Steve Question #44


Dear Joshua,

Lately, I seem to get bigger and more noticeable feedback from my life that reflects my state of mind. So when I'm in a good mood, things are really good and my life goes really noticeably well. On the flip side, when I'm in a bad mood, the shit really hits the fan and quickly. I feel almost like I just want to survive my "bad mood" without causing too much damage around me. (Which also really motivates me to turn my mood around) So is there truth to this? Are things happening faster to me now or am I just more aware of these manifestational events?


Dear Steve,

The feedback is noticeable because you have become more aware of the mechanism of physical reality and you now know what to look for. This isn't really feedback, it's simply the physical manifestation of your vibration. How you interpret it causes you to feel a certain way. When you feel good, you receive the physical representation of your feelings. You interpret things in a more positive manner. You are predisposed to see the positive aspects when you are feeling good. The world just seems better, brighter, and more interesting.

When you are feeling bad, you are more likely to judge things as wrong. Since there is no wrong anywhere in the universe, your judgment is based on your current perception or point of view, which is limited. When you're feeling good, your perception in broader. When you're feeling bad, your perspective is more narrow.

So, what does this tell you? Everything has to do with how you are feeling. This is the basis of your reality. Most of your life, you have looked at your world and your reaction to the events has caused you to either feel good or bad. So you attempt to place yourself in more conditions where you are likely to feel good and you try to remove yourself from situations where you are likely to react negatively to the conditions.

All along, however, you've had the ability to choose your reactions to whatever you are looking at. You can choose to see the most positive aspects of everything, whether you judge them to be good or not. You can choose to look at something from the higher perspective or the limited perspective. You can deliberately choose your response to any condition or event.

If you choose to see the positive side of something, you move forward. You receive the message in the manifestation event. If you can se the larger picture of any subject, you will feel better. When you do this consistently, your feelings improve. You will be carried by momentum and the good feelings you're having will continue to grow.

It is true that you expand through contrast, but you also expand by seeing things from the higher perspective. When you allow yourself to see the positive side of things that annoy you. You are creating a future based on these positive aspects.

Now, it is time for you to come to really appreciate the conditions in the moment. You are reaching a higher level, but in order to move on, you'll have to learn this very important rule: you must realize that when you want things or people to be different than they are, you are not allowing what you want to flow to you. You see, you create the things and the people. They are all here for you. They are a very important part of your path. When you read our answers and you feel appreciation and worthiness, you feel good and this is a very good thing. When you become annoyed with someone or something, you're judging them or it as wrong and you deny your creative abilities and personal worthiness in these moments. This is what makes you feel stuck.

Imagine your life as you go about your day understanding that this is your personal reality. You have the supreme power to form it into anything you like. You have already asked for everything you really want and you know completely that it is all coming to you. You are not concerned by any decisions you make, you know that it doesn't really matter. You simply focus on feeling good and this allows everything to flow to you.

Feeling good means that you judge everything as right. Everything is right. It's all designed to cause changes in you which will allow you to get the truest and highest version of everything you want. Remember, that all you really want is to be who you really are. Our words help nudge you in that direction. This is what you want so there's no use denying it. It's not the car or the money or the prestige or the success, all of that is wrapped up in who your really are. That version of you is so much more than all these physical things. It's all the things, plus so much more. You won't feel better in having all the things, you feel better first and all the things will come as they represent what you're feeling.

Experience is the only true and effective teacher. You must go through experience to learn. When you learn, you expand. When you learn through experience, your vibration rises. Hopefully, our words will help you to feel better about the experiences you are encountering. We want you to realize that nothing is happening to you, it's all happening for you. When you can understand that, in the moment of some contrast, you will turn the contrast into a valuable learning experience.

There is always something to be gained in every manifestation event. When you judge it as wrong, which is your habit, you often miss the experiential benefit of the event. As you break your habit of judging anything as wrong, you benefit from the experience in a way that causes you to become a more evolved version of you.

You will find yourself in many manifestation events, every day. When you feel an emotion, you're in an event. If the emotion is positive, the event has caused you to raise your vibration and expand further into the higher version of you. If your emotion feels bad, you're judging the event as wrong and you're not benefiting as much as you could be. Do not react to an event, analyze it from a position of neutrality. Realize that you're looking at it in a way that does not serve you.

Over the next two days we would like you to write down as many manifestation events as you can. Most of them will be tiny events that you might not even notice except that your emotion has alerted you. Any time you are annoyed by the slightest little thing, write it down in as much detail as you can. Try to find the fear that caused the negative emotion. Determine if the fear is rational or irrational. See if you can discover the limiting belief behind the irrational fear.

We would like to see your analysis of at least ten manifestation events that you record over the next couple of days. Send us each one as soon as you write it down. We will work on this together. Describe the event is as much detail as possible including your initial response to it and your subsequent analysis. Be as honest as you can.

As you pay close attention to how you are feeling, you'll note every time you feel an emotion, however brief, and then look at the situation that caused the emotion. You will consider most of these too trivial to talk about, but it is the small ones that are easiest to analyze. Do not discount the mini manifestation events because they often become the larger ones.

You are doing wonderfully and we could not have found a finer subject for this One on One program.

