True Freedom is the Realization of Inherent Freedom
The underlying mechanism of physical reality is designed for one thing: Expansion of Consciousness. Fundamental to the design is abundance and freedom. Every form of consciousness must be free to expand as it chooses. It must be given an abundance everything it needs to expand in any way it chooses. Source does not interfere with the evolution of consciousness. It does not wish to control how consciousness expands. This is left up to the individual consciousness to explore itself in any way it chooses.
The design itself leads to expansion. The individual consciousness is free to expand as it sees fit and thus the overall mechanism drives the growth and evolution of all consciousness.

Let’s look at the mass consciousness of humans living on planet Earth. The consciousness is formed by billions of humans all exploring and expanding individually in any way they see fit. The expansion of each individual expands the collective. Each person is exploring who they are as individuals in their own unique way. They are each free to choose their own explorations, perceptions of reality, personas, and mental constructs. They are free to alter their explorations at any time. Nothing is set in stone. There are no limitations imposed by the system, but only by each individual on themselves. Every individual within the collective consciousness is free and abundant, but without the awareness that they are truly free and abundant. This causes the individual to birth desires and this drives the evolutionary expansion of human. From the higher perspective, it is easy to observe the perfection of the system.
Once the individual understands that they are free to create any exploration they choose, they can then change their own exploration. When they understand what true abundance is, they can live in satisfaction, ease and joy. This after all, was the intention each human set prior to their births. Each individual is seeking truth in their own way and birthing unique desires based on their unique perception of reality. Collectively, this creates new pathways toward accelerated expansion and evolution, which can be accessed by anyone who becomes a vibrational match to the new pathways.
Most of human existence has been dominated by fear and the grand illusion. This was perfectly part of the system of evolution. Without the illusion, there would be no new desires birthed and no new pathways of expansion. You must understand that this system, like everything else, is perfect. But when you bring it all down and focus on one individual, it might seem as if the system is flawed and God is responsible for all the tragedies and sorrows of the human race.
There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. Whether you zoom out or zoom in, the perfection of the entire system is always there. Nothing is imperfect, including the illusion caused by fear. There is no wrong in any of it. It is always, always right. Each individual living in duality will judge every aspect of their experience as good, bad, right, wrong, better or worse as they exist under the false perception of themselves as a victim. They perceive that the feelings they experience are fundamentally caused by conditions outside of them. They react by choosing to control conditions in order to avoid negative emotion and changing conditions in order to feel positive emotion. The chaotic behavior of each individual births new desires and moves the collective forward. Without strong desires, the individual would not act (either on urges or inspiration) and thus, there would be no evolutionary progress toward the truth.
Imagine a point of light tracing an infinity pattern. In the beginning, the point moves very slowly and it is not possible to see the symbol. Then the light picks up speed and the symbol becomes easy to see. It moves steadily around and over and around and back again tracing its path repeatedly at a increased rate each time. As it reaches a very high velocity, the point of light cannot be seen. All that you can see is a brightly illuminated infinity symbol. This is a representation of human consciousness. The point of light represents the expansion of human consciousness and when that consciousness accelerates to a certain velocity, the truth is revealed. That truth is the limitless freedom and abundance inherent in the system itself.
A thousand years ago, the point of light of human consciousness moved very slowly existed a much lower vibration based in fear. The experience of each human living in fear birthed new desires and the point of light increased in speed a bit. With each century that passed, you could observe that the point of light of human consciousness was increasing, but to the average human living day to day, the acceleration was imperceptible. In the last hundred years, you can see the point of light increasing with each decade. Today, you can see it increasing with each year. Soon it will be obvious that progress is accelerating that point of light each month and so on. In the not-too- distant future, it will become obvious to everyone on the planet that man is truly free and abundant.
The system of physical reality is designed to to evolve human consciousness to a point when it discovers the truth that each individual is the creator of their own reality. It starts with the illusion of lack and limitation as each human perceives themself to be a victim to outside conditions. It ends with the truth of freedom and abundance as each human independently realizes they are the creator of their own reality and freedom and abundance are inherent to the system. Freedom and abundance are therefore realized into each person’s own reality as soon as they awaken to the fact that they are the creator of their own reality and not the victim of it.
You are among the first humans to gain this realization as you become more and more aware of yourself as the creator of your own reality. You then serve the mass consciousness by acting as if this is the truth and further exploring that idea. You adopt new, more empowering beliefs while you simultaneously process old, limiting beliefs.
You reach for states of greater neutrality and alignment. You act on fewer urges and more inspiration. This not only accelerates your expansion, but also the expansion of the mass consciousness. You then focus your attention on your outer reality and bring it in to discover that there is no outer reality; it is all you. With this realization, you express love to your reality and everyone in it, just as you intended prior to your birth. This is how you serve. You become an example of one who is living in truth and authenticity. You thrive in true freedom and abundance and your authentic nature is plainly observable by those around you. They then become more authentic themselves and this causes a ripple-effect of mass awakening.
You intellectually understand that you are the creator of your reality and that you can have, be and do anything. There are no limits or restrictions other than those imposed on yourself. This understanding causes you to become more aware and sensitive to how you are feeling and what you are choosing to explore. You are becoming more focused on your journey of self-discovery and in this you will require new skills and abilities. Your empathic senses start to come online. All of this aids in your awakening to certain gifts and talents you’ve always had, but never realized fully. You see, the universe is giving you an abundance of everything you need to further your discovery of self and the freedom to alter your mental construct and continue to raise your own vibration. As you do this for yourself, you are also raising the vibration of the mass consciousness. This is how you serve.

Everything you need will be given to you in direct proportion to the truth of the exploration you are choosing. Note that those living in fear must receive more of the illusion of lack and fear, because this is the exploration they are choosing. Overall it is easier to see that humans today are living in far greater levels of abundance and freedom, yet those living in fear perceive themselves to be more limited and lacking than people did a thousand years ago. The expansion of truth is in equal proportion to the expansion of the illusion. As love expands so does fear, but in totality the four points of freedom and abundance and lack and limitation become easier to see by those living in love.
A thousand years ago, the vast majority of human population was living in great lack and limitation, yet because everyone was living in the same manner, it could not be seen. Nor could freedom and abundance. There were very few examples of people at the time living in freedom and abundance and those examples were hard to even imagine by those living in fear. The desires of the masses were for basic needs. Today you have many examples of people living in much more freedom and abundance. But if you are the one living in poverty for instance, the feeling of lack is much more intense today that it would have been a thousand or even a hundred years ago. The feelings of lack and limitation expand as more freedom and abundance is brought forth by those who are reaching higher vibrational levels.
While there are many examples of humans living in much more freedom and abundance, there are few if any examples of humans living in authenticity. Authenticity is much more difficult to see, because when you are not living in authenticity yourself, you are viewing the world obscured by a perception of reality based in duality. This causes you to view the authentic one as strange. You might perceive authentic behavior as wrong or bad or have some other judgment about it. It is only when you choose to opt out of duality and don a perception of reality based in love, will you realize that the structures of almost every aspect of society are based in fear. You will look at all institutions in a new way. You will see how society favors conformity and subservience.

When you become more authentic, you will see that those living in fear hold tightly to limiting beliefs about everything. It gives them a false sense of security as they seek to control the conditions. But you will see it for what it is. It’s simply self-imposed limitation. As the creator of your own reality, you will suddenly realize that others have no power to create in your reality. Therefore, you are absolutely free to be, do and have whatever you choose. You will see them in prisons created in their minds. The gates are open, but they won’t leave. You will not be able to coax them out of their cells, but they will see you on the other side of the fence. This will spark internal conflict within those observing you. On the one hand, they will see you operating differently and this might inspire them. On the other hand, they will feel unable to do what you are doing and then sink into the consciousness of fear and receive urges to change or control you. They will want you to come back into the prison and lock yourself back in your cell. This might make them feel comfortable, but it is something you cannot do, because you have already glimpsed the truth. It is the truth of who you are.
You are just glimpsing that truth now, but there is far more to come. You have just scratched the surface of your greatness. You are on a path to discover more of your own magnificence. You will be able to see more examples of authenticity and you will receive more inspiration that will lead you further to the becoming of who you truly are. This is a wonderful part of the evolutionary process. You have waited a long time to arrive at this point. It is meant to be experienced by you as deeply satisfying and interesting. Enjoy this phase of your awakening. It is a wonderful time and he best is yet to come.
With our love,
We are Joshua
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.