Steve Question #28


Dear Joshua,

I feel like I have a great opportunity to practice my new ninja skills at maintaining my good feeling thoughts in the face of something that would normally set me off. I have a neighbor that is retired, so he a lot of time on his hands. He's a small man and I think he has a Napoleon complex and is continually sending nasty letters to his neighbors complaining about various things and threatening lawsuits. He sent me a letter last week and I've been ignoring it. Today, as I was leaving our neighborhood, he was waiting outside the gate with a motorcycle cop. He has taken issue with me going around the gate up on the sidewalk with my motorcycle for many years now even though it doesn't impact him personally in any way. (we live in a gated neighborhood) So to my surprise, the cop waved me to the side and was telling me essentially to stop doing it or he would give me a ticket. The whole time my neighbor is watching and either taking a video or pictures of the whole incident on his phone. I'm sure he is feeling very smug right now. So it's been a while since I've been "told" on. He is just so childish! So my initial reaction is to punch him in his face, but that is not realistic, even though it would feel very good. So I have these feelings -

He got the best of me (as in a competition)
He is such a loser that this is his only satisfaction in life.
He is a continual thorn in my side.
I feel powerless to respond in any satisfactory way
I just want him gone from my reality
Why did I bring this into my life?

Ultimately, I'm trying to learn what I'm supposed to learn from this person. Can you point me in the right direction?


Dear Steve,

What a wonderful example of a manifestation event. Let's see if we can analyze the situation to determine why the event occurred and how the event will change your beliefs so that you may proceed to the fulfillment of a desire in your physical reality. We will assume that your desire is to become who you really are which is love. In these last few weeks we have been moving along in that direction. Your greatest desire is to expand into a higher level of consciousness by dropping fear and embracing love. Now, does this event help you along your journey toward that desire or does it seem like a setback? That all depends on your perception.

As a powerful creator, you must realize that you created this situation. You must know that your neighbor has been brought into your life specifically to help you achieve a new level of consciousness. You must see that all of this was done for your benefit. Even the cop was there specifically to help you get what you say you want. Isn't it amazing?

The first thing to ask yourself in this event is what are you fearing? In this case you fear that someone has some control over the freedom to enjoy your life. Your neighbor appears to be restricting that freedom and you worry that unless you move, or he moves, you will continue to suffer events like these. Your first reaction is how do you solve the problem of your neighbor? Conditions have occurred, but you want to alter the conditions. You know you can't do this and you also know that since the conditions can't be changed, you must accept that the conditions are perfect. If you would not change something, then you must call that thing perfect.

So, the conditions are perfect. Perfect for what? For your specific expansion. These conditions are perfect to help you alter a belief and move toward your desire. Now you must accept the conditions as perfect and your neighbor as perfect as well. Then what is the lesson? What is going on that will have the ability to alter a belief and by doing so change your reality in the process? Your deeply held, limiting belief is that others have control over your reality. You know this is not true, yet you react as if it is. Once you are able to inhibit your habitual reaction to conditions, you'll be on to the next level of consciousness. Your neighbor does not control your reality, you do through your vibration. Your neighbor is simply there to point out a limiting belief so that you can look at it more closely and reduce its intensity. Thank God for this wonderful neighbor.

As soon as you realize that you are free and that you can deliberately create your own reality, your neighbor will quietly drift out of your experience. Once you acknowledge the benefit that he offers you specifically, and you appreciate that it is him pointing out your limiting beliefs (rather than someone you care about), then your relationship with him will change and your life will also change. Once you can admit that he was right (from his perspective), without you needing to be wrong, then you will start to alter the intensity of this limiting belief.

When you saw him there with the cop, your first reaction was fear. We will not categorize the emotion as anger because ultimately any negative emotion is based in fear. So let's just call it what it is. If you had felt positive emotion at the site of the cop, you would have been experiencing love, which is what you truly desire to feel. It might be hard to imagine the feeling of love coming as a reaction to this event, but remember, had you been feeling love for your neighbor (and anyone else who annoys you) this event could not have occurred in the first place.

Your true desire is to be the embodiment of love. You truly want to be able to love yourself and love all others. All this is is being aligned with your inner self. When you start to reach for the higher perspective, and see that nothing is wrong, you start to fully align with your inner self. Start seeing these situations from the higher perspective and realize they are simply indications that your not quite as aligned as you thought. Stop resisting the message in the events and allow yourself to react in a way that displays who you really are at your core. You are love.

