Money and Abundance
I have a limiting belief that I am not very good at my job and I had a manifestation event this week that triggered that belief. I wrote it out and came up with evidence that I am good at my job but I still believe that overall there are ways the job is not a perfect fit for me. I wonder is it always true that limiting beliefs are false? I mean is it possible that I’m not very good at my job? I’m also not very good at speaking Chinese and that is just an observation of fact. So is it only limiting if it triggers negative emotion? Or maybe it is just an observation of fact…
As a leader and teacher, I am sharing your teachings to a Group of French people. During a period of individual coaching (at the end of the Bootcamp), a participant told me that she was a little upset about the fact that you suggest, at the end, this:
“Before you do anything else, you must return to this course and help one or more make the decision to enroll and stand by their side as they do the same work you just completed.”
I had quite a large manifestation event happen last Monday. I had an electrical surge at my house that fried my furnace and four of my appliances. I can tell that my higher self is engineering all of this for my greater good, But at the moment it is causing a lot of monetary anxiety. Duke Energy is responsible, and they have shunted me to their claims department. The claims people have said that they will reimburse me for the assessments and will probably give me money for the repairs or the value of whatever was damaged. This is very good, as I did not have home insurance.
Nice to meet you! I had a very enjoyable conversation with Gary today discussing abundance, limiting beliefs and specifically the use of credit card debt to support inspiration events. We were discussing a situation where a student of life becomes inspired to take a progression course that costs $2500. They feel strongly this course will benefit them and their ability to manifest more desires going forward.
I was just listening to “Expansion is the Purpose” podcast. I have a question about a manifestation event that may relate to it and I want to see if I understand correctly. I recently had my sprinklers checked by my lawn company (it was offered free so I took advantage of that). The guy found some small things and checked my control panel and “reset” it. Since he was here, the sprinklers have not ran correctly on their assigned days and the control panel seems to be the issue. I called and he has to come out and look at it.
I have quite an exciting life, I do! I have had quite a few life changes this year, and have weathered them all the best I can. Recently my old company, the one that laid me off in March has inquired about me going back to work for them. I had some email exchanges, and also some phone conversations, and then they flew me to Virginia for some face to face meetings with the CEO. Well, those meetings proved to be successful and I was offered my old job back. My offer was not what I had left the company at, meaning all the bennies, etc. I was offered less in stock, and less than my current base salary. I really had mentioned in my negotiating that I would like to at least stay at my current base salary, and not take a step back in terms of my base salary. Really it was more of a principal thing, Wow. The CEO is pretty stern on his negotiations, he will not offer me my current base salary, and it is only 5k difference, and is just not open to hearing my thoughts about that at all. It is really weird to me, since I was not the one calling me a few weeks ago, wanting me to come back to the company and my old job. Hmmm, really interesting set of events. Even the VP of Operations agreed with me, that my ask was completely fair and ok.
Siri Radha
I have been an employee of my company for 11 years. I have had the feeling for the past couple of years that I would like to open myself to new employment elsewhere. I feel like I’m “dying on the vine” and would like to immerse myself in a different work environment that aligns more with my passions and interests as I continue in my exploration and expansion.
There are many “law of attraction teachers” who advocate using various techniques to attract what we want. Obviously what we think we want and what we really want aren’t usually the same.
There is a billiards and sports bar that I am interested in buying. The bar is not listed for sale. I know they want to sell because I play Texas Hold’em there and from the first time I walked in I really liked the vibes of the place. It is large,11,000 square feet. In addition to nightly games of Texas Hold’em they have 18 pool tables, about 10 dartboards, a full bar, a portable dance floor they put down on weekends and have a DJ. They allow smoking and their filtration system is excellent because if it wasn’t I could not be there nor could other nonsmokers.
Let’s say I have five ideas to do something. I look into one, and it starts to look less interesting. I know that this is a good chance that it is fear, but there is also a chance that as I’m gathering information about it, the inspiration naturally lessens – possibly leaving the door open to try one of the other ideas.
Dear Joshua,
Before I found out about the teachings of Joshua, I came across the Law of Attraction in books. Quite many of them mentioned the process of thinking from the end or something similar, for example, focusing on the vision what you want, or acting as if you already have it. As I have been absorbing the teachings of Joshua, these processes look now like just another way of controlling the conditions. But there seems to be some truth in them too.
Dear Joshua,
I’ve written you before on matters of being an artist and earning a full-time living doing it, and have continued to meditate and process fears and limiting beliefs and reflect upon the abundance that exists in my life now which allows me to pursue anything I desire. So I am about to bring a resume to a local food and wine shop and apply for a job. While I am aware of every dimension to this decision, I’m not certain whether this is a decision being made out of inspiration towards abundance or out of an escape from the perceived condition of lack that I have been experiencing lately. The potential job is related to a field where I have three years experience- specialty food retail, and while I was quite good at the job, I must admit I resisted it -big time- throughout. I decided to leave the job to pursue my art, since an abundant crop of commissions and opportunities showed up! Unfortunately it seems that the commission work dried up over the past year, and it’s been stressful toward the end of every month paying rent and other expenses from part-time work, art sales, and a few custom canvases for other artists. I do acknowledge and appreciate that this has been paid, somehow, every time. While I feel that this job would once again provide steady abundance, which will allow me to make my art without regard to any earnings- in fact, I declared to the universe that I intended to let go of the art entirely- NOT quit or give up, but allow myself to feel no obligation to make art or attempt to sell it. But the illusion we experience requires we exchange money, and I want to allow it to come.
What do I need to do to succeed financially and professionally? I’m not able to finish a book to sell. I do not know what’s happening. I’m not getting proposals for work. I’ve been a motivational speaker for years. I’ve been trying to sell an online course, but I do ot have clients.
I have used all the Law of Attraction techniques to buy my house. But after having had a great disappointment for not being able to buy the house of my dreams, my joy turned to sadness. I felt like an idiot to have been happy for months when visualizing a house, and suddenly I can not get the money after months of vibration. The real estate agent sold it to someone else who made a bigger offer. The fault is mine? I do not know how to create and make the manifestations? I do not deserve to live my dreams? If everything depends on me, I do not know why I failed. Help me understand what I need to do to be financially prosperous.
My daughter is in Ohio this week for six days at a guard competition where they are ranked 13th in the nation in their class. I’m not there witnessing this event because financially I can’t afford it. Flight, hotel, tickets, food, etc.
Thank you again for everything in the bootcamp. I am eternally grateful, feel the expansion, and am listening to the podcasts daily and being aware of my perspective. I’m still processing the idea that what comes to you is for you. And still working on knowing when it is efforting vs conquering a fear.
I was speaking at an event and at the end a woman approached me and told me that she has a gift and her guides sent her to me to tell me that they are aware I am in conflict and that everything would be alright. An amazing experience as I’ve been working to get into alignment and seeking guidance from source because of a conflict about a job. My purpose for being is related to a book that I wrote but while somewhat related to my job and an area for which I am a unique “messenger” – there is no visible path to making this passion my work. What would be the best way to manifest this as a job that will provide financial stability while allowing me to pursue this dream?
My question is regarding a subject I am stuck with which feels slightly strange now that I’m putting it down in writing as I do believe myself to be a really great manifester (manifestor?) of both smaller and bigger “things”. I have proof of this every day.
I have an issue around money, finances and anxiety that I seem to be continually hung up on. I’m a husband and father of 3. I’m also self-employed and the amount that I work or don’t work is directly proportionate to the amount of income flowing in. On top of this, the majority of my work is extremely seasonal (Mar-Nov) and I have at least 3 months a year where I’m not making much money. Every year in the past we have made it through the off-season swimmingly but this year – between increasing bills/obligations and FAR, far less off-season work we have all but burned through our savings. This is the first year we may not “make it” to March and also may not have the savings to pay for any extra taxes that I didn’t withhold. It was a financially “rough” winter. As the primary (but in no way sole) breadwinner in the family, I have a constant, nagging anxiety that I need to keep thinking about ways to make money to keep the family ship afloat. True we will start making great money again in March, but we also have a few big obligations to pay for before then and we may well run out of savings by that point.
Long no talk ( in writing form 🙂 )!
What is your guidance on setting goals and setting intentions and can you talk about the difference between the two?
Thank you for co-creating with Gary at this time. Many of your perspectives are indeed advancing my journey, and I appreciate your input. I have many, many questions for you, but that will wait ’til another time.
I took a leap of faith this year and quit my job hoping 2017 would be a fantastic year for financial growth for me. As an author of a five book series, who finished the final book in November 2016, I felt ready to strike out on my own. I knew selling books would be easy for me since I spent over twenty years as an outside sales rep.
This is my first question after 2 years of reading your books and listening to Joshua Live!! How exciting!! For many years I have been trying to become a full-time day-trader. When I first found out about this endeavour I had a sense of incredible excitement!! This was a career that had unlimited freedom and income potential, something I could do from a laptop anywhere in the world!! That was in 2003 and I dove in reading books and studying for many, many hours. I had a lot of fear and didn’t start trading until 2011. Since then I have learned so much about trading and myself. I have had many successful trades, and winning days but overall I have not made money.
Thank you for your recent answer to Audrey regarding abundance, it is very helpful. Part of what I have been exploring in this lifetime is: what is true need? Do we NEED to be happy? Do we NEED to raise the consciousness of humanity on this planet? Do I need to have clothes I like to feel good? Do we need to acknowledge and respond to our wants and desires?? I know you are helping us own our worthiness. If I feel worthy of it, do I then NEED it? I could spend a lot more time fleshing this question out, and perhaps will… For now, I’m hoping your infinite intelligence can read the vibration of my question more clearly than I can state it..
Can you please tell me what is going on with me and my parents and my wobble around money? I feel like I already know…another level of worthiness shit…and I’d love to hear your take on it. I feel so lost and small and tired, and I know it’s all boils down to the perspective I’m choosing, so I’m doing my best to give myself grace and work my way back up. I keep processing fears, reminding myself of who I really am, telling myself everything is working out exactly as it’s supposed to. It’s easy to feel the truth of it when I’m out dancing or at the coffee shop or alone on my balcony. I want to feel the truth of it when I open bills, when I talk to my dad, when I think about my future. I know it’s all an illusion and I feel silly for getting so wrapped up in it. I would really appreciate a dose of your insight on this one.
After coming across these teachings from my mother a while ago, I have wanted to write in and ask a question, though I found I didn’t quite need to ask any questions yet. The questions that had been asked before me were enlightening in themselves. However I now find myself in some personal turmoils and not quite sure how to frame my situation to myself to be sure to manifest the positivity and love I need to get out of where I am now.
I have launched my startup five years ago. I feel very passionate about the subject and I feel that we have built good products so far.
At the beginning, I enjoyed myself immensely, but commercial success has been slow to come and after 5 years, we are still not profitable and need to depend upon investors funds.
I have read many books and attended many seminars on the Laws of Attraction, and finally reading this book it all became so clear to me, Thank You! My question is: I am a partner with two others, one is my Son, in the development of a social media app. We have had many setbacks with choosing the wrong developers and financially getting strapped, although we are now going forward with a new developer and trying to come up with the money to finish. My question is, when there are more than one in an intention of success, how does that work? Can my intention be enough to create the manifestation of this app, when there are two others? We have been working on this for three years, and still all excited, but there must be a blockage somewhere. If its not mine, how can I know where the blockage is?
My entire life has been centered on music, religion, and spirituality; and in the past ten years I have seen how music brings people of different cultures, creeds, and faiths together in incredibly beautiful and meaningful ways. Several years ago, a fellow musician friend/ business partner and I created a website. It was an online startup focused on music and spirituality. We met with immediate success and garnered insightful interviews with prominent Grammy/ Golden Globe/ Academy Award-winning musicians from around the world on music and spirituality, but had to end the project prematurely due to personal and financial matters.
I have a question around the subject of abundance and manifesting money. I sometimes like to play casino slots online. Although I try to convince myself that this is for the fun of it, there is definitely, at the back of my mind, the distinct motivation that I could win big money. About a month ago I was inspired to play again one weekend after a long time without doing so. I was feeling good, and thought that spending a few pounds (I’m in the UK) would be fun and wouldn’t mean a big deal for my wallet if I lost. I ended up winning the equivalent of $500 that weekend. Nothing really life-changing, but it was a lot of fun.
Thank you for the answer to my previous question, which has been illuminating. I have another question for you: how can we best deal with resistance (or fears) around strong desires that have a specific expiration date? Or, to put it another way, how can we best allow a strong desire to achieve something by a certain deadline? Is that even possible, or based on a false premise in itself?
I wrote you a long question yesterday about the subject that I will share with you today, did you received it? (smile) … At the end of my question, 4 pages were written! So I realized that it was too much for a question, and I was describing my “old approach to life”. So I thought that maybe you can catch my vibration somehow and that you know who I am in a certain manner?
I just lost a job that was bringing me income that I was depending on and I’m not sure how I created that outcome, but think it might have something to do with fear about not having enough money and also a resistance to this person who voted for Trump even though it was never discussed and had nothing to do with my job. I’m a pretty conscious creator, I do my work, I meditate every day, I write in my journal 10 things I’m grateful for, and I try and keep myself in a high vibration, so when I create this kind of loss out of fear, it kind of throws me into confusion. Why is it easier to create unconsciously than consciously? I know you’re going to say it has to do with resistance, but how do I create what I want such as more income and less resistance to what is going on in our world. If I am active and march with women and protest, I’m in resistance. Is that creating negative results for me?
I am going through the process of buying an accommodation business and it’s getting to the crucial part that the Due Diligence date is looming. A lot of fears are coming up about is this right for me, is the business doing ok, are they hiding something. I don’t want to loose money, so it’s mostly about money and fear. Can you help me with this? I am loving listening to Gary and the group on the One on Ones and I am finding it a lot of help and enjoyment.
In the past weeks I’ve been eider reading in your books or listening in the Joshua Live and Round Tablet podcasts the same message of just pursuing your inspiration and not doing what you don’t want to do, and I must say it sounds very appealing and fun. Whenever I read or hear this, I get exited and full of energy. But, in my day to day life, I keep encountering myself with a lot!!! of tasks that I need to do and definitely don’t enjoy; just to be able to keep my life going.
It has been less than six months since I discovered your teachings, but I feel that the effects they have had on me are profound already. I have absolutely devoured all the first three books. The podcasts are great fun to listen to, and give me food for thought and contemplation every week, in a way that is both candid and stimulating. Like many people who have come to your teachings and resonate with these messages, I have been a fervent listener of Abraham for just over four years now. Of course, I feel like I have changed a great deal in that time, especially on the inside. However, if I am completely honest with myself, I also feel like there are still areas where I would have expected to have made more significant progress, like my financial situation and my relationships.
Firstly, I would just like to once again say how much I enjoy and appreciate listening to the teachings of Joshua. I have just downloaded the live podcasts which I am looking forward to hearing them.
My question…..What does Gary tell himself or focus on before he goes and plays poker? I have been aware of manifesting my whole life. I’m 58. I manifested a million dollars, I own 6 rentals and 2 farms. I have not had a job in 10 years. My life is Perfect! I have no bills, I have freedom, security and every thing I need. I live in a small southern casino town in Nevada on the river. It is so PERFECT!
I just can’t help myself, I seem to be hooked on asking you for help every week or so! On one of the last podcasts you, Joshua, was talking about how we all have our own path. And you said to Wendy that if her kid somehow got unemployed and lost their home that she shouldn’t interfere, but let them have this experience. I am unemployed and have been for almost 3 years, and 6 months ago my parents bought my apartment and now let med live here for free. They also gave me their old car a long time ago.
Lately I have been pondering the idea of a “time buffer” for manifestations and am trying to get my head around it. I’ve heard Abraham say that what is manifesting right now is old news, as in it is a result of vibration we offered in the past, and that what we are focusing on right now is creating our future. But I have been thinking, shouldn’t what we are experiencing right now be an exact match to what we are right now, not the past? And therefore, is the idea of a time buffer really just the time it takes for us to change beliefs and get aligned with what we want to manifest, and if we could get aligned straight away the manifestation would come straight away?
In follow up to my last question and the answer I received, I feel I may not have expressed the situation presented to me in this past manifestation event properly. I didn’t explain my underlying thoughts. After listening to the round table discussion, I may not have expressed my question to you in the true sense of my thoughts around this.
I have been presented with a huge manifestation event. For the past couple of months I have been searching for an answer as to whether or not real estate is my path. As I wrote before – I have had a couple of big deals go south on me the beginning of this year. Now my daughter in law’s father comes along and asks me to help him purchase a $6.9 million dollar home. This is all well and good – but – I know this man to be a fraud in the true sense of the word. He sent me bank statements stating he has $10mil in the bank – I called the bank – he does not have the funds he says he has. He has falsely represented himself to me.
This question is about time and time management. All my life I have seemed to have a theme of lateness or poor time management skills. Lately, I have been wondering if the use of time is something I came here to explore before birth, as it not only causes resistance with me, but causes resistance to people around me.
I’ve been meaning to write a question for a while, but for some reason I just haven’t found the right moment to do it. Now I just feel the need to write to you and still it is not the perfect moment to do so. I’ve been listening to the Teachings of Joshua round table since last year, and recently started Reading the first book. All the concepts just feel right and logical for me kind as if I’m Reading something I all ready know but I had forgotten.
I just discovered your work a few weeks ago, and love all I have learned about Creating Reality since. I have read your book A Perception of Reality and are now reading A Radical Change. They are both amazing books!
I’m 50 and been doing software development for 17 years, and absolutely detest the experience of working for others. Currently I’m living in San Diego in a $2300/month apartment, and have enough savings for about a year, and could quit and start something new. I can do a little s/w consulting, or I have ideas for fun projects like a podcast, or writing a mobile app. Not really sure. I know that my vibration would skyrocket w/o a job, but not sure if the concern over money would start to negate that vibration. Should I just quit and trust? (and I’m even willing to move to Utah, where I lived in 94, where apt rents are only about 800 for a decent place).
My question is related to my part time career that I am looking to make into a full time career. I am a licensed fitness instructor and I am somewhat new to this game–less than one year. I desire to have full classes–filled with people that love me and love the workout that I provide and are dedicated and committed to coming to my classes.
It’s been a long time since the last time I wrote to you. It seems to me that I contact you only when I’m feeling bad, and I’m uncomfortable with that idea, but you are the only ones I can turn to, to find some peace.
I know that a very important aspect of the Law of Attraction is to detach oneself from what they hope to manifest in order to allow it to appear in one’s life. Do you have any insight into how I can more easily let go of my intentions to allow them to manifest?
For about the last twenty or more years I have been in a career success null zone. I have tried to follow my passion but ended up spending loads of time on ideas that fizz. I can’t count the number of projects I’ve worked on passionately that end up not going anywhere. Why? Any help is appreciated. I have a project for children that is dear to my heart but maybe I should just give up.
My question has multiple layers that all tie in together. Here goes, I have been working in a job that I do not like for about 13 years now. I know that this job is not my calling in life and that it is time for me to move on and find something that fulfills my soul. The job that I want to do is to be a full time fitness instructor. Ideally I would love to own my own studio and teach all kinds of fitness formats.
Thank you so much for answering my previous question! That was such a high for me, so exciting to hear from you! Thank you so much! So I wanted to ask again, even though I understand you get a lot of questions and can’t answer all of them of course.
You say we are all worthy and complete, that we are enough as we are. You also say we need to find our passion. I still don’t know my passion, and I don’t feel a pull to do anything in particular… So how can I be enough, how can I be living right when I don’t DO anything? Yes I want to experience even more abundance, but then what? Shouldn’t I want more? Shouldn’t I have a purpose?
I feel so lost. My fears of lack have created just that – financial challenges. How do I shift my energy so that I can change that, and bring abundance into my life by doing work that I love? And what is the work that I came to do?
Debra Jo
I have an awesome life with massive amounts of love from friends and family, great experiences, a fabulous home and amazing health. It seems like enough to me! But after reading this answer and now reading Conversations With Steve – I see that you say there are always steps to better vibration. Can you give me some examples of vibrational raising activities to do when you want specific results. I’m still waiting for my pool!
In your answer to my last question, for which I thank you, you told me that I must change my approach to success before that my reality reflects my change. I understand that, because I think I have held erroneous beliefs about the world of success.I know that I must change, but in what ways do you mean? Do you have any suggestions in my daily life? In what ways do I have to stay alert in order to enter this world of success?
Currently, as a reminder, but you must know that … I disseminate your teachings (which I translate in French) to a small group of people already experiencing the Law of Attraction teachings (the majority through Abraham) and they love it.
First of all I would like to thank you and Gary for bringing forth all this incredible, practical, information. I’m a long-time “student” of the teachings of Seth and Abraham and now here you are to put it all in perspective. This really helps to apply it all in my everyday life. I’ve made it a habit to read something from your books every day, sometimes a chapter or two and sometimes only a few pages. When things aren’t working out I – try to – look at the situation from my inner self’s point of view (a bird’s eye view) and sometimes ask my inner self to “take over” so as to be able to shed the irritation or anger I feel in the moment. My life is really shaping up to be better than it has ever been. However, there is one area that remains a problem and that’s my working life.
The mission I had set for myself in this dimension is to serve the very big crowd through one very Big Dream of the manifestation of an Institute for Holographic Eye Care. But no matter how I tried to move toward this accomplishment, it’s as if something is missing, or is not working in cooperation with me. Is it because I put too much stress on myself or what I miss to achieve this dream? Negative Energy or What? Thank for your help to clear out these blocks maybe in Energy level…
Thanks again for your past answers. They have been really useful. I have another question, if I may? I realise that I am a vibrational being and that I create my own reality. Does this mean that I create my life like a Director of a film and that I can change all the people in the cast and the situations in the story by changing my thoughts/vibrations? I have noticed that when I follow my interests and passions, things just flow and happen naturally. Is it really THAT simple? It almost seems too easy. Does this mean that the same goes for everyone else?
I apologize for my english which is not my usual language. I thank you for reading me. I have heard of you one month ago, and I was curious to know more about your teachings on law of attraction. I know Abraham’s teachings and other teachings on law of attraction.
As part of the lessons that I share on Universal Laws, I shared with participants the beliefs about money that you have shared with us. A remark came in connection with one particular belief shared. Could you help me to answer this question please?
I have been a real estate agent since 2007. I have had minor success off and on. Historically, other endeavors I have pursued have taken off quickly and I have had great success. Real estate, on the other hand, has always seemed a bit of a struggle for me. I have gone to numerous coaching events, worked with a personal coach for a couple of years and bought into several lead generating techniques and programs. And still, I just don’t feel as though it has “clicked” like other things I have done.
I’m reading your book: A radical change. I love it! There is a paragraph that I would like you to explain to me please. I have written the beginning of this paragraph for you to put in context: Here is this paragraph: (p. 253): “If it was really important to you, you would begin the path to the life of your dreams today. You could begin the manifestation process that would allow you to have that life. If you really, really wanted it, it would come to you. But you don’t really want it. You really want what you already have. If you look around at your life and what it’s like, it is made of the stuff you really, really want.
I am about to start a new Group of teaching the Law of Attraction (200 people have already subscribed to my Group). I will speak particularly of your teachings, because they have already helped me in my life and I want to share your teachings with people who are ready for that (and I will also share what I already understand about the LOA in general). Is it good teaching this way or will it slow me down on my path?
How do you explore abundance through the experience of poverty except by noting your lack of it? It’s still hard for me to understand how abundance is the birthright of children who continue to suffer and die for lack of clean drinking water or sufficient food. Abundance is OUR birthright, but only by serendipity.
For the past couple of months I have been feeling very very happy. I am appreciating everything and hardly ever seem to feel anxiety like I used to. Nice manifestations are slowly making their way into my experience such as my closet is now full of beautiful clothes and different people from friends to clients are giving me gorgeous things for my home.
I have already received responses from you and I thank you greatly! Following one of these, other questions have arisen that I am presenting to you today. By the way, I’ve received the book : “A Perception of Reality” and only 20 pages read, and I love it!! Like you told me, continuing my passion would be to provide lessons on the Law of Attraction and Universal Laws, I understand that I should not do this for money. I also understand that it is me who makes it all up by my imagination, comparing myself to others, and I would add that I look too much what others are doing in the field of my passion.
Your answers always seem to resonate with me – thank you for your kind and understanding approach. I have been working on letting things unfold vs trying to make them unfold a certain way. I have a spectacular life, great husband, great job, fun travels, animals to share with. But I am wondering how to get to the next level. I have attracted great jobs – but now would like to attract money with no job. I have attracted many winnings, even jackpots, which are so much fun (I have won more than a thousand dollars many times). I attracted stock options at work which is unheard of for someone at my level. Working and winning have been bringing in money, but not to the level I now aspire, now that I know anything is possible. Can you help me go from great to fantastic?
Love from my side and thank you 🙂 I just got to know about other channeler on law of attraction after abraham and that is you 😉 I’m Dixit. I’m just 19. I’m holding the desire of making history. I want to be the youngest richest person in the world but I don’t know how but still I believe it’s possible and it is easy. I just don’t know what to say…I hope you have understood well. thank you for all of your love!! Thank you
I have been expecting to have a leap in consciousness for some time now but it seems to be eluding me. Now I just feel tired and worn out. Nothing inspires me. My long held dream of making a website where kids can have fun learning about law of attraction and how to make loving choices seems to be further away than ever. Should I try and rekindle my dream or should I just give up?
I have been a student of yours for the past few weeks, and have been reading and attempting to put your teachings into action.
I still don’t know, however, what to do when I have a sudden bout of fear, depression, anger or anxiety. For example, last Sunday, I thought about a meeting that was scheduled to take place on Monday morning, and I got very fearful about it. I kept on trying to change both my focus and to intend to feel good at that very moment, but the relief I felt was only limited.
I heard of you from a friend. I was already an Abraham fan, so I immediately loved your teachings that add subtlety to the teachings of Abraham (I mean from my point of view…). The two books (A Perception of Reality and A Radical Change) are ordered and I await them in mid- January and I can’t wait to receive them. That being said, my question is related to my work for which I thought I was being passionate. I share the Teachings of Abraham in my own way and I have created a couple of workshops and a community of 500 followers.
Thank you for taking my question. I’ve been studying LOA a for the last few years. I struggle with the allowing part. In the last few months the stress of of my life (job) has overwhelmed me. Stress has manifested into back pain that has lasted for months. I’ve tried all conventional cures, but still I am struggling with pain. How do I move through this pain and get to the other side.
I recently left an abusive relationship and have since realized that my narcissistic partner was simply mirroring back to me my own inner wounds. I have been working on finding and releasing my limiting beliefs, and much progress has been made. I am at a point in my life where I am finally beginning to self-partner and BE love instead of looking for it outside of myself.
I am in the process of transitioning from my one business I setup with a partner 10 years ago to a new one I began visioning at the beginning of the year. Having created a small business from scratch 10 years ago and going through all the processes and heartache of business partner relationships. I realized that it had moulded me and that I would like to create a platform to help mentor other small businesses. Im want to help create relationships with corporate business and facilitate growth in the small business arena which is much needed in our country.
There was a time in my life about 6 years ago when I was consumed by my lack of income. I lived unconsciously and focussed continually on what I lacked. The business that I had started with 2 other colleagues had failed and there was a debt owing to the taxman. For years I lived in fear of bankruptcy and as a result earned next to nothing.
I’ve been practising the law of attraction for a year now and I realize that I’m responsible for everything that I attract into my life. I am happy with all areas of my life, but what bothers me is that I can’t find a job. I’ve been looking for it for a year now ever since I got laid off and I’ve been using all of the techniqes I have used for other areas, but to no avail. For every job I didn’t get I told myself that it wasn’t meant for me or that something better is coming. I did everything to keep my vibration high and to feel good.
I have always been interested in energy, Law of Attraction, Spiritualism and such. One thing I have always been told is that I have a lot of energy and when I lay my hands on someone the say the can feel my energy. The say It is very calming. I have my Reiki Practitioner degree, but I have never been interested in practicing Reiki on people. I just thought I should get it!
I feel a connection to energy and intuition and I have a desire to love and support people. Am I destined to be a healer and should I pursue that course in my life?
I absolutely see the law of attraction work in my daily life, all day long. I get that my bank account could be full of money if I didn’t fuss over the balance. But I get bogged down by the every day details of balancing my check book to “focus” on a better financial situation! How can I balance my check book and have a budget while simultaneously focused on the millions of dollars in my birth right?
My partner and I want to move to California, it’s our dream. We are both self employed but cash flow is slow and, while we see things manifesting, it doesn’t happen quick enough for us to be distracted from the things that bring us down like lack of money to achieve our dreams. What can we do to quicken the process?
I’m having a lot of LOA successes with green lights, warm sunny days, close parking spots, pleasant days at work, etc. – everything but money. The past four months I’ve felt the best I have in my entire life. I’ve been doing manifesting exercises, made peace with where I am, wrote my new money story and read it every day with joy (really getting into it like its a done deal and saying thank you for it).
I am self employed and I love my job. Just this year, I started making good money for the first time in my life and I am 44. I have used determination and also some law of attraction work to manifest a great income this year. I worry that because I started late in life, I don’t have enough time to acquire great wealth to secure my future. My goal is to acquire real estate investments, so that I can have a steady stream of income through rents in my later years. Am I on the right track? I believe if I set it up right, I can be wealthy with out having to work long hours each day, which is my goal, so I can pursue hobbies & service work.
I feel that an abundance of riches in the form of money is right in front of me my question is do you feel this will be over an extended period from business venture or instantly obtained from winnings?
I want to be an author. I have lots of ideas and stories in my head but I am having trouble developing the stories and actually getting them written. It either works out that I have an idea that I really love but get stuck somewhere in the middle of the story because I don’t know what happens next and then I abandon it or I have a few different ideas and can’t decide which is the best to pursue (which normally ends in me picking one, getting stuck on it, switching to a different one, getting stuck, and it continues on and on like that). This is something that I really want to do and know that I could be great at, if only I could just get something written! I have tried meditating and asking myself questions which has worked to some degree, but I still find that I am struggling. I have wanted to do this for a long time and I am getting frustrated and impatient. I know the best plan of action is probably to relax more about it, but it seems so urgent, it feels like it must happen now – in fact, it feels like it should already be here, that it should have already happened by now. Is there a way that I can write these stories easily, creatively and as smoothly as I feel they should be coming? (As I know they should be coming?) Do I just need to practice my meditation and focusing skills? How can I let go of these feelings of frustration, impatience and urgency? Thank you for all of your wisdom and insight, I truly appreciate it!
Why am I not attracting re-employment, working from home? Blessings to you for your loving enlightenment and to you, Gary. for your generosity in offering this Q&A forum.
I am concern if I am on the right path with my career. My dream is to sell my crochet designs to upscale department stores and to work full time for my husband who develop a software called Pay Alert! Will my dreams come to fruition between 2015-2016. I want to be financially debt free and live my life of true abundance not having to work for anyone and have all my bills paid off….I am tired of call center jobs but know I have to do it for now to pay the bills. Please Advise what do you see in my future.
I am what others term a lightworker, I work to show others who they truly are, to uncover their Soul light and help them to see how they create their own life. I have psychic abilities, and am also a Seer. I am an energy healer too. Sounds great right?! I help many people, often for no money, but I need help myself now.
Debra Jo
I love the fact that I truly do consider you a present and reliable friend. I blow kisses to you when I see something beautiful in this physical world and hope you are receiving my big love for you!
I am appreciating my life. Love my world. Have the perfect family and friends. And really am having a great time – all the time. So I am happy, feel abundant, feel worthy and loved, and now would like to figure a few things out.
I find myself poised to write my question to you on the debt I have accumulated and I feel the words “be inspired” popping into my head. I laugh. I have been reading your book “A perception of reality” while on holiday in Italy. And I had some delightful moments where in theory it went terribly wrong but because I had your teachings in my head in a matter of minutes things worked out.
We arrived at our B&B late, after train delays, door locked and our bags on the street. After having phoned the owner who seemed to have grown impatient and simply left. And now all we had was a landline contact number. Which was ringing meaninglessly behind the closed door. My husband suddenly looked at me pale faced and said “where is my rucksack” with all his travel documents and iPad etc I felt myself consciously remaining buoyant.
My question to you today is something that I have wondered for a long time and lately for some reason I ponder it quite a bit.
When a person comes into money or great wealth such as an inheritance or financial windfall say the lottery are they obligated to give some of this money to friends and family?
I keep losing things. I know I recently moved house and I’ve been really busy, but why do I keep losing everything? The latest thing is my camera, it has been missing 4 months. It’s not only very valuable but has some important photos on it. Can you help me find it, and explain to me please ways to stop it from happening again?
I am relaxing into the allowing of my clients to find me and I am starting to receive a flow – which is awesome. I wish some vibrational tweaking so that I can attract those awesome clients who pay me either in full or via the payment plan that is provided. What belief am I not seeing that needs refining? As always, I thank you so much for your sharing. With laughter and magic
I have 3 big career dreams. I would like more than anything to transition from my day job into these dreams. One seems to be moving quickly, the second is moving very slowly as it depends on others’ time availabilities, the third not at all as it is facing daily rejections. Does the two that are not moving mean they are not “meant to be” and I should just focus all my attention and energy on the one that is moving along? How can I best engage in these dreams and transition into doing those full time and still live abundantly? Many thanks in advance!
I’ve just read your article “The truth about Comfort” and I resonated deeply with it. Over the last 25 years my career choices have been varied but mostly driven by ego/financial gain until about 4 yrs ago when I found myself unemployed. This lasted 2 years and was by far my lowest point in life and resulted in me grabbing the first opportunity that came along.
I’m subsequently in a very “uncomfortable” comfort zone working in an environment that I don’t resonate with at all. I almost feel as if I’m wasting 8 hours a day focusing on a world that I don’t want to be in. I say this without judgement towards the people I work with, I’m simply not where I want to be. I’m studying towards a life coaching certification and I feel inspired by this. For the first time in my life I feel that I’m following my heart. I see myself running my own business on my own terms.
Gary Bodley
I had an experience that I felt some negative emotion and resistance. I want to find out why, given my understanding of how this all works, did I need or decide to be resistant.
woman was referred to me to do an appraisal on her home. She wanted to know what the market value was because she wanted to sell it. I no longer do appraisals so I’m not really set up to do them and I’ve turned down other such work in the past. But, because she was referred by a friend and I believed she needed my help (and I wanted to do an appraisal just because it’s fun for me) I decided to do it.
My immediate resistance is around the flow of money. How can I be in the relaxed state that all is happening as it should if I am feeling pressure around the money not flowing in? There is this “tug/pull” energy within me as I so get the concept that I am being made to expand to be in alignment with what I say I want yet when there is not enough money in the bank account to cover the bills, how do I reconcile with that so I can stay in that allowing space?
Joshua also mentioned “moving out of your comfort zone”. I think I may be answering my own question here but if emotion is the indication of alignment or non-alignment, then how does doing something that doesn’t feel good to you become the “next logical step” to take towards your desires? What I am hearing is that it may not feel good at first but it’s meant to bring to light the limiting belief that is asking to be shifted so that you can be in the state of allowing all you desire to flow. I have equated this to the feeling of stage fright – a more “excited” energy rather than a fearful one. But what if the energy is downright fearful – or out of integrity for you? How is that reconciled? (Joshua did say his statement may bring up more questions…lol)
Pamela Massey
A lot of changes have been happening to me and family. My husband for the time being has stopped his business which was not doing well at all. We live in a hard hit economic area but my husband as of last Monday was able to find a job. The job does not pay great at all but I am so incredibly grateful for it because it is providing some kind of income that we did not have. The job is only 8 minutes from our home so I can drive him easily and still have the vehicle for my business. This means we do not have to go through the cost of finding a second vehicle. The work is until the end of October which gives him Unemployment Insurance if he doesn’t find another job till this place hires him back in the early spring.
We received a great tax return last week and the expensive tool set he had to purchase for work was on sale for a huge discounted price! There were only two left at the hardware store! My business has started to get very busy. I have had a few new clients and my income has increased. Last night my husband stated that our luck seems to finally have turned around and things seem to be working out for us.
Sue V.
Thank you for your last response. It was amazing and I appreciate your words. I would like to get more specific about financial matters if I could. I understand that I am not a vibrational match to financial wealth, and in truth I am a vibrational match to debt right now and have been for a long time I understand I need to undergo change in order for me now to become a vibration match to wealth and to climb out of debt. I don’t even have a desire to be overly wealthy… just enough to get me out of debt and live comfortable. You said that I just need to feel good for that to happen. Correct? It is difficult to feel good about your financial situation when the reality of it sucks. Can you elaborate on this subject?
I have wanted to be an actress for a really long time now, but just recently I got discouraged and started thinking I wasn’t that great of an actress. I began thinking of other career possibilities that I would be happy with but there is just nothing that compares. I am getting increasingly more nervous about my future because I am at the time in my life where I have to make life-changing decisions, one of them being college, and I don’t want to regret anything down the road. I see others progressing in their endeavors of acting and it just makes me feel more and more incompetent. It’s almost like I am falling behind everybody else and by the time it matters, I won’t be as experienced as I need to be. The bottom line is: I feel like I am meant to be an actress but I just don’t feel I am talented enough. How can I overcome this immense feeling of doubt?
Pamela Massey
My question today is in regards to my husband. He left his job in 2009 to pursue his own business. It has been a long road of struggle and great financial losses. This past winter he took a seasonal job out West because his business did so badly and he lost a lot of our income.
His business is Day Trading and he has spent many years learning and studying it. The financial losses have been so great but he will not give up. He loves doing it but the stress it puts on the home life is huge. I have always believed in him and see him as a brilliant man. Unfortunately he is not a follower of Law of Attraction. I know he would do so well if he was a leading edge creator like myself. If anything he gets angry when I try to show him or talk about all the teachings of yours or Abraham. He thinks it’s all silly pie in the sky stuff. He doesn’t believe we create our own reality.
Debra Jo Bright
Thank you for your words of encouragement regarding my last question. I reread it every day and get a different answer each time I read it. So thank you for that.
I am intending to only perform action when inspired. But I am having difficulty determining what is inspired action. Can you give a bit of insight on how we know when action is inspired? And when immediate results are needed, how to recognize the right path?
Debra Jo Bright
Frank and I have been so high flying, joyous, and extremely grateful every day, celebrating consciously for several months. We end each day appreciating how successful our business and life is and have been planning super fun things like trips to Spain, boat fishing trips, remodeling of our upstairs bath, etc. All of these plans came about due to the wonderful income we have manifested in our business. Today our largest account which makes up over 1/3 of our business ($148,000 last year) told us he was starting his own powder coating division and would not be using us anymore. I keep repeating “everything is right” but I am having a hard time thinking about my husband, who has worked so very hard to create a successful and profitable business, is now, once again, back in the oven, scrimping to make rent and payroll. Since we created this reality – in our high flying state- what in the world is going to happen now that I am in this low vibration of anger and disappointment? Why was our success not sustained when we were in such high frequency of joy? And please do not tell me I have to burn a few more dinners – this is the whole damn kitchen burning down!!
Kelly Atkin – Fontaine
How do I know if the flashes of inspiration that comes to me is my life unfolding or are the flashes of inspiration my conscious mind thinking about what I want to occur In my life. For example, I hope to become more prosperous. What keeps coming to me is the inspiration to work in a far away place for a few months. The thought of leaving my comfort zone of my home makes me nervous with excitement. How do I know if this is the right plan for me? Details of planning this journey have been effortless. Yet, I have the challenge of overcoming the doubt to make this journey. Joshua please guide me in knowing if I am making the right decision by leading by intuition or if I am wanting this experience and it may not be right for me. Thanks for your time.
Debra Jo Bright
I just returned from seeing an old friend for the first time in over ten years. He is a multimillionaire and enjoys life tremendously. He lives in a magnificent beautiful home on a lake in NC, and has another home he loves in FL. He travels wherever he wants. He has an incredible family life as he loves his wife and children and they love him. He is able to provide generational gifts of waterfront homes and insightful one of a kind experiences for his friends and family. He earns money residually and performs when he wants for fun – not for money.
YET he complains about the government, says he is constantly worried about the state of affairs of the world and the US. He dwells on political scenarios. He hates taxes and the tax system. He knows nothing of The Law Of Attraction and does not practice any type of meditation or “inner being” consciousness.
Debra Jo Bright
I get it!! Your sentence that gives me such a thrill is “If your intention is to feel joy, your reality, through your new approach to life, will bring you many reasons to feel joy” I have been doing a daily intention for about a month now. I love saying it over and over and it just feels super right to me! “I am a GRATEFUL, HEALTHY, HAPPY,MILLIONAIRE.”
So that intention is manifesting in creating MORE HAPPINESS. I really like this intention which is already 3/4s of the way absolutely true. So I didn’t think of HAPPY as the main goal – just something that I have already accomplished. But now I see that you are saying that this intention is bringing more happiness in every aspect. So you are exactly right. And I am giving myself credit. And I am very appreciative that your answer to my question clarifies and links my intention to the outcome. I didn’t realize the connection of my intention and that manifestation. But I am going to pay more attention!!
Jennifer Arsenault
I understand that I need to be more disciplined in meditating, in order to establish a higher vibrational “set point”. Being a mother of two small children with a very demanding professional career, my current challenge is finding a way to get ahead and pre-pave. Can you offer any suggestions to how I can elegantly create more time to be able to meditate, and allow more ease and peace into my routine – without losing sleep, (which I already feel deprived of)? In other words, setting the alarm earlier to get up and meditate is the only solution I’ve come up with, and I’ve already failed with that plan because I am exhausted most of the time, and simply cannot get out of bed earlier than I have to. I need to find a way to get out and ahead of my routine in order to create a better routine. (Does that make sense, Gary?) I do find pockets of time during my day when I’m at work, and it quietly outside many days, but that is the only time in my current routine that I find.