Dear Joshua,

I stumbled upon the teachings of Bashar, which I had noted in a notebook a few years ago, and I was wondering if you could help me interpret what he said: “Integrate what you do not want, because the invalidation of what you don’t prefer is what gives it power to manifest.” – Bashar

What does he mean exactly? How can we do that (integrate what we do not want)? And/or what is your perception about this quotation?

I hope that I have properly transcribed those words of Bashar at that time …

Thank you in advance (you and Gary) and for all that you bring in my life and in the lives of many!

Yours Truly,

Dear Audrey,

The idea is that what you do not like, what you think is bad or wrong, must be incorporated into your approach to life. It is not a good idea to just think things are wrong and leave it at that. It is not helpful to believe that anything is inherently bad or wrong. If you do that, you are invalidating the potential for the beneficial experience of it by someone else.

We were discussing this with Gary earlier. Gary does not personally like war, yet he fully accepts the rights of those who wish to join the military and experience all that this experience has to offer. He does not like radical groups, but he completely understands their right to defend their beliefs as they will. He understands that the aggression of one group sparks huge desires in the recipients of that aggression and it is the desire that creates the next level of aggression. He personally does not like terrorist attacks, but he knows they are the result of the desires of those who feel victimized.

He sees nothing as inherently wrong and that all experiences are valid and even valuable. He separates his preferences from the idea of wrong. He considers nothing as wrong and simply turns his attention to what he personally prefers. He realizes that this world is full of infinite opportunities to gain new insights through varied forms of experiences and he knows that this is the design of the system. The things he does not prefer are integrated into his approach to life. He does not see them as wrong, just as options and opportunities for others to experience if they want to. Just because they are not experiences he would like, doesn’t mean they are not valid experiences for someone else.

There is no wrong anywhere in the universe. This does not mean that you ignore or cover up what you consider to be wrong, it means that you see the thing not as wrong, but as something you do not personally prefer, and that it could be valid and valuable as an experience for someone else. By doing this, you remove your attention from the thing you do not prefer and instead you place your very powerful focus of attention on what you do prefer. This not only creates the reality you prefer, but it prevents you from receiving what you do not want, because you are okay with it and not fighting against it. As soon as you fight against something or call t wrong, you bring it closer to you because your focus is all over it.

With our love,
We are Joshua
