Short Courses Archives - The Teachings Of Joshua
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By the end of the program, you will have a new perspective that is secured by an emotional anchoring of the core spiritual concepts. This is what experience does. Intellectual understanding is valuable, but as explained by White Light, an emotional experience creates deep roots within the body itself. This is the reason experience teaches and words don’t teach.

As Christy and I channelled this course, which is meant to be foundational, we were surprised at how we both understood these concepts at a completely new level. We discovered that, due to the unique way the information is presented, we internalized these concepts rather than simply understanding them intellectually.

Gary & Christy

2 Calls Per Week + A Final Group Call

Each week during the Foundations program, you will have the opportunity to attend two Joshua Live calls where you have the opportunity to ask Joshua questions. We’ll also have a Foundations group call at the end of the 28-day program.

Daily Spiritual Practice

Each morning during in the 28-day Foundations program you will complete a spiritual practice designed to connect you with your inner self. As you start each day by completing this practice, you will find that your intentions are clear, you’ll tune yourself to inspiration and you’ll set yourself up for appreciation.

Joshua Meditations

Meditation is a key to creating a lasting shift in your perspective. Each day you will be given one of Joshua’s 15-minute guided meditations that has been chosen for that specific day.

What previous participants say about Foundations

“To be able to reach such a high vibration as to channel Joshua alone is an amazing success. I have followed many spiritual teachers and channels for over 20 yrs and found the Joshua material to resonate the most. I have purchased all your books and read them multiple times. The value it has added to my life is immense and I do really appreciate it.


“I thoroughly enjoyed the Foundations course, finding immense value in having both Joshua's and The White Lights' perspectives on each subject and its corresponding assignments. What particularly stood out to me was the distinct wording of your channelled perspectives on the same subject. This approach allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of the theme. Engaging with the material on a daily basis, I encountered interesting thought processes and challenges within each subject matter, yet I found myself readily able to complete the readings and assignments for each day.

Undoubtedly, setting aside dedicated time for this endeavor was valuable. I recognized that by investing time and effort, I aimed to enhance my understanding of the fundamental principles underlying Joshua and White Light teachings. Through this commitment, I unearthed the concept that we have the ability to manifest our realities through our emotions. While this idea might have been expressed in various forms during the eight months of learning alongside you both, it was the Foundations course that facilitated my comprehension of it.

Thank you. 😊


“ I am in agreement with everyone else that it is truly special. There is SO much to think about and consider all the questions, possibilities or nuggets, posed by Joshua and White Light. I found the Assignment on Day 9 brilliant. The very word “Foundations” means that this is setting the foundations for their journey onto the next level. Thank you again for creating the most amazing and unique course.


“At first, I was hesitant to enroll in this course "Foundations", telling myself that with all the trainings I had taken from Joshua and The White Light, I didn't need this additional course. But in the end, I couldn't resist and I enrolled, and I don't regret it at all. Being familiar with Joshua's and The White Light Teachings, I consider this course as the gateway to a free lifestyle, being supported by our Inner Self (and those concepts that we learned in this Foundation course are there to help us in this sense). Even if someone has already taken other courses from Joshua (and The White Light), this course can be considered as the glue that holds these teachings together. I recommend it, in particular, to anyone who feels attracted "to be more", because as Joshua says: "If you want more, you have to be more. This Foundations course will elevate you on your path to an unexpected level.”

Audrey BérubéExplorer of Unlimited Abundance, Law of Attraction Certified Practitioner

“A few days behind but wanted to say that this course is truly magic. As my guides put it yesterfay Bullseye 👍🏻.

I've had big Ah-ahs daily and had big evident inspirations and syncs truly based in love and the new daily spiritual practice is AMAZING. Pointing out how following my inspirations would affect my identity of powerless to powerful and how that would be a scary shift for my ego - I can toss all that fear aside and my now heart is filled with LOVE.

I cant thank you both enough for following your passion and putting in the time to put all this together.


“I just wanted to say that I'm getting so much out of the Foundations course! It's truly amazing and I don't find it basic at all! I am loving digging deep into the concepts with all the reading (I love to read so this works so well for me) and I love the exercises every night. Thank you both (and to Joshua and White Light) for putting this course together. I think it's an amazing one.


“I have been listening to Joshua Live for well over a year (way back when Christy was first starting to channel!) and have been hooked from the start. Joshua's and the White Light's messages speak to me and I have found the teachings to be straight forward and profound.
I have been working with the information brought forth by meditating, journaling, and doing my best to find limiting beliefs. I have witnessed a big change in my perspective, and have noticed how much lighter and happier I feel. The day I heard my high sensitivity is my Super Power was a great day indeed!

I am loving going through the Foundations 2 course. Doing a daily practice makes a big difference for me. I had such a fun day yesterday/today doing the Day 12 exercises and connecting with others through the 3 options I selected. I am feeling my vibration getting stronger and noticing I'm present more often. I really enjoy your varied approach to this course and I look forward to each new day. I'm excited to see where I'll be two weeks from now!

Thank you for making a huge difference in my life. I am so grateful to you both and to Joshua and White Light.


“I just wanted to tell you both that I have read and studied for so many years but what I read and am still taking in on Lessons 13 and 14 was the most amazing and inspiring thing I have ever seen. I suddenly can see it and want you to both know my appreciation for following your inspiration and passion to bring us this wonderful good news to the world.

My new affirmation is " I have an unwavering commitment to seeing the perfection in everything". I am ready for the next class on Inspired Path. Thank you both so much.

Teri Lynn

“I’ve been doing the Foundations course, and just wanted to pass along an official “WOW”. Just wow.

Not quite sure how to articulate my feelings, but all of the content seems to be striking a chord and reverberating deeply.
I’m actually contemplating whether or not it is resonating so strongly because I was first introduced to the concepts in the basic training course, or whether it would have felt the same way without first taking BT.

Honestly, there is something about the presentation that reads like an exciting novel. And then … And then …

Each chapter leaves me in suspense of what will happen next.

What an amazing gift!!!

Thank you!!!


“The systematic approach of the Foundations program was a powerful way to raise my perspective and shift in key areas of my life. It gave me a way to drop my identity and create new possibilities. I loved the focus on a daily practice, reading and meditation with exercises. The concepts shared challenged my thinking and offered a way to bridge the gap between what is known and an unimaginable reality. Thank you Gary, Christy, Joshua and White Light for your profound work. You are all the best!

Emma WeberCEO & Founder, Lever - Transfer of Learning

“For me the Foundations Course was a game changer as last year I signed up to do my first Bootcamp and it was so much new information to digest. Now with Foundations it is so clearly explained step by step which I think is so important when you start this journey of self discovery. I absolutely loved it and it is great to have fundamentals before you even do the basics training and the bootcamp.

After the activation now I noticed when I meditate I’m more focused on it. I can go deeper into it. Where before it was so hard for me to go deep and stop my thoughts even for a second. Now it is definitely easier for me to meditate even for an hour and do not loose my focus and drift away.
Thank you Christy and White Light.”


“I want to thank you for channeling White Light, the Foundations course and all of the You Tube content you have put out there. You sharing your gifts this way has been such a blessing for me. ”


“I want to thank you and your team for a wonderful Foundations 2 course. The course sets out to raise one's vibration through a higher perspective.... and it delivers! The meditations are wonderful, the teachings from Joshua and White Light are incredibly deep and meaningful, and the exercises and daily spiritual practices bring it all together. I'm grateful for the safe and supportive environment you created for doing this work.

I'm in a whole new headspace thanks to the course and I very much look forward to continuing this work with you. Thank you!”

Dave S

“Thank you, from my heart to yours, for the new Foundations course. It is a gift I gave myself and I am tremendously grateful for the entire experience, with a higher vibration being the wonderful outcome.

The overall gift I received from Foundations is a feeling of a layer being removed. I feel more anchored, or seated, with my inner self and I am noticing I am more authentic when I connect with others. I usually have some social anxiety, especially with strangers, and it seems to be truly lessened or even gone. Some kind of healing took place! I also have a sense of peace that has stayed with me since the course ended
(when I am not having manifestation events).

I enjoyed working through the complementary daily concepts from both Joshua’s and The White Light’s perspective. I particularly benefitted from the newer concepts of living an unimaginable life and the process of softening my identity. My favorite exercise was picking 3 out of 10 options to shake up my daily routine. I appreciated all the coaching calls, even when I was not able to participate live, and talk about being surprised and delighted, what an amazing last coaching call with Jessica to work on the MEF and limiting beliefs. It has been heartwarming to connect with the Joshua community, and to feel part of a group of likeminded souls.

I am grateful for all that you are sharing.”


Radically Raise your Vibration

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How to Radically Raise your Vibration by
Uncovering and Processing Unconscious Limiting Beliefs

in 7 Days

Gary Temple Bodley

Joshua is a group of nonphysical teachers channeled by Gary Temple Bodley. Through Gary, Joshua has written four books, dozens of articles and answered hundreds of questions from people all over the world. More than 2 millions inspired words have been channeled in five years.

Gary hosts two popular podcasts; Joshua Live and The Teachings of Joshua Roundtable.

Gary hosts seminars and workshops around the world, bringing Joshua’s teachings to those who are interested in expanding their awareness of universal laws and becoming a vibrational match to the life they truly desire.

You are being called to recognize who you really are so that you can unlock your Soul’s Purpose. You have found your way to these teachings because you are becoming a vibrational match to that purpose. When you discover your Soul’s purpose, you will live in bliss. You are not yet a vibrational match to that life and this is why you are here now. Your only work is to allow your Soul’s Purpose to come to you by finding and maintaining your alignment. You do that by radically changing your entire approach to life.

“You are a magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance”

- Joshua

You are on a journey of self-discovery and you have found your way here. You are first and foremost an explorer. You are exploring physical reality for the purpose of self-discovery. Prior to your birth, you intended to explore various aspects of physical reality in order to learn more about yourself. You have sifted and sorted and defined your preferences. You have birthed many desires. Those desires have led you to seek more information about the Laws of the Universe and The Mechanism of Physical Reality.

You want to know how to consciously and effectively create the life you prefer. This has led you to discover this information and so you are now vibrationally ready to take the next step.

In this course, you will learn the key to consciously creating a vibration that matches what you truly desire. Without the process you are about to receive, you will have great difficulty consciously altering your vibration.

When you receive this key and apply it to your life, your reality will quickly change. You will become a match to what you want. It will all make sense. It will become manifested into your reality because you will be ready for it, vibrationally speaking.

But before we start, you must understand the fundaments of universal laws, why you are here and how it all works.

Let's Get Started !

Understanding the Mechanism of Physical Reality

Physical Reality is an environment that enables the journey of self-discovery. You exist in a loving and supportive universe. Everything you need to explore reality in any way you choose is always being provided for you. It always has been provided to you and it always will.

You are currently exploring whatever you are focused on now. If you are focused on lack of any kind (lack of money, love, time, etc.), you will attract experiences and situations that allow you to explore lack fully. That is the design of the system.

You can focus on anything and your reality will be formed around the subject of that focus. This is the fundamental design of the system of physical reality. What you believe forms your vibration and this is communicated out to the universe. The universe responds by bringing you a reality that conforms to your beliefs. Alter your beliefs and you change your reality.

The basis of this reality is love. You can only attract love. There is no wrong – only your judgment of wrong. The judgment of wrong is an illusion.

Knowing Who You Really Are

In order to consciously create a vibration that will match what you truly want, you must know who you really are. You must see yourself from a much higher perspective.

You are not an individual trying to survive. You are not a victim. You are not subject to fate. Bad things cannot happen to you.

You are a magnificent and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. You are worthy. You are inherently good. You have nothing to prove. You are an explorer and you cannot fail. You are absolutely and completely unique. No one like you has ever lived before or will ever live again. Not only is your life unique, not only is your perspective unique, but it is all unique in each and every moment of your life.

Your life adds to the perspective of Source. Your experiences add to the expansion of All That Is. Without your life and all of your experiences, All That Is would be less than it is. It would be different. You are an integral component of the universe. You are valued, loved and needed.

Why You Are Here

In order to consciously create a vibration that will match what you truly want, you must know why you are here.

You must understand that you intended to be here now in this crucial time of awakening. You very much wanted to be here and so you became a vibrational match to the earth on the day you were born.

You are an explorer and you cannot fail. You came to experience Love, Freedom, Abundance, Joy and Expansion. You are expanding with every moment and you are seeing yourself from a new perspective each time you expand. You expand with each new experience. You expand when you face contrast or push past fear to do something you’re inspired to do.

There is something more specific you wanted to experience in this life. This is your Soul’s Purpose. And it is always calling you. If you move toward it without resistance, you will discover it and you will live a life of bliss while pursuing your Soul’s Purpose. If you resist this calling, you will face more and more intense contrasting moments we call Manifestation Events.

How You Create Your Own Reality

You have always been creating your own reality. You are a creator and your creation is your reality based on your idea of self (who you perceive yourself to be in any moment). You are creating your reality right now as you are reading this and are involved in a Process. You will continue to create your reality in every moment.  Sometimes you are creating with intention and purpose. Other times, you are creating unconsciously by default.

You create your future by how you react to events and situations. You perceive some events are good and others are bad or wrong. There is no bad or wrong and so when you create out of something you think is wrong, you are creating unconsciously. If you knew how the system works you would never again create unconsciously, you would always create intentionally.

How you are being creates your reality. You are either being allowing or resistant. When in fear (mostly of that which is based in irrational fear) you resist that which you would naturally create if you were allowing.

In order to create the life you desire, you must change your mind around that which you fear; that which you perceive from a limited perspective to be bad or wrong.

Law of Attraction

Reality is simply a reflection of your vibration. You create that vibration by how and who you are being. If you are being loving, open, authentic and accepting of yourself, everyone else, and your present conditions, you allow your future to unfold as you intended prior to your birth.

The Law of Attraction brings you a reflection of how and who you are being.
In each moment, you are either being open, allowing and accepting of what is, or you are being resistant to what is.

Your attention to what you perceive as bad or wrong creates more of that. The Law of Attraction is neutral and does not care what you are focused on. Whatever it is, you create more by your focus of attention on that subject. When you focus on problems, you create more. When you focus on obstacles, you attract more. When you focus on the lack of anything, you attract more experiences of lack.

Change your focus and you change your reality. Change your beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, moods, etc. and you change your point of focus.

The Importance Of Meditation

You create through the thoughts you think. Those thoughts, backed up by your beliefs, inform your vibration.

You are mostly unaware of the power of your thoughts and the thoughts you continue to think. Your thoughts turn into stronger and more intense forms called beliefs. Those beliefs attract realities that conform to them and they are very powerful. Your reality will always reflect your beliefs.

When you quiet your mind through the daily practice of meditation, you begin to recognize your thoughts and beliefs. In the recognition of resistant thoughts, you can begin to understand the reality you have been attracting. The first step to altering your reality is to notice your thoughts and adjust them.

You have complete control over the thoughts you think and the beliefs you hold. You can alter the way you think to create the life you prefer. Your dream life will emerge once you take charge of your thoughts and beliefs. Your thoughts and beliefs are not positive or negative, they are either empowering or limiting. Meditation will enable you the power to consciously think more empowering thoughts.

Daily Spiritual Practice

Most humans do not engage in a consistent daily spiritual practice.

You are a spiritual being living a physical experience. The physical experience enables you to see yourself from new perspectives in each new moment. It is a process of self- discovery. You are discovering that you (and everyone else) is a representation of Source itself.

You spend many hours a day working at a job, watching TV, eating, sleeping, spending time with friends and loved ones. While this is all good and right, you do not spend time in a spiritual practice. You are spiritual and physical, yet you spend the great majority of time engaged only in the physical realm. The conscious awareness of the fact that you are a spiritual being will allow you to adopt a daily spiritual practice.

Everything you want in this life will come to you. You will receive it. You do not go out and make it happen, you allow it to come. The life of your dreams will be formed by the universe, not manufactured by you. The way to allow that dream life to be manifested in your personal reality is completed through daily spiritual practice.

Your Vibration Attracts Your Reality

Your vibration creates your reality. That vibration exists either in harmony with universal laws and energies or in contrast to those laws.

Your work is not to do anything, it is simply to be. When you are being consistently allowing and accepting of yourself, all others, and the world around you, you are being receptive.

When you perceive that things are going right, you are being receptive. When you perceive that things are going wrong, you are being resistant. Reception allows you to tune into who you really are and attract a reality that matches this true and authentic version of you. It feels good. Things work out. You exist in bliss.

Resistance causes you to tune into a reality that is in opposition to who you really are. It feels off. Nothing works. If you have been living in resistance, you have been feeling negative emotion and you’ve been receiving urges to control the conditions. If you are living in acceptance, you are receiving inspired thoughts and ideas and you have been taking actions that have led you to your dream life.

Limiting Beliefs

You are a limitless and magnificent being of pure positive love and acceptance.

  • Do you believe this version of you exists now? If not, it is due to a conglomeration of limiting beliefs. These beliefs limit what you will allow yourself to experience in physical reality.
  • Do you experience the great financial abundance that is available to you? If not, then this is due to some limiting beliefs.
  • Do you have the love of your dreams in your life? If not, then this is due to some limiting beliefs.
  • Are you experiencing perfect health? If not, then this is due to some limiting beliefs.
  • Have you found your Soul’s Purpose in this life? If not, then this is due to some limiting beliefs.

Your limiting beliefs keep you apart from all the things you truly want. All of your limiting beliefs are false. You can process them and prove they are false. You can find evidence that proves they are false. All you need is a process to prove limiting beliefs are false. Engage in this process and reduce your limiting beliefs.