Wendy Question #4


Dear Joshua,

It's funny ~ now that I have started the one on one program and am actively reading your books ~ a lot of my questions seem to be answered by the readings.

I have noticed that I often have glimpses of my true self and I wonder how that self fits into the life I'm living now. Oftentimes I am very lonely and bored and when I glimpse my true self ~ this self is completely self-contained and self-content. Yet my day-to-day life is unfulfilling. How can I begin to bridge the gap between these two aspects of myself?

Also, from the readings I understand you get what your focus on – so if I want my condition to improve I can no longer think about the condition as it is ~ but every time I think about it I change my thought to think about the condition as I would like it to be. For example, my body – I would like it to be thinner, so every time I look in the mirror or something happens that I feel heavy – Do I need to stop that thought and think about how I felt before when I've been lean and thin with lots of energy? The concept of everything is perfect as it is difficult for me. Please elaborate!

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

Everything is right. There is no wrong. Everything in this moment is perfect because it cannot be changed. The future can be something more, something better, but the present moment is perfect. If you believe that the conditions that exist in the moment are bad or wrong, you are simply resisting them. Think of resistance (the idea that something is bad or wrong and needs to be changed) as a form of focus. You get what you focus on. You bring more of whatever it is you are focusing on. Resistance is focus. Do you see how this works? If you don't want more of something, don't be resistant toward it, be accepting. When you accept the conditions as they are, realizing that they are that way because they are a perfect reflection of your vibration, then you remove your resistance to them. You remove your focus from them.

Now, rather than focussing negatively on aspects of your life you do not like, try focusing positively on aspects of your life you do like. Instead of resisting the body you don't like, or dreaming about the body you once had but apparently lost, think about the aspects of your body that you do like now. If you can't do that, then think about something else that you appreciate.

You might think you have nice eyes, a nice smile, nice feet, or lovely hair. If you cannot appreciate things like this, then appreciate your intelligence, your courage, your artistic side, your sense of humor, your personality, etc. Focus on things about yourself that you do like and stop wishing for things to be different.

It's far easier to receive more of what you appreciate than it is to change something you do not like by wishing it was different. When you to begin to focus on the positive aspects of anything, you will begin to notice that everything improves, not just that one thing. The key for you is to figure out a way to feel good. Everything you want is something you want because you think the having of it will make you feel good. So then, why not work on feeling as good as you can as often as you can? When you work on feeling good, when you make feeling good a priority, you will attract more conditions that allow you to feel good.

Feeling good is how you would feel if you you were being who you really are. Who you really are is an eternal and limitless being of pure positive love and acceptance. Somewhere along the way you were influenced away from that. You adopted fearful beliefs. You developed a habit of looking at life from a limited perspective based in fear. This is true of you and just about everyone else. You began to look at the conditions in a way that was not in alignment with who you really are and as a result, you encountered negative emotion. This negative emotion was your signal that you were looking at the conditions (or people) in a way that was out of whack with who you really are. But you ignored the signals and you suffered through the pain of negative emotion. You got used to feeling bad and as a result, you often ignored what your inner self was trying to tell you. So the messages got louder and still you ignore them. It's time to pay much closer attention to how you feel.

To bridge the gap between who you are being right now and who you really are, simply focus on feeling good. Do whatever it takes to feel good and do whatever it takes to avoid feeling bad. From this point on, nothing is more important for you than feeling good. This is a feeling reality. Everything comes to you based on how you feel. It's as basic as that. You are not meant to feel bad, you are designed to feel good. Everything good comes from feeling good. Everything bad comes from feeling bad.

Whatever you have to do to feel good is valid. If you need to avoid certain people in order to feel good, avoid them until you feel better. If you need to enjoy a walk on the beach, walk on the beach. If you think you have to do something you don't want to do, then don't do it. However, if not doing it will make you feel worse than doing it, then do it. If you think something is wrong, don't talk about it. Don't watch the news, meditate instead. Don't involve yourself in gossip, read something empowering instead.

We want you to write a list of twenty things you are grateful for and send them to us attached to your next question. Write them first in your own hand with pen and paper and then send that to us with your next question.

With Love,
