Wendy Question #6



Will you please talk more about deliberately lowering resistance? Abraham says the Universe only knows whatever script I am telling it ~ my vibrational script. Will you please elaborate on this? Maybe give me some suggestions on my new vibrational script.

With Love and Gratitude,
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

The universe does not understand the concept of right or wrong, it only knows where your attention is focused. If you are focused on things you love and adore, it will know that you want more of that. If you are focused on the things you don't like, that you think are bad or wrong, it will know that you want more of that. Certainly, your vibration is influenced by what you believe. It is also influenced by what you think. It is created from your feelings. The universe responds to how you feel about yourself, your place in the world, what you want, and what you don't want. You vibration is a mix of a lot of different things. It is jumbled. It is inconsistent and this is reflected in the reality that appears in front of you. Alter your vibration and your reality must also change.

So how does one intentionally raise their vibration so that the experience of reality is enhanced? How does one consistently and easily maintain a high vibration long enough for the universe to recognize that a new script is being submitted? What is one to do about the vibration that has existed for so long? Simply change your mind.

Let's say that your specific vibration is created based on your set of beliefs, some of which are beneficial and some of which are limiting. Let's say that the beneficial beliefs are responsible for creating the wonderful life you live now, but the limiting beliefs are holding you back from all that you want but do not have. Let's further imagine that you believe that some things are good and some things are bad or wrong. Let's agree that those things that are bad or wrong are a point of contention with you and you want to be rid of those things. Now, when you look at it that way, can you see that by labeling anything as wrong you bring your point of focus to it?

If you think that something is wrong, and you want to rid yourself of it, you are asking the universe to bring you more of it. This is an attractive universe. You cannot get rid of anything by focusing your attention so strongly on it. You must simply remove your attention from it. The best way to do that is by accepting whatever you believe to be wrong by acknowledging that it came for a reason and the message was heard. Now it no longer is needed and you can return your focus to something wanted instead. This is what changing your mind means. You change your thoughts, your beliefs and your feelings and this changes your vibration.

You can only resist that which you fear. It is not possible to resist that which you love unless you have some fear of that as well. Remove the fear by realizing the fear is false. It is irrational. It can not do you physical harm. It has no power over you. You have all the power. If it is something you do not like and it has arrived in your reality, it only came because you needed it. If you argue that you did not need it, you are resisting it out of fear. If you acknowledge that you did need it and you try to understand why it came for you, what the benefit was, what the message was, you will embrace it as a good thing after all and then you can allow it to leave. Until you forgive the thing you don't like and forgive yourself for initially resisting it, it cannot leave. In fact it will grow larger.

In time we will work on helping you to reduce the intensity of your limiting beliefs by a process we call the Art of Analysis. You will learn how to analyze your limiting beliefs, how to find the fear that is at the basis of a limiting belief, and how to prove the fear is false. By doing that, you reduce the intensity of the fear.

But first you must grasp the concept of the new approach to life. You must first understand that you are living life from a stance of resistance, believing that you are a victim of fate. The new approach to life is one where you understand and accept responsibility for creating your life including every aspect of the wonderful life you now have. You are not a victim, you are a creator. Until you know this concept to be true for you and for everyone else you know, you will not be able to ease your resistance to life.

Your responsibility as a conscious creator starts with the basic understanding that this is an attractive universe. You came here to explore reality knowing that fact. Fear is part of the survival instinct and so in this reality you must learn to deal with fear. Fear is useful when you come across a lion or walk along the edge of a cliff. That's rational fear. Fear is limiting when it's irrational, meaning the subject of your fear can do you no physical harm. Fear causes you to judge. Your judgment is a point of focus. Focus initiates attraction. You receive that which you are focused on. Learn to focus on that which pleases you, not that which you fear.

Think about this for a little while and then ask the question that comes to you.

With Love,
We are Joshua
