Wendy Question #39


Dear Joshua,

Thank you for your last two answers ~ I really took a deeper look at myself. I now understand I have been holding myself against the current that life has caused me to become.

This is just so foreign to the way I have thought up until recently ~ it was not easy to digest. I'm thinking the key to my release to the resistance is in the moment; each and every moment. If I can focus on feeling good in each moment. I will go with the flow of the current that life has caused me to become. As negative emotions come up, I will analyze the thought for the message and prove the fear false.

I get that I cannot ~ even for a minute ~ entertain thoughts that don't feel good. In each moment I have the opportunity to adjust my thoughts to thoughts that make me feel good. I can simply reach for the feeling of relief from where I am. In order to "turn my boat" I must be monitoring my thoughts, taking my emotional temperature, and adjust my thoughts accordingly in the moment. The more I can do this, the more I am aware of what I am feeling in the moment and the sooner the physical manifestations can relent.

Remove my attention from the things I do not want and turn my thoughts towards good feeling thoughts as soon as possible.

I understand the future is something I cannot control, therefore I shouldn't worry about it. I cannot create in anyone else's reality, so I just get myself to a place where I feel good in this moment, which is laying the groundwork for all future moments. Be present in the moment to get everything out of it before moving to the next.

This all resonates with me. Am I on the right track or have I totally fallen off the edge???? (haha!) Sounds simple enough. Let's see how tomorrow goes!

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

First we would like to start by talking about those unwanted physical manifestations. From your perspective, physical pain is not a thing you want to experience, yet it is the thing that has gotten your attention and created the desire to learn more about reality so that you may live life in a way that corresponds to the laws of the universe. You are now learning to go with the flow of life with ease and joy. This is a radical change to the way you lived life before the pain came. Therefore, we ask you to re-examine your perception of unwanted physical manifestations. They are not bad, they are actually good. They are for your benefit. They cause real growth and expansion. They are necessary.

Had it not been for these unwanted physical manifestations, you would not be where you are now and your life would not be turning around as it is now. So thank them and be grateful for them. Everything is happening for you and nothing ever happens to you. If you receive a migraine in the future, be happy. It means there is still a little resistance and it is your notification that you have a little work to do where your perspective is concerned.

You would not want your migraines to go away today. That would mean that you have finished growing, you are fully allowing everything to be as it is, and you are completely in sync with the universe. You will get there, but there is some more aligning to do. You can't imagine the transformation that will take place in the next few months. Don't wish for the migraines to relent just for the sake of easing a bit of pain. Appreciate the fact that they are easing in proportion to the amount of growth you are experiencing.

You do not need to monitor your thoughts, simply notice when you feel negative emotion and reach for better-feeling thoughts. Focus on feeling good, not by policing your thoughts, but by adjusting your perspective so that you see everything as right and good. The more you feel good, the more you will notice when you do not feel good. Negative emotion will become much more noticeable, and then you can take action to analyze the fear behind each emotion.

It is this process of intending to feel good, noticing when you encounter negative emotion, analyzing the fear behind it, proving it's false, returning to feeling good, focusing on feeling good, and noticing the next negative emotion. As you continue to do this, you build momentum. You will feel better and better and each time you feel negative emotion, it will become more and more obvious. This is a very good thing. Negative emotion should really capture your attention. The reason the migraines came is because you paid no attention to the negative emotions that proceeded them. You ignored them. You hid from them. You continued to travel off your path and something needed to grab your attention. Thank goodness for the unwanted physical conditions. They are responsible for saving this life. (That is a dramatic overstatement, but you get our meaning!)

We are having a good time with you, and we appreciate this conversation.

