Wendy Question #64


Dear Joshua,

I was just re-listening to Episode 18 of the Joshua Live Podcast. This is one of my favorites. Steve mentions that everything is wonderful in his life and off-handedly says something like the calm before the storm. Well, he was right! This is one of my biggest fears. If I just let go and go with the flow, love everything and everyone, and adopt a Pollyanna type of outlook, it will just be the calm before my storm, and I don't want the storm!

I get that what happened to Steve happened for Steve and whatever happens in my reality will be for me. Honestly, I have had enough personally induced storms the past few years and I want to get and stay with the stuff I see as good. I hear you ~ it's all perception and how I perceive what is going on ~ good or bad. OK. So how can I work on that? Work on a carefree attitude of all is working out for me every day in every way. I know we talk about it and I get it on a surface level, but I want to understand this on a cellular level. I am ready to dive deeper into this pool. I know this "pool" holds many revelations for me to discover. I'm ready, so sock it to me! Give me your best shot ~ haha!!

With Love and Gratitude (and a little humor)

With Love and Gratitude,
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

Here we go. We're going to sock it to you. You're really going to get this. It's going to make total sense to you. You've been a witness to what we're talking about many times. You've seen it in your own life and the lives of those around you. Are you ready? Here it is: Everything that happens, happens for your direct benefit and growth. Everything that happens is a perfect vibrational match to you and the vibration you are emitting. Nothing happens to you, it all happens for you. You ask for every single bit of it. All that ever happens, happens in response to what you have asked for one way or the other. It is all good and it is all right.

Nothing will ever happen to you or for you that you are not ready for. It might seem like a surprise, but it really never is. It might seem unwanted, but it never really is. If it happens, you will be prepared for it. Other people will observe it in disbelief and assume it is wrong, or in complete knowing and see how right it is. What happened to Steve and Martina happened for them as a direct result of what each was asking for. How they move forward is up to them. They get the opportunity to create whatever they want. They can move their vibration together in harmony or apart in freedom. Either choice is good and whatever happens will happen as a result of the vibration they have chosen.

Can you see that? From your perspective as you empathize with Martina, you do not want that to happen to you. However, it was her vibration that caused it to happen, not yours. Your perspective is limited and so while you can see that the event happened for her benefit, you cannot see how it would happen for your benefit because you are not a vibrational match to that. The problem is that you might tend to put yourself in the shoes of someone who appears to be going through something bad and you do not want that to happen to you. It can't happen to you unless you emit the same vibration. Since you are here to explore something completely different, you emit a different vibration. Whatever you get will be a perfect match to you.

You can see how something bad seemingly happened to Steve, but you realize it really happened for him. The event unfolded in a way that could bring him what he wanted. His decision from that point on was up to him to choose. Did he make a decision based in love or fear? If he chose love, then everything will work out. If he chose fear, then there is some resistance to overcome, but eventually everything will work out. It always works out.

All you can do is go with the flow of life and focus on what it is you want with as little resistance as possible. Physical reality is a very fun and convincing illusion. However, it is still an illusion. The illusion is that something serious is going on here. The reality is that this is just a game and it's meant to be fun. So have fun in this moment and do not regret past moments or worry about future moments. Is this moment good? Then that is good and that's all you will ever need to think about. Feel good and we assure you things will get better and better and better and better. There might be a few manifestation events along the way, but this isn't bad at all. It means you are growing and expanding and honestly, that was your primary intention all along.

With our love,
We are Joshua
