Wendy Question #40


Dear Joshua,

Well ~ you were right (of course!!) I AM going to have grandchildren SOON ~ Next July!!! I could not be more thrilled ~ AND ~ I am already approaching it in my most nonresistant way, which is TOTALLY new to me. I am not EVEN beginning to try to control the situation!!! I am so excited to have a new non-physical entity come into my life!! I cannot wait to meet him/her!! Thank you!!

From your answer to my last question: I understand the negative emotions are good and they are an indication that I am off the path. I get that the pain is a good indicator. Up until now, I have noticed the pain and gone down the path of "woe is me. I have so much pain, how can I possibly move forward?" Now I understand the pain for what it is. I still have a lot of bodily pain and now I am choosing NOT to focus on it. I am choosing to see it for what it is - an indication I am off track.

You stated that I have been blocking my passion. I think I understand this now. I understand my resistance and how I have used it as a defensive mechanism.

The past few days I have "caught" myself and I took a closer look at the fears as they popped up. Truly ~ they all are really quite silly. I am listening for inspiration and I am beginning to be more open/receptive. I am beginning to sense the "constant state of flow." You stated that my "approach to life does not allow you the ease and confidence that is needed to allow inspiration to flow." Will you please elaborate on this? I feel like I am starting to "get it" ~ I'd like to hear your take on this.

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

There are two ways to approach life. The controlling approach and the allowing approach. You either attempt to control the conditions in your outer world, frantically making everyone and everything fall in line or you allow you vibration to bring you all that you need.

You have an idea in your head of how things should go. If they don't follow exactly how you think they should go, you react with negative emotion. The negative emotion dips you into a lower emotional state of being and from there you have less access to inspiration and higher-vibrational thoughts and ideas. It is a common approach to life in your society.

By living this controlling approach, your life becomes polarized. Things are either good or bad, right or wrong. You try to get everything on the good side and fear when things happen that seem bad. It is a life lived by luck, chance, and fate and goes against the laws of the universe. This causes inner conflict and stress on the body and as a result, you experience unwanted physical conditions. These conditions become chronic because your habit of thought is chronic. It all stems from fear.

Living a life influenced by luck, chance, and faith is a very scary and haphazard way to live. No wonder their is so much fear. No wonder so many people experience unwanted chronic physical conditions. It is all resistance to what is happening. Chronic resistance eventually leads to chronic suffering.

Now you are learning to live by a new approach to life. It is the approach of receiving rather than controlling. It is an understanding that the universe is working for you, not against you. It is the idea that everything you want is coming to you as long as you allow it to come. How do you live a life of nonresistance? By not needing to know how everything unfolds and by simply trusting that it will all work out.

In order to live by this new code, you must know some basic things about the mechanism of physical reality. You are a human living in reality and you can die. The survival instinct uses fear to keep you alive. We will say that this is rational fear, even though it really isn't because you cannot ever die, you simply transition to the nonphysical. However, if personal harm triggers rational fear, something else triggers irrational fear. What do you think triggers irrational fear? Everything that occurs along your path to what it is you want.

In order to receive, your vibration must be elevated so that it comes within vibrational proximity of the things you want. You must become a different version of you. Your beliefs must be altered. You must think differently about whatever it is you want. You might have to undergo a change to your belief system. You might have to become more open about expressing yourself. You might need to become more confident. Whatever it is, you will have to change.

Your ego does not want you to change and so it protects this current version of you, which we call your persona, by offering fear if you choose to change. You will be at odds with your ego and your made up persona. You will have to push through the fear and take whatever action is inspired. When something seems like it has gone wrong, you must look at the situation and figure out how it must be right. That is your work. The old approach judges many things as wrong, but in the new approach, you cannot judge anything as bad or wrong. It might not be right for you, but there is no wrong anywhere in the universe. You might have preferences, but nothing is wrong. Everything is right.

What you are really doing is evolving as a being who sees fear in everyday life to a being who rationally and thoughtfully considers the fear and decides if the fear is real or perceived. If it is perceived, then you simply alter your perception until the fear no longer has power over you.

In this system, everything is flowing and working out for you. You have to get into the flow and go along with whatever happens in a state of curiosity and wonder. That is the allowing approach and you are beginning to get it. How wonderful!

