BOOTCAMP Archives - The Teachings Of Joshua
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Week One: Manifesting Miracles (Click To Start)

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Week One: Manifesting Miracles

In this eight-week intensive bootcamp, you will unlock the abundance of all the things you truly want by releasing lower-vibrational beliefs, attitudes and behaviors. It’s not that you are not already abundant. The truth is that you are living an abundant life right now. Abundance is the receiving of all you need to do what you are focused on, when you focus on it. If you are focused on lack, for instance, you will receive all of the things, events, people and experiences that will aid you in your exploration of lack. In other words, you are already receiving an abundance of everything you need to experience fully whatever you are focused on in this moment. That is the definition of abundance and you are an abundant being right now, even if you do not think you are.

The way to turn the abundance of lack into the experience of prosperity is to adjust your focus of attention, your mental construct and your perspective. This will raise your vibration so that you become more of a match to the kind of abundance that you truly want. We are speaking of money, of course, but also of satisfying relationships, a true sense of security (which has nothing to do with money), excellent health, wonderful relationships, spiritual growth and a fulfilling and satisfying life experience.

This bootcamp experience might not be an easy journey for you. You will have to shift your set of beliefs. You will have to recognize the worthy and magnificent being you truly are. You will have to learn what it means to be the creator of your reality. You will have to take responsibility for everything that occurs in your life. You will meditate. You will complete a spiritual practice every day. You will learn to release resentment and regret. You will have to process your fears and limiting beliefs. There is work to do, but if you are called to a new level of awareness, ease, and satisfaction, then you will find this
bootcamp exciting, deeply enriching, and exhilarating. By the end of the program, if you have completed the steps and all of the work, your vibration will rise to a whole new level. This will be your new point of attraction.

Your reality is a reflection of the vibration you are offering, which is translated from the perspective you are choosing in every area of your life. Raise your vibration and you must realize a new reality. When you consciously do the work to alter your own perspective, you will move to new levels of awareness and clarity. You are not limited by anything in this reality other than your own beliefs and mental construct. We will help you alter those beliefs one step at a time so that you may realize the true potential that lives within you. That shift in perspective will bring you unimaginable experiences and a life that will surprise and delight you. If you are ready, we will begin.

– Joshua

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