Kyla Question #59



I get such a kick out of your sense of humor. Seriously, I'm laughing right now thinking about our call today. That's a vast improvement over how I was feeling when I logged on this afternoon, so thanks for that and so much more.

I'm curious...obviously I'm a vibrational match to you, otherwise we wouldn't be interacting, but is your sense of humor built into you (all of you), or is it filtered through Gary's sense of humor, or am I just perceiving you to be hilarious because you, along with everything else in my reality, are a reflection of me and how I view myself? (I'm not ashamed to admit that I think I'm hilarious.)

Some of the things you say remind me of my high school science teacher. He had an extremely dry sense of humor, and I used to almost fall out of my chair laughing, while other students just stared at him. So...will everyone who engages with you be a match to your jokes, or will they fall flat with some people?

Or, are there some people you just won't make jokes with? If that's the case, they'll be missing out, at least from my perspective :)

With love,

Dear Kyla,

We are limitless beings of pure positive love and acceptance. We feel good. We are aligned with love. We see things from the higher perspective. Everything that is aligned with love is aligned with us. We are a vibrational match to love. Joy is a vibrational match to love. Happiness is a vibrational match to love. Laughter is a vibrational match to love. Humor is a perfect match to love.

We seek to feel good in every moment by aligning with things that make us feel good. It feels good to smile and laugh and our sense of humor, filtered through Gary's sense of humor, is aligned perfectly with who we really are.

When you laugh, you are in full alignment with who you really are. When you smile you are aligned with your authentic self. When you are funny, you are a perfect match to the true you.

So laugh, smile, and be funny. This is alignment. We are perfectly aligned with those who laugh, those who smile, and and those who think we are as funny as we think we are.

