Steve Question #86


Dear Joshua,

I'm having a bit of difficulty unwinding this in my head - career wise I want two things - more money and more free time - which seems diametrically opposed. I tell myself the universe can work out the details, but then I catch myself waiting for "something" to happen and in the meantime I'm working a lot of hours. I'm trying to stay positive in my two jobs (which requires a lot of deliberate focus and I'm amazed at how quickly things can go south when I revert to my old way of thinking) but if anything, both jobs are serving to show me what I don't want. I feel I have had enough contrast. And I'm feeling more and more like I should be doing something but I'm really at a loss as to where to head, so I know this means do nothing. Which loops back around to mean I will be doing more of the same which doesn't thrill me. Any suggestions for me to speed up the process towards less work and more money and fun?


Dear Steve,

When you utilize the forces of the universe, what are you really doing? You are using leverage. You are working with what you know is a vast source of power and you are going with the flow of that energy. When you utilize the leverage of the universe, great things happen. But how exactly do you leverage that energy? You stop focusing on your own limitations and you use your imagination to create a reality that is infinite in possibility.

You feel trapped by your two jobs and you can't see your way out. You think you're being patient and you're waiting for the universe to act in some way that will transform your life. But the universe only supports you. It only fills in what you want. It is you who must change so the world around you can reflect that change. It is up to you, through what you now know about the universe and the mechanism of physical reality, to change in order to create the environment you really want.

Much of your feelings of being stuck in a less than pleasing position, career wise, has to do with your perception of your own reality. The fact is that things are going very well for you indeed. The fact is that you have a work life that is rewarding and challenging. The fact is that your current condition is the result of much of what you wanted when you were younger. You have both the security of a stable job which is very, very important to you, and the feeling of having your own business which is exciting to you. You do work hard, but yet you do have free time to play. You are moving forward, you did receive a promotion, and things are working out just as you want. But you still have this feeling that it is not enough and believe it or not, that is a very good thing.

As you begin to think about what would be even more fulfilling, exciting, and rewarding in the future, you will be moved in that direction. You are in the place you are, which most would consider a wonderful place to be, yet you are yearning for more, which is perfectly natural. When you move to a higher level in terms of your career, you will look back and see how far you've come. Yet, even at that level, you will want more. This is a never-ending experience. You want something, you get it, and then from that new position, you will yearn for even more. The yearning is calling you and the feeling of being stuck is the feeling of resistance. It is the constant tug of war that you must understand is never-ending. Make peace with it and you will ease a lot of your resistance.

This is why we are constantly asking you to appreciate all that you have and all you have will grow more. You can ease the tension you feel by looking at this subject from the higher perspective and realize that what you have now is the result of a lifetime of vibrational alignment. What you have now is in your life because you became a vibrational match to it. It may feel like it's not perfect, but for you, it is a perfect representation of your vibration. Now, you can easily change this condition by altering your vibration. Here's how that works.

Let's say that you had a vibration yesterday and the life you led yesterday was a perfect match to everything in your vibrational frequency. Today you are going to alter your vibration by complaining about everything you have. You have now altered your vibration by focusing on what you have, looking at the negative aspects of what you have, and using the leverage of the universe to make something happen. What do you think the outcome of this new vibration will bring? The answer is, you will receive more of the negative aspects of what you now have. By complaining, by focusing on the negative aspects, you alert the universe to the fact that you want more of this. You alert the universe, not through your words, but through your vibration. You create a slight alteration to your vibration by your focus on the negative of what you have and you begin to attract more examples of these things you do not like into your reality.

Now, when you appreciate what you do have, you alter your vibration by focusing on the positive aspects of your current life. The universe sees your new, higher vibration and brings to your experience things that match this slightly elevated vibrational frequency. More good things come. What did you do to create this? You focused on what you liked and this altered your vibration.

How else can you alter your vibration? You could focus on things that interest you. You could pursue your passions. You could act on inspiration. You could bring more energy to everything you do. You could be an inspiration to others. You could care more. You could be patient. You could trust. You could release your fears. You could have faith. You could demonstrate what you have learned. You could be easier on yourself. You could love more. You could accept the conditions as perfect. You could see everything you once considered to be wrong as being completely and utterly right. You could look at everything from the higher perspective. You could focus on what you want without caring about how it manifests. You could be happy. You could be who you really are.

That's how you alter your vibration to get what you really want. You do not notice how things are not happening, you only notice how things are working out for you. You paint the picture you prefer from the paints you own now. You don't notice a lack of paint colors, you work with what you have and revel in the abundance and then slowly more color will come into your life.

