Authentic Love
One of your primary pre-birth intentions was to express love to your entire reality. If you have attracted a mate into that reality, it involves the expression of love. Love is acceptance. To express love unconditionally, you must find a state of neutrality. Since this romantic relationship brings forth many insecurities, you often have great difficulty achieving the state of acceptance known as neutrality.
Your perception of an ideal romantic relationship has been fostered on you by those living in fear. You observed your parents as a child. Did they reach neutrality and acceptance? If they were primarily living in fear, this was seldom the case. They offered resistance much of the time due to their inability to get what they were perceiving they needed or lacked. In this perception, they dipped down into fear consciousness and received urges to control themselves and their mate. You adopted certain highly limiting beliefs as you observed them over many years in childhood.

Your culture, religion, society and the other people in your life also fostered many highly limiting beliefs around romantic relationships. The idea of the soulmate is highly limiting, since your soul is eternally mated with countless entities, including all the people you know now and all those you will ever meet. You could literally form a loving relationship (albeit platonic) with anyone you know if you could reshape your entire belief system.
You attracted the mate you have now as well as all past romantic relationships based on the vibration you were offering beforehand. That vibration included your desires, beliefs and fears. It included the ideal you imagined for what a loving relationship would be. It was full of wobbles and so the perfect person came to you at the perfect time. It might not have been the person you truly wanted, but the person you needed.
Imagine your point of attraction when you carry with you many insecurities, doubts, fears and highly limiting beliefs. What kind of person did you attract when you did not yet know yourself. You always attracted the person who would help you discover these false beliefs about yourself. Imagine that you yearned to be loved from someone else, but did not love yourself. You might have held onto an ideal and really wanted to find someone who would make you feel worthy of love. Of course, you most likely found someone who simply reflected your insecurities back to you.
Now imagine that you have come a long way since then. You understand yourself more now. You know more about the laws of the universe and the system of physical reality. Think about the vibration you are offering now. It’s elevated compared to the vibration you were emitting several years ago. Is it more likely that you would attract a different mate today compared to several year ago? Of course you would.

Now imagine that you are able to move into a state of neutrality, offer little to no resistance, drop your human desires and preferences based in fear and find the Zero Choice Point. In this highly creative and effective state of being, you would receive inspiration and take action based in pure authenticity and love. You would attract others in this state. It would be natural, logical and easy to attract the mate that perfectly reflects your aligned state of being.
This relationship would reflect back to you your elevated state of being. It would come with wonderful feelings associated with love and joy. However, since you are always on your journey of self-discovery, it would allow you to face deeper fears and insecurities. Any remnants of inauthenticity would come to the surface through manifestation events, because you have a relationship that you care about. All of this is very good.
You are eternally growing and expanding in love towards greater authenticity and self- awareness. You will not finally meet the perfect soulmate of your ideals. This is a never- ending journey. All you are ever doing is attracting those who will serve your expansion. They will be more powerfully co-creative as you ascend to new heights of authenticity. But those old limiting beliefs are still somewhere in your vibration. And you cannot really see them without powerful manifestation events that flush them into the open.
When you do not feel worthy of a relationship, you will not lean into it and you might not really care about it. In order to protect yourself, you will keep your distance by not fully connecting. If something happens to the relationship, you will disconnect from it in order to protect yourself from negative emotion. But as you elevate your self- perception, you will begin to love others more fully. This exposes you to the potential of great emotional pain if something were to end the relationship. Since you are the creator of your reality, this fear of loss is irrational. But it is always there at some level.

The only thing to do is fully lean in and connect in spite of this fear. By approaching romantic relationships in this way, you acknowledge that you are the creator of the relationship. Since you’ve created this relationship for the purpose of growth and expansion, all experiences will come forth so that you may discover your authentic self. There’s is no need to protect yourself from negative emotion. In fact, since negative emotion indicates inauthenticity, you can welcome all the emotion you receive because it has a purpose.
Most humans view romantic relationships in a highly limited way. They seek validation. The expect love and acceptance. They hold an ideal in mind. They want security and so many other things from the relationship. They view themselves as victims who perceive that their mate can affect how they feel. They always want something from the relationship to fill a void within. They don a false persona in order to receive love from their mate. They fear authenticity, because it could lead to the end of the relationship. Is it any wonder that most romantic relationships end in separation one way or the other? Many marriages end in divorce, while most of the remaining result in dissatisfaction, apathy and disconnection.
Now look at romantic relationships from the perspective of the creator. The creator needs nothing from the relationship, they only seek to express love and acceptance into the relationship. The creator understands the underlying significance of the relationship; one established prior to birth as a means to further one’s journey of self- discovery. The creator knows that in neutrality and acceptance, they will receive inspiration that will enhance every aspect of the relationship and be of benefit for all involved. When negative emotion is triggered, the creator realizes that some inauthentic aspect of them has been triggered. Another layer can then be peeled away to reveal higher levels of authenticity.
Creators create while victims change or control themselves, their mates, and their conditions. The victim can only experience a highly limited form of conditional and inauthentic love, while the creator experiences love commensurate with the love they are willing to express.
With our love,
We are Joshua
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.