The form is the creation
But in reality there is no true form. It’s all vibrational. There is nothing but the potential. The potential is created through the vibration. Emit a vibration and see what returns. Like vibration is attracted to like vibration. The experience of the creation must be unique to all who experience it, for each experiencer emits a unique vibration. The form is not important and has no inherent meaning. In reality, nothing is real other than the underlying vibrations. The experiencer gives meaning to form.
In love, you experience the vibration in love. In fear, you experience the vibration in fear. However, the vibration itself is neutral and is always based in love. From the perspective of the human who remains ignorant of the system, it will seem as if the culmination of the vibrations mean something. It is still the experiencer who gives meaning to anything and that meaning is based in the vibration being offered.

Once you fully understand that everything is vibrational, you can choose to live in love, give up needing anything and focus on expressing love. In choosing this approach to life, you emit a very high-vibrational signal. The universe responds in kind. It creates vibrational feedback in the form of experiences that match the general vibration you are offering. Is it possible to focus your attention and emit a more specific vibration in order to manifest something specific? Of course it is, but the specific manifestation you desire will not have any inherent meaning either.
A deliberate creator does not need to create anything specific, because he/she realizes the creation would come from a limited perception of self. The deliberate creator allows the universe to bring forth a simple yet elaborate reflection of the vibration being offered. The deliberate creator could never dream big enough to specifically create something as wonderful as the universe has in store.
Deliberate creation is done by holding the vibration of whatever you want to create. If you could hold the vibration of love (the very highest vibration), you would receive a reality comprised of love. It would feel good, because in holding a vibration of love, you are already feeling very good. In a state of faith, you would delight at all the examples of love the universe is throwing at you.
It has taken this long for you to realize that being a deliberate creator does not mean creating anything specific. You needed all the previous work you’ve done in the Ascension Experience to come to an overall understanding of the creation process. Almost every other human on the planet wants to create (by themselves) something specific. It is this misperception of the system of physical reality that creates all suffering, disillusionment, disappointment and dissatisfaction. Almost all humans are creating out of fear, lack and/or control.

You likely discovered these teachings because you wanted to create something specific. You believed that if you could manifest what you want, you would feel better. Since you didn’t already feel good, you kept manifesting problems, issues, lack and limitation. Now you understand that the feeling creates the manifestation. To create good feeling experiences and things, you must feel good first.
Most people get stuck in the Law of Attraction because they are wanting to discover more effective ways of manifesting their desires. Something about the Law of Attraction lights them up. There are many so called LOA experts who use this misunderstanding to their advantage. They engage is all sorts of practices designed to manifest what they lack in order to cure their feelings of lack. Since they have no idea how the system of physical reality actually functions, they are met with disappointment and frustration.
When you first started paying attention to these teachings, would you have been satisfied if we mentioned that the only way to manifest anything is to feel it first and then let the universe bring you the representation of that feeling in physical reality? Probably not. You wanted something tangible. But then you stayed around long enough to understand that your perception of yourself is your vibration and to raise that vibration you would have to elevate your perception of yourself from victim to creator.
A victim emits a lower vibrational signal and the universe responds with a lower vibrational reality. The deliberate creator focuses only on one thing; their vibration (ie; their perception of self). Nothing specific is wanted. Nothing specific is expected. The manifestation of any desire is simply vibration organized in some form to reflect the vibration the creator is emitting.
If you are emitting a vibration of lack, you will receive the vibrational equivalent. How does one emit the vibration of abundance? The deliberate creator feels abundant despite the reality they’re experiencing. How does one attract freedom? The deliberate creator feels free despite the reality they’re experiencing. So then, how does one feel the feeling they’re lacking in order to manifest a reality that is desired? The creator would never try to feel anything. The deliberate creator chooses a perception of reality that aligns with the truth and then simply experiences the truth before anything becomes manifested. This is done by giving up control, ideals, outcomes, attachments, desires and preferences.

To be the master creator you truly are, you must exist in physical reality as you exist in the nonphysical. You must choose to perceive your reality the same way your inner self does. As above, so below. You must opt out of duality, which is the realm of the victim and embrace neutrality, which is the realm of the creator.
Imagine Source in the early days of the creation of the physical universe. All of these planets, stars, galaxies, gasses, comets, chemicals, etc have been created. It meant nothing to Source. There was no context. It was all simply fascinating, but there was absolutely no meaning or feeling, because there was no fear.
Then suddenly life emerged and was conscious. Source now had a way to feel something as the living beings were having experiences. Still there was no context. It was all feeling. Since Source stayed in a neutral state, all of the feelings arrived without any judgment. Source very much enjoys feeling. The more complex life became, the wider the variety of feeling grew. New possibilities brought new feelings.
Source feels everything you feel. Your inner self feels everything you feel. All That Is has access to every feeling you’ve ever felt. Before you came into this existence in this lifetime, none of the feelings you felt ever existed. This is because you are unique and so each experience you have is also unique. The bundle of experiences called your “life” are all new and unique. They are highly valued in the nonphysical. The only one who has any issue with how you experience life is you. So you began asking for information that would allow you to experience life in more joy. You (and others like you) unlocked a new range of possibilities that never existed before.
Think about this for a moment. Let’s imagine you entered your first life as a human long ago. You perceived yourself as a victim and lived in fear. From that state of being, you had experiences and had feelings. Since you perceived yourself as a victim, the feelings were caused by a flawed perception of reality. You perceived the feelings as bad, yet your inner self did not. Why not? Because your inner self remained neutral and did not judge the feelings. All of the feelings you had, even though they were based in fear, were unique to you because you are unique. None of those feelings had ever been experienced before, because your life from your perspective had never existed before. To Source, All That Is and your inner self, the feelings were all new. This is a wonderful things. You create the new feelings from a new perspective and yet those bad feelings are left with you. They are not transmitted to the nonphysical as “bad” because those in the nonphysical are more neutral.

Billions and billions of humans have experienced countless feelings. Some of those feelings were based in love and joy, but more were based in fear, lack and limitation. All of them were unique, but they’re still mostly based in fear. Now imagine a great shift taking place. As humans move from general feelings based in fear to more feelings based in love, more and more love-based feelings become available. This is incredibly wonderful to witness from the nonphysical perspective.
Why is it that humans should live physical experiences feeling so much negative emotion that is not felt in the nonphysical? It could be so much nicer to have a physical life that was founded on love. Well, in order to arrive at the state of love, each soul must experience the fear. This is what gives love context. Without experiences of fear, one could not truly feel love. This is the great value in physical life and it benefits the soul itself and All That Is. This is what expansion is all about.
Now you are beginning to understand this eons-long process of expansion. You spend some lifetimes in fear expanding to greater levels of love, acceptance, abundance, freedom, etc. as you move through the illusion based in fear. Once you have had enough experience, you are closer to the vibration of love. You then enter this life with the powerful intention to discover who you are. You choose the time and date of your birth, the location, your body, your family and other details. You choose to come in with high emotional sensitivity and many talents and attributes. The intention to discover who you are brought you to these teachings.
In participating in this Ascension Experience, you choose to do the work, have the experiences and alter your perception of your reality. This caused a massive shift in your vibration. For many of you, empathic abilities are starting to be recognized. You must remember that you choose all of your abilities and talents. When your vibration rises high enough, those innate abilities become known to you (even if you don’t believe them at first).
All of the work you’ve been doing through these teachings, meditation, your daily spiritual practices, and even prior teachings, have caused you to do one thing and one thing only: alter your perception of reality. That’s it. You’ve modified your mental construct and now you have a new set of beliefs which are far more empowering. This is a vibrational shift.
Deliberate creation is not holding focus of attention on anything specific, it has to do with matching the vibration of whatever you want. If you want something specific, it’s likely because you perceive that you lack it. This won’t work the way you might have believed it would. Hopefully, you see that now. What works is raising your vibration and then allowing the universe to bring you examples of that new vibration. How do you raise your vibration? You alter your perception of reality.

A deliberate creator is actively altering his/her perception of reality. This is a simple concept, yet to most humans it’s baffling. Here’s the conundrum: if you think the illusion is real, then it becomes real in your experience. But if you can choose to perceive your reality in a more empowering way, you’ve just raised your vibration as a result of that choice. You must see through the illusion before the evidence that proves the illusion is just an illusion is given to you.
You must choose to perceive yourself as a creator before your reality reflects that back to you. The whole time you’re trying to believe that you’re the creator of your reality, the universe is still reflecting back an image of a victim. You must alter your perception of reality first, allow for the momentum of your old vibration to slowly change, all while the reality you’re experiencing seems to reflect that old vibration. Then something wonderful happens; you start perceiving the old reality in more love and acceptance.
You start accepting that your reality is better, has always been better than you thought and will continue to be better in the future. The reality you experienced in the past had context based on your flawed perception of reality. It always was good, you just couldn’t see it. When you decide to change your perception of reality, you see everything differently.
Do you remember that we first told you that there is no wrong anywhere in the universe? Do you remember when we told you that you are perfect, that your life has always been perfect, is perfect now and will forever be perfect? Do you remember when we told you that nothing ever happens to you, that it’s always happening for you? Is this your new perception of reality? If so, you have ascended. Moving from a flawed perception of reality to a truer perception of reality is the Ascension.
Nothing about you ever needed to change. There was no way you could ever improve. You were always perfect and since your entire reality is you, it was always perfect too. All you had to do was alter your perception of reality so that you could see it.
Doesn’t this all make sense now?
As soon as you choose a true perception of reality, the truth is revealed.
With our love,
We are Joshua
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.