Kyla Question #74



My gentleman friend is worried about his daughter. He is in the middle of some custody stuff and he is judging the actions of his ex to be wrong. The human part of me can understand why he feels that way, as she has taken his daughter and moved a few states away without his consent.

He was able to go visit her this past weekend before her first day of school, and they had a wonderful time, but he has not been allowed to talk to her since returning home. He's been in a funk, as he put it, and is having a hard time seeing how things could possibly be unfolding perfectly.

They have a court date coming up soon. He knows about you, so I encouraged him to ask you a question about it if he felt inspired. He said he wanted to know if the outcome of court would truly be in his daughter's best interest. I told him what I guessed you would say (that it would be in her best interest and in his too) and proposed a few alternative perspectives on how this could be a good thing.

He said our conversation helped, but I told him I'd ask you guys about it. Any words of wisdom for him that might bring relief as he prepares for their upcoming court date?

You mentioned today that Steve, Kate, and I are already having a positive impact on the world and that it was up to us how much of that we could see. I just realized that this is one example of that impact. I feel fortunate to have this open door access to infinite intelligence, and I love getting to share it with others in my reality.

I know I've felt relief every time I've received an answer about my own custody stuff, so I look forward to to hearing your thoughts on his. Thank you in advance for your insight.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

From the lower perspective, it may seem as if things are going wrong, but you must remember everything you have learned about universal forces and the mechanism of physical reality. Everything happens for a reason, everything happens for the higher purpose, there are no chances, no luck, and no random acts of fate. It is all good. Look at it from the higher perspective, as you have done, and everyone will feel a bit better.

The reason your friend does not feel good is due to his perspective being a bit off from the perspective of his inner self. His inner self knows what everyone wants and how they are going to get it. From the lower perspective, your friend is really only concerned with how he feels. If things were different, he thinks he would feel better. But that's only because he is unable or unwilling to see the possibilities that exist further down the road.

You must also remember that one must be within the vibrational range of us for our answers to be heard. He is a vibrational match to you and so he can hear you where he may not be able to hear us. He does not need us when he has you. There is nothing we could say that would have any impact, however your words are heard clearly.

This is what we mean when we say you are having a positive impact on the world. There are many who would not be able to reach us, but they are a vibrational match to who you are.

With all our love,
