Kyla Question #6



Since sending in my question an hour ago, I've been able to produce some evidence that I am worthy of attention. I found myself thinking of several influential people in my life who have chosen to spend their time (and therefore their attention) on me. I've received lots of wonderful feedback from these people whom I respect and admire. So, there is some proof I am worthy of attention.

Literally seconds after I had this realization, I received instant affirmation from the Universe. I decided to write you about the evidence I'd come up with. so I clicked over to my email, and right there was in my inbox was a message from Jeanette Maw, exclaiming her love for me. I felt the love and validation all throughout my body.

The belief is not eliminated, and may never be, but I definitely feel like I've begun chipping away at it. Thank you for empowering me to answer my own question.

I'm excited to hear your perspective on all of this.

With love,

Dear Kyla,

When you feel negative emotion and you analyze it, you make great strides towards all that you truly want. It may not come easily at first, but with practice, you'll get good at identifying the fear behind any limiting belief. The stronger the belief, the more difficult it will be to find the evidence that it is false. However, the evidence always exists. It is right there in front of your nose. Do not give up until you've found it.

Once you find the evidence that proves the belief is false, two things will happen. The first is the emotional feeling of relief. This is a positive emotion, it feels good, and it represents that you are now aligned with a perspective that matches who you really are and what you truly want. It also means that you've reduced the intensity of a limiting belief. You cannot completely rid yourself of anything. If it exists, it will always exist. However, you can reduce the intensity of it so that its effects are negligible.

The second thing that happens is an increase in your vibrational frequency. Your vibration rises in intensity. When you reduce a fear, you increase love. This has a causal effect on your vibration. From this new vibrational stance, you receive evidence of a shift in your reality. You actually move from one reality to another one. Since your vibration has raised, your new reality must match your new vibration. It must be better.

Sometimes you receive evidence that you're in a new reality right away. In this case, you received that evidence in the form of an email from Jeannette. This is a wonderful thing. However, sometimes the evidence takes a little longer in coming. The universe wants to make sure you've actually changed before it changes your reality. If you haven't really changed, you will not fit into the new reality. In order to be a fit with this new reality, you must have really, truly changed. In this case, the evidence you found that supported your undeniable worthiness was enough to cause a permanent shift in your reality. From this point on, your reality matches your new understanding of your own worthiness. Expect things to be different for you from here on.

You are loved and you could not be more in the center of attention that you are now. You can't begin to imagine all those in the nonphysical who are focused on you and your life in this very moment.

