Steve Question #23


Dear Joshua,

This fear keeps coming up within me that at some point on my consciousness journey, I must "confess" or make known to the world about past behavior that I would rather not have "out there" in my circles because it has the potential to negatively impact other people. This would violate a very important rule that I have that I can be trusted to keep a secret. I personally am OK with the past behavior, but that is because of my perspective which is not shared by most. So, is my past "safe" under lock and key and I can still have my spiritual journey? I understand from the non-physical perspective there are no secrets, but I also live in a very physical world with ramifications based on my actions.


Dear Steve,

The wonderful thing about this reality, if you understand how it really works, is that you never, ever have to do anything that does not feel good. In other words, you never need to do anything you don't want to do. There are laws, rules, standards of behavior, and agreements you have made with your fellow man. But these are arbitrary and generally are made out of fear. Any agreement made out of fear has no need to exist unless it feels good. You do not have to tell a secret, break a promise, or doing anything you don't want to do just because you think your spiritual growth depends on it. It does not.

We would like to talk a little about the past. It does not exist. It is gone. The future does not exist either. Only the present exists. You understand this at some level, but because you've had experience with the past, you believe it still exists. It does not.

There is not one version of the past. Every event that occurred in history is perceived from an infinite number of viewpoints and thus it is different to everyone. Therefore, what are you even looking at? Your memory is not very good. It is but a blurry shadow of the event. You do not even understand the most elemental aspect of any past event. It actually changes over time. Thus, it has no practical purpose in your present unless it feels good to remember it.

This is a feeling reality. You are guided by what feels good. Move toward feeling good. If something doesn't feel good, shift your attention to what is wanted. This is the process of expansion and growth. This is how you learn. This is the basis of physical reality. Do not do anything that feels bad just because you might think it is necessary. It isn't.

You are loved more than you can imagine and that love is always unconditional. One day you will transition to the nonphysical and your perspective will be elevated to such a degree that you look at these situations and realize that you created it all for your own personal growth. You will see all such situations you currently judge to be bad or wrong in a whole new light. You will be amazed how easy life would have been had you just looked at it from the higher perspective. You can do that now. Look at everything as perfect and understand there is never anything to worry about. Simply focus on what feels good and move in that direction.

