It’s All About Perspective
You have a set of beliefs and a set of desires. Your beliefs are made up of those which are empowering and those which are limiting. Your desires include your pre-birth intentions, which are true desires, and those desires based in lack; your false desires. All of these things work in tandem to create a perspective in the moment. Since you have not consciously been choosing your perspective for very long, most of your perspectives have been determined by your beliefs and desires.
If an event happens that aligns with your empowering beliefs and your desires, meaning that it seems as if things are good and your desires are on track to be manifested, you slip into a higher perspective. However, if an event happens that triggers a limiting belief and you perceive that a desire is now less likely to manifest, you slip into a limited perspective. Until now, it seemed as if you had no choice of perspective.

If your perspective slipped into the negative, you received negative emotion. If it slipped into the positive, you received positive emotion. It had nothing to do with the event itself, only the perspective you slipped into. Without knowing how this all works, it would seem as if the conditions dictated whether you felt good or bad. Therefore, you sought to control your experience in order to avoid negative emotion. This created a comfort zone; I.e. a false sense of security.
As it turns out, positive emotion is received every time you choose to perceive that your conditions are good and negative emotion is received every time you choose to perceive that your conditions are bad or wrong. No matter what happens, if you perceive it as good, you will feel good and if you perceive it as bad, you will feel bad. Therefore, your perception of your reality determines which type of emotion you receive. Also, the intensity to how you perceive your reality correlates exactly to the intensity of positive or negative emotion.
Most humans believe that the conditions cause them to feel something and there is no other way. Things are either good or bad. Everyone would agree. If someone dies, it’s bad and everyone would agree (unless it’s someone you don’t like, such as a terrorist, and then it’s good). If something bad happens to you, everyone will agree with you. But as you know, it’s all about the perspective one chooses and it’s always a choice.

If everyone in your group of friends, family and/or society agrees on what’s good or bad, that is always based on a set of beliefs. Those beliefs are neither true or false, they are either empowering or limiting. Most people believe their beliefs are true and they teach others to believe the same thing. You have been force-fed a set of beliefs in this and other lifetimes. You are now coming to realize that you have essentially been brainwashed your entire life and you are surrounded by others who have also been brainwashed. You were born into a cult. This cult demands that you assimilate. You cannot stand out or proclaim to know better than the rest of the cult. If you do, you will be reprimanded, rejected, or ostracized.
You were born into the cult of bad and wrong. This group seeks to control their conditions and you just happen to be one of the conditions they seek to control. In fact, every member must obey the cult leaders, the cult’s doctrine, and the cult’s dogma. You are free to join subgroups within the cult itself. You can pick a religion or no religion, science, politics, even the country you live in. But it is a false freedom. You have no power within the cult as long as you continue to remain a member. You cannot change the cult in any way. You can only escape it.
You escape the cult of bad or wrong by choosing your perspective. Your perspective is never prescribed, it’s always a choice. The rest of the cult believes their perspectives are not a choice, but only a matter of right and wrong. You will hear this mantra repeated consistently within the cult; “You must know right from wrong!” This is the way the cult controls you.

Those who are good and right are celebrated, while those who are bad or wrong are punished. The winners are cast as motivating members, while the losers become examples that keep the constituency in line. It’s all a massive form of control. The hero saves the victim from the villain. Another message of control. Courage is displayed through conquering evil. Yet evil is certainly subjective and of course, is another form of control. When the hero labels someone else a villain, he controls the opinions and perspectives of the group. Therefore, the hero/leader much obtain as much power as possible in order to control the group more effectively.
The cult would fall apart without fear. Fear is how the cult of right and wrong controls the perspectives of the members. The members have been brainwashed since early childhood to be aware of strangers, beware of all forms of danger, and recoil at the prospect of anything wrong or bad. The group is self-policing. The way you avoid bad and wrong is through greater control. You must control yourself at all times, otherwise you’ll be labeled wrong or bad. And you know what happens to those people.
Awakening is realizing that you have control only over the thoughts you think, the beliefs you hold onto and the perspectives you choose. No one in the cult has ever told you that. No one in the cult could teach this, because it would be out of alignment with the very fabric of cult itself. The idea that everything is right and there is no wrong anywhere in the universe is the lifeline that will lead countless millions out of the cult of right and wrong.
Everything you have ever learned has been taught to you to keep you in the cult. All of your beliefs have kept you a prisoner of your perspectives. You have been drinking the tonic of duality for this and other previous lifetimes. This is your first glimpse outside of the illusion cast by your entire society. The idea that there is no wrong is enough to break you free from your bonds. The knowledge that your shackles are nothing more than a set of limiting beliefs will allow you to contest those very beliefs. Once you do, you begin the process of awakening.

None of your current beliefs are absolutely true. You may have more empowering beliefs now compared to a year ago. If you do, you feel more joy, you are calmer, you are expressing more love, you have more to appreciate and to be grateful for. If your beliefs have become more empowering, you are living in more truth than at any previous time (other than childhood, before you were brainwashed). Things are simply working out for you. You are receiving more inspiration. You are experiencing more freedom and abundance. You are less discontent and far more effective. If you have more empowering beliefs than others in your circle, you are of benefit to them, because you are living as an example of alignment.
Everything you truly want will manifest in your life as you remove yourself from the cult of good and bad. Your nonphysical senses will come on line. The universe will bring you that which is a match to your new approach to life. Above all, you will gain clarity. Since this is a journey of self-discovery, clarity is what you truly want.
The fear, as propagated by your society in an attempt to control you, is an elaborate illusion. You could have been raised in a way that would allow you to assess your fears, to be courageous in response to your fear, and to always choose the higher perspective. In the future, children will be raised this way. Parenting will be completely different than it is today. Schools will be unrecognizable. Society will celebrate those who exist in freedom and love. Everyone living in love will aid anyone in fear. They will assist those who are ready to break free from the cult of wrong. There will be many of them. Right now, there is just a few. You are among the few.
You cannot perceive the cult of right and wrong to be bad. We use the word cult, not as a slight on anyone’s beliefs, but only to illustrate our point. It is a mass delusion. They all think they’re right. They’re all trapped, but believe they’re free. If you choose to see them from the limited perspective, you are right back in the cult with them. You must understand that they know not what they do. It is a system of integrated beliefs based on a perception of self as the victim in order to gain some control over their conditions. They have no idea that control is not possible. You do, but there is nothing you can do to save them. They must first realize it for themselves. Only then, with their arms outstretched, can you reach them. Until then, you must simply illuminate the light of love that shines brightly within you.

Everything is right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. This is your lifeline. This is the lifeline that will eventually bring all humans out of the illusion and into the truth. You are ready to hear it. Most are not, but more will come. You have chosen to break free of the illusion first, but this involves great responsibility. Not only must you adhere to what you believe to be true for you, you must not attempt to create in the realities of others. This is just another form of control.
The only way to break free of the illusion and move into the truth is through absolute acceptance of what is. All forms of control will bring you back into the illusion. Anytime you see yourself as a victim to some condition that arrises, you move back into the illusion. This will be accompanied by negative emotion. This is the system at play. Your inner self will never stop guiding you forward and will always remind you when you slip back. Follow your emotions. Choose your perspectives based on those emotions. Strive to feel good, follow your joy, act on inspiration and challenge all of your beliefs. This is the path you are on. It’s the path you chose prior to your birth. It is your inspired path. Always walk this path bathed in the light of ACCEPTANCE!
With our love,
We are Joshua
This Week
Complete the Plots and Daily Spiritual Practices exercises each day to help you discover and process key limiting beliefs that block your ascension. You can complete these on-screen and print or save them for your own records. Or you can print the empty forms if you prefer to handwrite these.
You don’t have to complete manifestation event forms every day during this segment, but we’ve added the form so you can complete one as you need it.