Fear is an Expression of Love
A deliberate creator creates in a neutral state of love connected fully to Source Consciousness. Any other state would give rise to unintentional creation or the creation of that which is not borne fully in love. Deliberate creation is that creation absent of the influence or distortion of fear. It is pure creation in love.
All creation is valuable and is perfect from the nonphysical perspective. It is all a means by which the new is created. New experiences are available within all creation and even those creation borne in extreme fear can be seen from the highest perspective as creations of love, since all that exists is derived from Source and Source is love. However, as a human creator, you are given a choice; create deliberately and aligned fully in love with Source consciousness or create out of alignment and in fear. What do you chose?
A deliberate creation is not more or less than an unintentional creation. The creation itself is neutral, like all things. You are the creator and you will have a relationship with your creations. You are the one who will have the experience of your creation. That experience will be of value either way. But to create intentionally is to create in alignment with who you truly are. The experience of intentional creations are something altogether different than the experience that is to be had in relation to unintentional creations.
Remember that above all, you are an eternal, magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. This is the truth of who you are. When you create in alignment with this truth, your intentional creations will fully support experiences of this magnitude. All other experiences are therefore limited. You impose your own limitations upon yourself. Your experiences are therefore limited in scope and scale. To create deliberately is to fully understand the magnificence that is you and then to manifest your creations from that understanding. What is the purpose of your creations; to serve Source, to serve your fellow man, to serve life, to serve your environment and to serve your journey of self-discovery. Why would you ever want to limit any of that? The simple answer is fear.
Fear is limiting, love is limitless. You are moving from fear to love at your own pace. You are exploring who you are not to better understand who you truly are. You are perceiving an illusion in order to better understand the truth. Excellent! You have explored limitation, lack, illusion, discontentment and everything else based in fear enough in this and past lifetimes. Now you are ready to embrace who you truly are and move through fear towards a brand new exploration. You are here to fully discover who you are and to be of service to All That Is. This is the embodiment of love within the life and experience of the human being.
You have been created in the mold of Source itself. Like Source, you are the creator or Source of your reality. Your creation is made to serve your exploration of self. All things, experiences, people, etc. that exist in your reality are the means by which you have experiences of self. Most of your life has been one of misperception. You perceived that your reality existed outside of you when in fact, your entire reality is you.
If you look at the universe and see that everything within it was created by Source as a way to investigate Source itself, you can understand that the entire universe is actually Source manifested. Source created the entire universe and everything within it. Source is not separate from that creation since everything within it is Source and cannot be separated from Source. You have created your universe, which we will call your reality. Everything in that reality has been created by you and cannot be separated from you. The illusion is that you exist in separation from all those in your life, all things in your life and all concepts, experiences, emotions, ideas, thoughts, values, talents, attributes, memories, fears, desires, preferences, and ideals. It is all you in the same way that the entire universe is all Source.
You are a universe within a universe. The universe of your reality exists within the larger universe that has been created and borne out of pure love by Source. Everyone else exists within their own universe within the larger Source-universe. All universes are moving, creating and interacting with each other within infinite dimensions of possibilities. It’s an intricate system designed for one thing; conscious experience and expansion.
As long as you are having experiences, you are expanding your consciousness and so the design of the system serves you perfectly. You are creating your reality and having your experiences while expanding your consciousness. You are adopting a perception of reality at every turn. That perception of reality is limited or expansive or somewhere in between and this provides the basis of your experience. Your emotions tell you if you
are experiencing the illusion or the truth. It’s an elegant system indeed.
In fear, based in the perception of reality you have adopted, you will have a limited experience and expand in a limited way. From your nonphysical perspective, this is still a valuable experience. But from a physical perspective, it’s simply limited. Of course you set pre-birth intentions. Your primary pre-birth intention is to expand in joy. This implies that you intended to expand in a limitless manner, since joy equates to love and love is limitless. You might call it “Exponential Expansion.” Why would you chose exponential expansion over limited expansion? Because the benefits are obvious. However, this intention imposes the necessity to move through fear.
The pre-birth intuition to expand in joy (i.e. exponentially) carries the implication that you must be courageous by pushing past fear and dropping self-imposed limitations (limiting beliefs). Everything about you has been created to move through fear to expand exponentially.
Your emotional sensitivity is an inherent quality that allows you to understand when you are in fear and when you are in alignment. From your nonphysical perspective, you knew that this quality would greatly aid in your ascension. However, it can also cause you to protect yourself from those very emotions. If you do, you will encounter inner conflict and many manifestation events. This will feel painful, because you exist in a state of duality.
You must see that the earth you live in at this time is ripe with possibilities, both in fear and in love. From the limited perspective of one in fear, there are so many things to fear. From the limitless perspective of one in neutrality, there is so much to appreciate. How is it possible that the same world could pose so much potential for fear and joy at the same time? It is the expansion of the platform of self-discovery itself.
You could sit down and write a list of all the things you fear. To write that list, you would have to have created a limited perception of reality and exist in the state of fear known as duality. It would not be possible to write this list from a state of neutrality, since fear is not present in this state. Next to each item on your list, you could indicate by number the intensity of each fear. Each of those items would point to one or more limiting beliefs. Without those limiting beliefs, you could not write this list. Without your emotional sensitivity, you could not assign a value to each item, nor would you be able to discover your limiting beliefs or be aware of the intensity of each limiting belief.
If you could not feel pain in your body, you would not realize that your hand is burning on the hot stove. Pain is a necessity of physical reality. It helps keep you alive in a physical life. Therefore, pain is a wonderful aspect of physical reality and you could not survive without it. Your emotions work in much the same way. Without negative and positive emotion, you could not know when you were in fear perceiving the illusion. Therefore, emotion is a wonderful aspect of physical reality and you would not want to be here without it.
Neutrality is not a state of being that lacks emotion or feeling. It’s exactly the opposite. It’s a state of being where all emotion is embraced and felt deeply, yet not judged. The state of neutrality lacks judgment of any kind. It is the state of unconditional love, since without the influence of fear, nothing can be judged. It’s unconditional. Duality relies on conditions judged good, bad, right and wrong. Neutrality is unconditional, because without fear, preferences, desires, ideals or attachments to outcomes, the conditions are just the perfect reflection of the vibration you are offering.
Right now you are offering a vibration and receiving a reflection. You may judge that reflection. Are there problems? Are there unfulfilled desires? Are the ideals you seek to manifest? Do you notice that you have preferences and you’re leaning toward those preferences? Do you want to improve the present conditions in some way? All of these things are based in duality. You’re not seeing the present-moment perfection, because you think things should be somewhat different than they are now.
What if you appreciate all of the conditions and people that exist in this present moment? Do you see that your children give you joy? Suddenly, you’re bringing in an ideal outcome. You want them to be happy. That’s a preference. It takes you out of neutrality. You will then keep a watchful eye to make sure they’re always happy, because their happiness brings you joy. This is duality and it’s based in the perception of victimhood.
It might seem as if neutrality, which is absent of all fear-based distractions, is joyless and emotionless. This is not the case at all. In fact, it is ripe with emotion. It is ripe with wisdom and guidance. It is full of inspiration. However, if you are attached to preferences, desires, outcomes or ideals, the fullness of emotion, joy and inspiration is distorted. You have been experiencing a distorted form of joy, emotion and love your entire life, because you have been guided by your preferences, ideals, and desires all along.
Your association of fear is distorted. Fear is not bad or wrong, it’s absolutely an aspect of love, for without fear you would never know love. Without the fear of loss, it would be impossible to truly feel appreciation, gratitude, joy, relief, love or any other positive emotion. Fear creates the context for all feeling. Without fear you would simply feel good, but you would not know anything about that feeling. Due to fear, you can identify the quality and intensity of all feelings. Think about color. White is love, fear is black and from that all color arises. If there was only white, you’d miss out on every other color. There has to be an edge or an opposite in order to create a range within. All beauty exists within the range. The wider the range, the more there is to experience in between.
In duality, you exist within a narrow, limited range of right and wrong and you are always skewed to one side over the other. You miss almost everything within the range. In fear of emotion, you narrow the range of experience and feeling. In love, you seek eternally to widen that range and experience more. As you widen your range of possible experiences, you bring in the possibility of more fear and even more love. Within this expanded range exists all of the potential for deeper and more intense experiences.
The victim seeks to limit their range of experiences in fear. The creator seeks to widen this range through pushing past fear. If you give meaning to every experience, you will exist in duality and greater fear. If you seek neutrality, you reduce the distortion caused by fear and you feel the true depth of emotion. You have always labeled emotion as good or bad and tried to control conditions in order to experience more good and less bad. This approach is out of balance, discordant and disharmonious. It is a life of limitation and lack. It is the sole reason for all manifestation events, all disease, all arguments, all confusion and all suffering. In order to reach new heights of feeling, abundance, freedom, health, relationship and love, you must create a new mental construct around your emotions.
All emotions are good. In the most basic form, they are guidance and used to alert you to those times when you are perceiving the illusion rather than the truer reality. Yet, for those in fear, the truth is not available. As one moves out of fear, they become open to more internal forms of guidance such as inspiration, intuition, empathic abilities, inner wisdom, and direct communication. Yet they are still attached to preferences, desires, ideals and outcomes. At this level they become more emotionally sensitive and this allows them to feel the emotions associated with disappointment and dissatisfaction more deeply.
Then one moves into another level altogether. This is the vibrational and intellectual resonance with neutrality. Fear has become less of an influence and is more easily processed. The limiting beliefs have been softened and they become more tuned to their emotions. The emotions themselves lose meaning as duality fades. The highs and lows previously associated with outside events gives way to a sense of calm, knowing and harmony with universal forces. The emotions become neither good or bad, simply neutral feelings. They come and go in waves and are initially related by the body as trapped residue of guilt, shame and trauma.
Calm is the feeling of neutrality and exists in a state of balance and flow. The deliberate creator becomes far more aware and gains a high sense of clarity. Control is released and replaced by faith, trust and ease. This is the high vibrational state most similar to the nonphysical, yet it is achieved by the human in the physical. It is the state of deliberate creation. Fear has always been the driving mechanism that has led you to this awakened state and it will also lead the masses there. If you can see the elegant system for what it is, you can reach the most creative state of fearless creation. This is the Zero Choice Point.
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.