The Vibrational Truth About Terrorism and the Attacks in Paris


There are several things we would like to address regarding the terrorist attacks in Paris. Humans are moving from fear to love. You are progressing toward a new approach to life. You are transitioning from intolerance to acceptance. Events like these spur that movement toward what is wanted and away from what is not wanted. This event, like all other similar events, was orchestrated for the purpose of mass growth. When you witness events such as these you begin to think more deeply about your own personal beliefs.

You believe there is right and wrong. Others believe this too. If they are right, then you are wrong. They want you to conform to their beliefs and you want them to conform to yours. If you see them as wrong, and you believe yourself to be more powerful, then your response is to annihilate them out of existence. As you attempt to do this, an act which is opposed to the laws of the universe, you make your enemy stronger and more numerous. You do not like the conditions and you work to remove the conditions so that you can feel better. When you give your attention to things you do not like, and much attention is given to terrorism, you make it bigger and more intense. The peace you wish for can only come when you release your fear and accept that their actions are right. There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. This means that the terrorist cannot be wrong either.

From your perspective, which is limited, you cannot see the true implications of these terrorist acts. You see only death and mayhem, but you cannot see all the good that will come from this. There will still be those who react out of fear, yet there will be many more who wish for peace, who are thinking thoughts of love, and who are supportive of the people of France. Events like these cause the mass consciousness to shift away from fear and toward love. When you finally realize that the attention you bring to any subject can be from only one of two stances; love or fear, tolerance or acceptance, great change will come. When you release your fear, when you stop fighting against, when you embrace your enemy with love, you alter your personal reality and the reality of the planet changes dramatically.

Let’s imagine that you preferred a peaceful world, which is not the case right now. Your government is not a peaceful government and whether you understand this or not, your government is the perfect representation of the mass consciousness of your country. There are many countries who embrace peace and the mass consciousness of those countries create this effect within their borders. There are countries who experience little to no terrorism whatsoever.

You are a powerful nation and it is your belief that you have the physical power to coerce others to obey your commands. You may not see it this way, but you use your might to attempt to alter conditions you do mot like. If you were mightier, there would be many more things you would change. If you were less powerful, you would accept the actions of others as beyond your control and therefore, due to this stance of acceptance, you would experience greater levels of peace.

Some societies choose to be neutral and peaceful and those societies live in peace. Some are powerless to do anything and they too live mostly in peace. Your society has decided that certain things are wrong and since you have the ability to use your muscle, you fight against that which you believe is wrong. As you fight against it, as you give your attention to the wrongness of it, you fuel it and it grows bigger. You cannot fight against something and expect it to go away. It defies the laws of the universe and as you can easily see, it simply does not work.

Now, you are not being asked to do nothing. If you want a peaceful world, then you must turn your attention toward peace. You must not look at an entire group of people and despise them because of a few who are working on the fringes. You must send love to all, and if one decides to act in a way that goes against what you believe is right, you must refocus your attention to emitting and projecting love. Soon, you will see the positive affects of placing your attention on what you want.

The only way to create peace is with love, compassion and acceptance. The only way to create conflict is through fear and intolerance. Release your fear through acceptance and you will radically alter your personal reality and the reality of the world.

The terrorists played their part in the evolution of consciousness. The victims played their part as well. You must accept that death is not a bad thing. Death is simply a transition from this physical playground to your nonphysical home. Earth is not your home. physical reality is not your environment. You are nonphysical beings experiencing a physical illusion for the fun and expansion it brings. You always choose when you die. Death is easy and effortless and if you choose not to die, then you remain in physical reality. Everyone chooses when they die.

When you do make your transition, you do not lose those you love, your attention will be fixed on them from your nonphysical position. You must learn to perceive death in a way that serves you. As you continue to believe that death equals loss, you will continue to feel bad and to dip into lower emotional states of being. You will continue to live in fear. From this stance of fear, you believe that the low vibrational action of retribution will make you feel better. But this does not work and the enemies you fear will continue to keep you in low emotional states of being. This creates a momentum which is difficult to stop.

You have only one choice. You must believe that death is not the end, that there is no such thing as death, and that you cannot experience loss unless you choose to perceive it as such. You cannot fight against that which you fear because your fear brings energy to it and amplifies it. Your only choice is love and acceptance. This is the only approach that aligns with the laws of the universe. You cannot work in opposition to these laws.

Imagine if you ceased your fight altogether. You pulled your military out of the terrorists’ homeland. You dropped all defenses. You faced more attacks, yet instead of retaliation, you chose peace. Imagine if you replaced the cost and effort of your military machine with gifts of support to those who you once feared as your enemy. If you stopped fighting and started supporting, your enemy could not continue his fight. It would not be possible.

Your enemy does not accept your approach to life and wants to change you. But if you were a society of peace, he would have nothing to argue against. You cannot fight an opponent who will not engage you. You cannot fight one who consistently showers you with love. This too goes against all laws of the universe.

Your society will soon see that waging war to annihilate this kind of enemy will not work. You will soon come to the conclusion that you must give up your resistance and accept that your only option is love. You will soon realize that you are responsible for the enemy you fight. If you are slapped in the face by a stranger, you can bet that it is not a random occurrence. You must accept complete responsibility for the reality you are experiencing. You create your own reality.

The only solution is love. The only road to peace is through acceptance. You cannot change your enemy by force or coercion. You cannot change your conditions; you can only change yourself. You cannot control the actions of your government, you can only control what you think and believe. You can personally place your attention on what is wanted or you can personally focus on what you believe is wrong. You will get whatever you give your attention to. Even if the whole world is at war, you can live in peace if that’s what you are personally focused on.

This will all work out. You are moving rapidly toward love. You are transitioning to a radical new approach to life and you are doing very well. Focus on all the love that comes as a result of this event and you will be part of the shift toward a new reality of peace, acceptance and love.

You are loved more than you can imagine.


Joshua is a group of nonphysical teachers channeled by Gary Temple Bodley. Their practical teachings provide a greater understanding of the mechanism of physical reality, the Law of Attraction, and how to leverage universal forces to enhance our lives. Joshua’s first book “A Perception of Reality” explains the nature of reality using plain english in an easy-to-understand format. This book is the next step for those awakened individuals seeking higher levels of consciousness and awareness.

Dear Joshua,

If I keep vibrating a certain quality or feeling and it keeps appearing through mates that are like my father, same qualities etc.. Is it possible it is my father who keeps coming back through these mates? Can those who have croaked come back over and over again?

I understand you either attract people because you feel that way or you Definitely don’t want anyone like that in your world The later resonates with me.


Dear Trisha,

You have asked a question that will help many, many people and we want to address the entirety of your question as well as the individual parts. First, you wonder if you are attracting people like your father because your father is coming back to this reality in another incarnation. While he may come back if he wishes to do so and he may even interact with you in some regard, he has not come back in that way and would not do so. This would be too confusing for you and he is aware of that.

We will start by saying that everyone you know or have known in this physical reality you also know in the nonphysical. You interact there and here. You make plans for there and here. You love and adore each other in the nonphysical and you come together in this reality to explore various aspects of your relationship just for the fun of doing so. At times you may not think it’s fun here, but you will definitely have a laugh about it from your nonphysical perspective.

You are not attracting your father as a mate but you see certain aspects of your father in the mates you choose. Let’s see if we can bring that into clarity for you. Imagine the personality of your father and how that personality carried forth into the nonphysical after his transition. In physical form he was love, appreciation, tender, hard working, supportive of his family, caring, and many other wonderful qualities and these are the aspects of his personality that he carried with him to the nonphysical. In his physical body he also carried some traits that were in the form of human baggage. He might have been insecure, fearful or worried. He might have been defensive or overly protective. He might have been angry or disappointed. These traits did not follow him into the nonphysical.

So when you are thinking that your mate has some qualities of your father are you thinking of the loving aspects or the fearful aspects? You get to choose. There is only one person in this world you need to love. It is not a mate or a parent, it is you. You must learn to love yourself and from that standpoint of self-love and selfappreciation, you will attract one who sees in you what you see in yourself. If you love yourself, you will attract someone who sees what you see. If you are insecure about your love for yourself, you will find someone who is insecure in your love for them. Until you change how you feel about yourself, you cannot attract anyone, friends or lovers, who see you for more than you see yourself. Love yourself first. Really own it and mean it. Do not love yourself in order to get someone who will also love you, love yourself regardless of what happens.

So how does one come to love themselves. It is simply a matter of realization that who you are is perfect in this moment. We see your perfection and you must come, over time, to see it as well. You are perfect whether you think you are or not. We use the term “perfect” rather than good or worthy because we want there to be no levels in this meaning. When we say worthy or good you can compare yourself to another and believe yourself to be more or less worthy or good than another. In this case you are perfect and there is no room for improvement. All others are perfect just where they are as well. There is nothing you can do to become better for you are perfect as you are.

You can’t be better and then start to love yourself. You can’t be more beautiful, successful, confident, smarter, more spiritually evolved and then love yourself. You must love yourself unconditionally now, as you are and the side effect will be those other things.

Don’t ever compare yourself to others, only compare you to you. Look at who you are now and see the progress from who you were. See your own evolution and see how< much you’ve grown. The you that you are now is ready for you to love yourself. Until you do, no relationship can manifest in the way you want it to.

Are you starting to understand how this all works? Can you see that the mates you attracted were not like your father; they were like you. They loved you in the exact way you loved yourself. They treated you how you treated yourself. They will always think of you in the exact way you think of yourself. They will always, always be a reflection of who you are being.

Your true desire is to be who you really are. Once you do that, you will attract a mate who sees the best in you. They will love you unconditionally because you love yourself unconditionally. It will not be possible for them to love you in any other way. However, if you continue to love yourself conditionally, it will not be possible for a new mate to love you any other way. Your mates will always be a mirror to who you are being. This is the law of the universe and it cannot be any other way.

Fortunately for you, you understand the mechanism of physical reality better than almost anyone you know. You understand more about this stuff than 99% of humanity. You have the tools and the desire to create your own reality. But it’s an inside job. Meditate, appreciate, and learn to love yourself unconditionally. Don’t dream about the mate, don’t hold on to a picture of what a happy relationship looks like. Forget all that stuff. Work on how you feel about yourself and everything will come from there.

It is simple to imagine and become who you really are. You accomplish it in stages.

Stage One: Understand that who you really are is who you would be in the nonphysical. Just as the personality of your father left behind the fearful aspects of his nature when he transitioned to the nonphysical, you must look at those aspects of your personality that you will leave behind when you make your transition. Any though or behavior that stems from love will be carried forth to the nonphysical and any thought or behavior that stems from fear will be left behind.

Stage Two: Act like the highest version of yourself now. Do not fear, only love. Do not protect yourself for that is a stance of fear. You cannot be harmed by words so stop living life by any other standards than your own.

Stage Three: Go inside. Spend time meditating. Communicate with your inner self. Speak to your guides. Imagine yourself as perfect, strong and courageous.

Step Four: Look for signs of growth and development. When something happens that you don’t like, look at it and see the message, the lesson, the new understanding that comes from it and appreciate it. We’re talking about all events, large and small. If someone honks their horn at you or gives you a rude comment, don’t react in the old ways. Look for the message!

Step Five: Focus on the aspects of your life that are going well.

Step Six: Compare the now you to the old you and see how far you’ve come. Never compare yourself, or your situation to another; compare you to you.

Step Seven: Believe, believe, believe. Believe that all things are coming to you because they are meant to come in order for you to expand. Believe that everything that comes to you is right and is part of the journey and the process. Believe in the power of your mind and your abilities. You are more powerful than you know. You are doing better than you think. Come to terms with the you that is and love every aspect that is you now in this moment and in the next and the next.

You are loved more than you can imagine. You are never alone. We see your amazing perfection. It’s time for you to see what we see.

