Wendy Question #17


Dear Joshua,

I have been doing fairly well with my attention and focus. However, every time I have some real estate task to do ~ or I get a phone call relating to real estate or a new lead ~ I cringe! I know I am not supposed to make any major changes during my one on one time period but I'm not sure how to handle this. I am on a team so I have a team leader that expects a certain level from me. I have monthly office fees I have to pay (even if I am not making any money) and it just brings up so much negative emotion! I realize I need to work through this emotion and I am doing my best to "welcome" these emotions. When I boil it down ~ I don't enjoy real estate, I have no desire to study the market, preview the homes, etc. I don't know if this is because of where I am at right now emotionally or if I just need to let go and move on.

I do have many limiting beliefs around this. I fear I will not be able to find something else to do and I fear I won't be able to make the money I want to make. So much stuff is swirling around!! I realize that I must come to terms with these emotions/fears so that I don't carry them with me to the next endeavor. I tend to have about a 5 year window of sticking with these "new ventures." It's been 9 years since I first started real estate and my main reason for getting into the business was to sell some homes we had invested in, which never worked out. The Bottom line is I just don't feel happy around this.

With Love and Gratitude
~ Wendy

Dear Wendy,

Now that you are spending some time with us, and your general vibration is rising, we ask that you adopt an attitude of curiosity. When the phone rings and you have a new lead, be curious. Where will this go? What is there to be created from this interaction? Drop any attachment to an outcome. You will not care if this lead turns into a sale. You will not care if the person says no. You will not care if you drive them around for weeks without anything coming from it. It's not the money that's coming, it's the insight.

Your vibration is rising and your world is shifting. You are moving from one reality to the next as you adjust your beliefs. Nothing in your present reality need hold you in place. You can shift out of this reality and into another. You are doing it now. You are shifting realities. What you once perceived as your reality is changing and we want you to pay attention to the differences. The thing that is really changing is your perception of reality.

With this new perception of reality, you are becoming more aware. You are watching for the coincidences, the synchronicities, the chance encounters, the new thoughts and ideas. As you adopt this stance of curiosity and wonder, you are no longer attached to any specific outcome or result. You just watch and wait for things to magically happen. Therefore, when your phone rings, you are eager to find out what this will lead to. When you get an email, you'll now be more interested. We want you to stop resisting the things that are coming to you and start following leads. We promise you that this will be interesting and exciting. The universe is presenting you with opportunities for growth. You are resisting them by saying you're not interested. That's because you are attached to some outcome and if that outcome doesn't happen, you believe you'll encounter negative emotion.

If you look at these things as chances to expand, then you cannot fail because you expand through experience. You are blocking your opportunities for expansion by worrying about the outcome. Become eager to see where things go and accept all offers with anticipation. Do whatever you can to meet people now while you are immersed in this One on One program. Reject nothing., Accept everything. Put yourself out there by asking for work. Lean into everything, not just real estate. Be excited for this adventure.

We can only talk to you. We can only modify your beliefs through this dialogue. You adjust your beliefs more easily through experience. We promise you that the experiences you have in the next few months will lead to a higher set of empowering beliefs. These experiences will alter the course of your life.

There is nothing to fear. Nothing can go wrong. Everything you need is being brought to you. All you have to do is say "Yes!"

