Steve Question #6


Dear Joshua,

I have several questions for you today:



Is there some connection between Gary and I beyond this lifetime? I understand the universe hooking us up now because it is perfect timing and this is a perfect manifestation, but I was just wondering if maybe Gary and I have done anything together in past lives (or even future).

There are no accidents. There is no such thing as luck. Everything unfolds as it should based on the vibrational reality of those involved. Everyone you know in your life, including Gary, you know in the nonphysical realm. You have all interacted together in past lives and will again in future lives. You are all on a path to higher consciousness, but each at your own pace. You and Gary are on similar paths. You are both teachers and you are eternally connected.


Did I understand you correctly that the non-physical portion of me was part of the Joshua group or did I not read that right?

Joshua is a group of nonphysical teachers in co-creation with Gary. We bring thought to Gary and he translates it. Gary is the method by which we communicate our information. We send thought and Gary turns our thoughts into his words. We give him the idea and he picks out the words.

The words he chooses are based on his personal experience in this life. Therefore the combination of us and him is unique and it is called Joshua. We can and do communicate with others. Some of whom are hearing our thoughts, some are writing their translation of our thoughts and some are allowing us to merge with them, although they are not as aware of what is happening as Gary is. In those situations, because the filter is another person, we would be called another name, if a name was useful.

You are in the family of teachers, you are communicating with us, and you are working with Gary. Therefore, we would say that you, Steve, are a part of Joshua, in the nonphysical and in the physical as well.


Are any of the Joshua group physical right now and if so, do I know of any of you personally?
Does the Joshua group have a connection with me beyond this current connection?

It does not really work like this. In the nonphysical, we decide to experience physical reality and we, as nonphysical entities intend what we would like to explore in a physical incarnation. Some have been physical many times, some have never been physical in the way you perceive physical reality, and some have moved to another level where physical existence in your terms is no longer useful as a tool to gain higher levels of consciousness.

When we emerge into physical reality we also remain here, in the nonphysical, just as you do. When you sleep, you return to nonphysical and when you wake you focus on your physical life as your senses spring forth and flood you with experience. But the larger part of you remains in nonphysical whether you are aware of that or not. You feel like you're in physical reality, but the part of you we call your Inner Self, remains in the nonphysical realm. Your inner self experiences life through your eyes, ears, nose, fingers, and taste buds as well as your emotions, feelings, imagination and beliefs.

In the nonphysical you are a part of the group that makes up Joshua. This is a large group. In the physical, Steve is part of the physical group of Joshua.


Why am I such an adrenaline junkie/excitement seeker? Is this something that I am exploring this lifetime or is it a part of my eternal personality and every lifetime I am like this?

It is part of what you are experiencing in this lifetime. It was one of the more specific intentions you set forth before you entered this life. You wanted to explore a facet of physical existence known as fear. You wanted to see if you could push the boundaries of fear. The fear you face which gives you the feeling of adrenaline is one type of fear. It's overcoming rational fear and the feeling you receive is alignment.

You also wanted to overcome irrational fear or emotional fear. This is the fear you face that is not life threatening, but simply protects your persona. Your persona is kept alive by your ego. However, you must not believe in your persona and you must not fear change. Your persona must develop and change as you move forward to become who you really are. It is easier for you to face fear on the road or on the track than it is for you to confront your emotional fears. Those are the fears you must work on in order to become the highest version of you. This is what you really intended before your birth. It has simply forked into another direction.


I'm thinking that the universe isn't a one-to-one relationship with physical/non-physical. I'm guessing that the non physical portion of me could have many lifetimes going at once (since there is no time). Is this true and if so, could there ever be overlap? Like for instance, could two physical beings share the same non physical source? If so, do I have another physical being here on the planet that shares the same non physical? I'm guessing it's not quite as clear cut as that. Like almost there is a "blending" in the non physical. I know this doesn't necessarily help me navigate my life on a daily basis, but I really want to know more about how this all works...

All physical beings and nonphysical entities share the same Source. We are all part of All That Is. We are all one and we are all in this together. You have an inner self. Your inner self has an inner self and so on and so on. You and your inner self are one and you are one with everything. You are experiencing what seems to be an individual existence, but that is an illusion. We are here with you, your inner self is here with you, all of the cells of your body are here with you, but you aren't allowing yourself to feel that. To you it feels that you are alone.

But you realize that the feeling of being alone is off and does not really make sense. It just seems weird because all you have known for all of your existence in the nonphysical is oneness and togetherness. That's why you feel so good when you merge with a group in any co-creative process here in the physical realm. It just feels right.

When you are planning to emerge into physical reality, you create a set of intentions. Now, knowing that certain trajectories will help to experience these intentions, you set forth into several different lives. One of those lives is called Steve, but there are several others and they are located all over the world at this time. You are connected to those lives through your inner self. Your inner self is you and is them as well.

However, you are not alike. Some are male and some are female. Some are older and some are younger. Some are having a good experience and are awakening and some are not. All are involved to varying degrees in the intentions that were sought prior to entering this physical reality. If you were to meet one of these people, you might recognize them instantly, or you might not.

Think about the experience of being physical from the perspective of your inner self. Wouldn't it be more advantageous to experience aspects of physical reality from many different view points. Wouldn't this paint a more complete picture? Wouldn't this be more effective in terms of growth and expansion? By seeing the aspect of life you came here to explore from many different angles, you gain a better perspective and thus you allow for even greater levels of expansion.

Imagine you are looking at a magnificent sculpture. From one place in the room, the sculpture looks interesting, but you can't see the other side. Your perspective on the art is limited from just one location. But, as you move around, your experience of it expands. It is the same with us.

Imagine that you intended to explore the aspect of fear in this physical world. Since fear does not exist in the nonphysical realm, it is something that interests your nonphysical self. The nonphysical you knows it as a limiting feature of physical reality and you want to find out why that is. So you come here in several incarnations at the same time and you seek to learn more about the effects of fear in humans in this time in your stage of growth and awakening.

It is this period in history and the aspect of fear that is intriguing. In almost every other time in the history of your society, one would have good reason to live in fear. Individuals had so little control over their lives and had almost no awareness of their powers to deliberately create their lives. Fear was an inherent part of daily life.

Now, however, you have little need to live in fear. Certainly you can justify fear by watching the news, but in all reality, there is not very much to fear in your daily life. Yet, it is still so pervasive. You have come to find out why. You are pushing the boundaries of exploration. But, you took a route that was easier for you. You felt more comfortable facing rational fear (that which is meant to keep you alert to actual life-threatening situations) rather than facing irrational fear (that which is created by the ego and is not life-threatening).

The fear one might feel while skydiving is a rational fear. The fear felt prior to public speaking is an irrational fear. The fear felt while rock climbing is a rational fear. The fear felt when revealing your feelings honestly is an irrational fear. You are here to explore both types of fear. Don't hide from one fear while pursuing another.

You are doing very well and you are loved more than you can imagine.
