Wendy Question #54


Dear Joshua,

Well, I must say I have been handling these holidays much better than last year!!

One thing has popped up. My husband has been ill with the flu the past few days. I find myself getting angry and frustrated with him. I have been sleeping upstairs to give him space and not "catch" his illness. I have done my best to make him comfortable (he is not an easy patient). I have tried to figure out what fears are presenting themselves here, but I can't quite figure it out. I have always not liked when he gets sick, so this is not new.

Will you please help me analyze this manifestation event?

With Love and Gratitude,
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

This is an easy one. What do you fear? You fear losing your husband, you fear getting sick yourself, you fear having to take care of him when he's old, but most of all you fear how you feel right now. Feeling negative emotion is your greatest fear. You like to feel good. You're getting good and feeling good. You are getting better at feeling better. However, with his illness and all the associated fears that arise out of his condition, you can't figure out a way to feel good and that feels bad.

Could you find a way to be happy when someone close to you does not feel good? This really is the work, isn't it? It's easy to feel good when things appear to be going well. But when things seem like they are not going well, it's much more difficult to feel good. So what is the difference between the good times and the bad times? It's just a matter of your perspective.

You husband has the flu and this seems like one of those bad times. But is it really? What really is going wrong here? Nothing. It's just a matter of perspective. You have a choice. You can view this situation (and all others like it) from the limited perspective or from a higher perspective. Let's take a look.

Your husband is sick and he's acting like a sick person. From his perspective, he doesn't feel good. This too is caused by fear. His fears are around what he's missing while being sick. So from his perspective, he has dropped into a low-emotional state of being and he is attracting thoughts and urges that are a vibrational match to his emotional state. They are not good-feeling thoughts. They are the opposite of that. Since he is unable to feel good, he will likely say and do things in an attempt to feel better. But these urges are not aligned with who he is or what he truly wants. So it comes off as being negative.

If you choose to look at the situation from the limited perspective, you will want him to be different than he is. Because you cannot change him, you will receive negative emotion. You are looking at this situation in a way that is different than how your inner self sees the same thing. If you don't respond to the message that your inner self is sending you (by changing your perspective or by analyzing the fear) you will continue to feel negative emotion and this will dip you into a low-emotional state of being yourself. Now we have two people stuck in the mud.

From a low emotional state of being, you are going to feed into his negative state and both of you will spiral downward creating momentum as you go. At this point you have two options: continue to feel bad and from that state attract something unwanted (like the flu) or choose a new perspective and create something wanted.

What is it that you truly want? You want your husband to feel better as soon as possible. How do you consciously manifest that? By upgrading your perspective. You create from your reactions to present conditions. If you respond positively to present conditions, you create that which is wanted. If you respond negatively, you create more of what you do not want. It seems counter-intuitive, but that's the way it works in an attractive universe.

Now let's look at the situation from the higher perspective. Your husband has faced some resistance over the last few days and this has caused his body to alert him to this fact. He may not consciously realize what's happening, but the flu is actually shifting his perspective. He went through the holidays putting on a happy face and masking some feelings and emotions. He was facing resistance to what was happening, but did not pay attention to his emotions. He suppressed them and let them linger. In order to get his attention and alter his perspective, he manifested the flu. Now as he lies in bed, his thoughts are more about how nice it will feel to be healthy again and once he's there, the flu will leave his body.

If you can see all this, then you can be happy for him. You can feel good yourself, because you know that you dealt with the emotions that came up for you over the holidays and you do not need to be realigned by some sort of unwanted physical condition. When your husband is grumpy, you can be joyous because you know what is really happening. You do not need to suffer just because he is. This is his issue to work out and you can see that the flu is helping him do just that.

With our Love,
We are Joshua
