Everything is right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. Everything that you believe is wrong is perceived by you from a perspective that is limited. If you had a higher perspective, you would be able to see it as right. From the highest perspective, everything is always, always one thing and one thing only: Perfect.
Perfection is the truth of all reality; the physical and the nonphysical. All of the stars in the heavens, the molecules that make up your body, the events and people in your life are always perfect. You are perfect as well. This is the only way anything could ever be. Imperfection of any sort is impossible.
Imperfection exists as a dream. It is based in fear and control. From a limited perspective, the only thing that is missing is information. If you had all of the information, you would see the perfection. Without all of the information, you can only see a part of it. The basis of your reality is the perspective you choose in the moment. You can only ever see part of anything. You cannot see the whole. This is by design.
Your birthright is your choice to look at something from a perspective that’s limited and then make a choice. How will you choose to perceive it as it reflects back on you? All choices are also perfect. You cannot get it wrong, because wrong is not possible. You make a choice of perspective and then whatever you choose from there is the only choice available to you. This is the Law of Attraction at work. If you think about it a little more, this will make perfect sense to you.
You have free will, but not in the way you imagine it. Your choices, decisions, actions, etc. come in response to whatever perspective you choose. From each perspective, there are certain thoughts, choices, and actions. From each perspective, there are no other choices to make. Your free will extends to your right to choose any perspective, but not to make any choice. Once the perspective has been chosen, you can only do whatever you will do. This is perfection.
Nothing can ever happen to you, it can only happen for you. This is the truth. It’s also a perspective. If you choose this perspective, you will experience everything in joy, since joy is the truth. The universe is based in love. Love is perfect. You are a being of love and so you must be perfect as well. Source is love and Source is perfect. Everything manifests as an aspect of Source, therefore, everything is perfect. This too is the truth and to understand this fully, you must choose a very high perspective.
If you choose the perspective of perfection, then you cannot hold the desire to fix anything, improve anything, get more of anything, or control anything. Why would you want to if everything was perfect? The desire to alter anything comes from a limited perspective based in fear. Fear emerges from the illusion of imperfection/separation. Anything based in fear or control comes from a perspective that holds the illusion as the truth. Since it is not, all choices, decisions and actions, based in fear and control can only result in outcomes based in the illusion. This is the design and purpose of this physical reality, and this too is perfect.
Why is there a reality where imperfection is the primary belief of the masses? If all choices, decisions or actions based in fear lead to more fear, why would the masses continue to perceive imperfection and still take action? If you can stop right here and understand what we are teaching, you have an opportunity to look behind the curtain for yourself. The truth of what we are saying is self-evident. It simply requires that you take a breath and look at your reality objectively.
You’ve always chosen to see any person, event or situation from a perspective that was equal to who you believed yourself to be in that moment. The decision available to you from that perspective was a perfect match to that perspective. You acted on one and only one idea and this was the only idea available to you. Now, we understand that you remember several choices and possible actions. But this too is part of the illusion and we will explain this further.
Let’s imagine that you win a million dollars in the lottery. What thoughts are coming to you now? We promise you that if you actually won the lottery, rather than this thought experiment, you would attract all thoughts, decisions and actions, based in your identity. If you are broke and struggling to pay rent, what would you do? If you are rich, you would receive completely different thoughts. If you’re on your deathbed, your choices would be vastly different. It all depends on how you see yourself in your reality. In other words, your identity automatically interprets an event and from that you have chosen a perspective.
Everything in this reality comes in perfect vibrational resonance to your unique perspective as it relates to whatever is in your reality in each moment. That’s where your thoughts originate. They’re not manufactured in your brain, they’re all attracted. No thing (thought, person, idea, choice, object, decision, action, event, etc.) can come to you without being a match to you. Your perspective in every area of your life is translated into a vibration and emitted from you as a signal. Everything that comes back to you, no matter what it is, is a perfect vibrational match. It is law. There are no exceptions.
This means that every single time you’ve been angry, you have only ever received one possible action, decision or choice. In every case, whatever you did was the only thing you could do. All possible actions that you believe were available to you would have led to the exact same outcome. And if you were able to trace the aftereffects of the action you took, it always led you to an experience of separation of some sort, because you acted on an urge to change what was already perfect.
Had you been aware of this information at the time, you would have realized this. Since you are aware of this information now, we invite you to make a decision in anger and follow it to its outcome. The result can only be one thing; an unpleasant experience of separation.
Remember, the illusion is separation and the truth is connection. When you choose a perspective based in love, you attract a match to that. When you take an action based in love, the outcome will always be some form of connection. It is the only possible outcome. The reverse is equally true. Any choice, decision or action taken in fear will lead to an outcome based in separation. There are probabilities involved, as well as the aspects of time and space, therefore, an exact outcome cannot be predicted. However, it will be an experience of separation or connection to some degree and all of it depends on your perspective.
Let’s look at the human race in general. Take any subject and look at the perspectives of those involved. Look at what’s going well and what’s not working. You will always be able to trace every good thing back to a higher perspective and anything unwanted back to a fear-based perspective. This exercise will not fail you. If you understand the perfect nature of this reality, you can know for certain that when someone is in fear, they are believing in an illusion and whatever actions they end up taking will lead them to an experience of separation. Separation matches the illusion. Love matches the truth.
All arguments are based in limited perspectives and the outcomes are always some form of separation. But what happens when people make up after a fight? It’s very simple. Enough time has passed for each person to raise their perspectives and act on the inspiration to make up with each other.
But as soon as their perspectives drop again, they will fight and separate. It has nothing to do with the people, the situation, or anything exterior. This is an internal process of perspective. They are simply perceiving themselves inaccurately as victims to outside people and conditions and then they attract matching thoughts, choices and actions.
Now here’s the good news and the simplicity of it will astonish you.
If you want to experience all of the love, joy and wonderful experiences that are available to you in each moment, there is only one thing you must keep in mind. Think about how you might raise your perspective, both in the moment and over the course of your entire life.
When you look at something and impulsively judge it as wrong or bad, shift your perspective and look at it again. As soon as you do, you’ll attract new thoughts. If something makes you angry, look at it from the perspective that it must be right, and you will begin to receive ideas that will demonstrate how it might be right. If you want anything to be different than it is, simply understand that you are in fear, that a limiting belief has been triggered, and you are receiving the notification of an inaccurate perspective from your inner self who loves you. As soon as you do this, your perspective has been elevated and suddenly you will feel better and receive new thoughts.
Yes, we understand there is momentum. Yes, we appreciate that you have a set of firm beliefs. We know that you have been living in a certain way of protecting yourself from negative emotion for a long time. But this is irrelevant. As soon as you start observing everything objectively and just look at the perspective of those involved, you’ll start to see it for what it really is. It will become obvious to you and impossible to deny. Once you see it, you cannot unsee it. Once you know, you cannot unknow.
Starting here and now, you will begin a new journey of discovery based in a clear understanding of the actual system of this physical reality that is in place. Your only work is to raise your perspective. Your perspective has been raised greatly as a result of your willingness to participate in this course. But there is much more to understand and to learn. Your perspective will not raise itself. You must continue along a path of intentionally increasing your perspective, and with that, new opportunities will meet you.
There is a way to move along from here to an understanding of other concepts that you are now ready for as a result of completing this course. The Foundations program may seem basic or advanced to you depending on what you’ve learned thus far. But it has helped you reach a perspective where it is obvious to you that further study and experience is necessary. There is far more to the design of this system than what you currently know. There is so much more to consider. But you were not ready for that until now. Your perspective has elevated to a point where you can go on to the next step.
Ask the person who sent you this information and they will reveal to you the next level of teachings that you are now ready to discover. This is the next step on your Inspired Path.