Dear Joshua,
It has been less than six months since I discovered your teachings, but I feel that the effects they have had on me are profound already. I have absolutely devoured all the first three books. The podcasts are great fun to listen to, and give me food for thought and contemplation every week, in a way that is both candid and stimulating. Like many people who have come to your teachings and resonate with these messages, I have been a fervent listener of Abraham for just over four years now. Of course, I feel like I have changed a great deal in that time, especially on the inside. However, if I am completely honest with myself, I also feel like there are still areas where I would have expected to have made more significant progress, like my financial situation and my relationships.
I understand that this is most certainly down to me, that I am constantly making progress, and I try not to beat myself up about it. I tell myself that this is the pace that is right for me. I try to ease whatever resistance I have on these subjects and go with the flow. Part of me thinks that now is the time to maybe try a different approach, and see if I can amp up the manifestations of what I truly want. My focus now is to discover what my true passion is and to pursue it. Although I do enjoy my job and I am immensely grateful for all the great things it brings to me, I know deep down that this is not my passion and that I have yet to discover something I love doing.
For a long time now, I have fantasized about being a writer. I imagine being a novelist, exploring the world, and writing one inspired masterpiece after another. I love literature. I love writing in English, even though it is not my first language. But I do sometimes wonder whether I like the romantic notion of being a writer more than actually being a writer. I know I can craft beautiful sentences and I know I can write well in my own style. In fact, I use this talent in my job, which I appreciate, and I am recognized for it. The problem, however, is that I don’t feel an irrepressible urge to write. I keep thinking that if I were really a writer, I would have the urge to write and my head would be filled with ideas that I couldn’t help but fill pages with. However, that is not the case. I just don’t feel compelled to write.
So, in light of your teachings, I have been wondering whether that was perhaps due to some fears that I need to overcome, such as the fear of not having enough imagination and running out of ideas; the fear of comparing myself to my favourite writers, and feeling inferior; the fear of wasting my time doing something that is not really who I am, etc. So, my question, I guess, is how should I go about discovering whether this is one of my true passions? Any general advice you may have about lighting up my path would be very much appreciated. I hope this question will help many other readers in a similar situation.
With unconditional love,
Dear Arnaud,
There is a true test to know if something is your passion. If you are busy involved in your passion, physical reality becomes less physical and more nonphysical. For instance, time is an aspect of physical reality, but not part of nonphysical reality. Therefore, if time loses its meaning while you are busy involved in your passion, then you know that this is a true passion.
On the other hand, if you believe that something is your passion, but it seems difficult and time moves slowly, then you know you have not found you passion. If your mind becomes distracted and you start thinking about other things, then this is not your passion. If it is easy, if it’s fun, if it’s enjoyable, and if you rather do it than anything else (including eating or sleeping), then it’s your passion.
Is writing your passion? If so you would already be writing. If you believe that being a good writer would bring fortune, fame, or prestige, then it probably is a false desire. If you would rather write your novel than do anything else, then it’s your passion. If not, then it probably isn’t.
However, we will say this. Writing may very well lead you to your passion. If you feel the urge to write, and you are in a positive emotional state of being, then that is inspiration. When you are inspired to do something, just do it and see where it leads. Think of it this way. If you decide to write a novel, then you must pick a subject. In the exploration of that subject, you might be led to something else. Interests lead to interests which lead to the discovery of a passion.
Many people avoid their passions because they believe the idea is a far-off dream that could never come to them. They often feel unworthy of the passion and so they never try. They fear the ridicule of others. They fear what others might think of their passion. They fear that the pursuit of the passion may be inappropriate given their status or background. Many people deny themselves their passion for various reasons all based in irrational fear.
You might have never given yourself a chance to write. You might have started writing and felt unworthy. You might have tried it and determined that you weren’t good enough even though you did not allow yourself time to develop or find your voice. If you were free from all fear and worry about the pursuit of your passion, then maybe you would love the act of writing. Maybe you should start writing in secret.
We will let you in on a little secret of our own: all books are channeled. All writers (and artists of any kind) are channelers. If you want to write a book, you must allow the writing to come through you. You won’t create the book, you will channel the book and allow it to flow through your fingers. You must trust that the proper thoughts will be given to you and not to judge the writing until it’s finished. Why judge it anyway? They are not your words, they come from somewhere else.
Most writers encounter writers’ block when they start to judge what they’ve written. To be a great writer, you must be a great allower. Allow whatever words come and do not worry about them. Let them come and then you may go back and fix things here and there. Gary trusts that every word he writes comes from infinite intelligence and he is good at allowing the words to flow even though they often make little sense to him as he is writing. This is how it is with all great writers.
If you want something to write about, ask for a story. There are lots of stories floating around in the nonphysical. Once you reach the vibrational vicinity of a story that resonates with you, it will come to you. Not all at the same time, but you’ll get pieces of it. Allow it to come. Flesh it out. Like anything else, you cannot see very far down the road. Do not try to fill in the blanks yourself, just sit down and write a few pages every single day. It will only take an hour or so each day.
We also know that meditation will help you. Meditation is the practice of slowing thought and controlling the frequency of thought. Practice a few minutes of meditation every day and you will become better at receiving the higher-vibrational thoughts that will fill your pages.
Another very important aspect of following any passion is to feel good. This is the starting point. You must feel good most of the time. You must be in a positive emotional state of being in order to feel good. You must not accept feeling bad for very long. Inspiration that leads you to the manifestation of your dreams will come only when you are feeling good. So make feeling good your top priority.
If you can get into a high emotional state of being, and trust that you are being given a story and you allow the words to flow, while not judging the words as they come out, you will know if you have found your passion. If it comes out easy and you enjoy the process, then it might be your passion. If you wake up in the morning eager to write a few pages, you might have found your passion. It need not be difficult. It should not be painful. It should be easy and fun. Release your attachment to any specific outcome and simply enjoy the process of writing a few pages every single day. In eight weeks you’ll either have a finished book and a new passion, or you’ll know that writing is not for you. But we promise you that even if find out that writing is not your passion, another passion will be right around the corner.
With all our love,
We are Joshua