Hello Joshua,
I would like to ask a question that is multi faceted … Thank you in advance.
I have quite an exciting life, I do! I have had quite a few life changes this year, and have weathered them all the best I can. Recently my old company, the one that laid me off in March has inquired about me going back to work for them. I had some email exchanges, and also some phone conversations, and then they flew me to Virginia for some face to face meetings with the CEO. Well, those meetings proved to be successful and I was offered my old job back. My offer was not what I had left the company at, meaning all the bennies, etc. I was offered less in stock, and less than my current base salary. I really had mentioned in my negotiating that I would like to at least stay at my current base salary, and not take a step back in terms of my base salary. Really it was more of a principal thing, Wow. The CEO is pretty stern on his negotiations, he will not offer me my current base salary, and it is only 5k difference, and is just not open to hearing my thoughts about that at all. It is really weird to me, since I was not the one calling me a few weeks ago, wanting me to come back to the company and my old job. Hmmm, really interesting set of events. Even the VP of Operations agreed with me, that my ask was completely fair and ok.
I now have a new perspective about the job since I have talked to a few of my old doctors, and some have said that they would not be able to support me the same as they had in the past. Curious, what to do and need a little more perspective. I have a gut about not going back. I need to let them know and rescind my acceptance to the position very soon. They are expecting me to start December 2.
I have really considered quite a few scenarios. I know, ACCEPT and TRUST. But I am having a gut about this and to not go back.
I am really bummed that the CEO would not consider my wants in the new position, and just kept moving past that, and now, let’s move along. I keep thinking that he is not interested in what I would like out of the position.
I trust your enlightened perspective.
Thank you in advance. Hugs.
Dear Kimmie,
You cannot make a mistake. You cannot make a wrong decision. Either way, you’ll expand and this is what you intended prior to your birth. Whatever decision you do make will be the right one for your journey. Let go of the need to make a right decision. All decisions are right whether you can see that at the time or not. You must realize that this is an exploration of the new. You have a new job. You have an old job. The old job led you to the new job. There will always be the new. The new is what you seek. Why then, would you return to the old job? Possibly because there is always some new in the old.
Think about what you know now. You know that you are the creator of your reality. You know that you have inner guidance. You know that things are always coming to you and for you in order to grow and expand. The old job was new for you at the time. The new job was new for you when you accepted it. This invitation to return to your old job is also new. It is always the search for the new experience.
You felt positive emotion as you were invited to interview for your old job. You felt positive emotion as you were given your old job back. The positive emotion means that you were looking at the situation from the higher perspective. You felt negative emotion when you were not given the same salary. You received the guidance of negative emotion from your inner self because you had just adopted a limited perspective due to a limiting belief. You still define yourself by outside conditions. Since you are limitless, your inner self is not agreeing with your limited opinion of yourself and how you choose to accept your worthiness based on arbitrary and meaningless things such as a salary. You are limitless and no salary can ever define you.
If you continue to define yourself by your job, by your salary, by your performance, or by any outside condition, you will always be limiting yourself. When you seek the security of other people’s opinions, you limit yourself. When you do what you need to do just to get by, you limit yourself. You are here to become the limitless version of who you are. You are here to stretch outside of your comfort zone. You are here to become your authentic self. Whatever you choose to do, remember that this is your journey of self-discovery. You can embark upon the exploration of who you truly are and know your limitless nature, or you can investigate who you are not and come to a deeper understanding of your self-limiting beliefs. Either way is good and valid. The choice is simply up to you.
With our love,
We are Joshua