Kyla Question #37



Every Tuesday I go to a coffee shop and spend a few hours following my inspiration and working on whatever feels right in the moment. I usually set the intention to have an interesting, meaningful conversation with someone there, and sometimes it happens, sometimes it doesn't.

Today I sat down on the patio and within a couple minutes I was approached by a guy asking for a cigarette. He said he hated asking, but he was waiting for a paycheck that seemed like it would never come, so I gave him two.

We got to talking, he told me his story, and we ended up having a really interesting, meaningful conversation. Towards the end he asked my name, so I told him, and asked his, and he told me his name was Daniel (same name as my ex). I laughed and said, "Of course it is."

He's an artist, working a shitty sales job, wanting to find a way to make a living with his art. I recognized that this was one of those positive manifestation events, probably for both of us, and so I played my role accordingly. I encouraged him to follow his passion, do what feels good, and told him there were people out there willing to pay whatever amount he truly believed his art was worth.

He left, and now I'm sitting here pondering what beliefs of mine were altered in this conversation. Maybe more proof that good guys named Daniel do exist (lol)? Maybe that I'm becoming a better and better listener all time, and that I have something of value to offer people who are seeking more? Maybe that I'm meant to be a coach of some sort? ("Coach" doesn't quite feel like the right word, but that's the sort of role that felt right for me in this instance.)

I am grinning from ear to ear after this encounter. I'm so pleased with myself for recognizing this manifestation event for it was, in the moment, and I love that I get to have experiences like this as often as I allow them to occur. I'd love to hear your perspective on what this specific event meant for me.

With love,

p.s. Life is so freaking cool! I just can't get enough of it!

Dear Kyla,

What we find interesting is your ability to see that a manifestation event is occurring in the moment. This is something special. In this case, it was an event that reinforced some beneficial beliefs and may have eased one or more limiting beliefs. The rendezvous was no accident. You attracted this conversation. Your intention moved you into a state of allowing and so when Daniel saw you, just at the right time, you glowed like a beacon in the night. He followed his inspiration to talk to you.

When a manifestation event is bringing up resistance within you and you can still go with it and remain in the state of allowing, eagerly anticipating what is to come with curiosity and fascination, then you will move easily through all such events. You will grow as a result and your vibration will be at a new level. Your reality will change as a result.

You can feel elated at the conclusion of all manifestation events. The ones that make you feel good and reinforce your beneficial beliefs are fun and enjoyable. The ones that bring up fear and resistance are a little trickier, but just as manageable and important. Whether they are challenging or easy, they both bring about an improvement in your set of beliefs which will move you even closer to that which you desire.

When you feel good talking to and assisting another, this is your indication that you perspective is aligned with your purpose. You are in the family of teachers and so this exchange is natural for you. You enjoy uplifting others because it is part of who you really are. They will be drawn to you because this is a natural aspect of your vibration. Steve was inspired to phone you and Daniel was inspired to go to the coffee shop at that exact time and talk to you.

The event only means whatever you perceive it to mean. It is all up to you. It means that you are a teacher, an uplifter, an intention setter, a conscious creator, an attractive person, a good listener, and a wonderful allower of all good things. Choose to always frame every such event in the highest possible light. Ramp up your good feelings by praising yourself and acknowledging that you created it and you allowed it and therefore it manifested.

But most of all, recognize the feeling of it. It feels good. That means that you are in alignment. It means that you are looking at it from the same perspective as your inner self. It means that you are creating it by pre-paving the event before it even began. This is what conscious creation is all about. Now you can see it. Now it's obvious. This is what you most wanted.

