Steve Question #35


Dear Joshua,

I have a side job with a digital marketing company that we are trying to get off the ground and I am in charge of technology. I am working with a developer that I did not hire directly and he is continually not responsive, doesn't do what I ask of him, and generally is a pain to work with. My partners do not want to fire him because he was already paid to do the work on this current project and it is not yet completed. This developer texted me saying this afternoon saying he would have something done 2 hours ago and yet it is still not done and he is ignoring my calls/ texts. We are supposed to deliver tonight. My overwhelming feeling is that he is disrespectful and he should not say he is going to do something unless he has plans to do it and if he doesn't, he should communicate why and the new delivery time. I'm pretty pissed off at him right now and if he was around, I would love to give him a piece of my mind to his face.

Now this whole time, I know that I'm supposed to be loving this guy. However, he is taking up my time, the time of others who are waiting on him and he is potentially damaging my new company's reputation with our client. I'm supposed to let this all go?


Dear Steve,

Do you want things to be different than they are? This is what you are saying when you see things go "wrong" and now you want to place blame on something outside yourself. When you understand the laws of the universe as well as you do, this type of situation creates inner conflict and stress. Why not simply go with the flow?

You did not hire your developer directly, but since he is in your reality, you are a vibrational match to him. You attracted him, as you well know. Why has this occurred? You believe that since you did not hire him directly, you did not attract him. Had you been able to hire someone yourself, you would have attracted someone better, but you know it doesn't work this way. He is in your reality, therefore you attracted him.

So then what is the purpose of this particular manifestation event? Can you think of the reason this has occurred in this way, at this time? What is your inner self telling you? When you ask "Why did this happen?" are you listening for the answer? By this time in our co-creative process of One on One, you should start asking your inner self these questions and comparing the answers you receive to our answers. By the end of our program, you won't need us. You will start to believe in your inner self and to trust the answers coming from within.

Whenever you find yourself thinking that something should be different than the way it is, you must stop and realize that it is happening for a reason. If you feel negative emotion, then simply understand that there is some fear around the situation. If there was no fear, you would not feel negative emotion. In this case you fear not meeting your promised schedule, not looking good in the eyes of your client, and not looking good in the eyes of your partners. In order to save face, you want to cast blame on the person you deem responsible; the developer, your partners, etc. Yet it was you who orchestrated everything. You either have control over your reality or you don't. In this case you think you don't. But you can if you start practicing.

First of simply realize that the fear is irrational and worry is just a projection of fear into the future. Realize that your developer is doing his best. Try to look at the situation from his perspective. He is working hard on your project and also feels fear. This is why he wants to soothe you by telling you he will be done soon. He is just not as focused on the deadline as you are. He is working on the project and trying to get it perfect. He is not as aware of time as you are. He is not as worried as you are. He is independent for a reason. He does not like being tied to one company. He has the mindset that if it doesn't work out with you, then he can get work elsewhere.

You attracted him and he attracted you for this particular project. Now you must think about why. What is his behavior offering you? Why did he arrive in your reality at this time for this project. You have no one to blame, you must look at how you created the situation. Once you give up blame entirely, and take responsibility completely, you will gain a new freedom. It might seem painful, but it is your habit of reaction that is solely responsible for any discomfort you may feel.

So, what if you were to take full responsibility? What if you believed that you attracted the entire situation; your new company, your new partners, this new client and this new developer? You orchestrated the whole situation from a desire. What was that desire? It is working out perfectly to fulfill your desire. You are simply not yet aligned with what you want. You think things should go one way so that the fullness of your desire will manifest. It seems like things are not going in that direction, the direction you think you can see from your limited perspective, so you think things are going wrong. But what if you could not see the whole picture? What if this was all part of the plan? You can't see the road to your desire because your perspective is limited, you just have to trust that you will be guided there. If you can trust that you're on the right road, then would you know that this situation has occurred for your benefit?

Now it is time for you to stop wishing that conditions were different than they are. You must realize by now that everything is working out for you, but that you cannot see how it will unfold. You must start to see everything from the higher perspective. You must go with the flow of what's happening. You must take responsibility, for that is your freedom. You must not blame others, for that is your trap. Start to analyze the situation and own your power. It may not always seem like it, but this is your reality. Everything else is just there to make things interesting. Start being a confident and worthy being in a physical illusion of reality. This is your world, you command it. Start acting like that and let it all go!

