to leave the place for reasons I do not know even today. This time after getting to know him, interacting with him plus the series of co-incidences that led to our friendship make me feel he is the one for me. In fact I feel he is my soulmate. We like each other. I want him to be my life partner. But for family reasons [caste, tradition] he says its not possible to get married. I feel hurt. If he is not the one for me why do I still strongly feel he is the one? Is it true that God decides who partners us in life? If I let go of him will I get to meet the one God has planned for me? Please answer. Thanks.

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  • Pamela Massey

    My question today is in regards to my husband. He left his job in 2009 to pursue his own business. It has been a long road of struggle and great financial losses. This past winter he took a seasonal job out West because his business did so badly and he lost a lot of our income.

    His business is Day Trading and he has spent many years learning and studying it. The financial losses have been so great but he will not give up. He loves doing it but the stress it puts on the home life is huge. I have always believed in him and see him as a brilliant man. Unfortunately he is not a follower of Law of Attraction. I know he would do so well if he was a leading edge creator like myself. If anything he gets angry when I try to show him or talk about all the teachings of yours or Abraham. He thinks it’s all silly pie in the sky stuff. He doesn’t believe we create our own reality.

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  • Debra Jo

    Thank you for your words of encouragement regarding my last question. I reread it every day and get a different answer each time I read it. So thank you for that.

    I am intending to only perform action when inspired. But I am having difficulty determining what is inspired action. Can you give a bit of insight on how we know when action is inspired? And when immediate results are needed, how to recognize the right path?

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  • Debra Jo

    Frank and I have been so high flying, joyous, and extremely grateful every day, celebrating consciously for several months. We end each day appreciating how successful our business and life is and have been planning super fun things like trips to Spain, boat fishing trips, remodeling of our upstairs bath, etc. All of these plans came about due to the wonderful income we have manifested in our business. Today our largest account which makes up over 1/3 of our business ($148,000 last year) told us he was starting his own powder coating division and would not be using us anymore. I keep repeating “everything is right” but I am having a hard time thinking about my husband, who has worked so very hard to create a successful and profitable business, is now, once again, back in the oven, scrimping to make rent and payroll. Since we created this reality – in our high flying state- what in the world is going to happen now that I am in this low vibration of anger and disappointment? Why was our success not sustained when we were in such high frequency of joy? And please do not tell me I have to burn a few more dinners – this is the whole damn kitchen burning down!!

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  • Pamela Massey

    I started my own house keeping business in the fall of 2013. My business just started to bloom and I obtained about 12 regular clients. The monthly income for me was fantastic and I was very happy. Suddenly I seem to be loosing half my clients. Some of my clients have fallen on financial hardships and others are not calling me back.

    You said in your book that following your passion brings success. I love what I do. Since I was a child I found great enjoyment playing house and especially helping my cousins clean their rooms when visiting. After cleaning/organizing at a client’s home I feel a real sense of completion. Giving this service to others brings me great enjoyment. The problem is I don’t know what I am doing wrong since my business is suddenly so slow. The money has dropped by at least $300 per month. Am I sending the Universe the wrong message?

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  • Gary Bodley

    Some people have remarked that A Perception of Reality is a bit repetitive. Samantha, the person who wants to bring the book to publishers, believes that they will want to edit out parts of the book that they feel are rehashing the same information. What do you think?

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  • Pamela Massey

    First off I want to say that I received your book last Friday and completely read it by yesterday afternoon! I love it and am re-reading it again. It is mind opening and wonderful.

    I see lots of my beliefs in this book that are not serving me well in my life. The one belief I do understand to a certain point is that we create our own reality. I do get this but have a hard time believing that I alone can create or bring into my life anything I want. I have always believed that big desires must come through either my parent or now my husband. They help bring it to pass.

    My husband and I fell on hard times a few years back and no longer own a home. For now we are renting. My dream is to have a home again. I can see and feel this home everyday. My husband is more fearful and negative in believing that it will be a long time before this happens.

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  • Kelly Atkin Fontaine

    How do I know if the flashes of inspiration that comes to me is my life unfolding or are the flashes of inspiration my conscious mind thinking about what I want to occur In my life. For example, I hope to become more prosperous. What keeps coming to me is the inspiration to work in a far away place for a few months. The thought of leaving my comfort zone of my home makes me nervous with excitement. How do I know if this is the right plan for me? Details of planning this journey have been effortless. Yet, I have the challenge of overcoming the doubt to make this journey. Joshua please guide me in knowing if I am making the right decision by leading by intuition or if I am wanting this experience and it may not be right for me. Thanks for your time.

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  • Bruce Hurley

    In a Facebook comment exchange, Mary Ellen’s friend Beth Anne condescendingly and sarcastically wrote “Oh, Judy, you’re so funny” to someone she didn’t even know, which I thought was inappropriate. And when I quoted a Wikipedia Ebola article on Facebook, she replied with: “Bruce, Sweetie, Wikipedia is not the expert in disease transmission!”

    I replied with: “I allow the waitress at the Waffle House to call me “sweetie” because she’s trying to make me feel good, not trying to school me with her superior intellect. Let’s just keep it on a first name basis and have a friendly discussion, OK?”

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  • Trisha Pitts

    If I keep vibrating a certain quality or feeling and it keeps appearing through mates that are like my father, same qualities etc.. Is it possible it is my father who keeps coming back through these mates? Can those who have croaked come back over and over again?

    I understand you either attract people because you feel that way or you Definitely don’t want anyone like that in your world The later resonates with me.

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  • Anonymous

    We understand from our listening to Abraham that we both can get what we want even if one’s desire seems diametrically opposed to the other’s. I truly enjoy being married and I love my wife very much. However, I also have the desire to occasionally be with other women and my wife only wants me to be with her. Is there a way to reconcile this and have both of us happy in our relationship?

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  • Marshall Johnson

    Why has it been so hard for me to let go of amanda when i know in my heart that we are not good for each other?

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  • Jen

    Help me to understand the reason this man with this illness would enter my life?

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  • Trisha Pitts

    My question is why do I sacrifice my own growth AKA getting the love I deserve.

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