It Is All One
Oneness is the truth. Separation is the illusion. The more you seek connection, the more you exist in a state of authenticity. In fear, you will want to separate. Love is oneness and fear is separation.
As a human, you feel separate from everything and everyone in your reality. Therefore, the human experience is illusory. All separation is made while in the illusion. In order to bring in more love into your life, you must always be thinking about connecting more. How does one connect more fully to their reality? One expresses more love and acceptance. Resistance is separation. Acceptance is connection.
To see through the illusion is to connect more fully to who you truly are and everything that exists in your reality. If it exists in your reality, then it is there to serve you in some way. If it is not necessary, it cannot exist in your reality. All of the good that you enjoy serves a purpose as well as anything you perceive as bad. The perception of anything good is created from truth, while the perception of bad exists only within the illusion. If you could see out of the illusion, if only for a moment, you would realize that there is no bad or wrong anywhere in the universe, and therefore, no separation.
How then does one create a reality that is more aligned with truth and less of the illusion? One must simply be aware of resistant thoughts, fears, and limiting beliefs. The process of identifying and dissecting limiting beliefs leads to greater clarity, more connection and more love. You will tend to separate from anything you fear when limiting beliefs are being triggered. Without the limiting beliefs, you would connect more fully to every aspect of your reality. Therefore, the reason you feel disconnected is due to the existence of a set of limiting beliefs.
The limiting beliefs are not wrong or bad, as we have stated many times before, they are simply limiting. Certain limiting beliefs do not actually limit you from living the life of love that you have come here to explore. You can have limiting beliefs and still live a life of love. It is not necessary for you to remove your limiting beliefs in order to connect more fully to everything in your life. It’s just that some specific limiting beliefs about yourself (and other people in your life) cause the disconnection you feel. As you do the work to process your limiting beliefs as often as possible, you will naturally connect more to everything.
There is a way to accomplish this that is more effective. We would suggest that you look at everything from the higher perspective. If you are a being of love, then deep down you are an eternal flame of perfection. Nothing would ever mean anything about
you. You would simply exist as a fully connected being of love. This is how you exist in the nonphysical. You feel connected to All That Is, to god and to all other souls in your community (or family). You cannot separate yourself from any of it. And it feels very good. It feels very natural. It feels right and true.
You can approach life this way right now
When you look at someone, you can know for certain that you are eternally linked. You are fully connected. Physical reality causes you to feel disconnected, but that is the illusion. In the nonphysical you feel so connected to them. You know them fully. You accept them as they are and they fully accept every fiber of your being. There is no fear and no limiting beliefs, because you have all the information. However, there is no way to get to know them better or to know yourself more fully in the nonphysical. There is no way to expand your self- perception or your perception of All That Is. So you come to physical reality for the experience.
As a child, you feel a deep sense of love for those around you. You don’t know why you love them, you just do. Over time you adopt limiting beliefs which get triggered and you feel fear. Your beliefs grow momentum and you feel less and less connected. Now this is perfectly natural in this environment and it helps you move on to create your own life with new friends, lovers, mates, and so on. All of this is good. This is the journey of expansion. If you really knew who everyone is, you would just want to be with them all of the time.
But there has been something within your vibration that has called you to discover more about this system, and you find yourself here reading these words and doing this practice. What if you could see through the illusion right now? How would it feel to connect more deeply with everyone in your life? How would it feel to accept them without needing them to accept you at all. If you realized that they could not see out of the illusion, they could not process their limiting beliefs and they could not know what is happening when those beliefs are triggered, then you could simply accept them for wherever they are in their journey. You don’t have to change them, nor do you have to be different than you are. You could simply be authentic.
This new approach to life would allow you to drop your attachment to outcomes. You could give up your need to accommodate them. You could be more authentic. If they rejected you in the physical form, you would know that you’re not actually being rejected. You are actually still connected. It’s just that they are dealing with their own perception of reality. They will be living in fear as you adjust your approach to life.
But soon, something magical starts to happen. They start to respond to your higher vibration. They rise up. They come to your level. How do they do this? You emit a new vibration and they respond to that vibration. Since they are always mirroring how you feel about yourself, once you raise your perception of yourself, so do they.
This is not to say that they will all come along for the ride. You have to look at this from the highest perspective possible. Everyone in your life has made an agreement with you. They have agreed to reflect back to you just how you see yourself. Some of the people in your life are there to magnify your limiting beliefs and you exist in conflict with them until you change those beliefs. Once those limiting beliefs have been transmuted into beneficial beliefs, their service may no longer be needed. They have completed their contract. They are now free to go off and expand as they intended. They might stay around or they may go. They may even transition to the nonphysical just as you resolve this conflict (which is always an inner conflict). Many of your parents will transition at this time. This is actually good and there is no need for grief.
But most of the people in your life will want to remain in your life in some form. You will notice that. As you elevate your self-perception, they will change. They will get interested in things you are interested in. They will become lighter and easier. Of course, a lot of this has to do with the fact that you are no longer continuing to provoke them, because the beliefs that caused you to do that are now at low intensities. You are operating in a new way and this allows them to be more free themselves.
When you begin to accept others and intentionally deepen your relationships, they grow sweeter
They get easier and easier. They begin to accept you as well. But you cannot do this just to get them to change, for that would be inauthentic. You cannot use this information to control your relationships. That will never work, because it’s still based in fear. Instead you must actually do the work without any attachments to the outcomes. You must have faith, but also be perfectly aligned even if things do not materialize as you might imagine. You must give up and let it all go. When you do this, you must come back to your authentic self and act authentically in every moment. There is no room here for any guilt or compromise. You can no longer continue to be that inauthentic version of yourself that you developed in order to receive love and acceptance from others. You must become who you truly are.
When you are with someone, see if you can look past the illusion of who they represent and to the truth of who they are. Imagine that you are together in the nonphysical and you are gazing into each other’s nonphysical eyes. Imagine seeing them exactly as they are. Nothing is wrong. Nothing is missing. You know everything about them. You have known them for an eternity. You understand them completely. Now look at the human form in front of you and realize that this is just a fuzzy version of who they are. It’s just a representation seen from your limited perspective. Now imagine the truth.
When you return to the nonphysical and see them in their truth, you will know your connection. It will be so obvious. But there won’t be anything to discuss, because now you know everything. There’s nothing new to learn about them. You are never separate and so you know everything they know and vice versa. It’s nice, but it’s really dull. There’s no excitement or drama. The exploration of each other is done in the physical realm. This is why you came. Once you return to the nonphysical, the exploration (for now) has ended. Then you do it again.
Once again you find yourself in a physical life interacting with your soul family, but you cannot remember them. You cannot remember yourself. So you explore who they are being in this physical life and who you are in relation to them. This time maybe your roles are reversed, so that you each get see them from a new perspective. And this continues eternally, because this is where the fun is.
But you often don’t consider it to be fun, do you? Why not? Because you are in resistance and experiencing fear. You do not like the negative emotion that comes with fear. You seek to avoid the negative emotion by disconnecting yourself from other people. You might think of yourself as one who loves to be around people or you might think of yourself as a recluse, or something in between. But all of you are hiding out from negative emotion to some degree and this causes you to separate rather than to connect.
Through enough journeys in physical reality, you will eventually come to see the truth of who you are. Once you recognize that truth, you will begin to see who everyone else is as well. You will stop participating in disconnection and seek greater levels of connection through acceptance. This is when you will discover for the first time the limitless joy expressed in unconditional love. You have been exploring separation in this and all other lives. This has led to your awakening. Once this awakening event has occurred, you will begin a new exploration. This is the limitless and eternal exploration of love.
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.