Wendy Question #38


Dear Joshua,

I am experiencing a manifestation event today. I woke up with extremely sore legs. This was a common occurrence/ symptom of the illness I had manifested. I've been doing so much better and when I have something like this it perplexes me.

I understand the momentum I've built up on this for the past several years - if not more. I refer to the analogy you gave me of imagining my "boat" getting smaller and smaller so I am able to maneuver more easily. This analogy is soothing for me.

What I'm wanting to know is how to deal with this - the pain - the inability to do anything physically? I've been feeling well enough to start conjuring up some ideas of things I'd like to do - for instance - tomorrow I am scheduled to get set up to ride the horses at the local stable. If my legs feel like this tomorrow - I may not be able to ride. Are these leg pains a manifestation of a fear I have about that? I'm super excited - can I still have underlying fears?

In your last - very powerful - answer you talked about my need to be good at everything or I won't participate. I'm not worried about riding tomorrow, because these people don't even know me. I'm not looking to ride competitively again, I'm just looking to have some fun on a horse! When I search myself, I'm not aware of any fears. Is this leg pain just residual resistance that my body needs to work through?

I know I am to focus on what I want, not what I don't want. What am I to focus on here? I've been telling myself "this too shall pass. Just ride out the wave and reach for the best feeling thoughts from this perspective." Is this the best way for me to handle this?

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

You physical pain is limiting. It is limiting what you can do. Why does this pain come up now, right before doing something you want to do? Because it gives you a convenient excuse for not doing this activity that you say you want to do. Certainly there is fear there and the leg pain has come as a response to that fear. If the pain is gone in the morning, then you will know that you have successfully brought your thoughts and feelings into alignment with what you want. If the pain persists and you decide not to go horseback riding, then you still have a little vibrational work to do and that's okay too. The horses will always be there waiting patiently for you.

When you have a physical condition that flares up on occasion, you can be certain that there is a disruption in your vibration. You are not on stable footing. You are not being easy about life. You are pushing the limits of your fear tolerance. When the pain comes, know that it is in response to your feelings of overwhelmment and stress. Stress is caused by inner conflict. You want something, but you are resisting it and this is causing negative emotion.

Your fear in riding the horses is not to prove your worthiness to others, it is a fear that you won't have fun, that you won't be able to control your emotions, that you will have difficulty with some aspect of the experience, that you're not fit enough, or that something might happen to make you look silly. You are comparing yourself to who you were when you rode horses and this comparison is unnecessary. You have nothing to prove. You are forgetting what this is all about.

You want to find your passion. You want to live a life of bliss. You want to allow the energies of the universe flow through you while you do something you enjoy. You want to create the elevated life experience you've been dreaming of. The way to do this is to find your passion in life. Now, how do you find your passion?

You have been blocking your passion from coming to you. It is there, but you are denying it. You are so resistant that it does not have a chance to come to you. You've asked for it, but your approach to life does not allow you the ease and confidence that is needed to allow inspiration to flow.

Let's talk again about the manifestation process. You create a desire. The universe immediately goes to work to bring you the manifestation of your desire in physical form. When you create the desire, it is in a nonphysical form, which you can glimpse in your mind. However, you want the physical form of your desire to be presented to you in your reality. This is why you came to physical reality in the first place. However, you are not a vibrational match to your desire and this is why it does not exist in your reality.

In order to realize your dream, you must alter your vibration so that it matches it. Your vibration is a combination of your feelings, thoughts, beliefs, emotions, attitudes, moods, etc. This mix of stuff needs to be different than it is. You do not need to do anything but be open to change. You must change to become a match to what you want. If you don't make the necessary changes consciously, that's okay. The universe will put you in situations that allow you the opportunity to change.

If you resist the way the universe offers to help you change, you will receive negative emotion. This is how you know that you are not changing. Feeling negative emotion is perfectly fine and right. That's how you make the course corrections on your journey to that which you desire. However, if you say that either the manifestation event or the emotion is wrong, you create even more resistance. When the emotions are not enough to get you to realize that you are resisting the change you so desire, the universe will take it a step further and present you with physical conditions that will hopefully cause you to notice what you are doing. It is all due to resistance.

What is the resistance really? it is fear. It is irrational fear. It is a million little fears that prevent you from being easy about life. The fear causes you to try to control the conditions. The fear makes you do things that are not beneficial and are not aligned with who you really are. We are saying that you must now change your entire approach to life. Give up control and push through your fear.

The idea of riding a horse for fun is not that scary, yet fears will emerge. The fears are irrational, but they are powerful enough to keep you from doing what you want to do. So this is your moment. Are you going to continue to succumb to irrational fear or will you begin to be fearless? It is all up to you. In order for you to receive that which you want you must find a way to move past all these little fears which seem so big, but are literally nothing. The more you are able to move through fear, the more your confidence will grow. You must allow this confidence to take root. The only way you can do that is by doing things despite the irrational fear.

In the new approach to life, you seek to control nothing. You are in a constant state of flow. You have confidence that things will work out for you and you allow yourself to be guided by inspiration. Fears will always come up because you are expanding, but you do not resist anything and you never use fear as an excuse. You understand that the fear is present, but you realize it is irrational and false. You move through your fear to do the thing you must do in order to change into the version of you that is ready for your desire to manifest in your reality. Finding your passion is a step by step process and every step includes a little fear.

Life is simply a process of birthing a desire and then allowing your desire to come to you by climbing some steps and moving through fear every step of the way. If you can't learn to move through fear, you'll be trapped on one of those steps all the while you'll be pushed and prodded up the staircase and that will feel quite uncomfortable. Sort of how you may be feeling right now.

With love,
