Steve Question #95


Dear Joshua,

This last answer really put me in a great mood. It's empowering to know I'm setting this all up myself, even the restrictions I don't like. (And the similarity between work and home life restrictions was spot on) What a complicated web I weave! So intricate, detailed and feels so real and out of my control. So now I'd like to take control and really get my hands in the clay so to speak and learn to mold my reality. I'd like to change my belief regarding my boss and him approving sending this star employee to a conference. It's not critical to me, so I think this would make a good starter project. I'd like to believe that my boss really values his entire team and he would like the opportunity to show this by getting this request approved. Also, in retrospect, my boss is a pretty good guy. There is not another person in management at my work that I would rather be reporting to than him. He's a smart guy and we get along professionally. So I think I'm close and at a good starting point to do this. Can you give me some tips?


Dear Steve,

The life you live and enjoy is an exact match to your vibration. Everything that comes to you must fit within the context of your vibration. In order to receive something new and different, your vibration must be different. There are lots of ways to change your vibration, but the most simple way for you to understand a change in vibration is through a change in belief or perspective. So to receive something different, you must become different yourself. And the best way to change into something that is different from who you are now is through the alteration of your set of beliefs. Beliefs are difficult to change so we encourage you to look at every situation from a different perspective. It is this change in perspective that will help you modify your beliefs.

Let's look at the specific example of something you think you want. You think you want your star employee to attend this specific conference. There are many beliefs you have that are associated with this. You think it will be good for your star employee. You think it will send a good message to your team. You think it will make you look good. You think it's the right thing to do. Do you see how your beliefs, from your perspective, are all intertwined in this specific desire? If it happens, you will think that's a good thing and you will feel good. If it doesn't happen, you will consider it a bad thing and you will feel bad. Your perspective is still dualistic and thus your feelings are tied to the result.

Since your perspective is limited, you cannot know if this thing you want is a good or bad thing. You can't see how it will all unfold either way. You don't know what the results will be. You assume they will be good and maybe they will. But since your vibration is bringing you everything you want as long as you don't get in your own way, then if he is not allowed to go to the event, you must understand that this is because your vibration (or his, or your bosses, or everyone else involved in the event) has a vibration and the universe must answer to that vibration first. It is law.

So to tie your feelings to the outcome of some specific event which you cannot begin to understand the ramifications is to simply find an excuse for feeling bad. You will be making it all up and the result will be to feel one way or the other. So instead of feeling something in response to what occurs, start feeling good now and then find a perspective that allows you to continue to feel good regardless of the outcome.

Here's what we mean. Currently, you have set yourself up to feel good or bad depending on the outcome of your boss's decision. If he approves your idea, you'll feel good. If he rejects it, you'll feel bad. So you have a 50/50 chance of feeling good. Since this is a feeling reality and the only thing that ever matters is how you feel, then feeling good is the only thing that really matters. You can choose to feel good regardless of the current conditions. How do you do this? You simply look at everything from the perspective that serves you. It's so simple.

Before we go on to explain how to change your perspective, we want to explain why it's important to do so. You create your future based on how you are being in the present moment. Your vibration, in the moment, calls forth everything that will come to you. There is no past or future, there is only the present moment. How you are being now is the only thing that matters. So when you react negatively in a dualistic manner, you cause a continuum of this approach to life. If you are dualistic, then things appear either good or bad, right or wrong. You continue to receive some of what you like and some of what you don't like. If you can break out of this way of experiencing reality, you can receive only that which you like. What you don't like can never come to you. It is law and it is the basic design of this system of reality.

See only good things and only good things can come to you.

This is the importance of breaking free of your dualistic view of the world. Stop judging everything as wrong or right, good or bad. Start learning to alter your perspective so that you can see the good in everything.

Now, back to your desire. As it now stands your feelings are tied to the outcome. But what if you could see that the rejection of your idea is really what's best for you and all involved? If your plan is rejected then that means the rejection must be right. Can you see that? If the universe is responding to what you really want and if your idea is rejected, then this must be part of the plan to bring you what you want. It could not be any other way.

If you would like to use your imagination to flesh out this perspective, then by all means do so. If you would like to imagine that your star employee meets someone at this conference who offers him a better job and he leaves, then you can feel that the rejection of your plan could actually be a good thing. You could imagine that his plane crashed, or an earthquake hit and his hotel and destroyed it or any number of things. If your plan is rejected, it doesn't have anything to do with your abilities as a creator, you are creating the rejection of your own plan because this is part of your plan. It's just that you can't see it.

So now you must imagine that the inspiration to send your star employee to the conference and the rejection of that idea was all part of the same plan to bring you (and everyone involved) what you really want. As you step back and look at the whole event from a higher perspective, you can see just how intricate it is and how you are the central figure who controls the manifestations of all these other people. The universe is using you to orchestrate all of this so that everyone can move closer to whatever they are emitting vibrationally.

When you look at this from a negative perspective, you resist what the universe is trying to accomplish and you hold yourself apart from the joyful experience of expansion. This is the resistance we speak of. This is what keeps you from feeling your immense power and freedom of creation. You are creating all of this, but you imagine it is being done without your conscious control. How flawed can a perspective be?

If you will simply understand that everything is coming to everyone and you are all part of the creation of your own realities, then you can step out of the illusion and see exactly what is happening. It is always, always working out for you based on the exact vibration you are emitting. Now, granted, if you're not emitting the vibration of what is wanted, it will seem like your receiving what is not wanted. All you have to do is remove yourself from the dualistic perspective of observation and walk into the higher perspective of creation.

When you finally learn to be objective, you will free yourself from the illusion of powerlessness. It is now time for you to start looking at everything from the higher perspective. Stop falling into the trap of reacting negatively just because you choose to look at something in a way that does not empower you. You have the choice and the ability to perceive everything in a positive manner. Once you do, you will be set free. This is the freedom you truly seek.

