Kyla Question #34



Thanks for your last answer. I see now how it was easy for me to find such a high perspective when I'd already had the experience go so smoothly. Were I in the same situation, without a success already under my belt, the perspectives you mentioned ("maybe they like a different kind of music") would likely be much more attainable. I see the distinction, and I will keep it in mind for the future.

So...I had an interesting conversation with Steve last night, and it's left me wondering what the higher purpose of that conversation was for me. He was in the middle of a manifestation event, and reached out to see if I could talk. I said I was available, and so he called me. He opened up about his past and his present, and seemed to be trying to make sense of it all. I wasn't sure what exactly he was looking for from me, so I mostly just listened.

While he was talking, and revealing things, it was obvious that he had great concern for what I would think of what he was saying. I assured him I wasn't judging him, and reminded him that even if I was it wouldn't matter. I was surprised at how truthful that was -- I wasn't feeling negative emotions, I was mostly curious at how the whole thing was unfolding and was wondering throughout the conversation why I had attracted it.

He was in the midst of feeling his feelings, so it seemed like he wasn't quite ready to look for higher perspectives. I offered a few, when I felt like he was asking my opinion, but I'm not really sure whether or not they were received. At one point he half-jokingly accused me of sounding just like you, which I took as a compliment (lol). I basically left him with the advice to listen to Inner Steve and told him everything would be okay.

I'm not really sure what to make of it. Was I just playing a role in his manifestation event? Was it a potential manifestation event for me and I avoided it by altering my beliefs beforehand and/or during? I'm beyond interested to hear your perspective on this.?

With love,

Dear Kyla,

Up to this point we have been discussing manifestation events by describing them as they occur when you feel emotion (either negative or positive). The emotion lets you know your having a manifestation event. However, as you move along your path toward where the universe knows you want to go, you will encounter experiences which may or may not be attached to strong emotions. These too are manifestation events in that they alter your beliefs about yourself and/or your world. Now, when you look back at the conversation, can you identify anything special about it? Who were you talking to? What kind of person is he? What was he talking about? Did you see something from a new perspective?

The first part of this belief-altering experience was that Steve called you asking for your insight. Here Steve is, a master in the laws of the universe, asking you about his reality. Isn't that interesting. Are you beginning to feel like a master yourself? Have you perceived yourself in this manner previously? He could have called Gary or any one of his spiritually-elevated friends, but he chose to contact you. That is quite something. You attracted this as part of your experiential journey. This experience altered your perception of yourself.

Now we take a look at Steve. Here is a spiritually-aware man who is a father and a husband going through an issue revolving around his perception of himself in a relationship with his wife. Didn't you just go through something like this also? Now you get to see it from the other side. This is a perspective that you are ready to see. You attracted it because it helps reduce the intensity of one of your limiting beliefs about men. Through this interaction with Steve, you can perceive how it feels to be a father and husband who has difficulty communicating with his wife.

Do you now see that it is all related to irrational fear? Steve was attempting to communicate something important to him with his wife. She felt fear and tried to minimize the importance of Steve's message. Steve felt fear that she wasn't supporting him and the emotion was manifested as anger. All the fear was irrational. If there was no fear, there would be no misunderstanding or argument.

This rendezvous was orchestrated by the universe in order to move your beliefs (and his) to a new level. You have some highly beneficial beliefs and these were intensified. You have some limiting beliefs and these were diminished. Your vibration was raised as a result and your world will now shift. Things are moving along quite nicely. Just remember to go with the flow of events like these. Stay curious and look with anticipation to the message contained within the event. If you feel negative emotion, realize it is fear and release it. Focus on the message. Focus on the beneficial or limiting beliefs at the base of message and you will receive the full benefit the event has to offer you.

With All Our Love and Appreciation,

