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Week Four : Clarity (Click Here To Start Week Four)

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The benefit of alignment is clarity

The benefit of clarity is further alignment. Think of it as a spiral. With more alignment comes more clarity. As you travel up the spiral, you feel better, you expand further and you gain more clarity. Your vibration rises with each expansive step in love and acceptance.

The illusion is a feature of confusion caused by limiting beliefs that trigger fear. Think of it as a downward spiral. With more confusion comes more fear. With more fear comes further confusion. As you travel down the spiral, you expand further and the illusion of separation expands as well.

The truth of who you are is this: You are the Source/creator of your reality. You alone are the perceiver of your life experience. You are the one who choses alignment or fear. You choose disconnection or connection. You choose to travel up the spiral pushing past new fears with each expansive step or you choose to travel down the spiral as you succumb to deeper and deeper levels of fear and separation.

In love there is only complete connection with All That Is. In fear there is only more of the illusion of disconnection with All That Is. In love you find more clarity and discover the ultimate truth of who you are: nothing but pure love. In fear, you explore the illusion of lack, disconnection and separation. There is the truth and there is the lie and everything exists between the polar opposites on that spectrum.

You came to explore the truth of who you are in this lifetime. You have already explored the illusion in this and many past lives. You are ready to discover the authentic version of yourself; one that exists in a state of clarity without the limitations imposed by fear. For you to break free of your limitations and to maintain a state of alignment, you will choose to resonate with the vibration of love.

Your inner self is holding that vibration of love for you. It is always calling to you. In times of alignment, you resonate with the love vibration and you move towards more clarity. In times of fear, you resonate with the vibration of fear and you move towards the illusion of separation and imperfection. This is why clarity is a necessary component of alignment. Without clarity, it is difficult to maintain the vibration of love and connection (oneness).

When you are in a state of alignment, you will receive inspiration that will move you towards more alignment, more clarity and more love. However, without clarity you might not know where the inspired action will take you and you may choose to succumb to fear. With more clarity comes an enhanced ability to push past fear to do what you are inspired to do.

In fear you will receive urges to change the conditions. If you are angry at your spouse for instance, you will naturally receive urges to disconnect from him/her. You will seek separation in order to protect yourself from the negative emotion that you perceive came as a result of some interaction with your spouse. In fear, separation becomes the urge to control the relationship in order to remove yourself from the possibility of further negative emotion. Any action taken to separate yourself from your spouse diminishes the relationship and is certainly not something you truly want. With the clarity to understand this mechanism of separation, you simply receive the fear-based thoughts, but take no action that would undermine what you truly want. This is the benefit of clarity, because it allows you to return to a state of alignment quickly.

There is nothing to be gained by living in the illusion of separation. You might manifest what you think you want in order to distance yourself from negative emotion, but this will never work in the long run. The more separation you achieve, no matter how it looks from the outside, the more intense feelings of negative emotion you will experience. This is the system of physical reality and it’s perfect.

The entire system of physical reality, including your emotions, is designed to bring you from the illusion and to the truth. Fear will always be part of this journey. Without fear, you would quickly realize the truth. However, that realization would not be meaningful. So a platform was created whereby the illusion was strong and fear was present. If you choose to move past fear and act when inspired, you will receive the truth. That is clarity. If you choose to live in the illusion, you will expand, but you will not receive more clarity, you’ll create more confusion. The momentum of the illusion builds every time you choose to succumb to irrational fear. The momentum of clarity is created when you consistently move though your fears and process your limiting beliefs. By  choosing to look at everything from a higher perspective, you gain clarity.

As you raise your vibration, you enter new dimensions. Enhanced levels of clarity exist within these higher dimensions. You receive clarity based on the dimension you exist within. At lower vibrational frequencies, clarity is less prevalent. This is by design. Let’s explain this idea further.

At the lowest vibration, you exist with the belief that you are separate from All That Is. Your primary concern is your own survival. You perceive yourself to be a highly limited and isolated individual; a victim so to speak. The illusion of separation is at its most intense. You live in a constant, all consuming state of fear.

At the highest vibration, you are one with All That Is. The illusion of separation is gone. You see the truth of who you are and of who everyone else is as well. You are no longer concerned with your own needs on any level. You exist in complete harmony with All That Is. You exist in a constant, all consuming state of joy.

It might seem as if you would like to quickly move from the illusion to the truth. However, you have a set of beliefs which would make rapid expansion overwhelming. Your limiting beliefs are based in the illusion. With every step toward the truth, your limiting beliefs will trigger fear. Currently, you are only able to push past some fears and take small steps toward the truth. In order to ascend to higher vibrational dimensions, you must remove the limitations imposed by old beliefs. You must adopt new beliefs. Your limiting beliefs tend to make you feel safe. As you remove those old beliefs, you become vulnerable. You become innocent. This is the key to ascension.

If you exist in a state of vulnerability, you have nothing to protect yourself from the perceived dangers of the world. You are fully exposed. Anything could happen to you. And this state of being can be frightening, especially if your limiting beliefs include the possibility of loss, rejection and death. These are all things you currently want to avoid. But what if there was no death and rejection and loss were not possible? Then all of your precautions would actually be meaningless. It’s these precautions, based on the illusion, which prevent you from the expansion you desire.

With more clarity, you come to believe that you need no precautions or protections. You need not to protect yourself from potential threats. You see more clearly that rejection, loss and death are illusions. Your perception of reality changes. The world you’ve known starts to change. If the change is manageable, you will be able to handle the fear that will be triggered by lingering limiting beliefs. If the fear is too much, you will be unable to avoid urges to control or change conditions.

Your personal ascension is all about your willingness to push past fear. With a lack of clarity, you can see no reason to act on an inspired idea. In fact, at the lower-vibrational levels, you won’t be able to easily recognize the difference between an urge to change the conditions or an inspired idea that will move you forward. You might be in a state of alignment, receive an inspired idea, but because you lack clarity, you won’t see the benefit inherent in the action. You will feel fear when contemplating the action and seek to protect yourself from rejection or loss (or even death).

The only way to gain more clarity is through your conscious decision to push past fear. As you take action steps through fear to expanded levels of awareness, your vibration raises and you move into new dimensions where more clarity becomes available to you. Of course, at these new levels, you will become more aware of deeper and more intense limiting beliefs. It’s important to remember that the inspired ideas that come to you in these new dimensions will allow you to see the fear more clearly and since that fear will always be modest enough to push past, your action steps will not actually be too much for you.

You will always be able to push past the fear that arises from every single inspired thought. It will never be too much. But it will always require some amount of courage. As long as you are choosing the higher perspective, processing your limiting beliefs and analyzing the fear itself, you will be able to push past any fear that comes your way.

With conscious expansion comes more freedom, abundance and clarity. The clarity shows you your own self-imposed limitations (limiting beliefs) as well as what’s possible for you. It shows you the illusion that you have been living in. It shows you how everyone else is perceiving the illusion as well. It provides for greater and greater levels of awareness.

Here’s some examples:

Scenario #1: Fear

You have no romantic relationship in your life. You might have had past experiences that left you feeling fearful or you were too afraid to initiate one. You perceive that you would be rejected and so you don’t even try. You might think that there’s something wrong with you or that there is danger inherent in romantic relationships. You feel unworthy of a loving, romantic relationship. Therefore, there is no possibility for any romantic relationship, because you exist in this lower level where the illusion is strong.

Scenario #2: Less fear, some love

You have attracted a mate. From your fear-based perspective, you believe that your mate is the key to all the feelings of worthiness, freedom and abundance that you have been lacking in your life. Without your mate, you would feel lonely, experience financial lack and have no freedom.

In order to maintain the outer feelings of love, abundance and freedom, you must control the relationship. You become jealous if he/she talks to another person. You overreact at any sign of that your mate might not love you or might even leave. You do not allow your mate to do things that could lead to his/her leaving you. You become over-protective.

If your mate is away on business, you feel anxious. You call him/her several times a day. You want to know everything they are doing. You become highly controlling and manipulative.

In this fear-based state, as you perceive that your happiness is dependent on the love received from another, you exist within the illusion. Since this state of fear is not aligned with who you truly are, and since you are vibrating at a lower level, who you attract in this lower dimension will always show you how you are feeling about yourself.

Since you do not feel love for yourself (because you believe that is something that’s derived from another person), your mate will tend to offend you, will do things to cause you to feel jealous, and will never make you feel worthy, free or abundant. It’s likely that your mate will also seek to control you. To do otherwise would not make sense in this dimension of fear and confusion. The entire purpose of this relationship is to show you that you’re living in fear.

Scenario #3: More love

At a higher dimension compared to the one above, you exist with more clarity. You understand that your mate cannot make you feel anything, he/she can only show you where your beliefs are. He/she is a mirror to how you feel about yourself. In this scenario, you love yourself more than in the scenarios above. You realize that it is of no use to try to control him/her or the relationship. You live less in fear of rejection or loss. You might occasionally be triggered, but you do not act on urges to control him/her or the relationship. You allow it to be whatever it is as a reflection of who you are being.

If your mate is away, you might receive urges to check in to ease your fears. However, you do not act on those urges, for you are aware that these are only your fears, which are all based on old, limiting beliefs. Instead you process your limiting beliefs and regain your alignment.

In more love, you are always processing your limiting beliefs whenever they are triggered by manifestation events. You are rarely acting on urges to change the conditions, because you know this is an act of separation. What you want, when you are aligned in love, is a deeper connection and more love.

As you raise your vibration and seek to add love into your reality, you will be more aligned more of the time. Always think about what you are adding to your own reality. Are you adding fear by acting on urges to control or change the conditions? Are you pushing past fear and acting when inspired to act? Sometimes it’s difficult to know the difference between the two.

As you practice acceptance, you will come to know the difference between urges and inspired action. The urge will always feel like work, effort and struggle. The actual activity that’s inspired will always feel fun, enjoyable, interesting or exciting. It will be action that is aligned with your authentic self (who you truly are). Action taken on urges to change or control conditions will align with the inauthentic version of you. It is usually associated with the limited ego mind that seeks to isolate and protect the smaller version of you.

In alignment, you will receive inspiration to act. That inspiration when acted on will cause you to expand to the next higher-vibrational version of you. Upon this expansion, you will gain more clarity. You will come one step closer to creating the life you truly desire. You will move into a greater level of alignment. New inspiration will flow more easily to you. You will build more and more momentum towards love. Alignment is the key to this positively expansive journey that you intended to explore prior to your birth.

Your personal journey or exploration and self-discovery starts with acceptance. Acceptance is alignment. Resistance is not. Everything you truly want is gained through more alignment. Everything you do not prefer exists in a state of resistance. You are either in alignment or resistance. Make alignment your priority and everything else will magically fall into place.

The benefit of alignment is clarity. The benefit of clarity is further alignment. Think of it as a spiral. With more alignment comes more clarity. As you travel up the spiral, you feel better, you expand further and you gain more clarity. Your vibration rises with each expansive step in love and acceptance.

The illusion is a feature of confusion caused by limiting beliefs that trigger fear. Think of it as a downward spiral. With more confusion comes more fear. With more fear comes further confusion. As you travel down the spiral, you expand further and the illusion of separation expands as well.

The truth of who you are is this: You are the Source/creator of your reality. You alone are the perceiver of your life experience. You are the one who choses alignment or fear. You choose disconnection or connection. You choose to travel up the spiral pushing past new fears with each expansive step or you choose to travel down the spiral as you succumb to deeper and deeper levels of fear and separation.

In love there is only complete connection with All That Is. In fear there is only more of the illusion of disconnection with All That Is. In love you find more clarity and discover the ultimate truth of who you are: nothing but pure love. In fear, you explore the illusion of lack, disconnection and separation. There is the truth and there is the lie and everything exists between the polar opposites on that spectrum.

You came to explore the truth of who you are in this lifetime. You have already explored the illusion in this and many past lives. You are ready to discover the authentic version of yourself; one that exists in a state of clarity without the limitations imposed by fear. For you to break free of your limitations and to maintain a state of alignment, you will choose to resonate with the vibration of love.

Your inner self is holding that vibration of love for you. It is always calling to you. In times of alignment, you resonate with the love vibration and you move towards more clarity. In times of fear, you resonate with the vibration of fear and you move towards the illusion of separation and imperfection. This is why clarity is a necessary component of alignment. Without clarity, it is difficult to maintain the vibration of love and connection (oneness).

When you are in a state of alignment, you will receive inspiration that will move you towards more alignment, more clarity and more love. However, without clarity you might not know where the inspired action will take you and you may choose to succumb to fear. With more clarity comes an enhanced ability to push past fear to do what you are inspired to do.

In fear you will receive urges to change the conditions. If you are angry at your spouse for instance, you will naturally receive urges to disconnect from him/her. You will seek separation in order to protect yourself from the negative emotion that you perceive came as a result of some interaction with your spouse. In fear, separation becomes the urge to control the relationship in order to remove yourself from the possibility of further negative emotion. Any action taken to separate yourself from your spouse diminishes the relationship and is certainly not something you truly want. With the clarity to understand this mechanism of separation, you simply receive the fear-based thoughts, but take no action that would undermine what you truly want. This is the benefit of clarity, because it allows you to return to a state of alignment quickly.

There is nothing to be gained by living in the illusion of separation. You might manifest what you think you want in order to distance yourself from negative emotion, but this will never work in the long run. The more separation you achieve, no matter how it looks from the outside, the more intense feelings of negative emotion you will experience. This is the system of physical reality and it’s perfect.

The entire system of physical reality, including your emotions, is designed to bring you from the illusion and to the truth. Fear will always be part of this journey. Without fear, you would quickly realize the truth. However, that realization would not be meaningful. So a platform was created whereby the illusion was strong and fear was present. If you choose to move past fear and act when inspired, you will receive the truth. That is clarity. If you choose to live in the illusion, you will expand, but you will not receive more clarity, you’ll create more confusion. The momentum of the illusion builds every time you choose to succumb to irrational fear. The momentum of clarity is created when you consistently move though your fears and process your limiting beliefs. By  choosing to look at everything from a higher perspective, you gain clarity.

As you raise your vibration, you enter new dimensions. Enhanced levels of clarity exist within these higher dimensions. You receive clarity based on the dimension you exist within. At lower vibrational frequencies, clarity is less prevalent. This is by design. Let’s explain this idea further.

At the lowest vibration, you exist with the belief that you are separate from All That Is. Your primary concern is your own survival. You perceive yourself to be a highly limited and isolated individual; a victim so to speak. The illusion of separation is at its most intense. You live in a constant, all consuming state of fear.

At the highest vibration, you are one with All That Is. The illusion of separation is gone. You see the truth of who you are and of who everyone else is as well. You are no longer concerned with your own needs on any level. You exist in complete harmony with All That Is. You exist in a constant, all consuming state of joy.

It might seem as if you would like to quickly move from the illusion to the truth. However, you have a set of beliefs which would make rapid expansion overwhelming. Your limiting beliefs are based in the illusion. With every step toward the truth, your limiting beliefs will trigger fear. Currently, you are only able to push past some fears and take small steps toward the truth. In order to ascend to higher vibrational dimensions, you must remove the limitations imposed by old beliefs. You must adopt new beliefs. Your limiting beliefs tend to make you feel safe. As you remove those old beliefs, you become vulnerable. You become innocent. This is the key to ascension.

This Week

Complete the Daily Spiritual Practices each day and the two exercises in this week’s lesson, to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension.

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You don’t need to have fully completed every Daily Spiritual Practice, exercise or assignment. You will have completed the right number for you!

When each week’s lesson is marked as complete you will be able to unlock your Course certificate.

Week Three : Expansion (Click Here To Start Week Three)

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In order to feel good, you must become aware of the truth of physical reality

Physical reality is nothing more than a platform for growth and expansion. The universe is expanding. The purpose of the universe is to grow, evolve and learn. Everything within the universe, including you and everyone you know, is also expanding. With every experience, in every moment, you are expanding. You are expanding your idea of who you are. Source is expanding as well and in fact, as an aspect of Source yourself, your expansive experiences add not only to your own growth, but to the growth of Source itself.

You are vital to the expansion of All That Is. Your perspective is unique to you. No one else can ever know your experience, how you feel and how you are able to uniquely perceive your reality. Everyone has a unique perspective in every moment and this adds to the expansion of Source. Without your unique contribution, through your unique experience, Source would be missing vital perspectives. Source cannot know itself fully without your unique experience of Source, which includes All That Is.

You came to this platform known as Planet Earth for a unique experience. The life you are living, at this time in your history, has never been possible before. You are living a far more expanded life this time around than any you have ever lived before. Your next life, should you choose to have one, will be even more expansive. There is no regression. All life is moving forward into the unknown. You are on the leading edge of this expansion.

With expansion comes fear. As you move through fear, you expand. Without any fear, you would expand rapidly (in fact, instantly), to the fruition of who you truly are. However, there is little information gained in that kind of immediate expansion. Therefore, you expand at your own pace. But, as you can see, expansion is only limited by your ability to move through fear. From the perspective of the nonphysical, your expansion is slow. From your perspective, which is limited, it might be too fast. Since you are the one living your life, it is your divine right to choose the velocity of your expansion.

With expansion comes clarity. Clarity is what you truly want. With fear comes lack of clarity or the opposite of what you truly want; confusion. If you succumb to fear, you create a momentum of confusion. If you are able to push past fear, you create a momentum of clarity. Your life is the reflection of your ability to move through fear to take action when you are inspired. Or it could be a life of succumbing to fear and taking little action. The choice is yours.

If you look at your life, the areas that are working for you are those areas where you are comfortable pushing past fear. You might have a successful and fulfilling career. In this one area, you see yourself from a higher perspective and this allows you to push past fear and take action that moves you to an even more expanded level. You might enjoy a wonderful romantic relationship with your mate. Because you view yourself from a high perspective in this area, you are able to operate in a loving relationship without too much fear.

If you have areas in your life that are not working, you will know that you have created the momentum of fear. In these areas, you see yourself from a limited perspective. Maybe you do not see yourself as worthy of love, or abundance, or creativity, or success. You have not created the confidence that will allow you to push past fear when you receive an inspired idea, because you have some limiting beliefs in those areas.

Imagine you desire a fulfilling romantic relationship with a mate. If you feel worthy of such a relationship, you will receive the inspiration to talk to someone you see at a party. Since you feel worthy, you are used to striking up conversations and you have built some confidence. Of course, as with all inspired ideas, you will feel the fear of rejection upon contemplating an introduction to someone new. However, since you already see yourself from a higher perspective, you easily push past the fear and introduce yourself.

Now imagine that you are used to seeing yourself from a limited perspective. You have not pushed past fear in the past. You have not created a momentum of confidence and in fact, you’ve built the momentum of doubt. What you want, the fulfillment of your desire, lies on the other side of fear. In order to create a fulfilling relationship, you’ll have to take action. When contemplating the action, fear will always be experienced.

The expanded version of you exists without the limiting beliefs that are with you now. Those limiting beliefs must be overcome through action. Once the action is taken, you expand.

We will pause here to explain the concept of expansion. You are always expanding in every moment with every experience. You are either expanding to more clarity or to more confusion. You are either expanding to more love or to more fear. You are always changing and never, ever remaining the same. You cannot actually stop change. You can’t be stuck, even if it feels like you are. Expansion is always happening.

If you choose to push past fear, you will expand through that experience. If you choose to succumb to fear, this is also an expansive experience. Therefore, you cannot get it wrong, so never judge yourself or anyone else. However, if you would like to experience expansion in the way you prefer that will lead to the manifestation of all your desires, you must expand by taking action when inspired.

Who you truly are is an eternal, magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. This version of you feels very good. As you exist in your present human form, you are experiencing a limited version, which does not feel as good. To feel better, you must expand through fear to greater levels of love and clarity.

You might say that it does not feel good to move through fear. We can agree, however, it’s never the action that doesn’t feel good. It’s always the thoughts of fear that precede the action, and this can create some resistance to the action. Resistance, even momentarily, doesn’t feel good. Once you are in action, you will feel something else entirely. Once the action has been completed, you will feel exhilarated as long as you look at the results of the action from the higher perspective.

If you have built a momentum of fear when it comes to meeting a mate, your thoughts will always be based on that fear. This presents an interesting idea. Are you creating your thoughts or are you receiving thoughts? Are thoughts manufactured in your mind, like a little thought factory, or are you connected to a stream of thought?

You do not create your thoughts, you attract them. You connect to various streams of thought based on your emotional state of being. When you are in a state of fear (such as depression, doubt, anger, boredom, loneliness, etc.), you will attract thoughts based on the type of fear you are experiencing. The intensity of those thoughts will also reflect the intensity of your current state. If you are in a state of rage, you will receive thoughts based on the intensity of that state. You might receive thoughts of revenge or murder, for instance. If you are in the mild state of boredom, you will receive ideas based in that low-intensity state.

So then, if you are contemplating asking someone on a date and you feel mildly unworthy, you might receive thought such as, “He/she probably has a mate already. He/she doesn’t look that interesting to me. He/she’s probably in the middle of a conversation with friends and doesn’t want to be interrupted. He/she probably lives out of town. Etc.” The fear associated with this lower-intensity feeling of doubt is not very strong, but might still be enough to prevent you from taking action.

Now imagine that you have a highly intense level of insecurity in this area. You will attract more intense thoughts associated with the illusion of unworthiness such as, “He/she would never be interested in someone like me. I’m not good-looking enough for him/her. He/she wouldn’t give me the time of day. Who I think I am to even consider talking to him/her? Etc.” These intense thoughts associated with fear prove too much to push through and therefore, action is not taken.

It becomes easier to push past fear when feeling good. Since feeling good is usually associated with alignment, then so is courage. One is not courageous simply due to sheer force of will alone, for that will never be enough to create momentum. One must learn to understand the system of physical reality and then act in alignment with universal laws and forces. The idea is to leverage these forces so that they aid in your ability to move through fear with courage.

The system supports anything you choose. If you choose to be limited by fear, the system will fully support your decisions. However, if you make a new choice, the universe must comply with that. But if you are trying to fool the universe, it will not work. The universe will test you through multiple manifestation events to see if you are truly ready to make a new choice.

All of your fears are caused by limiting beliefs. Without limiting beliefs, you would have no fear. It would not be possible to fear anything. You would exist in a state of pure clarity. The limiting beliefs cause confusion and create the illusions.

The truth is that you are an eternal, magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. The illusion is that you are somewhat less than this. Your journey, all spiritual journeys, are from the illusion to the truth. Limiting beliefs about yourself in all areas of your life create the illusion. Therefore, your spiritual journey is one of reducing the limitations imposed by these beliefs. This can be accomplished though experience. It could be the experience found in pushing past fear to do what you are inspired to do. It could be by analyzing the fear, understanding the desire, and processing the limiting belief. It could come from a new choice of perspective. It could be a combination of all methods.

Processing Limiting Beliefs

In the moment of inspired action, fear will always pop up. There are actually two versions of you in this moment; the present limited version and the future expanded version. The limited version has not yet taken the action and exists with certain limiting beliefs. This is the cause of the fear. The expanded version is the one who has already taken the action and gained a new level of clarity due to the expansion that was achieved.

The present, unexpanded version of you exists with a set of limiting beliefs that produce fear upon the contemplation of the action. The future expanded version of you has taken action and this resulted in the expansion of the belief system.

Therefore, action itself alters beliefs.

Another way to take action in the moment is to look at the situation from the higher perspective. What if you used your imagination to imagine the best that could happen rather than the worst? What if you knew that the outcome of the inspired action would always lead to your highest good? This conscious and creative use of your imagination will allow you to push past more fear.

Look at every inspired action from the higher perspective, that it will lead to your highest good and the good of all those involved

If you have a very, very strong desire, you will push past almost any fear. If your child has fallen in the river, you’ll dive in to save her. You will not regard your own safety in this case, and so you will simply act. Because the desire is so strong, the associated fear will not limit you from taking action.

However, if your desire is not strong, or if you can’t imagine what the action will lead to, you will likely succumb to the smallest of fears. Most of the action that is inspired in your daily life cannot be traced to the manifestation of any particular desire. The universe works by providing you with experiences designed to alter your perspective of yourself so that you will see your beliefs as simply limiting and thus come to a new vibrational level; one which is a match to your desires. If you never take any of the inspired action steps, your vibration will not raise to the level of your desires.

Imagine that you wanted to be a millionaire. In order to experience true abundance, you would have to learn to invest your money. You might be inspired to read a book about the stock market. But if you currently perceive yourself as broke, you would feel fear at the contemplation of this inspired idea. The fear would attract thoughts of doubt such as; “why would I read a book about the stock market when I don’t have any money to invest. That book is only for people with lots of money. Why waste what little money I do have buying that book? People will think I’m crazy reading a book like that when I have no money. I’m just not inspired to buy that book.” If you succumb to these fears, you won’t have the expansive experience that would be gained by reading the book.

The way to push past fear is to release your attachment to any specific outcome. This is what we call the “Transactional” approach to life. “I will only do something when I know exactly what the payoff is. I’ll take X action only if I receive Y result.” This approach to life cannot work in an attractive universe. We will discuss this idea in the next section, but for now, please understand that X doesn’t always lead to Y.

The reward for taking action is the action itself. If you are inspired to paint a watercolor, the joy is in the action, not in the selling of it, not in the recognition of being a great artist, or even the end product. It’s in the full and complete expansive experience that comes from bringing a nonphysical idea into your physical reality. That’s it.

The realization that fear is the natural byproduct of an inspired idea is in and of itself very powerful indeed. When you know that fear is to be expected, you can analyze the fear. Is it a rational or an irrational fear? Will taking action lead to death or physical harm? If so, it’s a rational fear. If not, the fear is irrational. You can always act on any idea when the fear itself is irrational. You never have to worry about unwanted outcomes. Just take the action and move to the expanded place and a higher vibration.

The only possible way you could feel fear is due to a limiting belief. The belief itself is not true or false, it’s simply limiting. By seeing a belief as limiting rather than true or false, you can then work to reduce it’s limiting effects prior to taking action. The fact is that a limiting belief is one without enough information. If you had the information, the belief would become empowering. When you use your imagination to add information to a limiting belief, you reduce its limiting effects and it becomes easier to push past the fear.

When contemplating action and noticing the fear-based thoughts, you can often identify the limiting belief itself. “Why do I feel fear? What are these thoughts based on? What is the limiting belief?” Now you can use a manifestation event form to reduce the intensity of whatever limiting belief you discover. As you do the work to process limiting beliefs, they become less intense and so does the fear. The fear is now easier to push past. The result is that you will receive more inspiring ideas and take action more frequently.

This Week

Complete the Daily Spiritual Practice and Manifestation Event exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension.

As you do the work contained within the form for each and every manifestation event you encounter, you lessen the intensity of your limiting beliefs.

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Week Two: Choosing Your Perspective (Click Here To Start)

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Whether you realize it or not, perspective is a choice

You are either choosing a limited perspective from the point of view of the victim or an empowering perspective from the point of view of the creator. Since you are the creator of your reality and not the victim, the limited perspective is the illusion, while the higher perspective is the truth. Initially, you will not be able to see the higher perspective. You are conditioned to perceive the limited perspective. This is all you have ever known. You have never been asked to choose the perspective. Your default selection has always been limited.

The limited perspective will always cause you to feel fear, since it is based in fear and is not true. It’s an illusion. From this point forward in your life you will be contemplating the higher perspective.

What if the thing you think is wrong or bad is not actually wrong or bad after all? What if it is actually right? At first glance it appears to be wrong. Yet since there is no wrong anywhere in the universe, somehow it must be right. When you find (or even imagine) how it could be right, you are consciously choosing the higher perspective. This is how you find your alignment.

In alignment, everything is right. When you perceive that things are working out well, you are naturally in alignment. However, when you perceive that something is wrong, such as a lost wallet, you are buying into the illusion of wrong and you are given guidance in the form of negative emotion. You are now, from the choice to view the event from a limited perspective, feeling negative emotion. Your inner self is letting you know that you are not holding the higher vibration. You are out of alignment and are exploring that which you do not prefer.

Since alignment is the key to manifesting the life you truly desire, you must not allow yourself to slip out of alignment by perceiving that something bad is happening. It’s not actually bad or wrong, because this is a judgment. The event itself is neutral. Through personal judgment, you are choosing to perceive the illusion as true and your inner self alerts you to this fact by sending you negative emotion.

In alignment, you feel good (positive emotion). Out of alignment you feel bad (negative emotion).

When you are feeling good and in alignment, you are holding the perspective that everything is working out perfectly. This is a highly creative and expansive state of being. When you are out of alignment, you are choosing a limited perspective that something is wrong.

This perspective in itself is not bad or wrong, since there is no bad or wrong anywhere in the universe, it’s simply limiting. It is not aligned with the truth, with reality, with your inner self’s perspective, or with the life you truly want. It is not the exploration of who you truly are, but rather it’s an exploration of who you are not (the victim). It has no true benefit. It’s a detour on your road to self-discovery.

Self-discovery or awakening is the result of holding a high enough vibration over a certain period of time. If you are not ready to awaken to the truth of who you are, then you would not want to receive this realization. It would be too much for you. In order to discover who you truly are, you must have processed enough limiting beliefs. Imagine being confronted with the knowledge of who you really are while you also held all of your prior limiting beliefs. You would be overwhelmed by the contrast between how you saw yourself the moment before awakening and how you see yourself as you awaken. It would be frightening.

This is an interesting idea that we believe will help you understand how the ability to choose your perspective and process limiting beliefs is vital in the awakening process.

Imagine you perceive yourself as a victim. Your entire approach to life is one of avoiding negative emotion. You are generally in a lower emotional state of being and you are unaware of your limiting beliefs. In this state, you are constantly acting on urges to control the conditions and looking at everything from the limited perspective.

Now, since you have a strong pre-birth desire to awaken in this lifetime, something happens to shift your awareness and you are suddenly thrust into the knowing that you are and have always been the creator of your reality. From this sudden realization, you now look at the life you have led.

Remember, in this scenario you have not done the work to process your limiting beliefs. You see that you have always had agency over your life, but when combined with your limiting beliefs, you now judge yourself as bad and wrong for all of the manifestation events you created and ignored. You would dislike or even hate yourself for what you’ve done.

There is only one way to truly awaken to the magnificence of who you are. You must come to see yourself from the highest perspective; love. You must accept yourself fully, otherwise you would despise yourself in the moment of awakening.

You must accept all others as well. You must understand that wherever they are on their path from fear to love is perfect for them, otherwise you would see them as suffering and would try to change them.

You would have to be able to see your current conditions as perfect, or you would want to create different conditions that would adversely affect further awakening. The system, as it is designed, is perfect in every way.

Yes, you have been programmed to look at all things from a limited perspective in the misguided assumption that this would keep you safe. This approach led to the adoption of even more limiting beliefs.

Those limiting beliefs became more intense and rigid as the Law of Attraction brought you evidence that appeared to prove they were true. This was all part of the illusion. The attention to the unwanted brought more of it to your experience and thus the experience further solidified your limited belief system.

But now the illusion is fading. With knowledge comes the power to change your old patterns. You have lived for a while in the old approach without ever realizing that you could change your belief system.

You have learned that you beliefs influence your vibration and that your vibration must be raised to reach a level where your dream life can be revealed to you. You did not realize you had the power to choose your own perspective; one which allows you to feel better.

But now you do.

Now you can begin the process of choosing perspectives, beliefs, attitudes, speech patterns and thoughts to reach greater levels of alignment.

Choose the higher perspective

Event: My son was bullied at school.

Limited Perspective: He should not have been bullied. The bullies are bad. We must eliminate bullies.

Higher Perspective: The bully was attracted to teach my son something important. He will learn how to respond to these types of people, who are operating out of fear. He has an opportunity to realize it has to do more with his idea of who he is being, rather than the bully. He is perceiving himself as a victim and has attracted this person to explore victimhood. He has an opportunity to see himself in a new way and to build resiliency. I will help him to understand how he was being and to choose another perspective of himself.

Event: I was fired from my job.

Limited Perspective: I should not have been fired. They don’t understand how important I am to the company. They are wrong for firing me. They will regret their decision.

Higher Perspective: This is for me. I was operating in fear and was being a limited version of who I really am. I understand this now. I was thinking too much about my needs and not about the value I could have brought to the position. I was operating in fear. I was afraid of being rejected or not appreciated. I did not go above and beyond, because I was operating under the assumption that I should have been paid more, received more benefits and given more time off. I thought that they were taking advantage of me when really I was trying to take advantage of them.

I was operating out of alignment with who I am and this event allows me to see that clearly. I now have a new perspective and am eager to see what’s next. From this point, all options are now available to me. I will choose to lean into the next job and treat it like an experiment. What if I was able to push past my fear and do more than I previously thought possible? What if I was able to give up attachment to their opinion of me and to the outcome?

Event: My dog died.

Limited Perspective: He should not have died. I lost my best friend. I should have been more responsible and taken better care of him.

Higher Perspective: He lived his life exactly how he chose. He lived an entire life in the way he intended. He does not owe me anything. I did not lose anything, because the experience of his life was exactly what it was meant to be. I am mourning a future that was never to be. Therefore, there is no true loss. I will always have the experiences of my dog that actually happened. I have not lost those experiences.

This Week

Complete the Daily Spiritual Practice and Manifestation Event exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension.

As you do the work contained within the form for each and every manifestation event you encounter, you lessen the intensity of your limiting beliefs.

Check that all Sections in this week's lesson are complete

You’ll be able to quickly see if there are any outstanding sections or assignments at the top of this page. This doesn’t mean that you have completed all of your Daily Spiritual Practices, Manifestation Event forms or  the other assignments within this course…we’re not noting your progress to that degree! It just shows us that you have seen the work to be done and can access that at any time.

Week One : Feeling Good (Click Here To Start)

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Feel good and you find your alignment

That’s it. There’s no more to it than that. Set up your life so that it feels very, very good to you. It must feel good to you, not to anyone else. No one else can know how you feel, what makes you happy, or where you find your bliss. That is all unique to you. You cannot know what makes anyone else feel good either. That’s always up to them. Your inner self will guide you to the activities, desires, interests and passions that will feel good to you. Society will ask you to do what it wants, but it has no knowledge or regard to what you want. The same is true of your ego, for it does not care what you want, only what it wants. In order to discover your bliss, you must ignore society and your ego. Always and only look within.

You came to this realm of physical reality with unique intentions to explore and discover what you need. These intentions are unique to you. No one can know the intentions you set prior to your birth, nor can you know anyone else’s pre-birth intentions. What’s good for you has nothing to do with anyone else; not your spouse, or children, or parents, or friends, or society in general. Leave them out of it. You do not require their blessings.

To manifest a life in accordance with your pre-birth intentions, you came equipped with special talents and attributes that would enable you to explore your reality and find your alignment. You have certain traits that make you unique. No one has the same set of traits, attributes and talents as you do. You might not be aware of them now, but they will emerge as you move along your path of ascension. As you raise your vibration, they will be revealed to you. As you focus on your bliss (interests, passions and unique desires), those talents and attributes will come forth to move you along even further on your path.

So then, how does one design a life that feels good to them?

Certainly, you want to be surrounded by loved ones who you appreciate. You want to maintain a fit and healthy body, for without that, it would be very difficult to feel good. You want to follow your passions and interests without restriction. You want to express your uniqueness to the world. You also want to express love and acceptance. And of course, you would want to engage in satisfying and fulfilling work. But most of all, you want to choose a perception of reality that allows you to feel good. You want to see yourself from the higher perspective (perfect as you are as an ever-expanding being of love). You want to view others from the same perspective. And you very much want to accept the conditions as they exist without needing to know what will happen in the future.

In order to feel good, you must understand the underlying system of physical reality. You must know how to operate within this system. You must view the universe as a loving and supportive environment designed to bring you everything you need to allow your pre-birth intentions to unfold. This is how you construct a reality that feels good to you.

You have the free will to choose your perspective

If you choose the limited perspective such that some things are bad and wrong and that you could face harm, rejection and loss, you are choosing to be the victim of your circumstances. This is a valid choice that most people choose. But it’s not true. It’s a complete falsehood. One who chooses the victim mentality will never feel very good for very long. They will always harbor fear of harm, loss and rejection. Their vibration will not rise to the level of alignment and they will not receive new perspectives. They might become trapped in a spiral of despair.

To find and maintain your alignment, you must always choose the higher perspective. When things are going well, by your standards, this will be easy. However, if you perceive that things are not going according to plan, you will fall out of alignment. Therefore, drop your plans, i.e. release all forms of control.

Control keeps you stuck where you are

The illusion that you must control your reality is very strong. Most people who are operating as victims have the desire to control their conditions. When you have enough money to control your conditions, you get caught in a trap. You might think something like this:

“I feel insecure about money. If I only had money, I’d feel secure. So I will do something to earn the money and then I’ll feel secure. I will effort and struggle my way doing something I don’t really want to do in order to get enough money so that one day I will feel secure. Now that I have money, I must buy a house, a car, furniture, gadgets, clothes, jewelry, appliances, etc. Now that I have all this stuff, I must keep efforting day in and day out to pay for it all. Now I need to make even more money because the bills keep coming. If I don’t pay the bills, they’ll take it all away. I fear the loss of my possessions. Now I feel even less secure.”

Let’s start with a very basic premise

You are a magnificent, eternal and limitless being of love. You are the creator of your reality. The system of physical reality, based on the Law of Attraction, will bring you everything you need to explore your reality as you intended. Therefore, based on this idea, you will always receive as much abundance, freedom, security, and expansive experiences as you need to explore reality in any way you choose. The security, abundance, freedom and growth is built into the system. If you feel the lack of any of that, it’s due to certain limiting beliefs you’ve adopted along the way. The limiting beliefs are false and so any perception that things should be different is an illusion. All perceptions of lack, limitation or disconnection stem from the illusion.

The truth of who you are is limitless, abundant and connected to All That Is. The truth is that you are fully supported by an benevolent system called physical reality. You might intellectually understand this concept, but you don’t really believe it. If you did fully believe it, your life would be full of joy, abundance, freedom, love, satisfaction, interests, and wonderfully expansive experiences. Every single area of your life would be working beautifully. You would experience a deep connection with all of the people in your life. You would be expressing your love abundantly. You would feel free and financially secure. All options would be open to you. Your health would be excellent. All of your talents and attributes would be obvious to you. You would have deeply satisfying work. You would love your life.

Living the life as described above is one where there is no need of any form of control. It’s the faith that the universe will always bring you whatever you need and desire in the most elegant manner possible at the right time. You would trust that whatever the universe brings is for your benefit and growth. You might doubt it at first or be unable to see where the path is going, but you would go with the flow of all of it. You would know that everything is working out perfectly to bring you the experiences that you intended to explore prior to your birth. This life is designed to feel very good to you so that you maintain your alignment almost all of the time. This is a highly effective life.

You have limiting beliefs

Those limiting beliefs have been attracted and they serve you. They might make you feel safe. They might allow you to feel somewhat secure. But they don’t really do you anything other than limit your experience in this life. They will never leave you for in this reality everything you attract stays with you. That’s okay because you can reduce the intensity of your limiting beliefs so that they become much less limiting.

There is a system that will help you discover the specific limiting beliefs that are holding you apart from the life you truly desire. If the limiting belief goes undiscovered, you will not be able to shift to the vibration that will enable you to deliberately manifest your desires. You very much want to discover these limiting beliefs because if you don’t, your life will not become what you truly want it to be. The element of physical reality designed to uncover hidden limiting beliefs is called “The Manifestation Event.” Whenever something happens in your reality and you feel negative emotion, you have encountered a manifestation event that points to a limiting belief. Aha! You’ve discovered some resistance.

Let’s say that you have an argument with a co-worker. As a result of what you have perceived your co-worker said, you feel negative emotion. Initially, you blame her. You perceive that she should not have said what she did. If she didn’t say it, you would not feel bad. Since she said it, you feel terrible. Therefore, you believe that her words caused you to feel pain. This is not the case at all. It’s a complete illusion. Her words cannot make you feel anything. You felt bad because you came out of alignment. A limiting belief was triggered and you experienced negative emotion and fear. It’s all inside of you. Nothing outside of you can make you feel anything.

If you believe that other people can make you feel good or bad, you are approaching life as a victim. You are at the mercy of their words, deeds and actions. If the words are kind, you believe you’ll feel good, but if they are mean, you will feel bad. Thus you perceive that other people can create in your reality and this leaves you to be the victim to their words and actions. That is simply a limiting belief that you picked up along the way; most likely during childhood.

The fact is that you are the creator of your reality. No one else can create in your reality and you cannot create in the reality of others. They may influence you to a greater or lesser degree, but this is always your choice. If you are choosing to allow their words to cause you negative emotion, it’s simply because you are unwilling or unable to discover and address your limiting beliefs. Without the limiting belief, their words or actions could not influence you away from your alignment.

Your alignment is the only thing that matters!

How does one create a life whereby others cannot affect one’s alignment? By realizing that it’s not the other person who took you out of alignment (because this in and of itself is not possible), it’s the limiting belief that has been triggered. The other person is not bad or wrong for what they’ve said, they’ve actually done you a favor. They have, through their words or actions, given you the chance to uncover and process one or more of your own limiting beliefs. Since you must process this belief in order to become a vibrational match to what you desire, you can thank them rather than judge them. You very much want to discover all of your limiting beliefs and then do the work to reduce their intensity. That way you will be able to move to a higher vibrational place and step into the life you truly desire.

Manifestation events are gifts to be treasured. They expose those hidden limiting beliefs. They are always for your immediate benefit. They are not to be avoided. It’s simply the association with negative emotion that causes you to avoid any possibility  where a negative emotion could emerge. Negative emotion is simply guidance. It lets you know when you are choosing a perspective that is not the same as your inner self’s perspective.

Your inner self holds the vibration that you must rise to if you are to become a vibrational match to the life you intended to live. When you are aligned with this loving vibration, you feel good. When you are aligned to a lower vibration based in fear, you cannot feel good. If you did not know the difference, you would not likely move up the vibrational ladder to the level you intended prior to your birth. Therefore, this system works perfectly. You may have not known about this system. You may have assumed that other people are bad or wrong. You might have sought control over those people by asking them to treat you differently. But they could not, for they too are here to help you ascend in vibration. They are all here for you and you are here to support them in their growth as well. Again, it’s a perfect system.

To maintain your alignment, you must choose another approach to life. Your old approach is based in fear and you receive urges to control everything. In this new approach of love and acceptance, you eschew all forms of control, knowing that control simply adds fear into your reality. When you are in alignment, you are bringing in more love to your experience. It’s all a matter of perspective.

This Week

Complete the Daily Spiritual Practice and Manifestation Event exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension.

You can find a guide to help you process your limiting beliefs in the Section Content below. Read online, download or print. 

As you do the work contained within the form for each and every manifestation event you encounter, you lessen the intensity of your limiting beliefs. Soon your limiting beliefs will no longer be intense enough to limit you from taking inspired action. This is the key to alignment and growth. It’s the first step.

Make sure all Sections in this week's lesson are complete

You’ll be able to quickly see if there are any outstanding sections or assignments at the top of this page. This doesn’t mean that you have completed all of your Daily Spiritual Practices, Manifestation Event forms or  the other assignments within this course…we’re not noting your progress to that degree! It just shows us that you have seen the work to be done and can access that at any time.