In the age of Aquarius, there will be no use for money
If you can imagine a future where money serves no purpose, you will begin to resonate with the idea of true abundance. If you were truly abundant, everything would flow to you easily and effortlessly. This is the divine nature of money as the energy of love and you as the being of love. You would naturally attract that which aligns with the same vibration of love.
We shall point out here that everything essentially vibrates at the frequency of love. Therefore, everything that comes to you, as a being of love, is for you. It aligns with you. You are love and attract love. But there’s something to discuss here. If you are focused in opposition to the love energy that you are, you will receive like energy. It too is in opposition to who you are. However, it is still love energy. It is still coming to you in the name of divine love. It is always for your benefit and growth. It is always designed to help you see the light. It’s purpose, based in love, is to show you how you are being. This is the basis of the law of attraction.
If you are fully aligned with who you truly are as being of love and you are on your inspired path toward higher levels of self-discovery, awareness and clarity, then everything that comes to you is based in love to assist you on your journey. If you can see that it is all there to assist you, guide you and help you along your way, you will feel good. Your journey will feel good. You will derive satisfaction in everything you do. You will create deep relationships in love. You will experience excellent health, limitless abundance and pure freedom. This is the design of the system.
If, on the other hand, you are in denial of your true self, if you are hiding your true self, or if you are trying to manifest something in opposition to who you truly are, you are off your inspired path. In this case, everything that comes to you is for your benefit and growth as well. Everything that you attract from this limited perspective is designed for your individual growth and expansion. The only issue here is that you are approaching life as a victim and you cannot see how everything that comes to you is for you. You won’t be able to recognize it. It won’t make any sense to you. You will fight it. You will resist it. You will hide from it. It will trigger fear. It will point out your limiting beliefs. But because you are looking at the manifestation events as if they are bad and wrong, because you’re living as a victim, then you will likely miss the information contained in the event. You will use the event to prove that your limiting beliefs are correct. But they never are.

The energy of love is in all things, all people and all experiences. No matter how joyous or painful the experience is to you, it is always based in love. There is nothing other than love in this reality. The truth is love and even the illusion is love. It all has a purpose within the system of physical reality and the system is perfect. You alone hold the key. The key will unlock a life of joy or a life of discontentment. You choose the door and the key will unlock either one. The key is your approach to life.
You choose how you approach life. Basically, you have two choices. You may choose to approach life as a victim. In this highly limited approach to life, you will choose to believe that you are limited, that you are not worthy, that you are imperfect and that you are neither good nor whole. You will assume the identity of the flawed human. From this limited perspective based in the fear that you are not good, whole, worthy or enough, you vibrate at very low level compared to who you truly are. This attracts a reality that seems to match your view of yourself. But again, this is the illusion.
Are you starting to see how the system works?
If you are living in the new approach to life as your authentic self on your inspired path towards greater levels of awareness, clarity and self-discovery, everything that comes to you is for your benefit and growth. Your life feels amazing. It is amazing. It’s wonderfully free and abundant. It’s joyous and full of love, satisfaction and excitement. You unconditionally accept yourself, all people and the conditions. There’s nothing to complain about because you perceive everything as wonderful and good. You see it. It all makes sense. You choose a perception of reality that feels good and you attract more of what feels good.
In this new approach to life, you will still encounter manifestation events. They will point out deeper limiting beliefs. The manifestation events will not feel good. In fact, because you are vibrating so high, any lower emotional frequency becomes quite disturbing. You will notice them. But rather than becoming full-blown experiences in your reality, you will notice them at the thought level. This will allow you to identify limiting beliefs during a resistant thought rather than an actual, physical event. You will be processing limiting beliefs in the nonphysical realm. Isn’t this amazing?
An unpleasant manifestation event is only brought into physical reality when one ignores resistant thought. If you are not aware of your thoughts, you can hardly notice the difference between loved-based and fear-based thoughts. They come and go too rapidly. Therefore the system of physical reality has a way of alerting you to limiting beliefs (resistance). It’s the manifestation event. Initially these events are subtle as they make their way from the nonphysical thought to the physical realm. They are creations as you can see. Unpleasant manifestation events are creations based in fear. Yet they are not wrong or bad. They serve a purpose. The purpose is the illumination of limiting beliefs.

All physical manifestations created in fear are there to point out limiting beliefs. Man has created many things based in fear. These manifestations exist to undermine the illusion if one is conscious of this. If one is living in alignment as their true self, they will easily see the good in everything, including manifestations created out of fear. However, if the person remains in the illusion caused by fear and is approaching life as a victim, they often miss the information contained in all manifestations borne out of fear. These manifestations, call it war, poverty, injustice, etc. always seem to be wrong or bad. Unconscious creators tend to dig in their heels and fight against them. They do not allow for the possibility that these manifestations serve a greater purpose.
One who is in alignment and is approaching life from the perspective of good, right and sees the perfection in all things, will gain clarity. The clarity will allow them to more easily see the good, right and perfection in all things. This, of course, makes it easier to remain in alignment and receive inspiration based in love. If they are able to act on the inspiration, they will bring to them (create) new ideas, experiences and things based in love. As they flow love energy into their reality, they also bring more love to others.
But this is a personal thing. You create in your reality, but not in the reality of others. You can be influenced by others and you can influence others. But you can never create in the reality of others and they have no power to create in your reality. This is a fundamental principle of physical reality. You are the creator of your reality.
As the creator of your reality, you must know that your reality can only be perceived by you. No one else can ever know how you are truly perceiving your reality, because they can only know how they perceive their reality. You might assume that others are seeing what you are seeing and feeling what you are feeling, but this is not the case. Everyone is having an individual and unique experience of their own reality.

No one can know who you truly are. They cannot see you. They respond to you based on their unique perception of reality. If you trigger their limiting beliefs, they will not like you. It will cause them fear. They may avoid you or try to change you. There’s nothing you can do about that. Their perception of you is unique to them based on their unique set of limiting beliefs; of which you have no control.
You cannot know who anyone else is either. The people in your life are all eternally linked to you. In the nonphysical, you know them. In the nonphysical the illusion is not present. In the physical realm, the illusion exists. This masks your ability to know anyone else. They are never being their true selves, but even if they were, since you have a set of mixed beliefs, you would not see them for who they truly are anyway. The only thing you can do is imagine them from the higher perspective.
If you were to imagine each of the people in your life from the higher perspective, you would see them as perfect as they are. You would know that who they are being is not who they truly are. They are living in fear and so they choose their actions based in their perception of reality. In times of joy and alignment, they are being more authentic. In times of fear, they are perceiving an illusion and are being less authentic. That’s all that is ever happening.
You cannot help others when you perceive them from a limited perspective. When you think they need your help, you dip out of alignment and into the consciousness of fear. You receive urges to change or control them and this seems like help. You hope to help them out of their present situation. But you are only doing so (when you are coming from a limited perspective) in order to rid yourself of the negative emotion associated with the limiting belief that they are not doing well. In reality, they are always perfect and they are moving along their journey receiving all the experiences they need as they ascend from fear to love.
You are a bit further along on your journey from fear to love. Your vibration is a bit higher and you now have more clarity. This clarity has caused you to seek these teachings. You understand the teachings only because you are further along on your journey. Those who are living in more fear cannot understand these teachings yet. When you create new pathways of thought and adopt a new approach to life, you are truly helping those who will follow in the future.
You are creating energetic pathways of thought through the new way you are approaching life. There is no obvious evidence that this new approach is more effective than the old approach. There is no way to measure it. There is no amount of evidence that will convince those who are firmly attached to the approach of victimhood. Their fears are too intense. They cannot allow themselves to be vulnerable. They must continue to exert control over themselves, the people in their lives and their conditions. To not do so would seem illogical to them. Any words of advice would fall on deaf ears or may even bring forth hostility.
The only thing you can do is create energetic pathways to new thoughts through your own approach to life. You see, there is a mass consciousness available to all humans living in fear. These are the thoughts that humans have thought over and over throughout history. As you can observe, most of those thoughts are based in fear. When you choose a new approach to life based in love and acceptance, you add new and very powerful thoughts to the mass consciousness. In the future, as humans experience manifestation events, your thoughts will be present. Those who are moving closer towards love will attract your thoughts. They will begin to see things in a new way.
You can see this has been happening over the last few decades. More and more people are accepting the idea of the Law of Attraction. More and more are choosing to think positive thoughts. More and more are practicing meditation. They are discovering new ideas such as mindfulness. They are reading new books, listening to inspiring podcasts and watching empowering videos. They are exploring plant medicine and having eye-opening experiences. They are seeking new healing modalities. They are beginning to stand in alignment with their inner voice. They are receiving more inspiration.

There is no rush. No one needs saving. This is an on-going process. Everything is working out perfectly. There is only one thing you can ever do. You must stand firm in your alignment regardless of the people around you or the conditions that exist in any moment. You must trust yourself.
In trusting your inner voice, you are allowing the wisdom that is based in truth (the truth of who you really are and what you have specifically come to experience) to flow to you and through you. By receiving inspiration and pushing past fear to take action, you are creating new thought pathways. You are operating in a new way – Alignment!
Alignment is the basis of the new approach to life. You must understand the great benefits of alignment. Alignment is not feeling good per se, it’s approaching life in a way that is true to the nature and purpose of reality and thus the associated feelings are good. The new approach to life based in alignment is love and acceptance of all things, especially yourself. If you cannot love and accept yourself as you are you cannot find alignment in a consistent manner. If you cannot accept all people as they are, you cannot maintain alignment consistently. If you cannot accept the conditions as they exist in each moment, you will be taken out of alignment.
The new approach to life of love and acceptance works in perfect harmony with the design of the system and is in full alignment with who you truly are. You have been taught to complain by those who were out of alignment. You have been taught to be careful by those who did not know what alignment was or how this system actually works. You define yourself in highly limiting ways, because you were defined by others who were not in alignment. Therefore, most of what you have been taught was conveyed by those who were not in alignment, because they were in fear.
The old approach to life of fear is all that the vast majority of humans have ever know. This approach to life is based on a flawed assessment of reality. It is based on the illusion. It was perfect, as it gave countless examples as to its ineffectiveness through suffering and discontentment. This has caused you and others to birth new desires that have led society towards more freedom, more abundance, and more love than ever before. It has brought humanity to a tipping point where love can take root and gain momentum. It has brought humanity to the age of enlightenment and the time of awakening. It was worked perfectly.
Without countless lives of suffering, limitation and lack, desires could not have been birthed that would lead to this new age. Therefore, all of those who experienced fear did so in order to create a new possibility. Since the fear is such a vivid illusion, it took time to overcome. However, in the cosmic scheme of things, this was but a blink of an eye. The new age of love and acceptance is just starting, but will grow and last for eons to come. By comparison, the age of limitation will be seen as brief. But even within the illusion, there was hope and joy and even in the age of awakening, there will be some fear and doubt. This too is perfect.
Now comes the big question you are undoubtedly asking.
What does all of this have to do with financial prosperity?
This reality is based in attraction. You attract to you that which resonates with like vibration. The vibration of financial prosperity (and everything else that you truly want) is based in love. Love is the vibration of acceptance. It is the highest vibration. This vibration, when emitted
from you will attract all things based in love, including everything you truly want. This extends to financial prosperity, if and only if, that is for your highest good and the good of all involved. If it were not for your highest good, you would not want it. It would be of no benefit. You might believe you want or need a certain level of financial prosperity in order to live the life you desire. But since you cannot know how to manifest that life, because your perspective is limited, you can’t really know how financial prosperity (or what amount of financial prosperity) would serve you. Therefore, all you can do is move towards a higher vibration of love and acceptance and allow the system to figure it all out in the most elegant way possible.
Raise your vibration through acceptance, appreciation and gratitude. Maintain your alignment. Receive inspiration. Notice the fear that will always pop up. Push past the fear and take whatever action you can take in the moment. Have faith that the action and resulting outcome is for your highest good, even when it lands you in a manifestation event. And return to a state of acceptance (alignment).

The perfect level of financial prosperity is your birthright. Although it may not be the millions of dollars in the bank that you wish for, it will be perfectly matched to your needs. We are not talking about your physical, material desires, but your actual requirements. It will be in relation to the exploration you are involved in. It will always be in relation to the nature of your service. It will conform to your current and future definitions of self. It will be that which enables you to do whatever you need to do so that you may make progress on your journey to self-discovery and purpose. It will be based on the intentions you set prior to your birth.
Give up any false desire for more money that is based in fear and insecurity and allow whatever is needed to flow with full confidence in these universal truths.
You block the natural flow of abundance of all things, including money in several ways. You block the flow by being out of alignment and trying to control it. You block the flow due to your definition of yourself, which is always limited compared to your limitless nature. You block the flow of money when you perceive you lack money, either in the moment, in the past, or in the future. You block money by judging those with money as bad or wrong. You block it by not acting on inspired ideas. You block it by attaching meaning to it. You block it by hoarding it. You block the flow of money by associating it with work, effort or struggle. You block it by your need to justify why you are receiving it and making excuses for why you have so much when others have so little. Remove all of these blocks through acceptance and you allow for the natural flow of money through all possible sources.
Accept fully that all is right, all is good, all is flowing perfectly and that you are the center of your universe. Fill that reality with love. You are the Source of love in your reality. That’s all that will ever matter. Add more love to your reality and watch what comes to you. Act in a brand new way and you will attract a brand new reality, from which all you ever need will flow in absolute abundance!
With our love
We are Joshua
This Week
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