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Day Eighteen – Inner Self (White Light)

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Day Eighteen - Inner Self (White Light)

Imagine that you, and the person you love most, have been given an opportunity to play a game. This is not just any game; it is the most exciting and popular game in the universe. The game has a unique set of parameters. You and your teammate will be allowed to determine all of the rules for your game. You will decide how you will play, your starting conditions, and even the object of the game FOR YOU. The object of your game is called your “Intention.”

An interesting thing about this game is that only one of you will actually be inside the game reality. Your loved one and teammate will remain outside the game while you play for both of you. You will be playing with other people, however you will be supporting them to achieve their objectives, rather than competing against them. They intern, will be supporting you in achieving your objective.

The main reason for the universal popularity of this game is that the players entering the game reality will forget everything the moment their game begins. They will forget the rules, their objective, who they are and even their teammate. They will not even remember that it is a game.

Because the in-game player (you) will forget these things when the game begins, your partner will maintain memory of all of it and will be in communication with you during each moment of the game. This is a very special kind of communication with your partner who will watch you play the game with full knowledge of your intentions, all of your desires and the most effective way for you to achieve your objective.

Your partner and teammate is your Inner Self, and the game you are currently playing is called Physical Reality: Planet Earth. This is the most fun and exciting game in the universe and you chose to play with enthusiasm and curiosity.

In each moment your inner self is guiding you with inspiration and emotion. You are receiving inspiration that will lead you perfectly to your objective.You are also feeling emotion in every moment that lets you know whether or not you are seeing the truth within each experience of the game. Your emotions and inspirations are your guidance in every moment. Your inner self remembers that the entire game can be played with fun, joy, curiosity and excitement. But you however, forget this fact. Your teammate sends emotion that feels bad to you whenever you view any part of the game from a low perspective. You receive more positive feeling emotions when your perspective is higher, or closer to the truth. You can always be aware of your connection to your Inner Self, because no matter what is happening, you are always feeling something. This is how you know that you are connected to your Inner Self/teammate, with and for whom you are playing this game.

This is the design of the system of physical reality. You and your Inner Self are playing a game that you specifically designed for YOU. The emotions you feel are simply the communication that alerts you to how close, or far, you are from the perspective of your Inner Self. Your Inner Self knows everything you truly want and is guiding you toward the physical manifestation of that in every moment, without fail.

We know you and we love you,
White Light

Tomorrow we will discuss


Assignment: Day Eighteen

Of all the emotions you can think of, pick your favorite.

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Seventeen – Inner Self (Joshua)

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Day Seventeen - Inner Self (Joshua)

Who are you? You are not the individual, isolated, and small person you identify with through your myriad of experiences, beliefs, fears, hopes, dreams, or conditions. You are so much more than you can possibly imagine. You are an eternal, limitless and magnificent being of pure positive love and acceptance. The truth of you is your inner self and you are the physical representation of that powerful and knowing being who exists in the nonphysical.

In the nonphysical, without the illusion of separation or forgetting, you understand yourself, all others and the universe fully. You are an expanded and energetic being connected fully to the Oneness. You know yourself and you love yourself, because love is knowing. You are one with All That Is. You have lived many physical lives and have expanded greatly. Each time you make the choice to enter a new life, you come into that life as the most expanded version of you. The human that exists as you is the most powerful and experienced incarnation so far among the lineage physical lives experienced by your origin consciousness; your inner self. You as a human exist as the fullness of your inner self who is wise, experienced and powerful.

There are many people living today and each one is a physical representation of their origin consciousness (their inner self). Long ago, the consciousness that is you existed without the experience of being physical. Your origin consciousness has a unique name, let’s call your consciousness Steve. One day Steve encountered a very powerful, expanded and energetic soul and asked, “How are you so much more? How have you expanded to this quality?”

The other soul replied to Steve, “There’s only one way to expand as I have. You must experience a physical life.” And thus, Steve was inspired to try it out and see what physical life was like. After the expansion of that first life, Steve was hooked and lived life after life, expanding to such an extent that he was ready for something more. He met that other soul again and realized that as much as he had expanded as a result of all those lives in different physical realities, somehow this other soul had expanded exponentially. “What is the cause of such magnificent expansion?” Asked Steve.

The soul looked at Steve and read his vibration. He nodded and said, “You are ready. I see it in your vibration.”

“Ready for what?” Asked Steve.

“Ready for a life on Earth!

And so your inner self prepared for its first human life. Steve got together with his guides and supporters, all of who assembled to take part in the planning and implementation of this life. Steve chose a theme he wanted to explore and set some intentions. Since it would be his first life on Earth, he wanted to experience the unique aspect of that realm – Feelings. Earth is a feeling reality as everyone knows. The expansion is great, because of this added aspect of the experience. In order to fully get the most out of this experience, Steve wanted to experience all of the feelings not available in the nonphysical realm or really in any other reality.

Since Earth is a feeling reality, there must be something unique about the planet. As it turns out, the Earth dimension is unlike the others. When you choose to be incarnated on this planet, you will forget who you are and who everyone else is and you’ll be cast into an elaborate illusion of separation. In the nonphysical, you cannot feel separate and of course, you never forget who you are. But in this reality, you will forget and you’ll feel separate. It turns out that the illusion of separation creates these things called fear and duality. From that, strong desires emerge.

On Earth, due to the fear and illusion of separation, humans tend to judge everything as good, bad, right, wrong, better, worse, etc. It’s called “duality” and it’s a form of control. The humans believe that control will ease the feeling of fear. To them, things outside of them are responsible for the fear they feel and so they seek to protect themselves by labeling, judging and categorizing everything. It seems to be an inherent human quality, but it simply emerges from the illusion and is based in fear itself.

Despite the illusion, the fact remains that there is no wrong and everything is always right. The natural perception of those not in fear is neutrality. But since humans have beliefs based in the fear, their rationale is to label, judge and control everything. They label emotions too. In truth, all emotions are wonderful feelings along a spectrum of intensity. There are no bad feelings. But humans associate fear with an emotion and then call it bad. They spend their lives protecting themselves from certain emotions by being good, respectable and conforming to society. Of course, this turns out to be responsible for all the limitations they impose on themselves.

Steve doesn’t care which emotions are felt. What Steve wants is the expansion found in this unique reality. To Steve, the lifetime is over in a flash. But to the consciousness experiencing the entirety of every moment in that life, it seems rather long. Now here’s the interesting thing. Steve does not go into that life himself. He creates a new consciousness. The new consciousness is the culmination of all the lives and experiences that gave Steve his expansion. It is the most powerful, wise and expanded consciousness within the lineage of the origin consciousness known as Steve.

The new consciousness is you and you are the one experiencing your life. Steve remains in the nonphysical, along with your guides and supporters, to help you navigate this life in the way you intended. Now remember, you are Steve and Steve is you. Steve experiences everything you do, but without the fear or negative association with emotion. You were actually the one who created your life with the advise of Steve and your guides. This might be difficult for you to imagine, because on Earth when a new consciousness arrives, it does so in the form of a baby, without any knowledge or power. The exact opposite is true in the nonphysical. In that realm, the new consciousness is the pinnacle of the origin consciousness and all its expansion. You come in wise, experienced and powerful, but you can’t remember that.

Always know that it was YOU who created this life. You choose the theme and set your intentions. You were the one who knew what was right for you. You planned it out carefully and with the highest form of consultation. You did not make any errors in judgment. You chose every detail of it. You created your universe and the perfect life for you. Your life is, has always been and will always be perfect for you.

As the human, you rarely share the same perspective as your inner self. You see your life as imperfect, only because you have formed a limited identity. You believe you are on your own and have no support. Your identity and this becomes who you think you are. You then experience everything from the limited lens of that identity. The guidance from Steve and your guides is always flowing to you, but you are mostly unaware of it. Occasionally, you receive an inspired idea and you take action. But then you judge everything about the experience and you miss the perspective-shifting information that could have been yours.

You designed this life to expand, but your primary intention was to expand in joy. To do this, you must transcend the limited identity and become more true to who you really are. This requires that you become aware of certain aspects of your identity that limit your positive expansion and the joy in which you could experience anything.

If you would like to experience more joy in your life, practice choosing perspectives that are more aligned with how your inner self would view the circumstances at hand. Practice looking at yourself not as the identity you believe yourself to be, but as the representation of your inner self “Steve.” Don’t ask, “What should I do?” Ask, “What would Steve do?” Don’t imagine what you could become as the person you are. Imagine what Steve could become through you!

When you feel bad, you feel what you label “negative” emotion. When you feel good, you feel a “positive” emotion. Have you ever really thought about why this happens? Have you ever considered that possibly these emotions are a form of guidance? Have you realized yet that emotions are always there and at no time do you ever exist without feeling? It might surprise you to learn that the primary way your inner self guides you to the fullness of the life you intended to live is through your…


With our love,
We are Joshua

Assignment: Day Seventeen

For this exercise you will need a quiet space and 15 minutes of uninterrupted time.

If you have done this many times before, do it again now.

This now moment is unique and there is something for you in this process.

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Sixteen – Identity (White Light)

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Day Sixteen - Identity (White Light)

Who do you think you are?

When you read this question, what do you feel? This query has been posed many times with the connotation being “Who do you think you are to do or be ________? What we want to tell you today, is that you are the one to do or be anything you choose. What is stopping you from this is largely due to your identity.

When you are asked to describe yourself, you will likely list your physical attributes, such as your name, age, hair and eye color, height, weight, perhaps your marital status, education, career and your hobbies. You may include your race, nationality, place of birth, current address and your immediate family situation. You might also interject your vegan life choice or gender identification.

There are also the things with which you identify that are descriptive but also subjective such as, athletic, intelligent, funny, creative, thoughtful, and charismatic. Or, those that are even more descriptive and more subjective like, good parent, kind neighbor, superior athlete, successful business person or loyal friend.

If you study these descriptive, subjective terms, you can note that although these might be desirable qualities or characteristics, they are extremely limiting. For example, would a “good parent” skip a child’s ballgame to spend an afternoon at a spa? What if this parent had been to every ballgame for the last three years, had just spent the last two weeks caring for an elderly friend, publishing a new cook book and painting the entire house? Does any of that matter? What does a “good parent” do or not do? How is this ever achieved? It is not possible, because it is different for everyone and it is perceived differently by everyone.

If being a “good parent” is part of your identity, then you have given yourself an illusive goal. If you perceive that you receive love and respect from others because of this aspect of your identity, you cannot be authentic. You will not follow inspiration that would challenge this identity. Even though following that inspiration would be for the highest good of both you and your child.

The qualities with which you identify are wonderful things, but they’re limiting. Begin to notice when you have a thought, idea or even a suggestion from someone else that you immediately discount. Why would you NOT do something? Why WOULD you do something? Is it because of what others would think? Would it be counter to the identity you have carefully crafted over the course of your life? What do you gain or lose if you do or do not DO something?

Your identity began to develop when you were a child. You were born into this reality into a specific family dynamic, town, country and socio-economic status. You were influenced by those around you who attempted to guide you in ways they believed would make your life better. This was done to mitigate their fear. It had very little to do with what was best for you. You also saw TV, movies and news that allowed you to surmise which qualities you believed would get you what you wanted in life. You adopted those qualities in whatever way you could fit them into your existing structure.

Additionally, you learned that some of your natural qualities would not get you what you wanted. There were times when you were told you were bad or wrong when you were just being yourself. This was again due to the fear of those around you wanting to keep you safe and ensure your success in life so they could feel better. However, it caused you to believe that some of your innate attributes would get you into trouble. So you called them bad and wrong and tried to exclude from your life. This remains a part of your mental construct until you get here. Here is where you realize that you can and must embrace all of you to live the life you truly want. This is a natural process that you intended. It is part of the design of this reality.

It is not necessary to completely reject everything with which you identify. You are now aware that this identity exists and that it has you in a bit of a proverbial box. From here you can expand this identity and challenge it with new actions and adventures. There is nothing serious going on here. Have fun along the way by opening new doors to experiences you never considered. Through those doors, your unimaginable life awaits.

We know you and we love you,
White Light

Tomorrow we will discuss your

Inner Self

Assignment: Day Sixteen

The top 10 reasons people love me…

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Fifteen – Identity (Joshua)

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Day Fifteen - Identity (Joshua)

Who are you? This is the question of the ages. You might even say, this is the reason the universe exists. To discover oneself truly is to love oneself, since to know is to love. In contrast to the previous statement, to not know is to fear. To move from fear to love, would be to move from not knowing (confusion, ignorance, etc.) to knowing (clarity, wisdom, understanding, etc.).

You might know yourself to a degree by stating certain facts that other people would agree with. You have a name, age, place of birth, height, weight, parents, etc. These are aspects of you that are known. You might call them facts. We would call these things “knowables” and they exist without a reason to question. Then there are the aspects of you that cannot be known, such as your personality, dreams, desires, fears, emotional sensitivity, etc. The “unknowables” make up a much larger group.

The knowables are objective aspects of your identity, while the unknowables are subjective. The first set is quantitative, while the second is qualitative in nature. Knowables are finite in number and what is unknown about you is infinite. If you think about this for just a second, a certain logic begins to form. If the universe is a vast mechanism designed for the purpose of discovery, and since what can be discovered is infinite, then the universe could be understood from that perspective as infinite. The same could be said of you.

This implies that you are somehow infinite as well. Maybe you are only discovering a fraction of who you truly are in one life, but over the course of many lives, you come to know yourself more and more. When you step out of the context of a single life and dive into the idea of eternal life, you can understand how another perspective is expansive. But what would be the value of a single lifetime?

To imagine the idea of a single identity and how it might contribute to the vast information gathering design of the universe, we must look to the idea of perspective. If there could be a full and complete gathering of information as this infinite machine of the universe moves forward, you might see the value of each perspective that is added to the comprehensive database of the universe. If a single datapoint is missing, the database is incomplete and therefore, inaccurate. This would mean that your perspective is vital to the system. This is how you know you are worthy.

Now let’s return to the concept of “Uniqueness” and let your mind contemplate why uniqueness would be fundamental to the mechanism of the universe. In an efficient system, copies of an original have no value. If uniqueness is built into the design of the system, then each perspective must be equally valuable, since the entire system relies on the gathering and input of all perspectives. Without it, the information would be incomplete and knowing could not be achieved. Since the unknowables are infinite, then the universe must be infinite as well and full knowing can never be accomplished. Therefore, full knowing must not be the ultimate purpose at all. Discovery is the true purpose of the universe.

When you apply this logic to your own life, you can easily see that you will never know yourself, and that you are simply on an infinite journey of discovery over many lifetimes toward more knowing and therefore, more love. With every experience, you have the opportunity to gain more information. The information you receive expands you as a being. And so the more life experiences you have, the more opportunity you have to expand with the information gleaned from each of those experiences.

To know yourself fully is impossible, but as you have experiences, you take in more information, you expand further and you have more knowledge of yourself. Thus, you are closer to love and further away from fear. You are closer to the truth and further away from the illusion. You are closer to clarity and further away from confusion. This is the design of the entire universe and everything within it. What applies in the universe also applies to everything within it, including you.

The purpose of your life is expansion through discovery. This propels you along a journey toward everything you truly want. You do not prefer a life of fear, confusion, limitation, contraction or illusion. You want more love, clarity, freedom, expansion and truth. As you have any experience, you always have the opportunity to receive information. If you accept the experience as good, right or even perfect, you will receive the information and expand. Conversely, if you call it wrong from a position of fear, you will miss the information and remain where you are.

Since you are always having experiences of some sort, opportunities to gather more information are flowing to you. As long as you choose a perspective high enough, you’ll see the experiences as good and valuable and you’ll expand. However, every time you label the experience as bad or wrong, you are simply choosing a limited perspective.

Every experience you will ever have has the potential for great expansion. Your identity forms your perspective and it’s limiting you. To see more and more perfection, your identity must expand before the experience occurs.

The fact remains that you and everyone who has ever lived have had expansive experiences and from that, achieved new perspectives. Those perspectives are responsible for the creation of all desires. When you have any experience, you have it based on whatever perspective you are choosing in the moment. If you recall the Day One material “Perspective,” you’ll remember that your perspective is a choice.

Within the confines of your present identity, you have a range of perspective. Think of a horizontal line and call that your set-point. From that, your perspective in any moment might dip down a bit or elevate a bit. If you feel good and having fun, your perspective within that identity range will be closer to the truth of who you are. If an event occurs that challenges your identity (what you believe about yourself), you will dip down in perspective and resist the information contained in the event. But all events are perfect, and they’re neutral. You give everything meaning from the lens of your identity and then you cast your judgment.

Your identity is not even remotely accurate compared to the eternal, limitless and magnificent being of love that is you. When you feel good, you’re closer to the truth. But when you’re triggered, you are in an illusion. The emotion you feel is always the indicator of your perspective. Positive emotion means closer to the truth and negative emotion of any kind means that your are further from the truth of who you are.

Do you want to know who you truly are or would you rather believe that who you think you are, which is highly limited, is the true you? This is all you’ll ever have to ask about your identity in every moment.

The universe is always bringing you events that reflect back who you are being as an identity. There are parts of your identity that are somewhat true and parts that are absolutely not true. Whenever you feel negative emotion of any kind, you have just discovered an aspect of your identity that is not only incorrect, but it’s actually highly limiting. To expand to more love, you must transcend your own identity.

The inner work necessary for you to move to higher perspectives and more love, clarity, abundance, freedom, etc. is an ecstatic process. It starts with meditation, where you detach from your human identity and connect with your true identity. You must look at your beliefs and discover and process those that are limiting and untrue. You must prove to yourself that they’re false. You must practice seeing everything and everyone from the highest perspective you can reach in any moment. All of this will be helpful. But to really understand where you are, you must know where you are going.

As you have experiences in this life, you have the opportunity to receive information, adjust your beliefs, reach for higher perspectives, receive inspiration and take action that will lead to an even higher perspective. Right now, your perspective is extremely limited compared to who you truly are. With each move upward in perspective, you move one step closer to existing in this life as fully yourself. What keeps you limited is the the attachment to your own identity. But when you understand who you truly are, you will realize just how limiting your human identity is.

What if there was a version of you who existed unwaveringly in the truth of who you are? There is such a being. We would like to introduce you to your…

Inner Self

With our love,
We are Joshua

Assignment: Day Fifteen

Use the immeasurable traits list provided to fill in the blanks.

If the sentence does not apply to you, skip over it or fill in the noun that does apply.

If you do not find a trait that fits, use your own descriptive word.

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Fourteen – Beliefs (White Light)

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Day Fourteen - Beliefs (White Light)

There is no absolute truth in this physical reality. There is only the truth for you. There is only what you believe to be true, and what you believe to be possible. You believe something about everything in your physical experience. Your outer reality is a refection of your beliefs. Therefore, what you are experiencing IS what you believe.

A belief is a repetitive thought. It is a thought that you think (attract) over and over. As you remain at a vibrational set point or complex of frequency, you attract the same thought forms. When the same thought forms are attracted and combine with your identity to generate emotion, more of the same thoughts are subsequently attracted. This gradually strengthens the frequency you are emitting. After a while, this thought is so familiar to you that it becomes your truth. You have been attracting experiences reflecting this thought and subsequent emotion. Each time an experience emerges responding to this thought and reflecting the emotion, the belief is reinforced. The belief has no inherent truth within it. It is causing you to perceive yourself, and the reality you are experiencing, in either a limiting or empowering way. You will experience who you are, or who you are not. Either is fine. Both experiences are valid, but one will be far more joyful than the other.

Your beliefs about yourself and about your reality exist within you and inform your perspective. Your perspective translates into a vibrational frequency complex that is offered into the universe. This vibration is then reflected back to you in the form of experiences. The experiences themselves are neutral. It is your belief structure that causes you to perceive them as good, bad, right or wrong. The vibration you offer is how you inform the universe of what you desire to experience. You are asking to see and experience what you currently believe. So, in order to experience more of what you truly want, you must bend, stretch, soften and enrich your beliefs. As we move along in this course, we will share with you some effective ways to begin doing just that.

However, before you can open and adjust your beliefs, you must first recognize what they are. Discovering every component within your mental construct is not something that can be achieved overnight. It is a process that will become a part of you and a part of your daily experience and practice. You will uncover beliefs that limit you and beliefs that empower you. This is a primary element of the system of physical reality. You knew you would adopt certain beliefs about yourself, and from your non-physical perspective, you intended to do this. You knew this would allow you to move along the path to your intentions in a perfectly elegant manner.

Now that you are aware that your mental construct both limits and empowers you, something will naturally occur. You will begin to notice words that come to mind when you think or speak about yourself. Words such as “always” and “never” will lead you to something you believe about yourself. It is not necessary to embark on a seek-and-find mission for your beliefs. It is a generous shift in perspective to just become aware of the nature of your beliefs, and theimpact they have on your experience of life. This awareness alone, will guide you to uncover the beliefs that either limit or empower you in every moment. With this information you will understand yourself to be less victim and more creator.

By becoming aware of your mental construct, recognizing its influence on your current experience and actively challenging each component, you take great strides along the path to an unimaginable life.

We know you and we love you,
White Light

Tomorrow we will discuss


Assignment: Day Fourteen

Describe something or someone in your life recently that you felt was wrong or bad.

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Thirteen – Beliefs (Joshua)

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Day Thirteen - Beliefs (Joshua)

Your beliefs are neither true or false. They are simply empowering or limiting. Many of your beliefs, such as the belief that you cannot jump off a cliff and glide to the ground are quite useful. They keep you in this reality. However, a belief such as this could be correct in your opinion, but it is still limiting. It limits you from doing certain things that could cause you physical injury or death. We call these types of beliefs rational. They adhere to an expectation of some actual harm. All other limiting beliefs are considered irrational, since they have nothing to do with physical safety. They are just limiting.

All of the wonderful things, experiences and people in your life came to you due to your empowering beliefs. You believed that something was likely, probable or possible for you and so there was little or no wobble in your vibration. Without resistance, all that you desire comes into your reality easily and elegantly. This is the design of the system of physical reality. If you want more good stuff in your life, it would be wise to cultivate and develop your empowering beliefs.

If you could change a limiting belief into an empowering belief, you would radically alter the trajectory of your life. But you are not really aware of most of your limiting beliefs. If you could increase the intensity of your empowering beliefs, you would attract more of what you wanted into your life. Your set of beliefs are unique to you. The make-up of all of your beliefs, desires, needs, expectations, etc. form what we call your mental construct. What you think is true is true for you only. No one has a mental construct like yours. It’s the product of a unique being, life experience and identity. It is your unique perspective.

You can alter your beliefs. Since they are not true, only limiting or empowering, you can make adjustments. You can always prove that your limiting beliefs are not true. You can find evidence that proves they’re false. There is not one limiting belief in the history of mankind that was ever proven to be true. All limiting beliefs only appear to be true to those who choose to harbor them. Your beliefs are choices, based in your perspective, which is also a choice.

Your empowering beliefs are not really true either. They are only more true. However, they allow you to manifest many wonderful things with less resistance. You can raise the intensity of your empowering beliefs, just as you are able to lower the intensity of your limiting beliefs. The practice of finding evidence to prove limiting beliefs are false is similar to the practice of finding evidence that empowering beliefs are true. All you have to do is look for the evidence and it will exist either in your own life experience or the experience of someone else.

Each time you discover a limiting belief, find evidence to prove it’s false, and complete the work to reduce its intensity, you raise your perspective. But how does one discover hidden limiting beliefs? There is a wonderful mechanism in physical reality and its sole purpose is to make you aware of your beliefs. It’s called “The Manifestation Event” and it’s a marvelous phenomenon that you’ve experienced countless times in your life.

But before we discuss the Manifestation Event, we want to assure you that you are always being guided to discover your limiting and empowering beliefs. Your inner self and your millions of guides and supporters are leading you to the awareness of beliefs that must be adjusted for you to live the life you intended. The entire system of physical reality is set up to help you move through your own limitations in order for you to explore that which you came here to explore. You are always being supported by a loving and benevolent universe. You are never on your own. The feeling of separation is an illusion. The fact is that everything is set up to help you move along your path to the life you truly desire.

All of your limitations are self-imposed. There are no actual limitations in this reality. Remember these words. Nothing is standing in the way of what you have come to explore other than the beliefs that cause you to choose a perception of yourself, other people and the world around you. In this reality, which is yours, you are the creator. You can be, have and do anything you desire. There are absolutely no limits! We could not add more emphasis to that statement. If you feel any limitation whatsoever, it’s due to an inaccurate belief system. However, thanks to the Manifestation Event, you will always be led into situations that highlight beliefs that could use some adjustment.

Every time you experience something joyful, fun, exciting, etc, you are in a manifestation event. These events are orchestrated for you for many reasons. Of course, joy is the main one. However, within each happy occasion exists an empowering belief. The only reason you ever feel joy is due to the existence of an empowering belief. Without your empowering beliefs, you would only experience a life of discontentment, dissatisfaction, victimhood and suffering.

On the other hand, every experience you’ve ever had that was accompanied by negative emotion occurred due to the fact that you had a belief that was not true. When you experience a negative emotion, a limiting belief is responsible. Without limiting beliefs, it would be impossible for you to experience any negative emotion. And we would like emphasize this statement – All Limiting Beliefs Are False Beliefs.

You entered this reality as a blank slate. You had no beliefs, no identity and almost no perception of reality. You had a basic survival instinct, but as a baby, it was not supported by a mental construct. It was simply instinct. Nearly belief you have was adopted as you began to form your identity. You chose to believe something was either true or not at the time of an experience. This means that all of your beliefs are simply the things you choose to accept. Since it’s a choice, you can always make a different choice. You can choose to intentionally create a mental construct that is empowering, rather than the one you are choosing now, which is highly limiting by comparison.

You beliefs are always a choice. This means that the beliefs you choose to hold onto support an arbitrary identity that you use to define yourself. Since your beliefs were not intentionally adopted, who you think you are is a haphazard collection of arbitrary experiences you’ve unconsciously cobbled together to create a mental construct. You accept this mental construct as it is, without questioning it. But what if you actually questioned your beliefs? What if you became aware of and processed your limiting beliefs? If you could do that, your mental construct would change, your perception of your own reality would sharpen, your perspective would rise, and your definition of yourself would become more accurate.

In other words, who you think you are is based in beliefs that have never been true and therefore, the most limiting aspect of your entire reality is not true either. Imagine that you have been walking around your entire life with a completely false…


With our love,
We are Joshua

Assignment: Day Thirteen

Use the words from list 1 to fill in the first blank in each sentence.
Use the words from list 2 to fill in the 2nd blank in each sentence.


Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Twelve – The Unimaginable (White Light)

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Day Twelve - The Unimaginable (White Light)

Surprised and delighted; daily.

Relaxed and content; usually.

Curious and optimistic; frequently.

Passionate and excited; often.

Joyful and grateful; always.

This is an Unimaginable Life. You see, it does not matter what experiences or conditions are present in the moment. If this is how you feel then, what do the experiences truly mean? The only reason you want anything is because you think it will make you feel something when you have it. But does it matter what experience comes if what we just described is how you always feel?

We promise you, the experience does not matter. It is possible to experience anything in joy, and we mean anything. We understand that from your physical perspective this sounds impossible, but it is possible. The journey you are embarking on now will take you there if you allow it to. There is nothing more that you want above feeling good. If you can remember that you came for the feelings, you might be able to consider an approach to life that is centered around creating only the perspectives that allow you to feel good most of the time. If you can do this, you will raise your perspective to a level at which the unimaginable is a daily experience.

We would like to give you some examples of an unimaginable life:

Example 1:

Four friends, on a 4th of July Saturday, are walking in NYC. They have no destination, just an intention to enjoy the beautiful weather, the city and each other. They find themselves in Times Square, so they decide to sit down to rest at a table in the middle of everything. They suddenly become aware that they are the only people there, with not another soul in sight. They marvel at this astonishing fact and the inconceivable idea that this could be. How is this happening?

The digital billboards are flashing all around them, the weather is clear, it’s Saturday and it’s July 4th. They are stunned, delighted, mesmerized and elated. This is not an experience that was imagined, intended or even desired. Not one of them had ever had the idea to be in Times Square without anyone else in sight. This would be seemingly impossible to attain. It could not be arranged and no amount of money could have paid for this experience. Four friends together in Times Square without anyone in sight has never occurred in history, until that moment, nor will it ever occur again. Yet it was delivered to them, for them, and only them.

Example 2:

An educated, professional woman, who considers herself to be an average working mom, living a typical American life, suddenly develops incredible psychic powers. These are abilities that, until this moment, she thought others were fabricating for money or fame. She begins to see clear visions of past, present, and future events with great accuracy. She can speak easily to those that have transitioned from Earth to the nonphysical realm as if they are right beside her. Soon, she realizes that she can see exactly what a friend is seeing in real time, even though they are hundreds of miles apart. She can find lost items just by thinking of them. She has become one of the greatest channelers of all time, fully able to carry on conversations with many entities, nonphysical and physical, including her own inner self.

She did not intend or desire any of this. These things had never even occurred to her, because she did not think these types of abilities actually existed. Yet, it was all delivered to her in a beautiful, elegant way, down to the detail of providing loving and supportive friends to encourage and assist her.

Both of these stories are difficult to believe for most of you. But that is the way it is with an unimaginable life. It cannot BE imagined, so it is extremely hard to believe. You must experience it for yourself. What we want you to know is that your life has always been unimaginable. You just cannot see it from your current perspective. As you raise your perspective consistently in all areas of your life, you will recognize it more and more. As you do, more can be delivered to you and you will experience the surprise and delight felt by the subject of our short stories. Yes, both of these are experiences were enjoyed by the same person, in a very short period of time, along with countless others that could be described, but would never be believed.

This is the way you all intended to experience your reality. It is your birthright to experience everything you desire without limit. It is here for each and everyone of you and you are worthy of it. You came for the exploration, for the discovery, and for every delicious feeling. You came for the Unimaginable Life. There are no limits placed upon you whatsoever. All limitations are self-imposed. You have the power to remove your limitations and as soon as you do, you may expect your own vivid and unimaginable experiences to flow elegantly into your own personal reality.

We know you and we love you,
White Light

Tomorrow we will discuss


Assignment: Day Twelve

Choose three of the following ten actions to complete in the next 36 hours.

Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Eleven – The Unimaginable (Joshua)

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Day Eleven - Unimaginable

You are a thrill seeker to your core. You relish all that is new. You are not impressed by that which has already been explored. You love the feelings available here on Earth. It is something quite different indeed. In this Earth reality, which is unlike most other physical realms, you create with feeling. There is nothing like the feeling of something that has never been experienced before.

Have you noticed that the human race is made up of intrepid explorers, inventors, artists, thinkers, and adventurers? You are not designed to conform or to hide. You get bored easily. You find routine stale. The fascination with life is always in the new discoveries, new ideas, new places, new people and new adventures.

If you have ever started a business, you probably found that the experience was most enjoyable at the beginning. Once the business took off, it became a routine. Wasn’t it intoxicating when you met your first love? The first time you went to Disney World or traveled to another country was an exciting time. What did you feel like when you got your first car? These are the experiences you came for.

There is an aspect of this reality that few are aware of. There is still much to be discovered. There’s an approach to life that will bring forth unimaginable experiences and fill you with delight. The things you want are really not as important as you think. They will all lose their luster in a very short time. This is the interesting thing about everything that is new. The moment is fleeting and the emotion wears off. If you are wanting to manifest something because you think it will give you the feeling you lack, it might for a little while, but soon the feeling wears off and you’ll need to manifest something else.

This life you are living has been designed to allow for the creation of that which cannot be created in the nonphysical or really anywhere else. It is a unique environment filled with those powerful and eternal beings of love, like you, who understand the value of discovery. With each new experience, you expand. This is true. But most of your experiences are rather similar to those you’ve had before.

The feeling isn’t quite as exciting or delightful. It’s just another version of the same old thing. To truly live in this reality as you intended, the expansion you desire comes from those occasions where you have a powerful emotional response due to an event that you have never been present for before.

The unimaginable has always existed in this reality. Each new discovery had an affect on all who were aware of it. It was thrilling. The wonders of this world never cease to amaze. You might believe that everything has already been discovered, but you have only scratched the surface.

You have had many unimaginable experiences. You’ve witnessed unexplainable phenomena. You’ve been led into situations that made absolutely no sense to you. And you’ve tried to explain them all away. “There must be some reason for this,” you thought at the time. It couldn’t have been real. It must have been your imagination. But none of these events could have been imagined by you. You could not plan for them, pay for them, or set goals to experience them. These occurrences have always been at the very heart of this human experience. This is what you actually came for. You very much wanted to witness something truly novel as it was brought into this reality.

Just imagine if you will that life in all other physical realms is made up of physical and intelligent beings who operate within a collective consciousness. You might have to stretch your belief system a bit. But if you can understand how this Earth environment is quite unique, you’ll gain a very high perspective. In a collective consciousness without the intense variety of fear you feel, and without a highly refined and personalized perspective of an individual, the collective generally births desires through unified thought and frequency. As you might imagine, most of their creations are similar to past ones.

Every fear that exists on Earth emerges from the illusion of separation. A collective consciousness feels no separation and therefore does not have the intensity of fear that humans experience. To make it a little easier to understand, think of fear as simply lack of information. Think of love as complete information or knowing. When you don’t know, you feel fear, but when you know, you feel love. We will explain this concept in more detail as we proceed, but for now it may be helpful to understand fear as a lack of information.

When you do not know something and it causes you fear, it does not feel good to you. Imagine jumping out of an airplane. At first, you do not know if the parachute is going to open or not and so you feel a bit of anxiety, which you would call a negative feeling. It’s not actually a negative feeling and soon you’ll understand what we mean.

As soon as you pull the ripcord and the parachute is deployed, you immediately experience the wonderful feeling of relief. Now imagine the very first time anyone ever tried jumping out of an airplane with a parachute. They had no idea if the chute would actually open or not. This was something new. Can you imagine the intense feeling of fear and then the equally intense feeling of relief when the parachute did open? This illustrates the difference between a new experience and one that’s be had many times before.

With the new experience, the feelings are more intense, because there is less information. If the experience has never been had by anyone before, the experience is unimaginable. This is the pinnacle of feeling in this reality. To come from no knowledge of something and then experience it is truly special. This is why young children are often in a state of surprise and delight. Everything they experience is new to them.

If you live a life of routine, you are not really experiencing life as you intended. You are not doing anything wrong, but this life is one of discovery and you are a great explorer. Why aren’t you constantly having wonderful new experiences? Well, we would suggest that there is something standing in your way. There is an aspect of you that causes you to play it a bit safe and hide from anything new. You have a mental construct and this is a collection of…


With our love,
We are Joshua

Assignment: Day Eleven

How much of your typical day is planned before you get up in the morning?


Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Ten – The Manifestation of Desire (White Light)

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Day Ten - The Manifestation of Desire (White Light)

To manifest any desire into your physical reality, you must do only one thing; become a vibrational match to the desire. This seems easy enough, but as you may have noticed, it is a bit more elusive than those words would indicate. You see, as we mentioned earlier, your vibration is always shifting, whether you are adjusting it consciously or not. The vibrational frequency of your desire is constant, it never changes. Your desire emerges in the instant that you want it. It is the spiritual equivalent to “sending up a flare”. However, you cannot physically experience its fruition, because you are not a vibrational match to it. Not yet anyway.

The way to become a match to your desire is to go through the necessary changes in your own vibration that will draw the object, experience or interaction to you. The instant you have a desire, the universe jumps to attention. It begins shifting energy to bring experiences to you. It is bringing to you the most efficient and effective path to the physical experience of your new desire, while brilliantly taking into account all of your desires en masse.

Because you cannot clearly know which experiences are leading to which desires, you must accept all of them for what they are; gift boxes filled with information. Each experience is showing you what vibrational frequency you are offering. All you have to do is read the card. If you resist the experience, refusing the gift, yelling at it to go away or wanting it to be different than it is, then you just hold yourself apart from everything you truly want. To make the changes in your vibration you must accept all the gifts, read all the cards, get all the valuable information and make the proper adjustments.

The gift card will tell you exactly what you believe about yourself and whether these beliefs are empowering you or limiting you. With this information, you can address and adjust these beliefs, thereby adjusting your vibration to become a match to all of your desires. It happens in a perfect sequence; one experience at a time.

The way you feel within any experience or interaction is the communication from your Inner Self, letting you know how far your perspective is from the truth in that moment. If you feel good, that’s great. You’re right on track to what you want. If you feel bad, that’s good too. It just lets you know that there is a wobble in your vibration that will need to be adjusted before your desire will manifest.

Your Inner Self knows exactly what you want (and how to get it to you) with greater precision than you do. Follow the signals you are given and work to shift your perspective closer to the one your Inner Self is always holding on your experiences. This is the map to your unimaginable life.

We know you and we love you,
White Light

Tomorrow We Discuss

The Unimaginable

Assignment: Day Ten

Think of something you want but do not have (it can be an object, experience, interaction, etc).


Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.

Day Nine – The Manifestation of Desire (Joshua)

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Day Nine - The Manifestation of Desire (Joshua)

The fun and interesting thing about physical reality is the ability to dream of something and then have it come into your life. In the nonphysical realm, it’s quite easy to manifest anything. Of course, it’s not nearly as much fun as when you do it here on Earth. That’s because in the nonphysical, nothing has any meaning. Nothing has any inherent meaning in physical reality either. However, you experience everything as if it is real. Therefore, in your physical life, everything has meaning. It is always the meaning you choose to give it.

It is your divine right to manifest anything you desire. You can be, have and do anything in this reality. All you have to do is match the vibration of whatever it is you want and you’ll be guided right to it. You might have already learned that as soon as you ask for something, it is given. It exists and it’s ready and waiting for you. You cannot see it yet, because you are not yet a match. But as soon as you become a match, it will appear right before your eyes.

Did you catch the trick there? The thing you want will never become a match to you. You must become a match to it. Remember, your vibration is always changing and expanding. The thing you want is not like you. Its vibration doesn’t really change much, unless it’s another person, of course. But typically, when you ask for things, the things have a steady vibrational frequency and you must become a match to them. Imagine the Grand Canyon. You must come to it. It’s not ever coming to you. So think of the manifestation process as an activity involving change.

You generally want things that you do not have. Do you see how this might present a problem in a reality governed by attraction? If you want something, that usually means you believe you lack it. If you had it, would you really want it again? If you had a wonderful mate for instance, you would probably not want another mate (unless you enjoy drama), you would want something else that you did not already have. If you want something you do not already possess, you are emitting the vibration of lack. This is certainly not a match to what you want, because that vibration of lack is a perfect match to the lack of what you want. If you did not have the vibration of lack with regard to your desire, it would come. The manifestation of your desire is all about moving out of the vibration of lacking it to the vibration of having it.

Why on Earth is the manifestation process designed this way? We are happy you asked. If you asked for things and received them without first becoming a vibrational match, you would never be satisfied and you would never understand what you truly wanted. You would create in fear a bit too easily and that’s no fun. This process ensures that you really, really, want what it is you think you want and that you actually go through the required vibrational change necessary to become the receiver of it. Otherwise, it has no value to you and you don’t actually want it.

If you really want something, you will allow yourself to be moved through experiences that cause the proper changes to occur. In the process, guess what also occurs? You elevate your perspective. We will let you in on a little secret. Instead of fixating on something you lack and then go through all of the required experiences that will alter your vibration so that you finally match whatever it is you wanted in the first place, why not just simply raise your perspective? After all, that’s what’s going to happen anyway.

If you lack something and think you’d feel better if you had it, you will not. That’s due to the fact that outside things (everything that exists in your outer reality) cannot make you feel anything. Remember, everything that exists outside of you is simply a reflection of how you feel about yourself on the inside. If you look in the mirror and don’t like your hairstyle, no amount of adjusting the mirror will ever change your hair. The mirror doesn’t make you feel anything. Your opinion of what you see in your reflection is the only thing that ever makes you feel anything.

What you really want is the growth and experience gained as a result of the journey you will take from desire to manifestation. The desire is the engine of that journey. The manifestation of the desire is the destination, but it’s the journey itself that is the reward. When you consider the journey in this way, you accidentally discover the key to manifesting anything, because you drop your attention to the end result. In this manner, you live in the moment and offer a highly attractive vibration that’s not tied to the identity of one who lacks this thing you want.

Have you ever dreamt of something you very much wanted? Sometimes, it feels good to get it, but not for very long. Usually it doesn’t feel the way you thought it would feel. Often, the amount of effort it took to get it was never really worth it in the end. But every single time you birthed a desire, you were taken on a journey of discovery. In every case, you learned something new about yourself and you shifted your perspective. In fact, the journey to the fruition of your desire is often far more entertaining than the desire itself.

We will bring up an interesting paradox that describes the manifestation process perfectly. You could learn to become a master of manifestation. You could study vibration, become expert in the art of emotion, focus intently on what you wanted, fully accept your life as it is without it and soon you would match the vibration of anything you ever desired quite easily. It would pop right into your reality. But as a master, you would know better. You would never, ever do that, no matter how much you wanted something. As a master, you understand the true nature of this physical reality.

Why would a master creator never, ever manifest any desire? Because the master realizes that from that human perspective, you could manifest what is already known. A master allows the universe to bring forth the unknown, because this is the true path of creation. If you birth a desire, it is something you’ve already seen. Someone else has done something similar. There’s nothing new about it. What you really want is to experience something completely new. So as a master, your only work is to raise your perspective to the highest possible level within the confines of your beliefs.

If you know what you want, you can manifest it easily as long as you move out of the vibration of lack and become a vibrational match to it. But if you know what you want, then it’s probably nothing new and you’ll find it dull and unfulfilling. We promise you that no amount of money, luxury, free time or fame will ever make you feel any different. You are already a master creator and that’s why you’re here. Creators create the new, not the stuff that’s already been created by someone else. This is the true nature of the universe. It’s all about the new. This is what you really want and there is a way to get it.

What you truly want is something we call…

The Unimaginable

With our love,
We are Joshua

Assignment: Day Nine

Describe a time when you thought of something, briefly, that mildly interested you,
and then it manifested into your experience.


Meditations & Daily Spiritual Practice

During this course you will engage in a daily spiritual practice of meditation. You will receive a daily guided Joshua meditation. Each meditation is 15 minutes long. Meditation is a spiritual practice.

You will also receive a daily message from Joshua or White Light, which has been channelled especially for those participating in this course.

  • You can print/download the daily forms and complete by hand. 
  • Just click on the daily meditation image to listen or download.