Forgiving Your Inner Self
To forgive is to set yourself free from all limitation. In order to set yourself free from all limitation, you must first forgive. You must forgive yourself, all others, and most importantly, your inner self. You cannot truly forgive from the perspective of the victim. This would simply be a means by which you try to control that which you perceive as wrong. To truly forgive, you must know who you are. You are the creator, the observer and the experiencer of your reality and there is no wrong anywhere in the universe.
In order to truly forgive, you must understand why you came to explore physical reality. You came for the expansive experiences you knew would be made available to you here. You wanted to expand in love and this is what you are doing now. However, you also intended that this journey be truly joyful. That part always depends on your perspective. There is no need to suffer. Suffering is always determined by your choice of perspective.
If you perceive yourself as a victim, you will live in duality judging some things as right and other things as wrong. You will perceive that those things outside of you have the ability to cause how you feel. Of course, this is never the case. It is always the perspective that you choose. Choose to see it all as good and there is no wrong, no fear and no negative emotion.

Now that you understand why you came, you can see that all experiences are beneficial. With each experience, you expand in love. When you return to the nonphysical, you will see this clearly. But if you could see it clearly now, you would then choose the higher perspective and live in joy, just as you intended. The key to joy is in your ability to see the expansive qualities of each and every experience.
You and your inner self are one and the same. There is no difference other than a choice of perspective and the ability to focus. Your inner self is feeling every emotion that you are, yet never believes in the illusion, because it is able to focus on the higher perspective. You are able to focus on that same perspective. You have not been practicing this kind of focus for much of your life. In fact, you’ve been primarily focused on what you feared in order to control it somehow. And thus, you brought in much of that fear into your daily reality.
Each time you focussed on something you feared, you received negative emotion in the form of guidance from your inner self. When your focus is aligned with your inner self’s point of focus, you feel good. However, when you become focused on something from the limited perspective and are believing in the illusion, the disparity in focus between you and your inner self creates negative emotion.

Imagine that you have an experience that you think is very wrong and it brings up great fear. From your limited perspective, you cannot see the spiritual benefit in this experience. You cannot know how this experience will expand your soul. You feel intense negative emotion and you blame the experience as the cause of the emotion. In fact, it is your perception of the experience that is responsible for your pain. If you knew how expansive and beneficial the experience was, you would be in alignment with your inner self’s perspective and feel nothing but joy.
Imagine that you could live an expansive life while being fully aligned with your inner self’s perspective. It would be a life of love and wonderful growth. This is actually what you intended prior to your birth. But how does one come from the painful, limiting perspective of the victim to the exhilarating, satisfying and limitless perspective of the creator? One must go through certain experiences and then ask for guidance and new information. If you are reading this now, you have done just that. You have attracted this information.
There exists a vibration within you that has been asking for a new approach to life. That vibration exists in the core of your soul. However, without certain experiences, this vibration would not be strong enough to attract the information you so desired. Those experiences, some of which you judge as bad, were exactly the experiences that activated the vibration that attracted the information you very much wanted to discover.
Your inner self knows this is how it works. You did not know this. That’s the only thing to remember here.
Your inner self knows exactly what you truly want and how to make you a vibrational match to it. Your inner self understands the laws of the universe, including the Law of Attraction. In order for you to bring anything into your reality, you must become a match to it. It will never become a match to you. How does one alter their vibration to become a match to what they truly want? The must have certain experiences that will alter their vibration in ways that create connection to what is wanted.
Even though you have been studying the Law of Attraction for many years, you don’t have all the information. Your perception of reality is quite limited, and so is your perception of yourself. If you exist in duality, you will simply want to control everything in order to avoid negative emotion as much as possible. But this fosters the illusion and keeps you from becoming a vibrational match to everything you truly want. It’s not your fault, it’s just that you can’t really fully see how this system of physical reality actually works. But your inner self can.

Let’s imagine that prior to your birth you intended to find a wonderful mate who will satisfy you on many levels. This is something you very much wanted to experience in this life, and so did the soul who will become your mate. However, before you can meet and fall in love, your vibration must be adjusted. You must have experiences that activate the vibration of your mate within you (and so does your mate).
You have a set of beliefs which are preventing you from becoming a vibrational match to your mate. You are not consciously aware of those beliefs. Therefore, your inner self must place you in conditions that will expose your limiting beliefs through manifestation events. As a result of these experiences, which are sometimes painful from your perspective, your vibration changes. Eventually, through enough carefully orchestrated experiences, you raise your vibration to the point where you can recognize your mate when you see him/ her.
Without these vibration altering experiences, you would never find your mate in this lifetime. Since you very much wanted to find your mate, these experiences are also very much wanted. At the time of the manifestation events, you are in resistance to what is happening and you feel negative emotion. You might have a romance in school that ends badly and you are left heartbroken. At the time, you might wish things were different. However, it is the experience of this breakup that eventually leads you to a vibration that matches your true love. In the end, it was all worth it.
But at the time, you are choosing to focus on the events as if they are wrong or bad. You are seeing yourself as a victim from a limited perspective. You are receiving urges to change the conditions. It feels painful, not because the breakup is bad or wrong, but because you are not aware of the process of shifting vibrations.
Do you see now that in the past you may have prayed to God for something you thought you wanted. God did not give you what you thought you wanted, because your inner self knew exactly how to get you what you truly wanted. If you can look at all past events from this higher and truer perspective, you will end all of your suffering in the moment.
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.