Steve Question #22


Dear Joshua,

It is my understanding that the people in my life are here to support me in my spiritual growth and their behavior is the right and perfect behavior to support this goal. Yet, they themselves for the most part aren't aware of this support. I'm wondering how this can be? Is it that they have multiple "probable selves" and I am hooking up with the version of them that is most helpful to my spiritual growth at the time or are they themselves beings "guided" to behave in a manner most helpful to me? And if they are being guided, who is doing the guiding?


Dear Steve,

Everything you perceive in your physical reality comes from the prism of your past experiences, your beliefs, and your expectations. Others perceive you through the prism of their own unique perspective. You are a vibrational match to them so they appear in your reality and you in theirs. Because you are a match, you gain something from their presence.

Let's look at an analogy. People join a baseball team. They are each a match to the vibrational resonance of all the other team members, the coaches, the manages, and whoever else may be part of the team. They interact with each other at various levels depending on their role within the team. One may be a pitcher and he interacts with the catcher in a different way than he might with an outfielder or the manager. The same is true of all the people who represent a part of your life.

You attracted all of these people into your life and they attracted you. You have complimentary vibrations to all of your friends, family, acquaintances, lovers, and even enemies. It is your vibrational tone that resonates with them and theirs with you. However, each person has their role to play in your spiritual development and you have a role to play in theirs.

So then, what is their role and what is your role? You might not be aware of your role in their development, but you can see how their behavior helps you. If you play close attention and release the cloud of your own judgment, you'll learn to identify how they are being that effects change in you. They are part of many co-creative manifestation events. If you can analyze the situation without judging it as bad or wrong, you will be able to understand what happened and why. They may be oblivious to it because they are mostly unaware of the mechanism of physical reality, but they are guided by their vibration.

It is always your vibration that moves reality and lines up events required to alter your belief system so that you will recognize what you want when it arrives. Your only job is to go with the flow, allow things to unfold, and not to resist what is happening out of judgment of right or wrong, good or bad. You must also focus on what you truly want.

Your vibration will always lead you to where you say you want to go. If you are wanting to change a condition you deem as bad or wrong, you will move out of that condition and right into another similar condition because you haven't identified what you truly want. Those around you are mostly being who you expect them to be. Alter your expectations of them and watch the change occur. The change is not in them, it is always in you.

They do not behave in a certain way, it is your beliefs about them, your expectations of them that causes you to perceive them in a certain way. Once you perceive them differently, then they are different. Once you perceive yourself differently, then you are different. It is simply your perception of reality and nothing more.

You perceive your children differently than anyone else, including your children. You perceive your wife differently than anyone else. You perceive your friends and co-workers differently than anyone else. And you also perceive yourself differently than anyone perceives you. You inner self is the only one who perceives you as you really are.

So it might be most helpful if you begin to perceive all others as their inner self would perceive them. Each person's inner self perceives them as the finest version of who they really are. They never judge, they only accept. They understand that everything is unfolding perfectly, at the perfect timing, to raise their vibration ever higher and that they are evolving and expanding at their own perfect pace. They can do no wrong, for there is no wrong anywhere in the universe.

You are being molded in to an ever-evolving version of you. You are growing quickly in this life experience. Sometimes that growth feels overwhelming and sometimes it feels extremely slow, like you're moving backwards. This can never happen because all progress and all expansion is to higher levels of consciousness. The resistance you feel is your judgment that the system must be flawed. However, you are coming to understand the perfection in the system and you are beginning to observe what is happening from a higher perspective.

