Dear Joshua,
I’ve been making significant changes to try to break old patterns of thinking. I feel like I’m missing a crucial block that I haven’t been able to identify and work through. Any input or information would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Dear Joshua,
In reality you have total control over your thoughts in each moment. You can choose to think any thought you like. Having a habit of thought that feels difficult to break is due to your belief about the nature of thought itself. You believe that all thoughts are created by you. This is not true. All thoughts exist and your vibration dictates which thoughts you have access to in any moment. Change your vibration and the quantity and quality of thoughts and ideas that you can access will also change.
So then, how does one change their vibration so that they may access higher-level thoughts ands ideas? It has a lot to do with your emotional state of being and how you perceive yourself in this reality. Let’s start with your emotional state of being. When you are feeling good, you have access to thoughts that align with what you want and who you really are. That is why we say it is important to feel good. When you are in an emotional state of joy, happiness, appreciation, bliss, excitement, etc. you have access to a full range of thoughts and ideas. You are a vibrational match to ideas that move you along toward receiving what you want. However, when you feel anger, sadness, disappointment, frustration, unworthiness, insecurity, etc., you have found yourself in a lower emotional state of being and access to higher-level thoughts is limited. The thoughts you most often access at these lower vibrations are thoughts that match how you’re feeling.
Your habit of thought stems from a chronically lower emotional state of being. Work on really feeling better, work on really feeling good, and you’ll find that the blocks have been removed.
The second part of the answer to your questions deals with how you personally perceive yourself in this reality. In reality, you are a conscious and fully aware being of pure positive love. Who you really are is one who is free of fear. You are worthy and unique. You are the creator of your reality and your powers of creation are absolute. However, you perceive yourself to be less than this and you compare yourself to others who you feel are more worthy than you. This is true for most people. Stop comparing yourself to others and start comparing yourself to you. The current version of you is the finest and most evolved YOU that has ever existed. When you look back at a past version of you, you can see the growth that has taken place. You are evolving. Realize that this world has been designed for your personal expansion and you are the only one who really matters. Think thoughts that align with this version of you. Believe that you are constantly evolving, improving and raising your vibration. As you begin to realize just how powerful you really are and you perceive yourself as a confident creator, then you’ll access thoughts that align with this perception.