The Ascension Experience

The Ascension Experience is a year long program designed to help you raise your vibration through a consistent practice of Daily Meditation and Spiritual Practice, weekly calls, Joshua Live events, weekly readings and special assignments, eventually leading you to your innate ability as a creator to deliberately create what is truly wanted.

The program is divided into 13 x 4-week sections, available sequentially. Each section revolves around a specific topic to include:

The next course starts soon.
Contact us now to secure your place.



Your inner self holds a vibrational frequency that is always calling you. This is the high-vibrational place of acceptance. When you align with this frequency, your life becomes limitless. You act in concert with your inner self in all things. Every area of your life begins to work perfectly. You become a blended-being. Your soul’s purpose is revealed to you. You become highly effective in everything you do. All areas of your life radically improve and your problems fade away. You receive true abundance, true freedom, and accelerated expansion. You become a being of love while living in the physical realm. From this place of acceptance you now create deliberately all that is truly desired.

In your current state, you are offering some resistance to the fullness and completeness that is the true you. You have been programmed with beliefs that hold you apart from Source, your inner self and your fellow man. This separation is no longer necessary to keep you safe, yet your ego and the limiting beliefs on which it is firmly planted, cause you confusion, dissatisfaction and suffering. Those limiting beliefs will be processed and made less intense. They will be replaced by more beneficial beliefs and this will add clarity to your conscious awareness. This is what you truly want.

All the things you think you want (including the benefits that you believe this program will give you) are based in fear and lack. You do not have the things you desire and it’s the perceived lack of those things and experiences that cause you to want them. You believe that when those things become manifest in your reality, you’ll finally be happy, end suffering, have security and gain more freedom. Unfortunately, since these desires are based in the lack of abundance, freedom, security and happiness, you will only attract more experiences of lack. Even if your conditions change on the outside, you’ll never feel the way you think you will feel in the having of them. That’s because they are false desires based in fear.

If you don’t feel you’re receiving value, we’re happy to issue you a 100% refund at any time during your currently enrolled course period.

After years of reading and taking hundreds of self-improvement, discovery and spiritual courses from some amazing authors and coaches, Gary and Joshua are the first to provide me with what I believe to be the most effective process I have every experienced to address and process my emotional triggers. Joshua’s unique and actionable teachings have helped guide me through an expansion process that has allowed me to create greater love and enjoyment in my life. I will forever be grateful. I look forward to the next course!

Jessica Aouati

I have gotten so much out of the past month Doing The Ascension Experience.

The combination of the daily emails, the plot exercises, numerous manifestation events, the daily spiritual practices, the coaching calls and workshops, all work together to continuously reinforce the message that I create my own reality and that I can be free from limiting thinking. The manifestation events especially have been extremely powerful by identifying these old lingering limiting beliefs that are hanging around sometimes seemingly under the surface, and then I can look at them from a higher perspective and if they are false, show why they are false and instead look at the truth, which is inevitably empowering.

I feel like this is just the beginning of a greater and deeper practice in living more fully free, fully present, and in love. I highly recommend the Ascension Experience program to anyone who is really ready to up-level their life.

Meghan Butler

The Ascension Experience Alignment 4 weeks were profound. And a lot of fun! Being in Alignment is the key to moving towards a life you prefer, one where you manifest your true desires. Fundamentally, for me, it also means a happier, more constructive and joyous life. More of what I want and less of what I don’t want.

How was it that I’d create some wonderful things and then also, some stuff I really did not want in my life? I knew that I was doing that. But how was I doing it? Was it possible to stop creating the stuff I don't enjoy and just create the stuff I really want? I have been wondering this for years. Now I know.

In the Ascension Experience Alignment work I discovered how to attain alignment and attract less of what I don’t want and more of what I do want. This 4 weeks’ of work showed me how to achieve this. Finally, after years of searching!

Rob Turner

“After years of reading and taking hundreds of self-improvement, discovery and spiritual courses from some amazing authors and coaches, Gary and Joshua are the first to provide me with what I believe to be the most effective process I have every experienced to address and process my emotional triggers.

Joshua’s unique and actionable teachings have helped guide me through an expansion process that has allowed me to create greater love and enjoyment in my life. I will forever be grateful. I look forward to the next course!”


Simply put - studying the teachings of Joshua through Gary Bodley has changed every aspect of my life for the better. The Ascension Experience will give you tools you need to notice when you're out of alignment (negative emotions), process why you're out of alignment (fear), and get back into alignment (love). Once you are there, you have access to all the forces of the universe in order to create the life of your dreams! I didn't even know what that meant when I started. Now I'm following my passions, my relationships are richer and fuller, I'm healthier than I've ever been, I've stretched time, and am doing more than I ever thought possible - and that's with a newborn and a toddler! Doing this work is the best decision I have ever made in my life. If you are open to the process, I guarantee you will feel the same. And if you are reading this, that means you are ready.

Jackie Seiden

The Teachings of Joshua have allowed me to shift my perspective and see the truth of physical reality. The Ascension Experience so far has taught me how to maintain my alignment, regain my alignment when I’m feeling off, and to see all experiences from the higher perspective, even ones that bring on negative emotion.

I’m letting go of fear and acting more in love in every moment. I’m so grateful for Gary for channeling this course and for Joshua and our group. The connection I feel is beyond what I have ever felt with any other group or course. I have found my passions. I’m also connecting with my Inner Beings on a deeper level and trust that everything is working out perfectly.

Thanks Gary/Joshua.

After spending years on self-discovery and listening to other teachers about the law of attraction I cannot believe how much change is possible in 4 weeks! The whole AE segment has given me so much more clarity and confidence than I could ever have dreamt of.

Yes I had to step through the fear to actually sign up - but it is so true that joy is waiting for us on the other side of the fear.

Being able to work through limiting beliefs has been so empowering and the clarity I have gained has been tremendous. I now recognise when I am out of alignment and can address the reasons and get back into alignment easily and effortlessly.

The Joshua Live podcasts are great, Gary’s and Joshuas books are great - I definitely learnt a lot from them BUT there’s nothing like really experiencing it! The plots and assignments from the AE segment are fun but at the same time thought provoking and having a partner to work alongside as well as the support of Gary and others is fab. Thank you thank you thank you! My attitude, my outlook on life and most importantly my relationship not just with others, but myself, have improved so much over the last 4 weeks - I can’t wait to experience the rest of the courses and see how it feels to become a deliberate creator.

June Jamieson

Over the past 16 months fully engaging in and committing to Joshua’s Abundance Bootcamp and following the Teachings of Joshua has elevated me to new heights.
I have in a sense, always been spiritual but it wasn’t until Gary believed in me and invited me to join the bootcamp that I truly began to shift. The basis of the teachings that everything is perfect and the process of changing the self imposed limiting beliefs and adopting new empowering beliefs has allowed me to firstly believe in myself, in the power that exists within me, to have more faith in the universe, and allowed me to shift my perception of reality entirely.
Gary has channeled a series of truly life changing courses, and Joshua gives you the “how to” of the process, rather than just the knowledge and information. Which I feel now more than ever is so important. It’s one thing “knowing” but it’s another thing to experience. The Ascension Experience is another level up, and I have thoroughly enjoyed engaging in the daily plots, discussing findings with my partner in the course, and moving through the experience that Joshua guides us through.
I have gained so much clarity in engaging in the teachings, I have changed so many beliefs, I have pushed past an immense amount of fear, but through it all, I also found my own inner guides and teachers, who were there all along, but I was not aware of or ever have credit to.
The connection to the inner guides has been the most important aspect of these teachings for me, who used to have so much self doubt and anything that came through from my inner being I found difficult to trust.
But now, I am trusting in myself more and more, and as I trust the guidance that I receive, I am experiencing more joy and more love in my reality and feel I have found my purpose.
I feel connected to my inner world more than I have ever before, I am able to understand and manifest what I do prefer in my outer world. I don’t fear the little things anymore, and when the fear does arise, I am now able to move through it with much more ease and understanding of why it is present. Don’t get me wrong, the process isn’t easy, it’s not for the faint hearted, you must do the work - but if you are reading this, you are ready.
Joshua has changed my perception of reality and in effect changed my life entirely.
I cannot recommend these teachings enough, I am so grateful for my inner self for allowing me to be open to and for leading me to these teachings.
Gary’s team of spiritual teachers have been a catalyst in my awakening and ascension, I am eternally grateful. I know now that we were always meant to meet, and if it wasn’t for Gary, for Joshua guiding us all, the shift from Fear to Love may not have been possible.
I am excited for the next chapter and I know that whatever happens, I am always safe, supported and loved unconditionally


There are many different perspectives in life; religion, how we came to be here, why we are here? I’ve explored many avenues for answers. All along I believe I’ve always had the answers, deep down inside I would answer these questions for myself when asking but ignored the information that came through. I could feel it was it right but there was no evidence or mass belief in the information I was receiving. I was turned onto Joshua from a friend and when I actually opened myself to hearing it, I was blown away how it resonated with all things I’d been feeling all along (on steroids!)
When something resonates with you, you know in your heart it’s true. That’s "The Teachings of Joshua" for me.
The Ascension Experience is taking it to a new heightened yet understandable level.
All I can say is it’s good to be home!


If you wonder how this world really works, and how to make sense of it all, if you desire to create a reality of joy and abundance, if you wish to be fulfilled and satisfied, then the universe has just answered your requests and you have landed here. So now the question is will you push past the fear that has come up in finding this information and take the next step, for example , reaching out and getting more information.

Stephen Barbour

This course truly helped and is continuing to help me switch my mindset around wanting to control situations thanks to manifestation event form and many other tools in this class and therefore creating more mindful positive loving experiences in my day to day.

Kelly Pfaff

My Name is Tami Lindsay and I joined the Teachings of Joshua, Ascension Experience after being in the boot camp. I felt lost and alone when I began doing the work with Gary. I was struggling from panic attacks, difficult relationships and unworthiness. I was barely getting through life most of the time. I was moody and feeling alone.
I felt there must be a better way to live in the world. Then, I decided to join after listening to the Joshua Live Podcast. I now believe life is easy. I worked on changing my limiting beliefs and self talk.
All of the lessons, coaching, meditations and daily practices of focusing on appreciation are shifting my thoughts to feelings of love and acceptance. I am engaging with people all over the world now and making new friends. I enjoy the calls and questions helping me feel better and better each day.
I feel like a new person after each segment in the Ascension Experience. I recommend the Ascension Experience program to anyone seeking to have a better attitude and fun life. My friends and family are constantly asking me how to feel better now. My new intention is to have a fun, exciting life and give more love to the world.
I believe my vibration is at a new higher level now all the time. I’ve made more progress in a few months than I did in years of self study and therapy. I feel like a new person. I also feel like I am accepted and supported by the members of our community. All of my relationships are improving. I’m giving Gary’s books away and sharing the information. Thank you Gary & Joshua
Much Love, Tami

Tami Lindsay

My understanding has grown tremendously. Even before the alignment course, things started to click. I started seeing synchronicities, started to shift my perspective, hear my inner self and follow my intuition. Now that I'm in this course, it's like a wave of understanding flowing over me. So much makes sense and it's actually a relief to have this understanding. So many worries I've been carrying, I can let go of. I'm realizing that so many fears I've had are grounded in falsehood. I'm recognizing what these fears actually are, and noticing what limiting beliefs they cause, and am slowly proving them false.
I am able to feel more. I know more intuitively. I am more in sync and am closer to my inner self vibrationally. I still have my days when I wake up angry, but I can switch back to alignment faster and faster. I'm recognizing the sources of my anger, and also realizing that there's nothing WRONG with the anger or with anything, it's all an illusion, and is just a sign that I'm out of alignment, so it's actually a good thing, to push me back where i want to be. I know there is so much more to learn, but I am so grateful that I have gotten to this point already. I'm not even 30 yet - to imagine where I'll be in the next few years, how many people I'll be able to help and serve, is incredible. I want to be the light that I know I am, and to enjoy this life. My life right now is amazing, I am so in love with it, and I have so much fun every day. As I write this, I am in the car on my way to backpack the Gran Canyon for 4 days. Amazing.

Thank you for opening up this door, Gary. I'm excited for the ride ahead.

Kristen Seiff

The last year I’ve evolved immensely. I have more clarity of who I am and what I want. I acted on inspiration and learned new skills which helped my business grow much more than I could have ever imagined. Finishing this Alignment series has helped given me more trust in myself and in the universe. I don’t get as stressed out over my business anymore because I now know I will always be supported and the money will always flow when it’s supposed to be. I understand myself much better and have learned that I should ease up on trying to control everything. I really hope I get to a point where i can fully accept that I don’t have to control everything. My vibration is a little bit higher now but I’ve noticed I have become much more aware it. I will now focus on learning how to keep a higher vibration more consistently. Thank you for this course, I’m excited to take the next one!


The Financial Prosperity course is not just a course, it is an experience. A great experience of a new approach to life and to see reality from a totally different perspective, especially money in this segment. What I love about this experience is that it not another course in how to make (more) money, money is just a byproduct when I get into alignment and see everything from the higher perspective. I love Joshuas definition of abundance to have everything I need, when I need it to explore what I am exploring. What a great and liberating perspective. The experience consists of great and fun plots sharing with the FB group and partner, awesome Joshua live calls, a weekly helpful coaching call and a weekly limiting beliefs workshop.
Looking forward for the next course!


The Ascension Program Financial Prosperity Course was incredible and the perfect continuation after the Alignment Course. It reinforced everything we have been learning through the Joshua Teachings with a focus on acceptance of all that is, viewing everything from the higher perspective – that all is perfect! Everything has always been perfect, it will always be perfect, it is perfect now! We are the creators of our world and we are Source so everything we create is perfect and in love FOR us. The Financial Prosperity Course cements the fundamentals of these core teachings and it gets your mind/ego out of the way and shifts us from the old approach to life of lack to the new approach of life of abundance. That we have everything we need now and always. We will always have in abundance everything we need to have our most perfect journey of self discovery, exactly as we intended to in this lifetime. The daily plots in the program are amazing and so pivotal to create the expansion we want. You feel with every plot your thought process continue to shift to the new approach of life and see things from the higher perspective. Combined with the Joshua Live and Gary and Jessica’s coaching – it’s truly the most incredible journey we are on together of expansion and self discovery!


In the last 2 years, I’ve been connected with friends that have guided me and supported me in my spiritual journey. I’ve read books and listened to teachers… And finally came to the Ascension Experience. I’m currently in financial prosperity and am absolutely amazed at how much my perception of the world has changed in the last couple of months!
In the alignment course, my mind was blown. All of a sudden, all of these questions I’ve struggled with for so long started to have answers. I had moments of true alignment and peace, knowing that I found what I’ve been looking for. Limiting beliefs and fears I’d been holding onto were illuminated and so many circumstances in my life made more sense with that knowledge in hand. My fears of death and losing loved ones, my fears of letting go of control, needing safety and security, insecurity and not feeling I am worthy, these are just a few of the pieces of the puzzle.
I’m currently in financial prosperity. The timing of this could not have been better. I had actually reached out to you via email in June about joining the alignment course and never heard back. I reached out again in august and ended up starting then. Now I can see why… the timing of this was perfect.

A little backstory: My husband and I both ran our own businesses. I had some serious money blocks, as well as some other blocks. I worked through most of the issues but could not shake my money issues. Then financial prosperity came along, right when we met someone who is now coaching us in business. Long story short, we were talking about the ikigai with our coach, basically aligning our talents and passions with the market and what we can make money doing, and I was doing all the financial prosperity work, and it clicked. I needed to close my business and join my husband’s. I knew that’s what I needed to do. My ego had all the excuses to not do this, especially so fast. I built my business from the ground up, everyone will think I’m a failure, I’m a quitter, I’m throwing away 2 years of work, etc. So instead of working that day, I went to the ocean and surfed (it’s where I make all my decisions, my grounding place). It was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. That morning, everyone was happy and full of love, and literally for 2 hours dolphins kept coming to play. People were letting waves go because dolphins were riding them, diving and jumping all over the place. Something I’ve noticed in my life is that dolphins appear whenever I’m in alignment making a decision. They always show up; they’re my symbol (I half denied it for a long time because I thought I was making it up, thought it was cheesy, etc.). And they made such a show that morning! (2 weeks ago, today). So I spent the rest of that day closing out my business, and opening up my accounts to partner with my husband.
Today, 2 weeks from the day I started, I closed a $30,000 deal, which is more than I made the rest of this year combined. And the best part? I’m not even that excited about the money. I’m excited that the work feels good, I’m enjoying it, I’m aligned, and I’m not connected to the outcome or worried if I’ll close another deal. The money, for the first time in my life, is just a by-product, further proving that the decisions I’ve made have all been in alignment. I’m happy to be where I am and I absolutely love my life.

My husband and I are best friends. We now run a business together that’s 100% remote, we work when we want. We travel a ton. We surf, do jiu jitsu, go to crossfit, we ski, swim, and do so many crazy adventurous things. We laugh all the time. We have amazing friends. And now I understand that THIS IS WHAT IT’S ALL ABOUT. Living in love, in this amazing reality that I created, and spreading that love to everyone in my life.
Sure, some days are hard. I’ve also cried more in the last couple months than in the last year or two combined! But it has all been processing these beliefs and fears and ascending to this place I’ve only dreamed of.
So with all that being said, I just wanted to say thank you for being open to the direction your life has taken you, because you have enabled me to get to where I am today, which is unbelievably happy and in love with my life, and finally feel like I’ve found what I’ve been searching for. I cannot wait to process and learn more. I know I am nowhere near the end of the journey and am so excited to see what unfolds next.


The main thing that has changed with me is that my emotional state, hope and faith have risen tremendously. Hence, my vibration has raised. I know longer feel depressed and defeated. I feel much more even, stable, hopeful and faithful. I have many days where I feel tremendous love. I feel like I am awakening and my inner knowledge and knowningness of the TRUTH is expanding greatly. I am limitless, magnificent, all loving and COMPLETE! Insights gained that are not just a regurgitation of "Joshua jargon," and changes within:
-- My depression has lifted.
-- I truly see I have nothing to fear.
-- I know that everything in the universe is working for me and NOTHING is working against me.
-- I know the difference between being a victim and being a creator. I understand the latter means hearing my "still small voice" (inspirations) from my inner self and acting on that voice, pushing past fear, and repeating the process over and over again with no tie to the outcome - just trusting and following my inspirations. This is the exploration, discovery, and expansion my soul selected this body and this reality for in order to experience itself and know itself in the most exciting, adventurous, joyous way possible.
-- I know that my focus is critical. I draw to me and create more o that which I focus on.
-- I know I can always shift my perception to a higher thought that feels good and pivot my focus when it is fear based.
-- I know that nothing outside of me, and no one outside of me can control me. With the latter, I realize that no one can even know me because they see me through the filter of their L.B.s . Therefore other's opinion of me doesn't matter, and there is no need for me to seek others' approval to feel worthy. To the contrary, people are there for me to learn from and to expand from (and vise versa). I created them to know who I am. I learn through M.E.s in response to others words or behavior, whether the M.E.s are triggers for feelings of fear, or feelings of love and acceptance.
-- I know I can trust the universe.
-- I know I can relax and enjoy this adventure. Nothing in this reality is that serious at all!
-- I know that I AM COMPLETE!


On Oct 4th, is when the Alignment course officially started and it is the very same day that I was terminated from my safety position at Walmart. When I signed up for the course, there were too many signs that I could no longer ignore that I was out of alignment. The signing up for the course occurred on the day I received the communication from my car dealership that my tires were out of alignment. That was the key moment when I made the decision to sign-up. I had fear that my busy work schedule would limit my ability to do the Alignment course work and attend the workshops. I then got terminated and my schedule elegantly opened up so that I could engage fully in the alignment course. I felt complete relief when I was terminated, because I knew I was out of alignment and had been feeling awful for the past 3 months. It Being in the Alignment course and connecting with people that were like me felt excellent. Partnering with Gary to chat about my ME and alignment in general was tremendous. My intent from the start of the course, was to go full in. No holding back.
Vibrationally, I believe I am at a much better place from Oct 4th, the first day of the course. I have dabbled and listened to the Joshua podcast for the past 2yrs, but it was not until I started the course and doing the daily readings, ME's and plots, that I understood what alignment meant. To freely be authentically me in love!


Your true desires are those things you intended to experience prior to your birth. They include your true desire to express your love to yourself, all others and the conditions that exist in each moment. You intended to experience true freedom and abundance, not limitation or lack. You intended to expand in joy, not in suffering. You intended to awaken in this life, not to allow the illusion of imperfection and disconnection to persist. You intended to expand in joy and end suffering. All of this is possible when you radically alter your approach to life. The Ascension Experience will allow you to manifest the life you intend to live prior to your birth.

Who you truly are is a limitless, eternal and magnificent being of pure positive love and acceptance. Your inner self (the eternal, wiser part of you) is guiding you to the vibration of the true you. The physical you exists in a dense state of fear and limitation. All of these limitations are self-imposed through the unique set of beliefs that you now hold onto. Your beliefs are partly limiting and partly empowering. The Ascension Experience will allow you to adjust your belief system so that it becomes much more empowering and far less limiting. As you do this work, your vibration rises to become more and more aligned with your inner self’s vibration.

Alignment is the ongoing process of raising your vibration to meet your inner self’s vibration. When you think thoughts that are not in alignment with your inner self’s vibration, you receive guidance in the form of negative emotion.  When you find alignment, you feel good. You are now perfectly tuned to the vibration your inner self is holding for you and your vibration continues to rise as a result. It’s a natural process.

Fear is limiting and nothing more. It is not wrong or bad, in fact, it’s necessary. When your limiting beliefs are triggered, you will feel fear and also negative emotion. This happens every single time without fail. Fear, which is always based on limiting beliefs, is alerting you to the fact that you are perceiving an illusion. The event, which has triggered the fear, is in some way, an illusion. It’s the illusion of bad or wrong. There is no bad or wrong anywhere in the universe. This is the truth of the physical reality plane of existence. There is no wrong. Anything seen as wrong or bad comes out of the illusion. It stems from a limited perspective. In order to see the truth in any situation, you must seek out a higher perspective. From the highest perspective, everything is actually perfect. In order for you to ascend to the highest vibrational levels, you must come to know the perfection that is you and that exists in every single moment.

Perfection is the higher perspective, which is truth. Imperfection is the limited perspective, which is illusion.

The Ascension Experience will help you realize the perfection in all things. You are perfect as you are in this moment, as you have been in all previous moments, and as you will always be in future moments. Since there is no past or future, only the present, you and the conditions you find yourself in are always perfect. All of the people in your life are perfect as well since they represent your conditions. There is no wrong in any of it. You cannot see that now, because you have been programmed to perceive the limited perspective, which is based in the judgment of right and wrong, good and bad. As you raise your vibration, you will gain the clarity to see more and more of the perfection and less of the imperfections, This is the work that will set you free. This is the intention set forth as we bring you this new technology called The Ascension Experience.

With our love for you,

We are Joshua